I had thrown it a bit faster than I needed, and my grip and slipped slightly,
had slipped
I go limp for the push,
. But by the time my eyes focus, I already know I miss, because of the figure, who I now catch an impression of blue streaks on white from, is beside me.
I missed, because of the figure, of which I now catch an impression of blue streaks on white form, is beside me.
Again, I go limp,
slam my legs down slightly, lake the impact slow down, with my arms lash up, a deck of cards all but bursting from my sleeves.
make the impact slow down, with my arms lashing up,
slowly pulling it p.
I sighed
"I'm Singing…. In the rain…."
"I'm singing
Y'know, that kinda sounds suspiciously like a Flying Thunder God technique in the making.

On the other hand, as far as i can tell this technique is designed to allow an entirely different, unrelated technique exert more control over an object, so that it mimics battlefield teleportation. This is in comparison to the FTG technique, which is the real deal achieved in an entirely different way.

the end result may be similar, but the methods of achieving it differ massively, to the point i suspect it's impossible to achieve similar end results. This won't stop SI from making it just as deadly with enough practice though. :D

Will be interesting to see peoples reactions to it.
and a small manual explaining how to raise or decrease the weight.
Depending on how easy that is to do, I can easily see doing that on the fly becoming part of his sleight based style. If momentum is conserved, going from heavy to light is a sudden speed boost and going from light to heavy is a way to slow down in mid air, abort an attack, or move your center of mass. If momentum isn't conserved you can redirect mid-air and make your hits much much harder.

And regardless of either of those, heavy lets you put more kinetic energy into an attack
I wasn't going to say it.... but yeah.

Okay, let's use... Asuma, as our control here for jonin. Asus can move fast, and like most join. Can travel at almost let's say... a traveling speed of 55-65 kilometers per hour. He can cover the distance that Shusho travels with the kawarimi in 6 seconds, less if he rushes. Most jonin also have anpractical range of almost 200 meters for kawarimi, they stay closer due to the efficiency of it.

A full range card kawarimi is not going to save Shusho from anyone above chunin.

And while he will evolve the cards eventually, his current card has to be at his destination, and will still drain half his chakra for a full range switch.
Err, you know Sasuke at the Chunin exams moves faster than the speed of sound. So Asuma should be a lot faster than that.
Err, you know Sasuke at the Chunin exams moves faster than the speed of sound. So Asuma should be a lot faster than that.
Sorry, meant to clarify that it's the difference
between a short burst and long distance traveling. Most jonin can hit up to the sound barrier in a pinch, but for long distance travel they have a lower speed. So Asuma could maintain 60 kph for like a week of continuous travel, but for anything under let's say a kilometer he can cover that in less then 3 seconds.

If Shusho pushes he can move at about 40 for a half day, but his traveling speed hovers around 25 kph. The kawarimi best effect is the fact that it takes a moment to place where it lead to. So Shusho can do his best to disappear

Can he chain kawarimis using a "breadcrumb" trail of cards?
Not really. The way I rationalize that is the cost for a karawarimi is 3 parts, the lock on, the travel, and the break. The travel is the most expensive but chaining them means repeatedly paying for both locks and breaks. With time, he can master it to a point that the locks and breaks are miniscule and don't matter anymore, but that's a ways off.
DId you just make the Israeli flag a fuinjutsu?
...no? (Google's flag...) Not really. Similar thematic design? Yes. But mines a circle and has a kanji in the center
Depending on how easy that is to do, I can easily see doing that on the fly becoming part of his sleight based style. If momentum is conserved, going from heavy to light is a sudden speed boost and going from light to heavy is a way to slow down in mid air, abort an attack, or move your center of mass. If momentum isn't conserved you can redirect mid-air and make your hits much much harder.

And regardless of either of those, heavy lets you put more kinetic energy into an attack
It's a manual weight system, he has heavy pieces of metal lining his jacket. The booklet let's him know how to distribute the weighted panels without over balling himself.
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This guy and Hiroki(? I have a problem remembering Japanese names. That dude from the Kaleidoscope SI) seem to be going in similar directions. This guy is a lot less crazy though.
He really should find out who the eternal Genin is.

Hm... Imagine if he figured out how to get the seal placed on something with explosive tags. Then when he switchs out with it, he leaves a bomb in his place. Or any variation of such nasty tricks he might be able to pull off when he master it.
Maybe place the seal on more sturdier objects? Kunai, shuriken, or his demon windmill shuriken?
That way every weapon he throws other than senbon also serves as a location to move to.

Then again one of those logs everyone uses for it could be hollowed out and filled with things like smoke bombs, senbon launcher mechanisms with poisoned senbon, a log filled entirely with explosive notes, the or gas dispensers that blind an opponent or mess up this sense smell.
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You must find out why itachi killed his clan for the Klondike bars!!!! It is a investigion that will serve as his chhunin exam. Jk jk. But I am seriously looking forward to his summon. Edit: I am currently sick, please ignore my posts for the next two days as the ramblings of a person who currently is dealing with fever, a congested/runny nose, a sore/ dry throat, and a headache that feels like it is killing me slowly.
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Magician - 4
Politics. Politics never change...

They just happen earlier at Konoha Acadamy.

Konoha Academy has a bit of a weird class division. For the first five years of class. It's clearly supposed to be a mixed bag. Clan kids and civilian kids and orphans all mixed up and divided into classes.there's some politicking that goes on that means that certain clan kids always end up in the same class as other clan kids. For instance, the rookie nine are all in the same class already. And that's All the major clan heirs in one class. I call BS on that being a fair and random division of class. Most of the other years it's far more subtle. Oh look, that class has the three branch Hyuuga kids in it. That one has the main Hyuuga. Two members of the Nara clan are each in separate classes, but each has a Yamanaka or an Akimichi in them anyway. My class was always mostly civilians, Asako and me both being a civilian born ninja.

The final year is a bit different.

I look around my class as the final year of the academy starts. I know most of them. Hell, most of them are on friendly terms with me. After all, I don't really have a… rival. I'm kind and polite enough to know their names and something about them. Hell, I've had lunch or sparred with everyone in the room at one time or another, but friends? Not really, the only one is Asako, and that's because she actually came to me to be friends. Apparently, I was a mystery to her, the "The only locked box in a room of open scrolls" as she once put it.

But this class is supposedly the advanced class.

Anyone who has what the higher-ups deem 'potential'. More than half the class are clan kids. Two Hyuuga, both branch family, a Yamanaka and two Nara's, but no Akimichi. Two members of the Inuzuka clan, twin sisters, and their Nin-dog companions. One Aburame, and a dozen assorted orphans or civilians, including me and Asako.

And of course, Asako has to focus her fact gathering on me instead of the clan kids.

Asako has to be an intelligence specialist in the making, I'm positive. Probably pegged me as a man with secrets, and is hoping to learn those secrets. Considering I'm rather private and keep trying to underplay my accomplishments, it's slightly disconcerting how fast she saw through it. It's become a game between us, I keep weaving simple white lies and omissions into my words as we talk, and I occasionally see her eyes get this… glint, when she notices. She'll ask how my day goes, and I'll make a few statements, 'Morning was good', 'swung by the markets this morning for a minute', 'did you know that this happened'? Etcetera.

Then she starts asking for details, talking back and forth and forcing me to double down or contradict myself. In these instances I often find myself taking the path of the Kakashi. "Hmm? Did I say that? How foolish." I swear, if she was any better, she would have already ferreted out how much training and Information I have undergone. I've had to lose her on occasions to train in peace. As well as testing some of my more… esoteric skills. Like the playing cards, which I;m currently working on using my techniques.

The good news of having her as a friend is I've gotten quite good at evasion. At least from where I was at before she started tracking me down. She's supposed to be only an academy student, like me! I have, what, an extra decade and a half of usable experience reading and deceiving people and I still trip up occasionally when she lays it on, and often only barely get away.

As we settled in, Asako sitting at the table behind me and the chair that gives her a clear view over my right shoulder. The door opens, and I glance over, hands hiding the fifty ryo coin I had been dancing among my fingers. I take a look and almost do a double take. Tall, broad build, bandanna, three long slashes across his face
Ibiki Fucking Morino. Future head Interrogator of the Konoha torture and interrogation division. Certified badass, torture survivor, and the man who will proctor the Rookie Nines Chunin Exams if canon holds true. Behind him were two other kids. Apparently being escorted to class. But… escorted to class by the future head of the T&I? That means they must have come from out of the village, right? I know things like this have happened before, it's happened in classes earlier on where young kids from out of village joined classes. Some were outcasts from the more isolated clans or apprentices to a retired ninja. Some were just kids who had nowhere else to go and wanted to be a ninja for one reason or another. Most of them usually stay out in the country, becoming village Ninja, or taking up occupancy working as guard forces for small towns off the main roads.

However, these two were being dropped off by the head interrogator. That means they were… interesting. Either potential refugees from another country, or someone that isn't supposed to be here. Shuffling a deck of cards, the green skull once again beneath the pads of my fingers, I looked the two new arrivals over.

The first was a taller pale skinned boy with black hair done in a short braid over his shoulder. He wore a loose vest over a dark gray shirt and black cargo pants, with a short sword slung across his shoulders. Across his arms were what at first glance were some form of clan tattoos, but I recognized at least one of them as some sort of storage seal, but that's it.

The… fuck, I can't tell their gender at a glance. But they were shorter and slimmer than the boy, their brown hair done in an asymmetrical pixie cut, left side falling past the shoulder while the right barely passed the lips, with bright red highlights along the lower edge. Eyes were dark green, almost black, and their outfit consisted of a flowing black shirt and loose dress pants, under a loose fur lined jacket.

They look like a goddamn pair of kids out of a punk rock anime. I am not jealous. I swear. Just… annoyed I didn't decide to dress up like that first. I chose the slightly edgy rogue look, dammit!

They step inside, getting a few glances, but the teacher quickly draws attention, the usual spiel about how we are to learn about the history and pride of Konoha, to better ourselves., blah, blah, blah. I keep one eye on the new kids, however. The boy holds himself a bit loosely, but… something about him is tense. I force myself to dissect what is throwing me off, it's the slant of his posture, leaning forwards slightly, legs shifted so his feet are steady, and his shoulders bent down as if tired, or carrying a heavy weight. He looks… Worn. ready to fight of only because he had to keep fighting. He has a sort of quiet… gravity, about him.

The other one is far harder to read. It seems like they are relaxed, but that expressionless face, which I now notice is covered with faint traces of makeup. Slightly dark eyeshadow, slightly paler lips, faint traces of some sort of powder that make their feature seem… delicate, innocent in a way.

I noticed most how... Still, they were. With a start, I realized what they reminded me of.

The Hyuuga clan members, well, almost. Stoic and silent, nearly motionless. Perfect posture and expressionless features. Maybe someone from an old clan? Hmm.

I tuned back into the speech as I mentally reviewed what he had said. Let see, boils down to. "Welcome back, Konoha and I are glad to see you hope you kept in practice, this year focuses on practical skills over theoretical. Expect heavy physical training compared to last year, More spars longer tests, extra practices held after classes for you all if you wish to polish your skills."

Okay. Now, what are the last parts?

"-I hope by the end of the year, to see most of you pass the graduation exam. Before we begin our first class, I would also like to introduce our new students."
Huh, perfect.

"Please, Introduce yourselves."

The tall boy stepped forwards first, bowing somewhat awkwardly. "Hello, I'm Rinha Reiji, and I look forwards to learning with you all. I enjoy Kenjutsu and am fond of fiction novels." he gave a soft grin. I raised my estimation of him. He was… interesting. It was hard to put a hand on, but he seemed far more focused than he looked. Like he was assessing the class, and when he made eye contact, I knew I was right, his eyes somewhat squinted, were far more… piercing than he appeared. Our gazes met and a sort of understanding came to us, we would keep out the facades for now. And we broke eye contact as smoothly as we made it.

I shifted my gaze to his companion who gave a slow and formal bow from the waist.

"Greetings, I am Kohaku Shimo. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I wish us all a prosperous future. I am fond of music and seek to be a great Ninja." They rose and you considered her. And yes, I decided that it was likely 'her'. The cadence of her voice and her choice of words simply helped confirm it.

The teacher was quick to point the seats that were empty, one next to me, and another a the nearby table.

Rinha sat next to me, and Kohaku sat at the other table. As he sat by me, I greeted him with a smile and turned back to my cards. I kept flipping them between my hands as Thought about my new classmate. I wondered how this was going to turn out.


"Let see how your practice over the summer kept up, shall we!" Sensei led the class outside, and broke us into lines, and hand us line up around the sparring pit.

"Nara Sarin, Yato Shivo, your up."

The two stepped in, Sarin seeming lethargic, as usual, and the civilian kid across from her was nervous looking. I don't blame him.Sarin may look lazy, but she's fast and goddam vicious.

Sensei signaled them to start, after making the symbol of conflict.

Ten seconds later I stepped aside as Yato got thrown past me.

And so it went the two new kids were being kept out of it, for now, they needed to have the teacher assess them after class, I grew slightly nervous as the time wore on, and I watched most of the class fight. Just as I wondered if I wouldn;t be called today, I got pulled in.

My opponent was Ashi Inuzuka. She just so happened to be one of the best Taijutsu fighters in class. Only behind her twin, Kegawa, and Hyuga Tsuru, who's gentle fist while not perfect, was definitely good enough to take on the rest of the class who isn't fast enough. Ashi was a berserker though, all instinct and aggressive attacks. I could maybe use that.


I sighed slowly and relaxed letting my arms hang by my sides as Ii dropped my coat at the edge of the circle. I was wearing only a black tank top, ninja sandals. and the straight black pants I had chosen to wear underneath the coat today, with my two supply pouches on my belt my only accessory.

I stood at my side of the ring and when called to, I made the seal of conflict, before getting in a stance. It was a soft looking style, arms up almost like I was boxing. Legs set loosely.

The hand came down, and like her usual, Ashi charged, her speed and strength letting her flash across the ring towards me.

I breathed out slowly, and let my mind plan out the next-

-Ashi flew past as I swung around, foot sliding back in an arc, knee bending as I half crouched-


I slammed my now pulled back knee forwards and up, almost but not quite a high kick, using chakra to hold my other foot to the ground.

Ashi brought her arm up and blinked in surprise as she got shoved back a full step, and almost stumbled.

And then I was in close.

I started simple, shoulder check to keep her off balance and snap my arm up in a hard right straight, aiming for the shoulder. she steps back again, mouth opening for a yelp only for my other fist to flash out, straight to the diaphragm, making her yelp cut off as a gasp, before snapping my other fist back and into a solid cross at her head.

And then she kicks out, and I have to step back, leaving her a second to cough and recover, wiping the spit off her lips.

"Damn Toru, you aren't fucking around anymore are you." She gives a fanged grin

"No-: She's moving as I speak, but I expected it, ducking under the swipe of her left hand and- "-pe, had time to get-" -elbow coming down, sway back letting it pass, but shoot my hand up, and snag the sleeve as it passes, pulling forwards, and planting my other hand on her other shoulder, and then my knee comes up- "-BETTER." -knee slams into her nose, my other foot had left the ground as I pulled myself up and delivered the knee to his face. My other foot finds purchase on a leg and with a push, I'm flipping over her, off balance as she is, I shove down, hands on shoulders as to drive down with a handstand off her shoulder, aiming to slam her back first downwards, my weight pushing down on her unbalanced one. At the last minute, she manages to twist, and I can't land cleanly, having to roll off a bit.
I stagger from the roll, and take a step, turning at the sound of shifting ground just in time to see a grinning Ashi slam from a crouch fist first into my face.

'Oh god dammit.' is my primary thought as she dives at my now unbalanced form.

The next minute and a half are a mostly frenzied grapple with my dialogue best translated as 'Oh get the fuck off me" "so help me god, my foot is going to go up your ass!!" and "OW, my fucking nose you dick."

And it ends with a bloodied and bruised Inuzuka with a broken nose pinning me on the ground with my arms behind my back, and my own nose bleeding, if not broken, and what seems like a black eye. A few moments later, we perform the seal of reconciliation.

"Alright you two, good match. Ashi, you jumped in too fast, you gave yourself an opening to let Shusho take control, and lost momentum. Shusho, you need to work on your strength, but good control, if you had more strength and were a bit faster, you could have kept it, and controlled the match."

""Hai, sensei.""

As we step away, Ashi gives me a grin. "That was an impressive counter early on. You've gotten really agile Toru!"

"Thanks." I grin, rubbing my arm, where a bruise was forming right on top of my old one. I;d need to do some acupuncture tonight,
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The way he fights reminds me of the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes. Maybe in the future He can successfully pull it off without his combos being broken. Now I really want to see that
So we have one year's worth of chapters to figure out eventual teammates and the most likely jonin. I wonder how acquainted the latter'll be with our grandpa.

Is there any reason Yamato couldn't be our leader? Based on Kakashi's personality I think any attitude could come from an Anbu-turned-leader character.
What?! Can't a guy have a soft voice and speak respectfully? You is going to be surprised if 'she' pee standing up xD
Well not to be a stick in the mud but they are speaking japanse. Right? And that language does have a masculine and feminine way of specking "I" and other words of similar nature.
Young adolescent males in a group of potentially hostile strangers, speaking softly and respectfully? Nope.

Well not to be a stick in the mud but they are speaking japanse. Right? And that language does have a masculine and feminine way of specking "I" and other words of similar nature.
Nope. They're clearly speaking English. I can tell because I was able to read it, and I can't read Japanese.
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The way he fights reminds me of the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes. Maybe in the future He can successfully pull it off without his combos being broken. Now I really want to see that
Holmes had advantage of genius-level perception and abilities playing mind games with fist and mouth. Someday he might be there, but someday.

Also, when against enemies of similar level (Moriarty), that doesn't exactly end well.
What?! Can't a guy have a soft voice and speak respectfully? You is going to be surprised if 'she' pee standing up xD
There'a urinal that designed to be unisex, y'know :p
Well not to be a stick in the mud but they are speaking japanse. Right? And that language does have a masculine and feminine way of specking "I" and other words of similar nature.
Some pronouns can be unisex. Like, most female character use 'watashi' and male using 'boku' and exceptionally confident/ rude guy using 'ore', but that can be devious. Like young, weak looking male using 'watashi' to be polite, and stubborn/ boyish girls using 'boku' (or just feminine girls that had like tons of brothers). And some ladies with attitude might using 'ore' just because.
Nope. They're clearly speaking English. I can tell because I was able to read it, and I can't read Japanese.
If we want to be Watsonian about it, I don't recall seeing Japan on the map of the Elemental Nations, so it can't be Japanese. And given it's a fictional language for a fictional nation, it can be anything.
I thought Asako would be the one of the two candidates mentioned before but it looks like it would be these newcomers. I can't wait for the next installation. I hope the Eternal Genin shows up first. From the anime episode, it looks like he might be a student of the Second Hokage? It's possible that the Second Hokage took on more than one team or became an actual Teacher.