I wonder if anything will happen if we get all of Star Child's Melodies?
Well, we did nab Love, so we did get all of the Star Child's Melodies. We'll see if we get anything if we get all of them to III, but I doubt it.
Hmm, reading up on things and looking at the map, our Federation is in a bit of a pickle, yes we can be effective, but all these closing in threats do threaten to split our attention and we are not the most numerically large force in the neighborhood already. Personally i feel like we should keep up aid to the Watchtowers, try to keep Khorne's nonsense at bay while be try to stem the tide of Papa Nurgle's faithful. Which hopfully is already fighting the Khorn cult and the Duchy up north so they don't have a full tide of bodies to throw in our direction.
Problem is the Duchy just lost basically 3 subsectors to the Nurgle cult- sure they likely evacuated as much as they could, but the Cult basically took over like 5 different subsectors in the last couple of turns (2 independent and 3ish Duchy).
We need to slow down the Nurgle cult and help the Duchy hold the line.
I think a action to help the Watchtower confed fortify the hell out of the frontline with the Khorne cult and then throwing our Khornate front fleet at the Nurgle cult is the play- we need to slow down the Nurgle cult so that the Duchy has time to build up our new lanceboat designs that can help counter the Nurgle cult tactics.
Being coldly practical at least in my view, we should try to knock out the Khornates because they're the smallest and we're now in a 3 front war since we now share a border with the Nurglites. We can fuck their trump card up with Cease now, and they also don't have a Daemon World capital. Yes, they're quite strong as a culture, but it's a lot more achievable, and then hopefully by then we should be able to absorb with the Watchtowers since they're not exactly mergable right now according to QM because of the apocalyptic war.
The Van Zandt's have lost ground, but being honest while we're having good relations with them and we should continue to maintain them, they're the ones that can also to some degree trade space for time, with them having 60+ systems. Start with the small problems and work up, IMO. Obviously support the Duchy more if we have time, but even with the bloody nose we got last time, we still managed to roll over the Khornates in two sub-sectors. Their capital is going to be a bitch and a half to take, but it's still "just" two sub-systems away.
Hopefully this isn't all of the results of this turn, but if it is, it is what it is, I guess. But yeah, I think that beating the Khornates is the most achievable path to victory as is currently.
[X][Name] Order of the Ashen Rose
[X][Motto] "Raise Thy Arms For All That Is Beautiful"
[X][Colors] Black and Ash-gray is primary with monochrome accents, and colors associated with flowers as appropriate for rank / achievement to adorn the machine.
[X][Navy] Upgrade anything that doesn't cost a dev level / an AP to do so, and leave the rest as home defense / patrol fleets.
Anyways, vote's open. I'm pretty supremely unconfident in the Navy choice, so if anyone has better ideas pease speak up.