What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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>Pisses off the Chaos Gods
>Pisses off Slaanesh in particular
>Warp Storm Happens
>Slaanesh decides to Do Something about you while it does
>It requires massive effort to deny a Chaos God's momentary attention
Okay, fair enough. Just first time we dealt with literal wrath of a major god at height of their power.
Guess what we need to do now is to take Love Melody and make a Symphony with it just before Slaneeshian's ships come to us the long way, to guarantee an even greater amount of attention and hate. This time, 12 actions worth of demonic incursions and having to sanctify all nail polish in the Federation before it's users turn to demonhosts.
Because hate is not the opposite of love, but it's neighbor.~
No, this is for all of your pops.
So is the rejuv situation alright with doubling the original production?
>Pisses off the Chaos Gods
>Pisses off Slaanesh in particular
>Warp Storm Happens
>Slaanesh decides to Do Something about you while it does
>It requires massive effort to deny a Chaos God's momentary attention
Slaaneash for the crimes of stealing 9 of our actions, we will have our revenge; I think making artificial soul stones symphony or song could work

Sidenote but is autoclicker for songs on?
Guess what we need to do now is to take Love Melody and make a Symphony with it just before Slaneeshian's ships come to us the long way, to guarantee an even greater amount of attention and hate. This time, 12 actions worth of demonic incursions and having to sanctify all nail polish in the Federation before it's users turn to demonhosts.
PROMETHEAN GAZE -Fire Sun Star Death Silence

Song Star Love Community Compassion - song for the battle of the bands

Local Slaaneash cultists vs Federation choirs:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msGMkMhYw_U
Using our Auto Melody to upgrade Silence upgrades our stealth song to level 3 which is very close to completion. Love is also fine though.

Don't we need to wait another turn for that?

Anyway I just want to ask @HeroCooky can we also add -[] Novel And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5) or -[] Experimental And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development (0.5) to the plans because we have enough bank research for one of those 2

I can answer that. Yes. I asked this a while back. We could use the leftover research to do .5 actions as needed
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We should get the necron stuff first but damn, everything looks very good.
We can just bite the bullet and grab it. The Psyker situation isn't as bad as it sounded. So we can just grab it this turn like so and then next turn we can grab the Juvenats. Not sure if the Emergency will last till next turn but well with that we can do research and dev next turn activating our Mechandrite as well.

-[] [Free]Activate Glint, Keep Hippity Hoppity Active
-[] Accept the Trade Deal
-[] [Psykana] CLOSE IT CLOSE IT CLOSE IT NOW! (3/3)
-[] Research
--[] Green Ship Other Gun! (0/2) (AP+Glint AP)
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Holy shit our tech options got a massive boost.

We should get the necron stuff first but damn, everything looks very good.
I think next turn:
1 necron tech and finishing heavy industry 10
We can just bite the bullet and grab it. The Psyker situation isn't as bad as it looks. So we can just grab it this turn
It is bad as we promised to resolve situation... well now, now is the deadline
Huh. I did not expect the symphony to just flat improve our research. I think I would still prefer the other symphony, because we've just got so many things left to fix. Diplomacy, development, etc. I worry that this symphony is going to make us plow a ton of turns into reaearch instead of *doing* anything with it.

That being said, I'm generally down with any of the plans that look like this:
For consecration, let's grab (Brans - Brans) because it consecrates another frontier. If a chaos fleet tries to strike us through the Black Ash, then we'll be able to defend on a consecrated system.

I'd really prefer we did Star for the melody upgrade - Sun was our primary combat melody, star is even better.
I'd like to remind people that increasing the Auto Shipbuilding also has really big knock on effects. Plus with the new Symphony we just got it got boosted up an entire step.
Both the rift and the Normalizing relations happening in the same turn make our actions fairly limited. Granted it's good long term but yeah. I'd say we should do our limited time actions such as Rejuvenate first. Then we can start heading down GS Guns and then finally get ship automation. Research wise that's my set of priorities right now and I think it can be done in that order.
Is it possible to make any kind of joke-y post on this website without getting serious responses to a post you obviously didn't intend as serious? Should I have used more emotes?
>Pisses off the Chaos Gods
>Pisses off Slaanesh in particular
>Warp Storm Happens
>Slaanesh decides to Do Something about you while it does
>It requires massive effort to deny a Chaos God's momentary attention
Hmm. Is the solution here to be less anti-chaos... Or more? We could always do melodies to upgrade Think no Evil, sing Protect us from the Influence of the Four... Profit?

I think next turn:
1 necron tech and finishing heavy industry 10
I like this idea quite a lot. It would be a lot easier get through all of our research with heavy ind X.

We have a ton of extra choirs. Want to throw 20ish at Hiss of the Steam valves to make the new armor we make more chaos resistant? We want to keep 50 free for songs, but...
Hmm. Is the solution here to be less anti-chaos... Or more? We could always do melodies to upgrade Think no Evil, sing Protect us from the Influence of the Four... Profit?

I like this idea quite a lot. It would be a lot easier get through all of our research with heavy ind X.

We have a ton of extra choirs. Want to throw 20ish at Hiss of the Steam valves to make the new armor we make more chaos resistant? We want to keep 50 free for songs, but...
I think 60 free for both songs and melodies
For the next turn(not this one), there is also this option

[] Plan: Green Guns with Industry on the Side
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'
--[] Heavy Industry
-[] Research
--[] Green Ship Gun (0/2) (AP+Glint AP)
--[] Green Ship Other Gun! (0/2) (AP+Glint AP)
-[] Novel And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5) (.5 Mechandrite AP)
-[] Experimental And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5) (.5 Research Bank AP)

Essentially the plan would complete both researches of the Necron tech(and unlock more I imagine) and then also finish up the two .5 techs that are haunting us. This would basically get us 4 techs, start the process of Heavy Ind so that the turn after we can do 2 Heavy Ind actions, grab 1 Med Ind action and then use the last action for more research(Ship Automation or Knights)

Now the downside to this is that we don't know what the Heavy Ind X capstone is but it does address the limited-time offer of our Necrons coming in when they are(statistically I don't know how far they are but uhh I don't like it) then again as long as they don't show up next turn it should be fine to do the 1 necron tech per turn and grab the heavy ind X capstone
For the next turn(not this one), there is also this option

[] Plan: Green Guns with Industry on the Side
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'
--[] Heavy Industry
-[] Research
--[] Green Ship Gun (0/2) (AP+Glint AP)
--[] Green Ship Other Gun! (0/2) (AP+Glint AP)
-[] Novel And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5) (.5 Mechandrite AP)
-[] Experimental And Ergonomic Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0.5) (.5 Research Bank AP)
If my plan wins we will get experimental weapons this turn
Oh! Any acceptance of the trade deal with van Zandt must include a write-in that goes something like:
-[] Accept the Trade Deal
--[] We remind Cerberus of the prophecy warning of the stranger with the twisted body, and their responsibility to screen any passengers and visitors from the direction of the Duchy for warning signs.

Now the downside to this is that we don't know what the Heavy Ind X capstone is but it does address the limited-time offer of our Necrons coming in when they are(statistically I don't know how far they are but uhh I don't like it) then again as long as they don't show up next turn it should be fine to do the 1 necron tech per turn and grab the heavy ind X capstone
I'd strongly prefer we turn on the mechadendrite and spend 2+1 actions getting heavy ind all the way to X. It will almost certainly provide a +0.2 ish research action bonus, or something equivalently good.
Info post on Choirs updated for the new turn. One possible correction may be needed due to QM error in scout ship numbers as mentioned in a prior post of mine. TLDR: This decade's Choir numbers increased by 15 (or 18 depending on error).
Voting will open in 13 minutes