Here's our new songs.
...Wasn't expecting 'Blind Our Foes' to literally be 'blind our foes.'
Huh. Yeah, I was definitely expecting it to be more of a "No prophecy for you."
Let's think through these:
See The Seer - Lol Tzeentch cultists about to get some people knocking on their front doors. With Knights.
Hush, Silence, Quiet Now - Uh. Ok. I was expecting more of a protection against the cultist songs. I'm not sure what this does aside from provide some tactical flexibility.
Rebel's Yell - Probably a good battlefield song. A little bit of the same vibe as the chaos bullshit, where it overrides physcial reality with zealous emotions. Seems like a good combo with some of our units.
The Healer's Star - Nice to have a healing song. 10x is... alright I guess.
Cease - This seems like the real gem. Might work against the big chaos rituals to some extent too. Provides some counterplay to the Coward's Cadence at least.
Still, I'm excited about the new melodies!
Time: A Clock that never ceases ticking.
Sunset: A day ending.
Dawn: A day beginning
Harmony: Balanced Scales Never Tip
The hands you hold with blushing cheeks.
The warmth that never leaves your bed.
The breath you gasp after a kiss.
The safety you feel in arms not your own.
Seems like some Juicy songs in there! Let's get some new song ideas going.
1. Time, Progress, Dawn, Sun, Sunset.
2. Progress, Humanity, Dawn, Sun, Sunset.
3. Dawn, Death, Sunset
4. Dawn, Time, Sunset
5. Love, Death, Song, Justice, Compassion
6. Love, Family, Unity, Community, Home
7. Harmony, Song, Unity, Compassion,
8. Song, Harmony, Song, Harmony Song
9. Star, Dawn, Sun, Sunset, Time
Uh I'll stop now. I should probably wait for the update.