Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

Their counter-caveat is that they hold the right to back out within those ten years if problems do arise. Aside from that, they anticipate no problems as Armadylism is centered around Armadyl's core domains of they sky, justice, and equality. ...They are kind of sorta in a holy war against Bandos though, but I doubt that is much of a problem.

Still best if we make it clear that drawing us into any form of war against the will of the people and governing body will be seen... Poorly.

It also sets a precedent for the way we handle this.

And their counter Caveat sounds reasonable enough.

[X] Yes
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[X] Yes
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[X] Yes
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
-[X] Under lockingbane's conditions
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[X] Yes
[X] Yes
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[X] Yes
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
-[X] Under lockingbane's conditions

Started reading this today, very intriguing. For this vote, I really just trust the others to know what they're doing. I'm mostly looking forward to us getting Spyro & Cynder to Wind Grandmaster level, so they can be Galena's personal trainers.
Government Reformation Part 3
Should the realm be multi-racial?
[X[ Yes

Should Armadylism be an accepted religion?
[X[ Yes

Much to the displeasure of the Baselt and Sonis representatives who mutter on about how wrong it is to include non-dragons in the new government, the vote to include other species passes. The matter of Armadylism becoming an acceptable religion is even more divisive and Cyril is greatly displeased about the acceptance of something aside from reverence to the elements and the ancestors, while Umbra is worried about the effects that religion will have on unity. Despite these objections, Glacies remained undecided and thus it was Spyro who had the final say on whether or not it passed. What followed was fierce negotiations between Spyro and each of the other leaders and in the end all but Tsa'ar were convinced.

Needed: 10. Rolled: 31+10=41 Pass

Councilor Galvan revered Spyro for both being the much fabled purple dragon and the defeater of Malefor and thus easily agreed to the proposal.

Needed: 0. Rolled: 43+10=53 Pass

Overseer Forticus needed no convincing at all as this was something that he had been working toward since the conclusion of the war.

Needed: 25. Rolled: 21+10=31 Pass

It was Chief Prowlus who posed the first real challenge as he had earned himself a reputation for being a proud and stubborn leader. Ultimately it came down to Spyro having proved himself as a strong leader and arguments made for a united Avalar government being more capable of standing up to future catastrophes.

Nohar Aviansie
Needed: 60. Rolled: 39+10=49 Fail

Unfortunately Kahkan Tsa'ar was not convinced to join as Armadyl has proven himself a capable ruler under whom the aviansie have flourished. She did however admit that there was much merit in ensuring all the peoples who lived on Avalar were under one unified government.

Needed: 30. Rolled: 43+10=53 Pass

In comparison to Tsa'ar, Elder Adrian was able to be swayed by the eventual ability to have a say in the overall government, something that was theoretically possible under Armadyl, but in practice was near impossible without the ability of flight. He promises to reign in the more devout of his people and is very grateful that his people can continue worshipping Armadyl as they please so long as it does not get out of hand.

Needed: 60. Rolled: 84+10=94 Pass

Matriarch Pavlan was perhaps the biggest surprise as she admits that her people are very much a peaceful species at heart and finds Avalar to be much more inline with this than Gielinor ever was. Though she was disheartened to hear that Tsa'ar and her aviansie would remain with Armadly, she does not begrudge this and still looks forward to getting to know the similarly nomadic aviansie as allies and friends.

The next step of this meeting will be to decide on the leadership of the government. Several people brought their own ideas to the table of how to structure the government and there seems to be three main groups of thought.

The first proposal is one brought forth by the Baselt and Sonis representatives and would consist of a ruling council with each member of the council being supported by their own followings. This would decentralize the power held by any one member at the expense of it being far more difficult to get anything agreed upon. Currently the Baselt, Sonis, along with Galvan and Adrian support this proposal. Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Ventis, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, Forticus, Prowlus, and Pavlan are against this proposal.

The next idea is brought forth by Chief Prowlus and consists of one leader being elected every 5 to 10 years. This elected leader would be supported by two different councils, one for the various cities and villages and one for any advisors. Currently Prowlus, Pavlan, Ventis, Glacies, Baselt, and Sonis support this. Cynder, Clarity, Galvan, Adrian, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, and Forticus are against this proposal.

The last proposal is brought forth by Clarity and consists of a vote being held to select a leader who then leads until their death. Supporting this leader would again be two councils made up of local leaders and advisors respectively. Currently Clarity, Cynder, Glacies, Therris, Cyril, Umbra, and Forticus support this proposal. Ventis, Adrian, Baselt, and Sonis reject this proposal. Prowlus and Pavlan are undecided.

A well reasoned argument can sway votes.

Leadership for the government
[] Proposal One (High council each supported by their own group of advisors)
[] Proposal Two (Elected leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
[] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
[] Write In

The next vote shall be how much power this new government shall hold over the individual villages and cities under it.

The first idea brought up is that the higher government shall have absolute authority over the local government with the local being merely an extension of the higher government's will. Baselt, Sonis, Clarity, Glacies, Umbra, and Forticus support this proposal. Cynder, Therris, Ventis, Prowlus, Adrian, and Pavlan reject this proposal. Cyril is undecided.

The other take is that the higher government shall merely be in an advisory role over the local. This would allow the leader(s) of Avalar to coordinate any broad issues, while allowing the local cities or villages to run themselves. Prowlus, Adrian, Pavlan, Cynder, Ventis, and Therris support this.Baselt, Sonis, Clarity, Glacies, Umbra, and Forticus are against this. Cyril is undecided.

Authority over the local government
[] Absolute authority over the local
[] Advisory and coordination role
[] Write in

Finally, this new government shall need a name.

Name of government
[] Write in
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I'll let someone else handle the complicated word-smithing, but I'm in favor of Proposal 3 & Advisory/Coordination. True Democracy is a terrible idea, due to the majority lacking all the important details. Yet no need to be God-King Spyro, that'll just get more "Rogue Mole" situations.
So if I'm reading these right
[] Proposal One (High council each supported by their own group of advisors)
this would be the one to pick if we plan to stay small as in just stick with Warfang and focus on building up the city and not really expanding. Basically building a tall empire since all we would really have to focus on is Warfang

[] Proposal Two (Elected leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
[] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
and both of these are if we plan to expand and build a wider empire with the main difference being that one is a republic and the other is basically a monarchy/dictatorship.

[] Absolute authority over the local
[] Advisory and coordination role
as for these two, the first option would let us micro manage things but that could be bad if we grow to large as it could slow things down considerably (especially if we have to direct things through portals) if everything has to go through the central government before anyone can act while the other option takes more of a hands off approach letting any future cities deal with their own issues as they see fit with the central government only stepping in occasionally (like asking a new village to focus on farming if we ever find ourselves in need of needing more food or just straight up taking over for awhile to garrison an army if we think the city might come under attack).

Assuming I'm reading these right if we plan to build tall I'd probably pick proposal 1 with absolute authority since having a small kingdom and a strong central government would streamline things as having a small kingdom with a weak central government would just clog everything up. If we plan to build wide though (which I'm kinda leaning towards for the sole fact to find all the portals that are popping up around the land and securing them so nothing nasty can come through) I'd definitively pick Advisory and coordination (especially if we build settlements on the OTHER side of any portal just encase they somehow get cut off from us so they would be more likely to survive until we can make recontact) but I'm unsure if I want proposal 2 or 3. Really it comes down to gameplay with those as if people think it would be more fun to worry about elections and play politics every few turns or if everyone would rather just focus on empire building.

So I guess the first question for everyone is do you want to build small but tall or big and wide?
[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)

[X] Advisory and coordination role

[X] Cooperative Monarchy

Maybe change the name, but something that directly reflects the government type we're setting up. Thus Cooperative Monarchy matches how we'll be an Authoritative leader, but cooperating with instead of outright ruling the smaller governments.

Oh, I've noticed there are no omakes. I really wouldn't know what to write, but do we know the exact relationships between the New Guardians? I was wondering if Umbra and Virii were being paired up.

Oh right, I just remembered! Since Smoke & Blood are Elements and Spyro's whole thing is being the Avatar a Purple Dragon, would Spyro be able to learn those Elements? Or would we have to introduce them to Avalor first, possibly by Aether? There's no Elemental Nexuses for them here, so Smoke & Blood would probably be really weak on Avalor anyways.
Maybe change the name, but something that directly reflects the government type we're setting up. Thus Cooperative Monarchy matches how we'll be an Authoritative leader, but cooperating with instead of outright ruling the smaller governments.

Oh, I've noticed there are no omakes. I really wouldn't know what to write, but do we know the exact relationships between the New Guardians? I was wondering if Umbra and Virii were being paired up.

Oh right, I just remembered! Since Smoke & Blood are Elements and Spyro's whole thing is being the Avatar a Purple Dragon, would Spyro be able to learn those Elements? Or would we have to introduce them to Avalor first, possibly by Aether? There's no Elemental Nexuses for them here, so Smoke & Blood would probably be really weak on Avalor anyways.
I plan on doing short pieces on each of the new guardians... eventually (I really should write Umbra's today). As a general rule: Umbra grew up having to be really, really sneaky to survive the war and now it's kind of stuck. Zephyr was a courier during the last few years of the war and is really carefree with a love of flying, also gets along real well with his brother Flare who is a fire dragon. Virii grew up in an enclave of poison dragons and spent her years helping to protect it and it's only recently that her nature as someone who loves learning has shown through; she particularly loves studying plants as she has learned so many new things about her element from them. Phydra was orphaned when she was very young and basically raised herself in isolation in a small cave near the water and as such has some problems getting along with other people. Timor grew up a sheltered life under some fire dragons until his element surfaced after which he was shunned and forced to live on the streets, he was originally one of the most optimistic people around but the experience has changed him and forced him to come to grips with the worse parts of dragons/life. Argent was raised by a loving family in the post-war years and was taught the dying arts of dragon-kata, she is a martial arts prodigy and is becoming one of the top martial artists of Warfang (Cyril, Volteer, Pyra, Spyro, and Cynder can still beat her, but it's getting close for them except for Pyra). Oh and Pyra was Ignitus' apprentice during the war and now that he is dead, Pyra has thrown himself into his responsibilities with a vigor that shocks those who knew him before, he's also known as the best combatant in the city even above the guardians (performing epic feats tend to change you and make it easier to perform those feats again).

As for relationships between them, I haven't fleshed that out as much and I've been hoping (hint hint) for people to write omakes :) I do see Umbra and Virii getting closer as she helps him with all sorts of cool poisons that are a nice addition to his spies. Zephyr and Timor both hang out together when they have nothing else to do and though Argent may be the youngest, Zephyr and Timor both tend to act less mature when they have no responsibilities, though both dragons can be the mature guardians that they have to be when the situation calls for it. In this regard Umbra and Pyra act far more mature because of the war.

As for smoke and blood, Spyro will either have to do a lot of meditating and looking for hotspots of those elements on Gielinor or find someone who already uses those elements.
Hmm... What exactly do Smoke and Blood entail? My first impression is they're just different versions of Wind and Water, but that clearly isn't all. Smoke could very well include a Smoke Form. Seems perfect for an assassin, just slowly and gradually kill someone with cancer. Overall, Smoke sounds like a Stealth oriented Element.

Blood clearly has a connection with the Vampyres, so likely plays some role in creating them. Would make for a gruesome combat Element, but also extremely useful for healing. Maybe Blood Users could force poisons out of people's bodies? Hmm... Aether is Spyro's only serious Healing capable Element right? Blood might of helped save Terrador...

Ah, actually, what would we need to do for Smoke & Blood Dragons to start being a thing? I could see the first ones being Spyro's kids, so long as he learned Smoke & Blood. Oh, right... Isn't Cynder suppose to be capable of learning new Elements? How exactly will that work? Can she only learn ones Spyro already knows?
Hmm... What exactly do Smoke and Blood entail? My first impression is they're just different versions of Wind and Water, but that clearly isn't all. Smoke could very well include a Smoke Form. Seems perfect for an assassin, just slowly and gradually kill someone with cancer. Overall, Smoke sounds like a Stealth oriented Element.

Blood clearly has a connection with the Vampyres, so likely plays some role in creating them. Would make for a gruesome combat Element, but also extremely useful for healing. Maybe Blood Users could force poisons out of people's bodies? Hmm... Aether is Spyro's only serious Healing capable Element right? Blood might of helped save Terrador...

Ah, actually, what would we need to do for Smoke & Blood Dragons to start being a thing? I could see the first ones being Spyro's kids, so long as he learned Smoke & Blood. Oh, right... Isn't Cynder suppose to be capable of learning new Elements? How exactly will that work? Can she only learn ones Spyro already knows?
Think of smoke as a hybrid of wind and poison.

Blood tends to be things like stealing health to make you healthier and creating golems. It is very heavily connected to life. Also Runescape's vampyres are a natural race and the creation of new vampyres out of an existing race is something they have not figured out and will not figure out for about 2000 years.

If Spyro and/or Cynder learned smoke or blood, they can use the 'shaping reality' action at a greatly increased chance of success. Do be advised that adding an element to the fabric of reality is not without it's complications. You'll want to do more study into smoke/blood as well as a study into how the elements of Avalar interact with each other.

Edit: Oh right Cynder. The bond between them has given her some of Spyro's purple-ness and she can indeed learn new elements including ones Spyro does not know.
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[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impeding election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.

[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats

[X] Kingdom of Avalar
Adhoc vote count started by EyeOfSauron on Jun 14, 2019 at 4:05 PM, finished with 24 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
    -[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impeding election might not risk unpopular measures.
    -[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
    -[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.
    [X] Advisory and coordination role
    -[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats
    [X] Kingdom of Avalar
    [X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
    [X] Advisory and coordination role
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Uh... Just fyi, the name of the government is what other polities will know you as. Sorry if I did not make this clear.
Hmm... Alright, so next Turn, what do you all think about Spyro & Cynder studying Blood? Closest we'll get to a dedicated Life Element, and makes sense as another means of keeping Galena healthy.

Oh, was it ever established what Elements we could get from Shaping Reality? Using Skylanders as a reference, the missing Elements of Magic/Tech/Life/Undead/Light would make for interesting additions.
Hmm... Alright, so next Turn, what do you all think about Spyro & Cynder studying Blood? Closest we'll get to a dedicated Life Element, and makes sense as another means of keeping Galena healthy.

Oh, was it ever established what Elements we could get from Shaping Reality? Using Skylanders as a reference, the missing Elements of Magic/Tech/Life/Undead/Light would make for interesting additions.
I'm going to go ahead and veto magic and tech.
Runescape has the elements of: Air, water, earth, fire, mind, body, cosmic, chaos, nature, law, astral, death blood and soul. Though ice, smoke, and shadow also exist...
Fair enough, Magic and Tech would be rather vague & open-ended. Though dang, that's a lot of shiny new Elements for Spyro and Cynder to learn over there. Oh geez, we really need to improve Element Learning Progress if we ever intend to become Multi-Element Grandmasters.

Ah, since we got a portal connecting to Hyrule, what Elements would be there? Or do we need to take a Turn investigating them? I don't think they'll have any new Elements, save for maybe Twilight. Man, Spyro running around using Twilight Magic would be neat.
Fair enough, Magic and Tech would be rather vague & open-ended. Though dang, that's a lot of shiny new Elements for Spyro and Cynder to learn over there. Oh geez, we really need to improve Element Learning Progress if we ever intend to become Multi-Element Grandmasters.

Ah, since we got a portal connecting to Hyrule, what Elements would be there? Or do we need to take a Turn investigating them? I don't think they'll have any new Elements, save for maybe Twilight. Man, Spyro running around using Twilight Magic would be neat.
Yeah you'll have to spend some actions checking out Hyrule.
Hmm... Alright, so next Turn, what do you all think about Spyro & Cynder studying Blood? Closest we'll get to a dedicated Life Element, and makes sense as another means of keeping Galena healthy.
Huh, glad to see someone was on the same page as me last night! Personally, I was toying with the idea of creating a Bone element tied to concepts of sanctity and remembrance, to help keep some of the afterlife tricks on other worlds at bay. And for poaching Gielenor's prayer magic, but I don't think we even know that exists yet.​

That's more of a 10-15 year plan, though. I'd be up for learning Smoke and Blood in the meantime.
[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)

[X] Advisory and coordination role

[X] Kingdom of Avalar
[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)

[X] Advisory and coordination role

[X] Kingdom of Avalar
Tales of the Guardians: Umbra
Hollering and grunts came from all around him and it was all Umbra could do to press himself deeper into the shadows of the ruined building that he had found himself trapped in. So many dead… Was this how it would end?

The noise stopped for a moment and he felt himself relax, only to tense up again as the banging and hollering started up again on the other side of his hiding spot. Footsteps and the noise of things being turned over came closer caused Umbra to be almost paralyzed with fear.

"Do you smell that?" One of the foul apes asked in that guttural tongue of theirs.

All around him apes started sniffing the air. "It smells of fear. One of the small ones must still be alive. Capture or kill?"

"...Capture it. I could use a new pet after the last one finally managed to die." The footsteps and the sound of breathing was getting even closer now. He had to escape, he had to!

Something gave way with a strange ethereal feeling and Umbra cautiously opened his eyes. Only to stare straight into the eyes of a massive ape soldier. "Nothing here. Maybe it escaped?"

"Find it then you stupid baffoon! Lord Gaul wants all of these irksome dragons dead or as slaves!"

Why did it not see him? They were looking right at each other! He blinked as it occurred to him that everything seemed to be made up of black and purple hues. Without even thinking about it he reach out a paw and tried to touch the ape only to have it go right through the fearsome monster. Umbra fell to all fours in relief and cautiously passed through the ape who was busy investigating his hiding place. His home was an utter wreck and the blood… He desperately tried to put it out of his mind as he looked at the blood-covered apes. Some that blood had to have been from…! He had to fight to not throw up, if he did then the apes would find him and then he would end up just like…

The shimmering air in front him distracted him and he realized that he was getting tired. Why would he be so tired all of a sudden? Was this weird black stuff his element? Then that meant that he could run out of mana and then they could find him! He had to get out of here! Umbra rushed forward toward the door, barely even realizing that his feet were passing through rubble as if it were not even there. Just a few more steps and he would be free!

The scene of carnage before him put even his worst nightmares to shame. The entire village was a wreck with blood spatters and dead dragons lining the streets as the apes carried away anything they could get their hands on such as valuables, eggs, or even young whelps. It seemed like there had to be hundreds of apes here and… a wave of dizziness washed over him and Umbra could feel the tenuous control over… whatever this was, waver. If he didn't get out now, then he would be chained up to be roasted! The apes were everywhere though and that was the entrance to the village that they were coming in and out of.

An idea struck him and forced his increasingly weary mind to focus. If he could just remember where that hole that lead underground was at then he could get out! He and his friends would always play… He forced himself not to think about them and started running toward the rundown building that all the whelps played around in. According to one of the older whelps, the hole had been made on accident when one of them had awakened the earth element. If Umbra could just get to the hole then he could meet up with his friends and they could escape together! It was on the other side of that ugly stone statue and yes! Umbra came to a step outside of the building and then hurriedly climbed the side before dropping down into the building itself.

The utter darkness that greet him was strange, he had only ever came to this place when of the fire dragons had lit the candles up. Maybe it was so dark because of the apes? Yeah, if could just get further into hideout then he would meet up with his friends and everything would be okay! His vision shuddered strangely and the already pitch black darkness seemed to grow even thicker as he dropped whatever effect he had been holding the entire time. He definitely wasn't one of the more common elements, though he thought he remembered hearing something about darker elements? It was something to do with darkness right? ...Night? No, that was silly what kind of dragon had a night element? It definitely wasn't darkness… Shadow? "That's it! Shadow!" He whispered to himself excitedly

...Umbra supposed it was a good thing that he was a shadow dragon as it was so dark down here without the candles..The others had always talked about how much better his night vision was compared to theirs and he was thankful he could make out the rocky outlines of the walls as he walked further in. Just a little bit further and… There! That big cavern that everyone always met up in! Now he just had to wait for everyone else to get here and they could all get to the exit together. ...It was so lonely down here though and he was quite hungry,

The others… They were coming right?

"Any luck finding someone to replace Gustus?" Umbra asked the others as they gathered in the large cavern under the long since abandoned ruins of his old village.

A putrid green dragon shook his head. "Nothing. Too many shunning us now… Ever since the attack on the temple the bigotry has been getting worse. Looks like it will just be the handful of us and the occasional shadow, poison, or fear recruit."

"Can't you ever bring us good news Toxus?" Granit complained as she lounged on one of the large rocks that once made up the seating for the favored playground of the ruined village's whelps and younger drakes. "Fortunately I come bearing slightly better news. One of my old friends came through for us and we finally have that list of suspected ape camps. Including where they have been holding a lot of their prisoners!"

"Then we can finally do some real damage and show these monsters some real fear for once!" Extasi cackled. The others ignored the fear dragon, afterall fear dragons were known to be slightly unhinged and she was no different.

Conversation stopped as a pale yellow-green dragon strode into the room. "Miss me?" Fumus asked as he entered the cavern alongside a dark gray dragoness.

"Oh you wish Fumus" Nyx mutered. "What now 'glorious leader'?"

Umbra stared at her until his fellow shadow dragon conceded. "Now that we are all here, Granit has managed to get a hold of some intelligence for us, including a suspected slave camp."

"Which of course means indoctrinated dragons and cheetah throwing themselves at us in the hopes of killing us for their masters." Infernus chipped in.

It seemed like the temperature in the room dropped by quite a bit as everyone pondered the last time they had, had to deal with something like that. "Speaking of this, anyone know why they smashed so many eggs during the attack at the temple? I heard they only took one of them." Toxus asked.

Extasi chimed in before anyone else could, much to their dismay. "Because those dragons were special and there was too much risk of them DOOMING their masters plans!"

"...Essentially yes. Something about how they needed a dragon born during the year of the dragon." Umbra confirmed as he gazed at a scroll that Granit passed over to him. "Though I do not know why they could only use one egg for their plans. Regardless, we have our target. Grab your gear and let's move. It will be a 5 day journey to camp according to this as it involves traversing through areas that we will likely be unable to fly through."

All of them unconsciously paused as if waiting for a cue that would not be happening. "I miss Gustus." Nyx sighed, before noticing the looks that everybody was giving her. "Stop looking at me like that. There was nothing going on between us!"
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