...No? I mean, the only thing I heard was rare is wind, since as far as its stated the only users of that in Konoha besides Naruto are Danzo and Asuma. Beyond that the first Hokage has both water and earth (plus the craziness known as wood), the second is one of the most powerful water users known to man, and the third Hokage has a penchant towards earth as far as I know. and beyond that Toru's gramps has a water affinity. I thought it was just the fact that fire is the most common, the wind is the least, all the others are some form of average. like I could see water being a bit less common due to the level of fire, but I don't remember hearing anything about water being the rarest.

Edit: NINJA'D!:ninja::ninja::ninja:

Maybe water is rare in Konoha since they are in the land of fire. Aside from the second Hokage and someone like Kakashi and Yamato I have not seen any Water specific users in Konoha.

Tough this is interesting the SI has Water and Earth, if he does potentially learn sage mode in the future do you think he can learn Moukton. From what I know Wood Style needs a lot of vitality or it doesn't work and if you have enough vitality and control to even learn sage mode I am pretty sure the SI can potentially learn Moukton.

But then again this is not a wood theme story and the SI combat style is focused on him tricking his opponents with cards, chakra strings, and deception. I can't wait to see how things unravel once we get to canon.
since as far as its stated the only users of that in Konoha besides Naruto are Danzo and Asuma.
Which is bloody weird.

Sometimes it seems the village has like half a hundred ninja, sometimes it's like it has a hundred times that.

It sounds statistically unlikely that there are three ninja with Wind affinity in all Konoha. Not considering the amount of kids per class, and the amount of classes per year.
Which is bloody weird.

Sometimes it seems the village has like half a hundred ninja, sometimes it's like it has a hundred times that.

It sounds statistically unlikely that there are three ninja with Wind affinity in all Konoha. Not considering the amount of kids per class, and the amount of classes per year.
Three Overpowered Ninja with Wind Affinity. Considering Wind sinergize easily with Fire, probably all those Konoha mooks who make big fire actually had Wind Affinity which they use to leverage their Fire Jutsu.
On Shinobi Populations and Elemental affinities.
@RBomber @TotallyNotEvil

Hmm.... good points you two. Since we need some numbers, let work this out.

For our Shinobi forces in the grand scheme of things, Let's say that Konoha has about 13,000 active and serving shinobi. that breaks down to about 4,000 genin, 6,000 Chunin, 1,000 special jonin, 2,000 Jonin. only a 10 percent come from Konohagakure, the rest are recruited as an apprentice or in smaller groups outside, trained, and come to join Konoha forces in the late teens the early twenties. the Konoha academy (and its various counterparts) are orient more towards training future Jonin and officers. Your average 'Shuriken throwing nobody' is ranked maybe genin to lower end chuunin. Those who rise above that usually become Special Jonin, no higher. Prodigys, rare as they are outside Konohagakure, do happen though, and they end up in the ranks of Jonin.

Of that 13,000, about 500 (Chuunin Plus) are permanently assigned in Administrative roles in Konoha (running the Library, the Archives, the History, and the Hokage office.) Another 1000 or so are Anbu/Hunter/T&I/Intelligence operatives, many of whom also work out of Konoha but embark on long ops that can take months/ years. there's another 1,500 (roughly equal parts Genin and Chuunin) who are also regularly stationed in Konoha as both standing army and defense force. another 3,000 (Chuunin teams lead by Jonin)on a regular border patrol and watch and another 2,000 (Mostly genin squads led by Chunin officers) as a police/national guard style force (Acting more as detectives and SWAT-style support then day to day policing). Remember, Konoha is fairly large, and centrally placed. Border patrols, in general, are fairly small, but there's a lot of them.

Beyond that, there are also various other bases throughout the land of fire, some of them mere bunkers, others listening posts or supply depots, you know, infrastructure. let's say that's another 1000 or so each of genin and Chunnin, with a handful of Jonin in charge just to keep things nice and even.

The Last 3000 or so unaccounted for ninja are the ones you see. they take missions, deal with customers, guard transports and are hired out. They are scattered across the elemental continent at any one time, with roughly half in the actual and of fire for any moment, either just off a mission or about to go on one. about a third of that (a good 1K) is based out of Konohagakure, under the Hokage's direct command, though only about a 5th are regular in town at any one time. Toru and most of the Jonin/Genin squads are part of that. simply because they are one of the most visible parts of the system.

The reasons for why things like Orochimaru's Sand/Sound attack were so devastating is that is was designed to be multiple large targets, surrounded by squads of skirmishers. Orochimaru used multiple Summons, surprise attacks, and sabotage, and a fair amount of collateral damage to cause as big of a hassle as he did while taking advantage fo the fact that Konoha was spread thinly on the ground during the exams.

Now for affinity part of this. In this story, Fire affinities are either the primary element or the only element in about 40 % of the Konoha forces, a little over 5,000 ninjas.

Earth is dominant for about 15%

and Lighting is around the same at 15%

Water is a bit more common at 20%

Wind is the dominant affinity in only about 5%, or roughly 600, of the ninja. of those 600, only about 40 are jonin, and of those 40, only 10 could be called Wind Ninjutsu masters. only 3 of those ten are in Konoha. Danzo, Asuma, and (eventually) Naruto. The other seven are posted elsewhere in the land of fire. So When Kakashi Talks about Asuma being the only Wind user in Konoha, it can be taken as Asuma is the only Wind user who can teach you in the village. Danzo is untrustworthy, the rest aren't skilled/strong enough. Wind does pop up as a secondary or gets developed to help support Fire users, but sole wind affinity in Konoha is rare.

Another 5% have stranger natural primary affinities more in line with Either Yang, or Yin, or some bloodline effect. Of these, only about 1% currently focus and develop these (medic, Genjutsu specialists, so on) though they do get developed from secondary affinities as well, boosting the number of those who specialize in such.

Make sense? did i fuck up a number somewhere? let me know!
Some of the examples of how you could do this was using chakra levels as glowing halo's, seeing chakra types as a variety of colors, smelling past uses of chakra by their natures, and hearing sounds or music when chakra is being used. Interesting stuff.
So, chakra synesthesia. Neat.


Which is bloody weird.

Sometimes it seems the village has like half a hundred ninja, sometimes it's like it has a hundred times that.

It sounds statistically unlikely that there are three ninja with Wind affinity in all Konoha. Not considering the amount of kids per class, and the amount of classes per year.
This is one of those things that canon is just wildly inconsistent on. How many people actually live in Konoha? How many ninja are there? In the last arc, there are thousands of them running around, but Naruto's class at the academy graduated 27 students and only nine of them passed their jonin tests to continue on rather than go back to the academy. Zabuza was said to have killed a hundred, a whole year's worth of students, but they would have been expected to cut that number by half with their "everybody fights a duel to the death to graduate" policy anyway, plus the high attrition rate of Mist in general.

Fanon tries to resolve this with things like a "genin corps" where there are a ton of less promising characters graduating in the background who never get a jonin sensei and just get the ninja equivalent of dead end office jobs for their whole careers. It certainly makes more sense than Kishimoto's approach, which never explained where all of these thousands of random ninja come from when the total annual output the biggest village's academy is in the single digits and nobody is mentioned graduating more than a few dozen.
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Hm... I wonder if Toru can do the wood element. I mean he's a konoha nin with both of the base elements... and for all we knew some people slept around.
Hm... I wonder if Toru can do the wood element. I mean he's a konoha nin with both of the base elements... and for all we knew some people slept around.
It was such a big honking deal that it was rare, though, that it'd feel pretty contrived I think. I mean, technically there ought to be some Sharingan scattered around because people fuck, but that doesn't make random Sharingan powers for random characters any less bs.
hmm....Mud clones might be useful?
with a muddy battlefield that they can absorb to heal from....
potentially being deep enough to burrow around in...
More on Wind Elements.

So far, the most succesfyl use of Wind Elements we watch usually used as enhancement elements (sharpen your blade, enhance your jutsu, gave your Non-Elemental Jutsu extra 'oomph'), so it's more likely that Wind Jutsu, on account on manipulating air and air-related properties, is kinda hard to train other as enhancement. For example, using it as blade sounds awesome, but without crazy spatial awareness you got into problems that makes lightsaber impractical to use in current RL: You can't feel the blade, so you risk injured yourself when using it carelessly. And for most people, 'using it carelessly' is one step into Mastery, on account 'learning from mistake'. With other elements, you can usually see it cominh. It's kinda hard to do with Wind, on accouny on being, well, Wind.

They make good support Jutsu though. 'Move like a Wind', indeed.
Hm... I wonder if Toru can do the wood element. I mean he's a konoha nin with both of the base elements... and for all we knew some people slept around.
Afaik the wood release was a bloodline ability that the first Hokage had, so unless Toru is secretly a descendant of Hashirama and it skipped a few generations he wont ever get it.
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Afaik the wood release was a bloodline ability that the first Hokage had, so unless Toru is secretly a descendant of Hashirama and it skipped a few generations he wont ever get it.

Does Wood Release even qualify as a bloodline, though? Because other than Hashirama, nobody ever had it naturally. Hashi cells gave it to Yamato, Danzo, and Tobi, and the Shinju let Madara (and presumably the Sage of Six Paths while he was the Shinju Jinchuriki) use it, plus the Zetsus being more or less part of the Shinju and Orochimaru taking one of them over, but neither his ancestors nor his descendants ever possessed it.

Combined with the fact that he's also the only ever Human Sage, and it suggests to me that the Wood Release was more of a one-off aberrance, something to do with Hashirama being born with an abnormally deep connection to nature or even some level of innate ability to process natural chakra (I mean, the man had a combat-viable healing factor, that's clearly something funky going on.)
Does Wood Release even qualify as a bloodline, though? Because other than Hashirama, nobody ever had it naturally. Hashi cells gave it to Yamato, Danzo, and Tobi, and the Shinju let Madara (and presumably the Sage of Six Paths while he was the Shinju Jinchuriki) use it, plus the Zetsus being more or less part of the Shinju and Orochimaru taking one of them over, but neither his ancestors nor his descendants ever possessed it.

Combined with the fact that he's also the only ever Human Sage, and it suggests to me that the Wood Release was more of a one-off aberrance, something to do with Hashirama being born with an abnormally deep connection to nature or even some level of innate ability to process natural chakra (I mean, the man had a combat-viable healing factor, that's clearly something funky going on.)
It probably is some kind of one off mutation together with his healing factor. But it had to be genetic, or at least whatever counts as genetic in the narutoverse, because everyone who got some of Hashiramas cells from whatever source could do the wood release.

So no wood release for Toru unless he gets experimented on or starts to eat people who have it.
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What do you mean by that? Jiraya was a sage along with Kabuto,Naruto etc
I think it means he's self taught instead of getting taught by some summons clan.

Speculation follows:

So, Sage techniques contain an 'essence' of their origin. You can see it best in Jiraiya; he's not a full-fledged Sage, so when he goes into Sage Mode, he gets all warty because he can't balance the natural chakra against his own and thus ends up with 'essence of toad' showing through.

I don't know exactly how much of the whole 'Orochimaru did SCIENCE! to himself' stuff is fanon and how much is canon, but given his general complexion, flexibility, and the eyes and tongue thing, and the 'turns into a giant snake' thing, I'd say it's a fairly solid bet he willingly took a certain level of 'essence of snake' into himself, for the benefits it provides.

And here's the thing: it does provide benefits. Jiraiya has those oil techniques, right? They're toad-based. We see, in the course of Naruto's sage training, him learning to be still and accept the natural energy flowing into him, but more than that, the whole philosophy of the Toad Clan is about wisdom, calm and understanding. The snakes, by contrast, are vicious, combative, deceitful, etc. Toad Senjutsu is strength, stamina, and a boost to ninjutsu power - inner fortitude and strength turned into outer fortitude and strength. We don't see Snake Senjutsu, but I'd lay a solid bet it'd be agility and speed rather than stamina and strength.

You can see it in their methodologies for learning Senjutsu, even. The toads rub you in oil which draws natural chakra to you, and stand watch with a stick that drives all the natural chakra out of you if you start losing control and turning to stone, while the White Snake Sage will just bite you and inject a big burst of natural chakra, and you sink or swim. And if you sink, he eats you.

So we have Orochimaru, who is a cunning, vicious plotter and assassin, so self-centered that he chose power and immortality over his village (bearing in mind that everyone in a ninja village is more or less indoctrinated from birth) and everyone who loved him, and Jiraiya, who is (despite the perversion) a man who has gone through war, the loss of both his teammates (in different ways) and a whole host of horrors, but come out the other side with a grin on his lips still hoping for a better future of peace.

I don't think it's coincidence that their psychological traits match so closely with the methodology of their Senjutsu school. I think, in fact, given Senjutsu is such a spiritual exercise, that it's probably a requirement.

Human Sage Mode, then, almost certainly requires a deep and intimate understanding of your own self and the human condition - or, in other words, you have to achieve enlightenment and acceptance like the Buddha. Or, you know, you can just naturally process nature chakra. I know which one I think is more likely; though, to be fair, Hashi's general carefree attitude could be indicative of an underlying wisdom of the 'profound simplicity' sort.

EDIT: Though yes, Human Sage Mode is self-taught. Kind of has to be, really.
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I really liked the idea that using sage mode as a human required a fuinjutsu array on the body to gather it as shown in Kill Your Heroes fanfiction. It would explain why Hashirama has those tattoos appear when he uses it as they could be a fuinjutsu array that only shows up when active. Also the fuinjutsu array not needing the user to meditate to gather the natural chakra makes sense in this case too as Hashirama turns it on and off without any seeming effort on his part in canon when we see him fighting Madara in the past flashbacks.
It probably is some kind of one off mutation together with his healing factor. But it had to be genetic, or at least whatever counts as genetic in the narutoverse, because everyone who got some of Hashiramas cells from whatever source could do the wood release
Yeah genetics are really weird and hard to understand in this setting.
Hmm, just read the whole story and I have to ask, where the hell is Tenten? I expected some adorkable interactions, dammit!
Hmm, just read the whole story and I have to ask, where the hell is Tenten? I expected some adorkable interactions, dammit!
Still in the academy for another year, I believe. Maybe two; it's been a little while, so I'm slightly fuzzy on the timeline of how this relates to canon and whether the SI graduated two years or three years before Team 7.
Hmm, just read the whole story and I have to ask, where the hell is Tenten? I expected some adorkable interactions, dammit!
Still in the academy for another year, I believe. Maybe two; it's been a little while, so I'm slightly fuzzy on the timeline of how this relates to canon and whether the SI graduated two years or three years before Team 7.
One of her teammates is an aloof genius from respected bloodline with cold disposition and even colder shoulder, her other teammates is obsessed training nuts, and her sensei is even worse. Do you think she had times for... 'trivialities'?