Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Damn the red logo is ominous. Now the big question is whether the Jedi in the title is singular or plural...
Damn the red logo is ominous. Now the big question is whether the Jedi in the title is singular or plural...
I would lean towards singular... as referring to the beginning of the movie, at least. After all, Luke Skywalker is likely to be a major character, and he has already been referred to as 'the last of the Jedi' in Return of the Jedi.
I would lean towards singular... as referring to the beginning of the movie, at least. After all, Luke Skywalker is likely to be a major character, and he has already been referred to as 'the last of the Jedi' in Return of the Jedi.
I'm more thinking of how the title refers to the Jedi by the end of the movie--whether or not Luke will die and leave Rey as the singular last, or if together they will be the last Jedi.
The title is in red... Does this mean that the villains win in the end ? And that just like TFA was IV, this one will be V ?
So, as of today, the Eighth Star Wars movie has been named, and it is called The Last Jedi.
Courtesy of The Know
Luke dies, Rey becomes the last Jedi. Irony ensues.

I don't care if it's too early to tell, I already owe SV my ass so I've got nothing to lose over guessing.

If they kill Luke so Vacuous Wastes of Space 1, 2, or 3 can take center stage, we riot.
I wasn't a fan of Force Awakens (It's one of those movies that I find myself thinking worse of it every time I think about it. The opposite Of Rogue One which I find myself liking more each time I think about it)

I found that they had tried so hard to make a Star Wars movie that they forgot to make a /good/ Star Wars movie. There was good movie in there; but JJ smothered it to death in the pursuit of treating us like forgetful idiots to drive home "STER WERS".

I hope this movie remembers to be a good Star Wars move and not just a "Star Wars" movie.

EDIT: Also PoeXFinn or I boycott star wars sevenever

> : P
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Well, JJ ain't making it, Rian Johnson is. So when they say it's getting weird and dark, I believe them.

Personally, I'm hoping for more force Trippyness.
So when they say it's getting weird and dark, I believe them.
And the end of Rogue One wasn't?

I think the best part of Rogue One was the scale. It went to so many varied places. Most of the originals were spent in one place. Space, for A New Hope, Cloud City, for Empire, and Endor, in Jedi. Force Awakens went to more, and more varied, locales, but Rogue One almost painted a picture of the galaxy at large. We also got to see what living under the thumb of the Empire was like.
They needed Force Awakens to be safe and J.J Abrams isn't attached to this so it's probably not going to be Empire Strikes back V2.