I usually name techniques like everything is an Exalted charm, but this one's kind of tricky.

Spider's Thread Meditation maybe?

Threads of Unfurling Wind could work too.
Oh those are some nice ones! Hmm, tge spider's thread technique....that sounds really cool
Except chakra strings are physically immaterial. The ninja wire just hits the problem of how to store it for regular use?
Oh? I thought chakra thread could become physical. That's unfortunate
Except chakra strings are physically immaterial. The ninja wire just hits the problem of how to store it for regular use?
If Chakra Strings were absolutely physically immaterial, they would be useless for the main purpose they have in the show, i.e puppetry.
It might be too complex to be viable in combat, but it's almost certainly possible.
Something as (conceptually) simple as applying Wind Natured Chakra Flow to the strings might do it.
If Chakra Strings were absolutely physically immaterial, they would be useless for the main purpose they have in the show, i.e puppetry.
It might be too complex to be viable in combat, but it's almost certainly possible.
Something as (conceptually) simple as applying Wind Natured Chakra Flow to the strings might do it.
As used in the show, they seem to be immaterial to lateral forces (i.e. anything that would get snagged on them or cut through them), but exert tension (i.e. pulling force, which is what's used for puppetry).
Old Men were once Young (Au One-shot)
Cause my muse got distracted. Nest SA main canon will be posted sometime in the next few hours. for now, be gifted the story of Toru in the warring states (known as Takumi.)

As always, Not main canon. Though this is as close to a Naruto Fix it fic as I'm likely to get. I just wanted to write Madara and Izuna for a bit.

"Who are you." came the voice behind me. With a jolt, I turned blade coming up in a deceptively loose guard. I paused at seeing another teenager my age, long spiky black hair, red eyes, red and black outfit. He stood back on the new small cliff behind me, looking over the new clearing. The result of me using several Earth and Water techniques. The ground around the edge of the clearing dropped fifteen feet in an unnatural ring, leaving only several shorter wide stone pillars standing in the clearing, and a knee-deep pool of mud and low hanging mist around them. He was taking in the five dead bodies that were visible as they littered the ground and then moved to take in my bloodied arms and side, the Katana in my hands coated with water and dull red stains.

"Who asks?" I replied, voice cracked and worn with exhaustion. I felt out my chakra, trying to conceal a wince as I felt the painful absence of my comforting soul. I had been drained dry. First by the fighting at my camp, then the four day long running battle, pushing me from the islands of Mist to what seemed to be the borders of Fire. I could maybe cast a Kawarimi, but not much else.

The man raised an eyebrow. "I am Madara, of the Uchiha Clan." he called, stepping closer to the gap between us. I almost let the tip of my blade drop, partly in surprise, partly in exhaustion. Uchiha? Madara? I wasn't that crazy then? Living in mist, i couldn't tell what was true but… This changed things.

I slowly lowered my blade, going from blatantly prepared for a fight to passively prepared. "I am Takumi, one of the Last of the Maruboshi Clan. I seek shelter." I called out, hoping beyond hope for him to accept.

He raised an eyebrow. Three tomoe eyes taking in my appearance. I was wearing ragged clothes, a long cloak hung loosely off my left side, my long grey and blue shirt and black hakama beneath it, with makeshift bandoleers and pouches slung across my outfit in a variety of ways, wrapped around legs, waists, chest, hanging from my belt. I also had quite a few bandages crudely applied to stay alive around my side and arms. My right side also held a sheathed blade and a second, empty sheath, belong to the sword I held in hand.

"And what are your intentions for shelter," he called back. I winced as I opened my abused chakra to his to feel his soul and mind, the faint echo of emotion in his tightly held chakra.

Holy shit did he have a lot of chakra.

'Focus Takumi' i blinked, trying to keep my exhaustion from influencing my thoughts, as much as I could. "I seek only rest and recovery. A moment to catch my breath, and to repay my debt when I am healed."

Madara looked at me for a moment longer then nodded.

"Then you are welcome to our fire, Maruboshi-san."

'Thank y-" I blinked as the world began to shift. I focused and cursed. A numb feeling was coming from my side, making my skin and muscles feel itchy.


"Oh, fu-" I blinked and the world went dark as I felt everything tilt.

The last thing I saw was Madara rushing to my side, eyes wide in surprise.

Two years later.

I gritted my teeth, turning Tobirama's rush of water into flickering and insubstantial mist, and pushing it away, focusing as I stomped the ground and sent stone spire twisting between us. To my side, Izuna ushed at Tobirama and I glanced over, twisting and pulling the mist into a long arcing stream to deflect a spear made of stone, sending it past me even as I pushed my chakra into it.

The stone spear that had been sent our way from the clash between Taijima-sama and the Senju Patriarch flickered and twisted into a long dragon, thin and vicious, surface covered in muddied streaks, even as i sent it to begin twisting, as a guard I joined it with three more dragins, two of water, and one of muddied stone fragments that all swirled around me. Given the semblence of life by the flow of my chakra. I could feel them in my senses, parts of me now. I reached for the river that had been dragged through the clearing by Tobirama, and drew forth a cloud of mist that wreathed my form, and threw it like a shroud between me and a sudden wave of flame, a stray blast from the elders duel to my side.
For fuck's sake, all we wanted was to find Madara and get him to come back to camp for dinner! And now the fucking Senju were fighting us!

I flickered my chakra, sending it in a surge, chakra is drawn into the earth as the Dragons fused and dug into the bank of the river, a large Hydra of stone shards, muscles of mud, and skin of dark water crawled around me, taking the brunt of yet another spear of stone. I glanced over and saw the Senju clan head twist and throw another attack at Izuna!

"Fuck!" I twisted, pushing across the field with chakra enhancing my speed, hoping to push Izuna out of its way, when it was intercepted, the familiar form of Madara appearing to reflect it. Across from him, the Senju disengaged as another man Madara's age appearing.

There were words I couldn't make out, far away and distracted by the emotion and chakra pulsing in the clearing as I was. Soon, both clans were retreating, but felt the echoes of dreams through the bonds. A form of regret, and endless determination passing between the two teens who had appeared.

It was hours later when we were safely entrenched back in the camp that I pondered my mad dreams once more. The idea of the two working together, of forming a village. It was a dream, my madness, wasn't it? Regardless,

7 years later

I stood in the shelter of the trees. Watching with a relaxed and emotionless expression as Madara and Hashirama spoke to each other. To my side was Izuna, wounds still bandaged from the close call he had, where i was only barely able to pull him from the path of Hashirama's attack. The following few hours were touch and go, and after a stupid amount of luck, Both he and an exhausted Madara had woken, both with bandages over their eyes from the, frankly stupid fucking eye transfer they had done. I had finally convinced Madara to call off the conflict and retreat. Now, a week later, he and Hashirama were speaking in the clearing between the two clan territories. Izuna, was tense and focused on the conversation before us. Across the clearing I kept getting echoes of emotion from another's chakra, along with the faint impression of Water and Force that I associated with other Suiton users.

That was likely Tobirama

Izuna took a slow breath as Hashirama and Madara talked lowly to each other. Working out the preliminary details of the partnership.

"Izuna, calm down. Even if we do end up joining the Senju, we need to look out for each other."

My words concealed my emotions, the thrill in my veins at seeing things I had dreamed of slowly click and twist into place. I glanced at the tense form of Izuna. There were changes. I could remember, a dying wish, a grieving brother. Rage and mistrust.

I had stuck by his side and barely managed to change the course.

Now to keep it from falling apart.

5 years later

"Sup Tobi-kun." I teased as Tobirama entered his office. He twitched, and I was already a foot to the side as the massive spiraling spear of water slammed through the open window of the Governers office.

"What do you want, Maruboshi," he called out, eyes narrowed.

"Ah, my lord! Keeper of the Tree! Why do you not love me!" I melodramatically called out, clutching my chest and turning away, stepping back in front of the open window.

When the second splash of water came my way, I was already at his side, the flicker of chakra echoing through the room as my illusion vanished in the force of his wave.

"What. Do. You. Want?!" Tobirama growled as he looked at me.

"Oh, I wanted to inform you my dearest friend, my adopted brother, The Hokage, the savior of the southern wall-"

"GET ON WITH IT" Tobirama Senju all but growled as he twitched, apparently eager to strike at me, but unwilling to destroy the cabinet of paperwork behind me.

Huh. He's learning.

"He is coming back to town later tonight from with some of his guards. I suggest you ask him about what he found regarding the southwestern Border, he has a very interesting report."

"What! What did Madara find?" he asked looking angrily at me.

"His story to tell, Governer-sama. But I expect he'll want to get a hunting squad together. Besides that, your Brother is settling in as the northern fortress is finishing up. His forces guard the Northern border well, no problems recently "

I stepped to the side and twisted out the window as Tobirama growled at me, a splash of water following a bunshin out as it jumped away.

Ah, he's far too uptight.

Hey, I bet Izuna is in town!

I focused and spread out my senses, the young village around me flickering in my mind as i let my chakra move outward and flow across my skin, misting in the air around me like fog. I felt a dip from my reserves, but thirty years of training has increased my capacity far beyond what it once was. Though it still paled in compared to either Madara or the Senju Brothers. I had learned how to make use of it better then them for what i use though. Whereas they have overwhelming power, I've been forced to focus on getting the most out of anything i use.

As for Konoha itself. Since the founding, Tobirama had taken the headship of the Senju Clan, and position as the governor of the city. His head for numbers and organization making him an efficient and stable choice for the development and planning. Izuna had taken the Uchiha headship, and a position as head of the police force. His desire for Justice, and his normally kind nature (Particularly compared to Madara) helping greatly with the integration of the Uchiha in the village. Both had originally objected to it when I had suggested that Madara and Hashirama share leadership as heads of Konoha as a whole. The Fire and the Leaves. The All-Consuming Flame, the Ever-Growing Tree.

Anyway, I focused and incanted under my breath the name of the Psuedo-jutsu I was using.

"Touchstone: Perceive"

The cloud of chakra I had formed flickered and then shot out, forming a thin to my senses mist that spread through the village like the tide, flowing out and around houses as it searched for a certain signature.

In minutes I found Izuna, who was in the nearby Uchiha compound working at his desk. Nodding to myself, i slowly twisted my palm, and felt the wave of chakra turn and crest back towards me. As it came to rest against me, i could see it momentarily, a thin glove made of chakra, turning my hand the dark blue I recognized as me, before it was reabsorbed into my body. As always, it tingled slightly, but now I knew where I was going so….


I flickered, leaving the illusion of my silhouette made of mist behind, letting the world blur as i made a three-point travel, from my position to a roof, from the roof to a tall building near the newly built Uchiha compound, and then to the front porch of Izuna's place.

I stepped out of the shunshin without missing a step.

Around me were the curving and wavy border between Senju and Uchiha compounds. they were located at the base of the cliff to the back of the village, each curving out from where they touched like the horns of a bull, the Center of the village in their grasp. The academy and the administration for the village had been established between the two, raised by the Mokuton, carved and designed by the Uchiha minds for security and safety.

I made my way through a well-kept yard to the Clan head of the Uchiha's house and picked the lock to the door with a thread of chakra. Before stepping in.

"IZUNA!" I shouted and grinned as I heard a thud and then a muffled curse.

"Takumi, For fucks sake. How often do I tell you to knock!" Izuna's voice became clearer as he cleared the corner, his pair of Sharingan already spinning as he checked for my illusions. The ring with the Three-pronged axel spinning inside, the counter to his brothers three prongs coming off the wheel.

"Not often enough Izuna," I whined, the grin twitching my lips. "I seem to forget!"

He blinked and deadpanned at me. "Maruboshi Takumi, The Spymaster, The Silent Tide, The Subtle Quake, the Knowing Demon, Forgot?" He grinned. "Why, Whatever would your fans say!"

"Mah, they'd never believe you! My publicity is unhindered by such things as truth and accuracy." I grinned. "I made sure of it."

He sighed and looked at my outfit. The look of a worn mercenary was evident, the act I played as I scouted the continent for the village. I wore worn grey hakama and a leather jacket, along with worn greaves and a dented breastplate. the only obvious weapons I wore were the two katana at my side. while if ought with one, each was special to me, to my dead clan. I didn't use them too often anyway, preferring subtle means. Spymaster was more than just boasting, after all.

"Your room is undisturbed, go clean up while I finish off the paperwork, then I'll debrief you."

"Got it. Talk to you later, chief."

I grinned as I walked off. My dreams may still be there, but for now… For now, I'm content with the dreams I have helped craft.

Now, how to tell Izuna about the fact Madara got hurt by an assassin recently without pissing him off.
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Huh... this concept in of itself could be made into a interesting fic, exspicaly if it's a multi-parter. Like the first part is the Waring clan era, the second either being far in the future to the heavily derailed cannon or the first years of konohana. Anyway it's a bit of a shame this is just a one shot... in my own opinion.
Comparison/ Rookies and Shusho                
  Shusho Toru Naruto Uzumaki Sasuke Uchina Sakura Haruno Shikamaru Nara Rock Lee Negi Hyuuga Tenten (canon)
Taijutsu 4 3 7 3 4 10 10 8
Genjutsu 7 1 5 2 5 2 5 6
Ninjutsu 5 6 7 4 7 2 4 5
Speed 7 7 8 4 4 10 9 7
Strength 4 6 6 2 5 10 4 7
Intelligence 8 4 7 10 10 4 7 9
Stamina 6 10 7 3 6 10 7 6
Chakra Reserves 5 10 6 2 6 5 5 4
Chakra Control 8 2 6 10 8 1 10 7
Total Ability Rank 54/90 49/90 58/90 42/90 55/90 54/90 61/90 59/90
To lay out roughly how Toru compares to some of the rookie nine. Note, a 10 is maxed out on this scale, and are mid-level Chunin ranked or higher. Consider every 10 on the board as adding something close to a +5 to total ability of that person, and this doesn't represent the unique non-recognized skills which help push them all up close to 30-50 points higher when ot comes to actual combat capability.

Also, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Shikamaru are all fresh from the academy in this ranking, while Gai's team is Entrance to Chunin Exams (1 year as Genin).

Good eye, glad I got the message across of where his downsides lie.

Heh Sorry, was that a bit too sharp? I'll hone it down.

One thing. Naruto should be physically stronger then Sasuke due to Uzumaki genes. Unless you feel the big differences only opened up in puberty?
Here's a fun idea: use the cards as homing beacons for chakra strings, so that you can maneuver in the air by grabbing whatever the card is on or in instead of having to actually aim while flying through the air.
Huh, thats a good idea. Using the cards to call your shots.
Oh I really like this idea. I imagine it would look very eerie and similar to Spiderman. Any fun ideas what the name of the technique could be?
I usually name techniques like everything is an Exalted charm, but this one's kind of tricky.

Spider's Thread Meditation maybe?

Threads of Unfurling Wind could work too.
String Tracking Trance?

on Kararimi, we subscribe to the 'high-speed switch' school of thought.

And Toru will weaponize it, but not the way you mentioned. the partial swap does not work/

One thing. Naruto should be physically stronger then Sasuke due to Uzumaki genes. Unless you feel the big differences only opened up in puberty?
It not so much strength that matches them, as it is the use of that strength. and the fact they are both prepubescent applies as well. Sasuke knows how to use his strength better then Naruto, who is physically stronger.
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Empress- 7
Ladies and Gentlemen, and silhouetted audience! I Know I promised Asako this chapter! I'm sorry to say I must break that promise. she just hasn't popped up yet.

I relaxed as Sensei nodded and stood down, ending today's sparring session. The girls also relaxed, Yumi panting slightly, and Kohaku leaning back and drenched in sweat.

Today it had mostly been us against him, Taijutsu and tree walking only. We had gone through a few scenarios over the last few hours, including ambush, evasion, and location guarding. It was the last one that had been the toughest. Even with Jutsu, none of us were really oriented towards the defense of a location. Kohaku could send out flares and mount an offensive, but collateral quickly became an issue. Fire techniques aren't exactly safe or precise.

Yumi and I had a much harder time. My usual style of drawing a fighter into a running fight and forcing them to overextend themselves did not work when up against a wall. Yumi wasn't much better, being able to hold one (or potentially more) enemies only left her open for another to attack her. Neither of us was happy with our performance. Though sensei did mention teaching me another earth jutsu, Doton: Doryūheki, The Earth-style Wall. He explained the basis and mentioned getting a scroll for me to research sooner or later. Being able to manipulate the battlefield is one of the hallmarks of the Earth Jutsu user, after all. For yumi, he had suggested the Electromagnetic Murder technique as a good crowd control measure.

I had been working on crumbling leaves in my spare time, thanks to a suggestion from Sensei. When I asked for an explanation of why he brought up it taught to use an Elemental Chakra and that it would also boost control.

That worked for me, especially since I had already started trying that exercise a few times, though with no real progress yet. So far I had gotten leaves to start to crack around the edges, but not yet crumbling. I knew Yumi had a similar exercise, while Kohaku was much more advanced due to her family training. Apparently, her current training from her family was to make a wooden log burn from the inside out. Which, by the way, was metal as it sounded.

Let me tell you, seeing her place a hand on a log as big as she is, and then see smoke start coming from the top was cool as fuck.

Anyway. Sensei walked me through the first step of using the Earth-Wall, which consists of forcing dirt to lift up in small pillars with your hand. and taught Yumi how to start channeling sparks between her hands, Adam's ladder style before we got back to sparring.

"Alright, that's it for today. Tomorrow is your day off, enjoy it. Yumi, Toru, I'll have your scrolls next time we meet. Kohaku, your progress is going fine, I hope to see you move to the next step in a week or two. Have a good weekend."

He waved as the three of us started heading out, me to Yumi's left, Kohaku to the right.

"We have any set plans for tomorrow? Preferably not shopping?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them as they both tried, and failed, to look innocent.

Two weeks of shopping on our free days in a row were not my idea of a fun time. Even if I had gotten some good deals on metals and raw materials from a merchant or two. Tomorrow I just wanted to go and relax. See a movie, go read a book that isn't a technical manual, or something. Hell, I was keeping an eye out for performers this morning when I passed through the market.

"Nothing on my end," Kohaku replied, before glancing at Yumi.

The Nara let loose 'Hmm' and crossed her arms behind her head. "Nothing planned. Perhaps a day resting would be nice? It's been some time since I went cloud gazing."

"I'd be good with that" I nodded, hands slipping into my pockets and coming out with a long spool of red stained string. A moment of focus and it began to move, the chakra channeled into making it bend to my will as I twisted and formed it, making a long loop that was slowly spinning and twisting around my hands. "Gives me a chance to get some reading in."

Kohaku simply made a noise of agreement, though her mind seems to have wandered off.

Soon we departed, spiting up with plans to meet at the Nara compound tomorrow.

I wrapped the bloodstained string up and headed for home. I had a new idea to try and needed a few deck of charged cards to use it.

I sighed, looking around the back alley at the several piles of dust that used to be a dozen decks of charged cards.

"Alright, one more time, this time with two decks. We have chakra, we have material, now we just need to put them together." I muttered, sighing and flexing my hands, two decks of charged cards in my hands

"Form, focus, visualize." I recited, hands coming together with the decks absently palmed up my sleeves.

'Hare, for hold, Rat, for form, Dragon, for power, Monkey, for freedom, Clone, for shape' I recited mentally hands flowing carefully through the seals.

"Kado Bushin no Jutsu" I called out, hands thrusting forwards as cards flew from my sleeves, being drawn into a shape, first it was just a torso, then slowly, legs, arms, neck, heads and hands, and then with a shimmer, I grinned.

A successful clone stood before me, and it grinned back.

"Now we're making progress." I ran it through a series of test. First was seeing how solid it was, having it lift things. It turned out that physically, it was weak, barely strong enough to move a 5-pound weight. However, it moved like me, twisted and turned like me, cast a shadow like me. Though it fell a bit slower, it could move and climb walls like me. It couldn't talk, sadly, but I wasn't expecting that. But what was interesting was when I tried to damage it, it tried to reform. First, was just me punching it, and as my fist passed through it, the cards were disturbed. the moment my hand left its space, however, it quickly refolded and seemed to henge back to what it was supposed to look like.

Subsequent attempts to hurt it slowly caused parts of it to fall apart and begin to turn to dust, the cards making up its form falling apart as they drained of chakra. Eventually the last of it just seemed to collapse, leaving crumbled and destroyed paper shreds.


I reached down and grabbed a half-dissolved card.


Like earth chakra… I focused and channeled earth chakra through the card, seeing it slowly begin to crumble and break apart into dust in my hands. Was my affinity causing a problem? If my chakra naturally applied a low-level amount of earth chakra, but my jutsu generally needed unaligned chakra. That could be the source of some of my problems. Too much element to successfully use a technique.

I need to look into this in the future.

I pulled my notebook and made notes on the jutsu and my new discoveries, before heading inside to grab a broom and sweep and burn the remains of the cards.

Leave no trace and all that.

Yumi sighed as she left the house, her mother had been… not so silently disapproving of her plan to laze about with her team for tomorrow. She fully expected that when her dad got home it was likely that he would take her side. She was planning to go and get permission from Shikaku-sama before her parents got the bright idea of making a fuss about it to the clan. She knocked on the door of the clan head and waited politely before Yoshino-sama opened the door.

"Good afternoon Yumi-kohai, how are you today."

"Greetings Yoshino-sama, I am doing well. I was planning to invite my genin teammates to join me in relaxing tomorrow, would you be averse to letting the guards put them on the list of allowed guests?"

"Of course Yumi, that's Toru Shusho and Kohaku Shimo, correct?" at Yumi's confirmation Yoshino smiled. "Now, why don't you come in, talk to me and my family about how being a Genin is coming along."

Yumi felt a spark of relief in her at not having to go back to her mother yet. "Of course, Yoshino-sama."

She happily spent the next few hours chatting with Yoshino, and for a while at one point Shikaku, over tea, feeling the stress and anxiety being around her mother an father caused loosen and drain from her shoulders.

Behind watchful eyes, Yoshino felt her heart cry out for the members of her husband's clan. She wished she could help more then she did. perhaps meeting her young step-cousins Genin team could give her options...

She had heard that Kohaku and Toru were both observant... Yes, if Toru Shusho was anything like his grandfather in temperament, all she had to do was... introduce them to Yumi's family and prod them to explore.

That protective streak would do the rest.
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No, I mean that I don't really want a shipping and that the shipping idea stays in her head.

Ahhh. yeah, this isn;t so much 'love is in the air' as it is 'Really loyal to friends and family.' as in ' My teammate is in an abusive houshold-> Ice cold rage and focus tat causes a diplomatic incident.

As i've mentioned before, Romance/ shipping is not gonna be a thing.
...I think that was more 'teammates protect teammates from overbearing parents' than anything romantic on Yoshino's part.
Yep. this. Kosuke Maruboshi is a loyal and Dangerous and old Ninja. in Yoshino's eyes. of Toru picked up even a fraction of that (newsflash, he did) then when Toru learns of Yumi's home life, things will go from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye
So your problem is that your earth nature is causing a problem with the jutsu?

How I thought earth chakra would do well and strengthen the cards since earth is an element of solids.

Well at least you learn that you can make things turn to dust in a way you learned a new justsu
So your problem is that your earth nature is causing a problem with the jutsu?

How I thought earth chakra would do well and strengthen the cards since earth is an element of solids.

Well at least you learn that you can make things turn to dust in a way you learned a new justsu
He doesn't want solid. He wants ephemeral, cards brushed aside by attacks instead of damaged.
I think you mean "splitting up," here. Not spiting. Spite seems inappropriate. So does "spitting," which is the other possible way this could have been typo'd.

Behind watchful eyes, Yoshino felt her heart cry out for the members of her husband's clan. She wished she could help more then she did. perhaps meeting her young step-cousins Genin team could give her options...

She had heard that Kohaku and Toru were both observant... Yes, if Toru Shusho was anything like his grandfather in temperament, all she had to do was... introduce them to Yumi's family and prod them to explore.

That protective streak would do the rest.
That's...ominous. What's wrong with this family that a protective streak is needed?

Why is he making the card-clones? They seem harder for him, more expensive to make, and less useful than shadow-clones. Or can he not make those, and I am misremembering him doing so before?
Seriously who is Toru's grandfather, for someone who stayed genin he sure is respected and known by an awful lot of people
Toru's grandfather is the Eternal Genin. He's not a Genin because he's weak or unskilled, he just refused to be promoted due to, in his mind, getting his team killed due to fooling around.

Toru's Grandfather is Jounin level, abd specializes in subterfuge and trickery, and tricks people into thinking just what you said: "How could someone who's been a Genin his whole career be any good?"
Huh Card clones, now Toru just needs something like Konans paper transformation only with cards and hes set. Im pretty sure he would know about Konans techniques and it would be a goal to work towards since afaik it isn't some kind of bloodline which means it should be reproducible. But since it was never shown just how she did all the paper stuff he would have to start from square one while only knowing that its somehow possible.