Should the realm be multi-racial?
[X[ Yes
Should Armadylism be an accepted religion?
[X[ Yes
Much to the displeasure of the Baselt and Sonis representatives who mutter on about how wrong it is to include non-dragons in the new government, the vote to include other species passes. The matter of Armadylism becoming an acceptable religion is even more divisive and Cyril is greatly displeased about the acceptance of something aside from reverence to the elements and the ancestors, while Umbra is worried about the effects that religion will have on unity. Despite these objections, Glacies remained undecided and thus it was Spyro who had the final say on whether or not it passed. What followed was fierce negotiations between Spyro and each of the other leaders and in the end all but Tsa'ar were convinced.
Needed: 10. Rolled: 31+10=41 Pass
Councilor Galvan revered Spyro for both being the much fabled purple dragon and the defeater of Malefor and thus easily agreed to the proposal.
Needed: 0. Rolled: 43+10=53 Pass
Overseer Forticus needed no convincing at all as this was something that he had been working toward since the conclusion of the war.
Needed: 25. Rolled: 21+10=31 Pass
It was Chief Prowlus who posed the first real challenge as he had earned himself a reputation for being a proud and stubborn leader. Ultimately it came down to Spyro having proved himself as a strong leader and arguments made for a united Avalar government being more capable of standing up to future catastrophes.
Nohar Aviansie
Needed: 60. Rolled: 39+10=49 Fail
Unfortunately Kahkan Tsa'ar was not convinced to join as Armadyl has proven himself a capable ruler under whom the aviansie have flourished. She did however admit that there was much merit in ensuring all the peoples who lived on Avalar were under one unified government.
Needed: 30. Rolled: 43+10=53 Pass
In comparison to Tsa'ar, Elder Adrian was able to be swayed by the eventual ability to have a say in the overall government, something that was theoretically possible under Armadyl, but in practice was near impossible without the ability of flight. He promises to reign in the more devout of his people and is very grateful that his people can continue worshipping Armadyl as they please so long as it does not get out of hand.
Needed: 60. Rolled: 84+10=94 Pass
Matriarch Pavlan was perhaps the biggest surprise as she admits that her people are very much a peaceful species at heart and finds Avalar to be much more inline with this than Gielinor ever was. Though she was disheartened to hear that Tsa'ar and her aviansie would remain with Armadly, she does not begrudge this and still looks forward to getting to know the similarly nomadic aviansie as allies and friends.
The next step of this meeting will be to decide on the leadership of the government. Several people brought their own ideas to the table of how to structure the government and there seems to be three main groups of thought.
The first proposal is one brought forth by the Baselt and Sonis representatives and would consist of a ruling council with each member of the council being supported by their own followings. This would decentralize the power held by any one member at the expense of it being far more difficult to get anything agreed upon. Currently the Baselt, Sonis, along with Galvan and Adrian support this proposal. Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Ventis, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, Forticus, Prowlus, and Pavlan are against this proposal.
The next idea is brought forth by Chief Prowlus and consists of one leader being elected every 5 to 10 years. This elected leader would be supported by two different councils, one for the various cities and villages and one for any advisors. Currently Prowlus, Pavlan, Ventis, Glacies, Baselt, and Sonis support this. Cynder, Clarity, Galvan, Adrian, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, and Forticus are against this proposal.
The last proposal is brought forth by Clarity and consists of a vote being held to select a leader who then leads until their death. Supporting this leader would again be two councils made up of local leaders and advisors respectively. Currently Clarity, Cynder, Glacies, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, and Forticus support this proposal. Ventis, Adrian, Baselt, and Sonis reject this proposal. Prowlus and Pavlan are undecided.
A well reasoned argument can sway votes.
Leadership for the government
[] Proposal One (High council each supported by their own group of advisors)
[] Proposal Two (Elected leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
[] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
[] Write In
The next vote shall be how much power this new government shall hold over the individual villages and cities under it.
The first idea brought up is that the higher government shall have absolute authority over the local government with the local being merely an extension of the higher government's will. Baselt, Sonis, Clarity, Glacies, Umbra, and Forticus support this proposal. Cynder, Therris, Ventis, Prowlus, Adrian, and Pavlan reject this proposal. Cyril is undecided.
The other take is that the higher government shall merely be in an advisory role over the local. This would allow the leader(s) of Avalar to coordinate any broad issues, while allowing the local cities or villages to run themselves. Prowlus, Adrian, Pavlan, Cynder, Ventis, and Therris support this.Baselt, Sonis, Clarity, Glacies, Umbra, and Forticus are against this. Cyril is undecided.
Authority over the local government
[] Absolute authority over the local
[] Advisory and coordination role
[] Write in
Finally, this new government shall need a name.
Name of government
[] Write in