Being a ninja seems like the only way to surviving. Can you imagine a merchant you living thought the Almighty Push of Pain? I mean, even as a ninja your chances of getting unscratched are slim. with a feeble civilian body? Also, naruto plot doesn't really care about the civilian people's lives much except for the plot relevant people such as Ichiraku Teuchi and Ayame.

Also, with assassination being a legitimate business in the ninja villages, chances are high that one of your rivals would hire one to kill you. Don't say they don't accept assassinations either because they do accept them. They are mostly done in behind the scenes so Naruto could be aired and be watched by the little children too but the acceptable morality of the Naruto series doesn't respect human life much like 21. century society. I don't want to turn this thread into morality debate but being anything but a ninja in a setting like this would be a highway to be defenseless against assassinations.
Defecting to Orochimaru would, at best, end up with you becoming canon fodder and a spare sacrifice to use for Edo Tensei, at worst, you would be nothing more than an experiment subject. Not an experiment that would give you an artificial bloodline or something that would give you I win button either. Just a minor experiment to get data to use on someone more important than you.
Even if you could go high as you get, Orochimaru would brand you with a piece of his own soul that would twist your mind to a mockery of yourself.

Being a bounty hunter while being less than an A-rank in strength would end up with you dead by the other hunters. They don't want rivals and the missing-nins you can hunt are rare since their former village's hunter-nin division are also hunting the same guys.

For keeping track of the canon, you don't have to befriend Naruto or the other rookies. Just sit on a stool on Ichiraku ramen and listen while you are slurping your pork ramen. Or enter the ninja bar and order a drink while listening other ninja gossips about their genins.

About changing the morals of the setting... It is just a pipe dream for the Naruto setting. the people of this world are too ingrained in their ways to change because you said so. Hokage is not a president, he is a dictator. The civilian council doesn't really have that much power either. They are there to show an illusion of power for the rest of the civilian populace created by the second Hokage. All powerful civilian council is just fanon. they are there to bring the problems from the civilians to the Hokage's attention. Those SI's who go around befriending canon cast and influencing them to be more moral are only alive because the author makes them. You are living in a god damn ninja village. They not only know about manipulation way better than you could ever be but also they don't have silly notions such as your 21. century morals to get in the way of breaking you to share your knowledge.
With the first sign you show about knowing things you shouldn't, they would slap you to the chair and torture you to find out how you know and how much you know. If torture doesn't work they always can mind-rape you with Yamanaka people. Secrets are secrets for a reason in a ninja village.
If you are going to live and survive in a world like Naruto, you must leave silly notions such as your morals. Most of the genins kill at least one person before they reach the age of 13 for goodness sake. changing the morals pf the world? The better man then you tried and the last one was Madara.

Sorry if this came out as a little harsh but stop daydreaming. If you want that kind of story, there are lots of them in if you know where to look. Again, don't want to start a morality debate here.

Who's talking about morals? Also like I said. You people then to think small when it comes to writing a story.
I am going to wait for a few chapters but the second this character starts going around friending every single important character or Naruto am dropping this hard.

Can't stand that kind of SI stories and sadly every single damn Naruto story is always the same. Regrettable but then again finding a writer brave enough to ignore that is hard.

I don't care about Naruto at all, he is an orphan tough luck. Thousands of other orphans around and I dont see your SI giving a shit about them.

Helping Neji? Why the fuck for? His dad died and his mad? Again check Konoha there should be a couple hundred others feeling the same and we don't see them making such a big drama out of it.

Instead of focusing on your character and finding him a specialty you are focusing too damn much on canon characters and how you will friendship them so hard that they will orgasm about you. Like others said move from that overused plot blackhole and write your story about your character doing his awesome stuff becoming a great shadowy ninja that kicks ass and takes names and de-rails the plot lines because you can and its fun.

Sell information about the obnoxious jinchurriki of Konoha to other villages to see how that goes.

Has anyone here seen a story taking place in the [past where the OC or SI goes to Rain after Jiraiya leaves and kills those three kids he trains for the hack BS eyes? No, sadly I haven't.

A story of someone beating Minato to the "punch" and sealing the Kyuubi and simply leaving Konoha and everyone wondering what the hell just happened? Again I have not.

I only see OC-SI becoming friends to Naruto and helping him out of a "sad" situation. ugh nauseating.
Sell information about the obnoxious jinchurriki of Konoha to other villages to see how that goes.
Suuuuuure. And then somehow, 3 days later, you are found dead somehow. Cause of death (pick one): falling from ledge and break your neck while you drunk, you got food poisoning from seafood, you got food poisoning from fugu, heart attack when do fun stuff, killed by bandit, or just plain gone without trace.

I mean, those are practically open secret, more or less. That just prove you are greedy, cannot be trusted, and idiot.
Has anyone here seen a story taking place in the [past where the OC or SI goes to Rain after Jiraiya leaves and kills those three kids he trains for the hack BS eyes? No, sadly I haven't.
That's very... Danzo, if I said so. :V
A story of someone beating Minato to the "punch" and sealing the Kyuubi and simply leaving Konoha and everyone wondering what the hell just happened? Again I have not.
That smells, no, reeks Gary Stu.
I don't care about Naruto at all, he is an orphan tough luck. Thousands of other orphans around and I dont see your SI giving a shit about them.

Helping Neji? Why the fuck for? His dad died and his mad? Again check Konoha there should be a couple hundred others feeling the same and we don't see them making such a big drama out of it.
To be fair, we don't see much of interaction with others. The POV focused on current problem child of this POV batch.

I mean, he already said he can't really help them with anything right now.

Also, his reason of (kind of) sticking to Naruto simply because the chance of not being some red-stained shirt during the next big conflict. I reckon that as pretty valid.
I only see OC-SI becoming friends to Naruto and helping him out of a "sad" situation. ugh nauseating.
Hey, being empathetic to others is part of what makes us human. I mean, sure, it's not really work clean 100%, but except you find yourself pure psychopath is kinda hard to being a mean on principle, without some kind of trigger.
Uh, the writer already said the SI was just going to check up on/in with Naruto to keep track of the timeline/current events/stations of canon. He's explicitly laying low while aiming for Chunin by the start of canon, and seems to be doing his own thing.

Eager to see where this goes.
Annoyed Q&A mk-1
Okay, I've got a full nights sleep and-

Huh. That's a lot of replies...


Huh. I'm going to cut this off here then.

Okay, people, I get it, you have opinions, and honestly, i love seeing you express them, I like the feedback. However, I feel like your derailing my thread. So I'm going to answer some of these questions and cut this off at the knees.
Will SI befriend Naruto and gang?
Not really. He wants to keep an eye on them for information purposes and to keep track of any major butterfly's that he might have unintentionally caused.
Will he defect from Konoha/ go crazy/ Sell information. bounty hunter?
No. Nothing of that sort will happen until the Chunin Exams, at the absolute earliest. Konoha is currently his safest place to be. There's no major corruption/civil war/strict military protocol/ Economic collapse that's going to toss him to the dogs. the preaching of teamwork means he has time and support o get himself trained to a survivable point and figure out his bag of tricks. He also has the most information that's relevant to Konoha and knows most of its current dangers.
Why does he care about the Canon Characters?
Information. He knows them, even only partially, and knows they have a rather high level of importance. Most of them are heirs to clans, and that means that politically, they are important. he does care about some of their issues (Negi's hate, Sasuke's thirst for revenge) but not enough to get involved. he might deal with that if it becomes a problem, but for now, he knows that they're issues. He also is a bit empathetic, and so he sorts of muses about it on occasion. but like he said, he isn't going to pull the shounen protag fists of friendship anytime soon.
Go steal Magic eyeballs/object of powers/MacGuffins/ ecterea
No. For a few reasons. First off, I'm severely underpowered to take on anyone like Pein/Itachi/Akatsuki/etcetera. Secondly, I'm trying for a natural progression of skills and abilities. Learning new tricks takes time, and that's something he only has so much of. he's focused on refining skills, of picking up as many useful tricks as he can and getting to a point where he can hold his own long enough to escape a fight.
he's also slowly developing his own style, and the idea of relying on a MacGuffin just... doesn't sit well with him.
Why When/where now. Konoha's boring/Overused.
Well for a few reasons, first off, I agree that Konoha is overused, and I don't plan to spend too much time here for most of the story. but Konoha is a Known Quantity. It instantly gives you an idea of the culture and people there. friendly, somewhat sociable, civilian heavy. You know who the Kage is, who the Ninja are, there's a million and one bits of information that you can get just from saying. "Oh, he's from Konoha." What starts changing that is the modifiers. "He's a civilian born." "Specializes in deception and misdirection." "Is out of the village on a mission to -Blank-" "No bloodline" and so on and so forth. There are another dozen descriptors for this story in particular that change "Meh, he's from Konoha" to "Holy shit, this guy came from the Treehuggers? How did that happen?"

TL: DR I like the enthusiasm, but tone down the arguments a bit, please?
If having too much chakra makes chakra control harder does having too little make it much easier? Sakura for example always had an easy time with chakra control which I think was because she had very little chakra.

It seems that starting off as a medic nin is thee route to power for people of low chakra levels. Any sort of biological self-augmentation is going to require you to be a medical ninja in addition to whatever else you are for example.

Also of note: When Sauske kills Danzo he leaves the body behind. As far as I know that is the most perfect opportunity for some rando to have covert access to a body with hashirama cells. That would be your one shot as getting mokuton.
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I think it might be better/more believable to have him get his blood type tested (part of the initial checkups?) and later find out that he's the wrong type to get Sasuke's OP!PlsNerf!Magic BS eyeballs. Not relying on a MacGuffin doesn't really apply when it's this freaking powerful and versatile and you're in a death world.

Better still, you might mention or notice or guess that ANBU stealthily watch the sole remaining member of the second most powerful/noteworthy clan in history, whose strength is based upon their inheritable bloodline... That, and the logistics of getting Sasuke alone, and having his eye successfully transplanted, and escaping before the Hyuuga/anyone finds out, then having to cope with the massive chakra cost and loss of depth perception when not using it...

Have him consider the path that could grant God-like power but be cautious, afraid, realistic, and eventually give up on it or something. Not because it would be relying on something else. He does that every time he uses a weapon, or his fancy sleeves.
Fool- 5
Damn, Day four of consecutive uploads! I think I've impressed myself. Alright, today we begin to see exactly how skilled out young Ninja has become with three years of practice, and a rather admirable work ethic.


It had been a few weeks since I baffled Asako, and while she hasn't bugged me since, she does keep glancing at me out of the corner of the eye whenever I do coin tricks. I would think she's a fangirl, there's plenty in the class, but she hasn't shown any of the traits I've come to expect. No blushing, not stammering or constantly watching, just a higher level of interest. I would go out on a limb and say she's trying to figure out my tricks, and so every time I notice her looking, I repeat the trick I used on her the first time.

Each time I see her frown slightly, definitely intrigued and annoyed.

Maybe it's my time spent working on deception, and maybe I'm just that much of an asshole, but I can work with this.

"With the ramifications of the defeat at the border of Grass and Fire country-"

I'm currently sitting in class. I don't have Iruka or Mizuki teaching for my grade, but I do have an older sort of burned out teacher, Mono Daisa. He's not from a clan as far as I know, but he had a fairly stable, if boring, career. Genin at 12, three tries in the exams for Chunin at 17, a teacher at 22, and now still teaching at 34. I looked up his records, and it was mostly B and C ranks. He's old but he knows his stuff, and even if he doesn't seem to have much drive, he knows what we'll listen too, and what we won't.

I'm idly listening as he expounds on a rather in-depth examination of the losses of the second shinobi war and how it changed the political landscape. And how it lead to the build up for the third war.

"-which lead the second Mizukage to-"

Most of its boring, but he's following the books close enough that it's nothing really new, I've read ahead for the week already.

"-and so we can see how the trade embargo-"

I've so far been splitting my attention between him and the coin I keep using chakra on, trying to move it with the leaf balancing exercise without touching it. This was one of the fundamentals of the chakra control book I had been reading recently, and the basis for a few more interesting applications. Due to the coins lack of organic matter, it's resistant to chakra manipulation, but occasionally I get a short flicker of movement, the coin sliding an inch or two in one direction or the other. I remember a few stories where Naruto learns to weaponize the tree climbing technique, and ideas that it's the basis of Tsunade Senju's super taijutsu. I'm not aiming for that though, due to reserves and my control, I'm never going to be anything close to a medic, or Naruto's powerhouse BS. Instead, I was thinking of something else, throwing faster senbon being the more immediate idea bouncing around my head.

"Shusho, what was the name of the general for the Wind forces at the battle of Archways."

"General in command was Daichi Moto, he died in combat and passed his mantle to his subordinate, puppet master Ebizo." I spoke out, eyes never leaving the coin on the table, watching as I got a half spin out of it.

"Correct. Now after the transfer-"

In my three-plus years of the academy, I've grown fond of senbon, even though they're not really on the curriculum aside from a passing mention. The main reason is that they're light and subtle enough that I can palm them and throw fast. Shuriken are also a useful weapon, particularly once I got the hang of bending them around things, but to throw them requires a bit of a larger exaggerated motion, same with Kunai. Senbon are stealthy, though, and far, far quieter. I can use shuriken and kunai regardless, the wider motions perfect to conceal a drop or palming a weapon, such as senbon.

If I'm going to be a ninja, I'm going to BE A FUCKING NINJA. Not to say I won't try to build some ninjutsu skills, but I'm focusing on stealth and misdirection for now. Figure if I can get some slightly flashy but rather direct Jutsu, and pair them with a senbon and poison in an off hand, then I should be a bit better off. Especially with my civilian reserves. Early on when I first realized I was embarking on an uphill battle, I briefly considered hunting for a MacGuffin. A few months of trying to realistically plan out a way to go about acquiring some form of bloodline later, I stopped considering it. I decided the payoff wasn't worth the effort or consequences. If I stumble across some sort of useful samples, I'll take them, maybe even use them for something, but I doubt I'll run around with a Sharingan or anything anytime soon… though if I do, acquire a MacGuffin, then I'll probably seal it as a trump card. And by that, I mean it stays secret until I'm on the edge of certain death.

Anyway, still have a bit more than a year and a half before I'm expected to make genin, and three years after that to work my ass off before Naruto and the rookies get to make genin.

I gathered my things as the class wound down and, when we were finally dismissed, I took off.

As I passed through the academy gates I considered my plans for the afternoon. On one hand, I could head to the library and continue my research, but I was getting tired of sitting in the underground room. It was a nice day, the sun was shining…

Flip a coin time! Heads for library/tails for practical. The coin goes up, I let it settle… Tails it is!

I set course for a lesser used throwing range nearby, open to Academy students, yes, but just far enough away to make the other students less likely to show up. I particularly like this training ground, Number 19, for its throwing range, instead of a dummy or a post, it's an actual range, somewhat like a shotgun range. A long counter and large square boards with targets staggered backward. It's a popular favorite with genin and chunin to get basic movements and experimentation down. I've seen plenty who use it to toss around kunai and shurikens, usually checking the quality of weapons and practicing drawing speed. However, that's weekends when genin teams are off for a day or when chunin have free time. Today's a Tuesday, and it's not even five o'clock yet, the training ground is deserted when I get there, which is fine with me. And since it's empty, I do believe it's time to set up at the range.

I've been using it to practice what I affectionately have taken to calling my 'Bar Tricks'.

Interesting shots that are designed to impress, to draw the eyes. They're opportunity makers, a chance to pick a pocket or poison someone. My current favorite trick I've succeeded with is the Smokers Bane. I set up a fake cigarette and spent three weeks trying to cut the tip off with a shuriken from ten meters away while having the shuriken return to me. Then I did the same with playing cards. And curving shuriken, especially making them turn horizontal halfway through, is a bitch to get right. The cards were way easier, the flatter and lighter shape letting it curve back to me.

For today, I was working on something else. I had the idea down, today was a day for ingraining it into my muscles and getting it to reflexive motions.

I opened three small boxes that looked like pencil cases and spilled a hundred senbon out of each on the table before the targets. Besides them, I start lining up stacks of blank ryo coins, made of a low-quality copper/iron alloy, and without any markings, they weren't money, but they were the right size, weight, and shape to perform tricks with. And I wouldn't have to worry about wasting money or breaking laws by damaging legal currency. I stacked them three high in each little row.

Prep work finished, I took a deep breath, listening to the world around me. My head tilted slightly as I took in what I could without sight… hmmm. Interesting. I opened my eyes and flicked my hands out in a snapping motion, fingers loosening up.

I started slow, palming three blanks and three senbon. I toss the coins up and at the target, before flicking my other hand up and jerking it three times, trying to pin them to the five-meter target with a trio of single senbon.

"Two hits, one miss. Damn," I looked at the blank coin with the senbon embedded in it that lay in the ground. "Again."

Palm the coins, flick them up, senbon in motion. Hit all three, but one senbon was off target.

Again, but two misses

Then only one miss.

And then "Three for three."

But the next is only two.

Then two.

Then three

And on and on it goes.

When I get the motion down, I work on ingraining it as a muscle memory, trying to burn the motion into my mind, my nerves. I start palming and throwing before the previous set settles down. I start flicking the senbon faster, the move becoming more fluid, the act of palming the coin or senbon from in front of me faster.

I almost grin when without meaning to, I make two jerks with my hands and see three senbon hit the post.

By the time the sun starts to change colors for an hour and a half later, the target I've been using is embedded with dozens of senbon, and almost as many fake ryo that are hanging from them. I've also collected and reset four times.

Almost twelve hundred senbon throws,

I always did like the idea of practicing a single trick a thousand times. What was it that Bruce Lee said, I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but the man that has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I pause, my hands bleeding slightly from a rough edge on one of the blanks slicing my thumb open. I send out the last set of senbon and grin as I pin a trio of bloodied blank ryo to the board, the metal of the coins ringing as they bounced against the senbon.

Three for three, seven times in a row. That's my new record for this.

I smile, looking at the short stretch of dirt covered in the thin silver needles, and cheap copper blanks.

A rummage through my belts for my first aid kit and a quick application of herbs and a bandage cover and disinfect my cut up hand. And then I start collecting my needles. I replaced them in the boxes, stacked 100 per each box. I had to keep fifteen out of the boxes though, these had either been bent or broken by hitting the coins at bad angles.

Of the coins, almost a fourth of them were damaged. I still took them, but they were scrap now. I'd melt them down for new coins later.

Finished, cleaning up, I paused and took a breath. The several boxes laid on the counter with the pile of damaged coins.

Let's see...

First slide the boxes away, and then the good coins, each going into pouches on my waist. Then I started plucking coins out of the damaged pile, as I started to juggle them a bit, flipping coins from hand to hand as I moved, and then starting to drop them. One in each boot, another in each pocket, a few up my sleeves into the cuff of my jacket, another few into the seams of my jacket. One behind my ear, held with the touch of chakra before falling into my collar. Another under the belt, and the rest scattered to the pockets carefully stitched across the seams of my shinobi outfit.

Well, my acadamy outfit, the sleeves I used with my tools were left at home on academy days for now, simply due to the fact I would rather keep some stuff secret. Ninja life habits. Instead of my mesh sleeve shirt, I was currently wearing my blue and green jacket over a short sleeved blue shirt with a grinning skull painted across the front in bright neon green. It was to draw attention when I wandered around, but the colors were broken up enough that by zipping my jacket up, I have a somewhat effective camouflage. The neon skull was also so when I do card and coin tricks in front of it, it fucked with someone's attention, the color just off-putting enough to make them focus on it.

Turning away, I paused and then spun, deciding to throw in one last coin and senbon combo, dropping a ten ryo piece into my hand as I moved, then snapping my hands out, one after the other. I see the flicker of metal flashing through the air.

I smiled, listening to the thunk of metal into wood, and the ring of metal on metal.

The coin was pinned just left of the bullseye, senbon still shaking from the impact.

"Damn. Still a bit off. Guess I need to do this again another day." I sigh and flip a blank coin into my off hand… which, is a sort of misleading statement. At this point, while I'm not ambidextrous, I'm damn close. I start flipping it across my knuckles and through my fingers.

"Wonder what's for dinner... Hmm, heres hoping for fish."

I wandered back downt he path towards the city streets, breifly glancing back just as I turned around a corner to see a figure standing looking at my target, and the single coin there.

I knew I sensed someone. That smell of molten iron is distinctive.

Thats for another day, however.
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Nice. But his self impose regiment has to be gaining a lot of attention among the Junin and up, would give him credit among them.
Not to say I won't try to build some ninjutsu skills, but I'm focusing on stealth and misdirection for now.

I all for misdirection and sleight of hand, but full stealth is a little more work.

For example, if you attempt to cross a field, and you only move when the wind blows so nobody notices the noise and movement, it can take hours to cross a few hundred feet.

If you compress yourself to hide behind a door or under a bed, then you are in a bad position and if they detect you, they will kill you in one shot.

Finally, in the Naruto World, you have no idea how they can detect people. It does no good to be invisible if they detect by scent, or sonar, or pressure on the ground or whatever nonsense they come up with.

Ultimately, stealth tactics can be kinda risky.
If it goes wrong you could be too late or too dead to succeed.

And that's why they invented Genjutsu.
I do hope he practices while sprinting around to work on his actual speed and ability to hit things while he himself is in motion...
Im calling it now SI figures out how to fire senbon with a jutsu and becomes terrifying.

Doesnt even need a justu. Remember, one of the outcomes when failing to tree walk is getting blown off of the tree. Replicate that effect but with a senbon in your hand. TBH he could probably make it work with ball bearings and basically just shoot people with a finger gun.
Doesnt even need a justu. Remember, one of the outcomes when failing to tree walk is getting blown off of the tree. Replicate that effect but with a senbon in your hand. TBH he could probably make it work with ball bearings and basically just shoot people with a finger gun.

He could also try something estoric like figure out how to use shadow clone on weapons just like the shuriken shadow clone jutsu except only use it on a single senbon at a time. When shadow clones pop you get their chakra back so it's not like there would be a net loss of chakra to throw shadow-senbon, just a dip in his reserve while the senbon is in existence. Infinite ammo at that point.

Also needs to look into chakra storing options like a shitty strength of a hundred seal or something. That way he can store the excess chakra he could be regenerating when he's at full capacity and not doing anything with it.
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… though if I do, acquire a MacGuffin, then I'll probably seal it as a trump card. And by that, I mean it stays secret until I'm on the edge of certain death.

the problem with that plan is by the time your at the edge of certain death... you'll be at the edge of certain death. Really hard to capitalize on a new tactic if your in the middle of bleeding out.

If you get a free McGuffin might as well incorporate it in the act. No fair holding onto a trump card after you die after all. The majority of your opponents should probably be meeting you for the first time when you battle them anyways, ya know, with all the fights to the death and everything. (barring Edo Tensai, but that's a whole 'nother kettle o' fish)
Can you do jack slash jutsu? slash a kunai to air in the general direction of your enemy and transmit the invisible slash to their unguarded flesh. Of course, master this to the degree that you can pull it off with no warning and hand seals so no pesky Uchiha with their haxigan eyes could copy it. I don't know how would you go about creating it though. Maybe master wind release to an absurd degree?
Also, a reminder. No matter how much you train up your body and toughen your muscles, your eyes will always be soft tissue and easily slit open. Get yourself durable googles like Obito's old ones.
Another reminder. Spending %70 of your chakra daily and leaving only %30 of it is the optimal amount to grow your reserves. At least that is what I know. Probably Fanon though.
Tenten? She's the only other one I know who is somehow related to weapons and/or a blacksmith.
Also I'm liking how he's setting up to his 'tricks' like a magician. Better remember the three parts in a trick: the pledge, turn and prestige.
Good guess Ragoogat. Tenten is indeed interesting in her older classmate with the strange throwing skills.
And he mentally refers to it as the Dazzle, Confuse, Execute
I all for misdirection and sleight of hand, but full stealth is a little more work.

For example, if you attempt to cross a field, and you only move when the wind blows so nobody notices the noise and movement, it can take hours to cross a few hundred feet.

If you compress yourself to hide behind a door or under a bed, then you are in a bad position and if they detect you, they will kill you in one shot.

Finally, in the Naruto World, you have no idea how they can detect people. It does no good to be invisible if they detect by scent, or sonar, or pressure on the ground or whatever nonsense they come up with.

Ultimately, stealth tactics can be kinda risky.
If it goes wrong you could be too late or too dead to succeed.

And that's why they invented Genjutsu.
Indeed. he's rather good at becoming unassuming and is particularly skilled in Urban/civilian stealth. But Konoha is in a forest and he's very good at the 'Someones in the trees' 'Sounds of something moving all over the place cause Genjutsu' 'Movement in the trees was just a bushin' sort of thing. for flat out. hiding, he's better than most, but nothing special. his success lies in making his opponents make the first move and then brutally countering and capitalizing on any weakness.

Im calling it now SI figures out how to fire senbon with a jutsu and becomes terrifying.

Trust me, later on you'll look back at this and go. "Ah, So that's why the author laughed" he has more than just Senbon in mind....
Doesnt even need a justu. Remember, one of the outcomes when failing to tree walk is getting blown off of the tree. Replicate that effect but with a senbon in your hand. TBH he could probably make it work with ball bearings and basically just shoot people with a finger gun.
Yes, but senbon have a lesser profile, so they make less noise. also, they are more aerodynamic/accurate.
He could also try something estoric like figure out how to use shadow clone on weapons just like the shuriken shadow clone jutsu except only use it on a single senbon at a time. When shadow clones pop you get their chakra back so it's not like there would be a net loss of chakra to throw shadow-senbon, just a dip in his reserve while the senbon is in existence. Infinite ammo at that point.

Also needs to look into chakra storing options like a shitty strength of a hundred seal or something. That way he can store the excess chakra he could be regenerating when he's at full capacity and not doing anything with it.
Trust me, he has a plan for chakra storage, though he still needs time to work out the details. As for the shadow clone senbon idea, in this story, it's not a perfect return of power. generating a shadow senbon uses let's say 90% of the power put into each, dispelling it gives back %70 or so of what the clone has left when it's dispelled.
Poison, explosives. The solution to all life's problems! But yes, anatomy will be important beyond eyes and arteries
Yes, poison and explosives will definitely appear. Particularly when he starts reverse pickpocketing explosive tags while locked in hand to hand...

hehe, yes, he is looking into it, though he has an idea that's not quite usual. instead of just nerves/organs, he's looking into the skeletal structure of the human body... in particular how joints move
Can you do jack slash jutsu? slash a kunai to air in the general direction of your enemy and transmit the invisible slash to their unguarded flesh. Of course, master this to the degree that you can pull it off with no warning and hand seals so no pesky Uchiha with their haxigan eyes could copy it. I don't know how would you go about creating it though. Maybe master wind release to an absurd degree?
Also, a reminder. No matter how much you train up your body and toughen your muscles, your eyes will always be soft tissue and easily slit open. Get yourself durable googles like Obito's old ones.
Another reminder. Spending %70 of your chakra daily and leaving only %30 of it is the optimal amount to grow your reserves. At least that is what I know. Probably Fanon though.
jack slash Jutsu is.. possible? but not with his planned affinity. he's not a wind type. (I also think that Asuma demonstrates something like this? yeah) and I'm saying that the flat 70/30 is the traditional Acadamy recommendation, except that the SI is following a bit more a personal one, which is more suited to his chakra coil/capacity. he has a slow drain most of the day for the class where he stays at about 80% but after class, he drains himself to about 25%.

I'm also noting that anything under 15% is dangerously tiring, and under 10% is dangerous. period. Kakashi during wave would be under 15% by this standard.

As for his outfuit, he has a few things in mind, but its taking time to put together. h'll liely have it assembled at the end of his timea t the acadamy.
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