Transformation is physical... Always has been. The 'shell of chakra' fan-theory is so annoying, since it's plain wrong.

I think you should read some xianxia and wuxia stories. That's more akind to what Naruto's 'ninja' are. Magical Cultivators wielding reality bending powers that stems from divine ichor.

Maybe try to read Naruto again to get a refresher? Fancy card games wont exactly save the MC from hypersonic kunais or wide are-of-effect jutsus.

Hell, as a reincarnate he should have an unnatural amount of Yin energy, so the whole 'less chakra than everyone else because I'm a civilian' is just... Plain wrong. Not accurate at all.

Some trouble with chakra control because of this and a need to train hard physically to balance the excessive yin with more yang would be natural... but we don't even see a mention of it. Hnnng.
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Hell, as a reincarnate he should have an unnatural amount of Yin energy, so the whole 'less chakra than everyone else because I'm a civilian' is just... Plain wrong. Not accurate at all.
Nononono. He's a visitor reincarnator from world without chakra. (As far as we know of) That's basically another ballpark altogether.
Transformation is physical... Always has been. The 'shell of chakra' fan-theory is so annoying, since it's plain wrong.
Well, from what I know about transformation jutsu:
  • It can be learned by young kids. Heck, that's basically on similar standing with potty training for clan kids.
  • From what we know, it's relatively harmless to learn and utilize. I mean, li'l kids.
  • It's easy to dispel if you know what you're looking at, a simple poke will cancel it. No permanent/ serious damage to caster/ poker.
  • Physical body manipulation more or less had similar consequences with what we know in real life: It's hard, it's dangerous, and it's cost a lot. Heck, even simpe healing factor can cut up your life expectancy if you're using it too much. I mean, why everyone not just take an Akamichi Pill as common Combat Drug? Why it's a close guarded secret? Or why everyone not just pull a terminator and transform their skin to, say, duralumin?
So, if we takes RL factors most likely used by author (who live in Japan instead of, say, R'Lyeh), theory of chakra shell (or as I like to say it, metamaterial) makes sense the most simply because it's most conaistent. We know physical transformation that beneficial to battle is hard and costly, which inconsistent with how easy transformation jutsu is, but less so if we use chakra shell theory, which in practice basically just wrap yourself in space-time fooling metamaterial and tucked in and be silent as long as possible.

Of course, this open a whole new can of worms (space-time foolery in RL actually is more frustating than bioengineering), but at this moment, until someone can make more sensible explanation, this will do.
Honestly just the basics, illusions, poisoned senbon, and getting great at using them should advance him to the rank of special-jonin like that guy who was supposed to be outstanding at the basics. A story doesn't need the massively outstanding super ultra magic to be great. If my Rogue-Monk could pull off the academy three as cantrips he'd be so bullshit OP it'd not be funny. So he's not OP for Naruto, that's still magic far greater than what we have in this world. And a smart tactical thinker can come up with ways to take down just about anyone with them.

Basic sealing for explosion and storage. That's explosive ruins and bags of holding on tap. Anyone who plays D&D can come up with great uses for that lot.
Fully mastering the the basics to the point where it's considered mastery with nothing else would put you high chunin. Adding solid marksmenship/poisons might get you to Toketsu Jonin.

And he's aware of the utility of explosives and Instastorage. He's very aware.
Have you considered throwing cards and ninja wire, so you can have a deck that literally lets you run across it, use it like a whip, etc. Maybe have a 52 set of explosive tags effectively that you can quickly wrap around your target?

Definitly need to see if you can adapt the explosive seal onto the backs of your cards, or build your cards with very thing layers of seals, stacking them with an adhesive until they are the right thickness. Get a bunch more bang for your buck.
You sir are reading my notes. Please kindly refrain from spoiling my plans! But yeah, most of these are things that He's working on. It won't all work out, but he'll try regardless.
Something else I just thought about. A piece of paper can make sound. It can even talk and play music if it vibrates correctly as demonstrated in a school science experiment of rigging a needle to a piece of paper and touching it to a rotating record.

Can you do the same thing with chakra and paper or just some random leaf on the ground? Run chakra through it and make the chakra vibrate with your thoughts to translate that into sound? It could be the Talking Leaf Exercise for chakra control practice. Also useful for imitating any sound or playing any music you can think about.
Hmmm.... maybe. The issue being i didn't know that going in, so that would be... hard to explain.
You know Tsunade's technique where you charge chakra in your fist and release them at the same time as the impact of said fist? Yeah, use that and then go past it and use them on your feet. Literally boost yourself with it. Or you could gather chakra at your feet and slide on flat surface, like ice skating or something.
I do like this idea, and it may happen. But for now SI is forced to be conservative with his chakra.
So, some silly comments and silly advice:
  • Never, never let Li'l Miss Hyuga come within viewing distance with you. I mean, technically it's not really NTR if both sides not really knows each other, let alone in relationship, but, well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Maybe you should consider joining Torture and Interrogation Corps. I mean, if nothing else, you can develop knacks for giving pain, or try to improves your, uh, cold reading abilities. I mean, 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' routines is a routine for a reason. :p Also, likes pain or not, any effective interrogator will love to have ability to sherlock the shit out of perps/ suspicious person ("No, that guy isn't a spy. See that telescope? Too limiting on views. Also, his observation schedule didn't match any schedule on any Village or important merchant activities." "...Well, so much for Gut Feelings...." "But we might need to catch him though." "How? Why?" "His schedule was a match with a certain business schedule. Female bathing hours." "...I'll call Anko.")

I think it was mentioned somewhere that he can use chakra to slide safely on smooth surface. Granted, it's basically weaker version of "Tree Walking" technique, but still....
Trust me, I have no intention of gettingv
involved with the heiress to the Hyuuga.

As for the branches of the ninja. He has unknowingly caught the attention of two factions. ANBU and T & I. The how and why Will cone up in an interlude this arc.
Transformation is physical... Always has been. The 'shell of chakra' fan-theory is so annoying, since it's plain wrong.

I think you should read some xianxia and wuxia stories. That's more akind to what Naruto's 'ninja' are. Magical Cultivators wielding reality bending powers that stems from divine ichor.

Maybe try to read Naruto again to get a refresher? Fancy card games wont exactly save the MC from hypersonic kunais or wide are-of-effect jutsus.

Hell, as a reincarnate he should have an unnatural amount of Yin energy, so the whole 'less chakra than everyone else because I'm a civilian' is just... Plain wrong. Not accurate at all.

Some trouble with chakra control because of this and a need to train hard physically to balance the excessive yin with more yang would be natural... but we don't even see a mention of it. Hnnng.
I'm sorry the story is not too your liking. I was going to expound on this to answer any other questions that come up on these topics but....
Nononono. He's a visitor reincarnator from world without chakra. (As far as we know of) That's basically another ballpark altogether.

Well, from what I know about transformation jutsu:
  • It can be learned by young kids. Heck, that's basically on similar standing with potty training for clan kids.
  • From what we know, it's relatively harmless to learn and utilize. I mean, li'l kids.
  • It's easy to dispel if you know what you're looking at, a simple poke will cancel it. No permanent/ serious damage to caster/ poker.
  • Physical body manipulation more or less had similar consequences with what we know in real life: It's hard, it's dangerous, and it's cost a lot. Heck, even simpe healing factor can cut up your life expectancy if you're using it too much. I mean, why everyone not just take an Akamichi Pill as common Combat Drug? Why it's a close guarded secret? Or why everyone not just pull a terminator and transform their skin to, say, duralumin?
So, if we takes RL factors most likely used by author (who live in Japan instead of, say, R'Lyeh), theory of chakra shell (or as I like to say it, metamaterial) makes sense the most simply because it's most conaistent. We know physical transformation that beneficial to battle is hard and costly, which inconsistent with how easy transformation jutsu is, but less so if we use chakra shell theory, which in practice basically just wrap yourself in space-time fooling metamaterial and tucked in and be silent as long as possible.

Of course, this open a whole new can of worms (space-time foolery in RL actually is more frustating than bioengineering), but at this moment, until someone can make more sensible explanation, this will do. seems I got beat to the punch! Most of this is acxurate, but yes, SI does have a bit of a higher spiritual to physical chakra balance. But it's something he hasn't thought about. Remember, his memories of chakra from a readers perspective were years ago. And not exactly the clearest of memories.
Maybe work on a disguise skillset next to complete the stealth combo. Practice different mannerisms, postures, and behaviors, voice modulation and ventriloquism, practical make-up and disguises (which adds a layer against those pesky genjutsu foils abilities and chakra detectors). At a high enough level, he can probably vanish within a crowd, and be perfectly suited for recon/infiltration and/or assassination.
The only people we see take true advantage of the Transformation technique are Naruto with the Kyuubi (a Kitsune) and Enma (the Monkey King), both with lore of transformations and power. Everything points towards maintaining the transformation through disruptions to be difficult and expensive, and having some kind of trick to it.

When they can reinforce and ramp up their physical abilities with chakra anyway, I think the advantages of using the Transformation technique in direct combat are not worthwhile for almost everyone.

So, you might be able to give yourself greater range, leverage, surprise, etc by assuming a new shape, it'd be far weaker than using far more solid and simpler applications of chakra, and too easily disrupted. Not to mention locking up a large amount of concentration and chakra to maintain it, all of which is lost upon disruption.
I wonder if unsealed objects carry the same velocity and momentum as the seal. Like if you unseal an anvil from a card mid flight if it would be moving as fast as the card.
So, you might be able to give yourself greater range, leverage, surprise, etc by assuming a new shape, it'd be far weaker than using far more solid and simpler applications of chakra, and too easily disrupted. Not to mention locking up a large amount of concentration and chakra to maintain it, all of which is lost upon disruption.
Orochimaru did exactly these kind of things, at least in the forest of death. It could of been a derivative technique. That said he's still an S class ninja so using these kind of techniques in combat is probably something only ninja with a great deal of skill (in general or just focused on the transformation technique) or affinity can pull off.
"Indeed, in blithe, uncaring bliss, The Fool steps o'er a precipice / As if he trusts the winds, so chill, to bear him wheresoe'er they will."
Maybe work on a disguise skillset next to complete the stealth combo. Practice different mannerisms, postures, and behaviors, voice modulation and ventriloquism, practical make-up and disguises (which adds a layer against those pesky genjutsu foils abilities and chakra detectors). At a high enough level, he can probably vanish within a crowd, and be perfectly suited for recon/infiltration and/or assassination.
He's pretty good at mimicking body language and mannerisms, but he does need to work on disguises and personas to take on.
The only people we see take true advantage of the Transformation technique are Naruto with the Kyuubi (a Kitsune) and Enma (the Monkey King), both with lore of transformations and power. Everything points towards maintaining the transformation through disruptions to be difficult and expensive, and having some kind of trick to it.

When they can reinforce and ramp up their physical abilities with chakra anyway, I think the advantages of using the Transformation technique in direct combat are not worthwhile for almost everyone.

So, you might be able to give yourself greater range, leverage, surprise, etc by assuming a new shape, it'd be far weaker than using far more solid and simpler applications of chakra, and too easily disrupted. Not to mention locking up a large amount of concentration and chakra to maintain it, all of which is lost upon disruption.
All very true. I'm going to note that both chakra capacity and density affect how real you can make a Henge.
I wonder if unsealed objects carry the same velocity and momentum as the seal. Like if you unseal an anvil from a card mid flight if it would be moving as fast as the card.
Normally no. Standard weakling seals have a safety written in.
However, out SI has been working on seals...
Orochimaru did exactly these kind of things, at least in the forest of death. It could of been a derivative technique. That said he's still an S class ninja so using these kind of techniques in combat is probably something only ninja with a great deal of skill (in general or just focused on the transformation technique) or affinity can pull off.
Yes. Orochimaru does what he wants. Fuck logic. He wants to be a giant snake? He's a giant snake. He has both the intrinsic understanding and capability to theoretically do any jutau variation he comes across.
One problem with this last chapter I had was the SI implying he was not going to try to befriend Naruto. Now don't get me wrong I could see how his personality could be even more annoying in person and that is just not realistic to build ones life another person. The problem is that Naruto is basically Ninja Jesus so anything that amps his skills makes future problems easier to deal with and even if that is a 1% better well that is still 1% better chance the SI does not die a nameless mook in some future S-class battle happening near him like the Pein blasting Konoha.

Another poster mention the idea of the SI becoming a master of the basics well that is actually really interesting. We don't often see fics where an SI/OC decides to put all their effort in just maxing the capabilities of the Academy/Genin basics.
One problem with this last chapter I had was the SI implying he was not going to try to befriend Naruto. Now don't get me wrong I could see how his personality could be even more annoying in person and that is just not realistic to build ones life another person. The problem is that Naruto is basically Ninja Jesus so anything that amps his skills makes future problems easier to deal with and even if that is a 1% better well that is still 1% better chance the SI does not die a nameless mook in some future S-class battle happening near him like the Pein blasting Konoha.
I think you get it wrong. It's not that "me gonna ignore Naruto whatsoever", it's more "this is my story, not Naruto's so I gonna work it as my story". If this is Persona game, Naruto basically just another Social Link. Major one, perhaps, but not necessarily the important/ mandatory ones. The mandatory ones, of course, his teammates (Asako) and maybe his families ("You're Konoha genin." "Yeah, but my father is a merchant, civilian, and he entrusted me to go Mizu. This is my LC." "...No spying?" "Of course not." [Just simple observation of your genin and civilian life doesn't exactly count as "spying" :whistle::evil:])
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For more misdirection shenanigans you could use partial transformation/ low level illusions on your weapons, make your primary kunai look like a regular kunai, while in reality you are using a custom made longer one.

It won't look strange, and may even be mistaken for chakra reinforcement by chakra sensors, then when suddenly, that skilled ninja who only dodges within a hair's width of micromovement finds his throat sporting a new gash!

Take it even further, maintain partial transformations in the heat of combat with your arms and legs, and you can get an element of surprise when the enemy thinks he dodged a fist or leg that was in reality a little longer/shorter. Mix the usage of tools and weapons in, and no one can accurately guess the real dimensions making close quarters a trickier affair for the enemy and opens a lot of chances to exploit your arsenal.
For more misdirection shenanigans you could use partial transformation/ low level illusions on your weapons, make your primary kunai look like a regular kunai, while in reality you are using a custom made longer one.

It won't look strange, and may even be mistaken for chakra reinforcement by chakra sensors, then when suddenly, that skilled ninja who only dodges within a hair's width of micromovement finds his throat sporting a new gash!

Take it even further, maintain partial transformations in the heat of combat with your arms and legs, and you can get an element of surprise when the enemy thinks he dodged a fist or leg that was in reality a little longer/shorter. Mix the usage of tools and weapons in, and no one can accurately guess the real dimensions making close quarters a trickier affair for the enemy and opens a lot of chances to exploit your arsenal.
Not true an observant non should be able to guess his height and weight and so extrapolate dimension by observation of his foot prints. Obviously not at denim or even chiming level unless they a
're a prodigy or have a bloodline
Two things to think on:

1. Regarding sound: Misdirection. Genin hears someting like grass being lightly stepped on, and attacks? Genin just gave his position away, and may have just stepped into a trap. Or just slowly amplify the background noise with a few cards in the area, to make it harder to be heard - or suppress sound.

2. I'm remembering an antagonist in Ruroni Kenshin who had a striped shirt on, and used it to disorient the titular kensai's sense of distance regarding the character. Plus, pattern it right, and you have some light camouflage. Pattern it another way (transformation), and you have an eye-catching look that distracts people.
I think any sane and logical person would go and befriend Naruto to get a peice of that sweet protag plot protection,you don't even need to be involved in the plot.You can be a background character like Ayame,Teuchi and Iruka (as well as others I'm probably missing) and you still get protection!
Not true an observant non should be able to guess his height and weight and so extrapolate dimension by observation of his foot prints.

This counter argument is so weak the enemy ninja would kill it and think they just popped a clone and then be embarrassed for it once they realize it was the real guy.

until someone can make more sensible explanation, this will do.

It's magic. Why does it have to be explainable or sensible?

"It just works that way."

Just because most things follow pattern or fit into a system doesn't mean all things do. Being useful or powerful or mind boggling doesn't mean the metaphysical mechanism it uses is difficult to invoke using your system of magic.
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@RogueDruid while this story is certainly off to a neat start, I'd suggest avoiding the "block of text describing appearance" approach in the future, in favor of weaving the details in as filler across paragraphs dealing with other topics. Alternatively, use picking clothes out of a closet and getting dressed as a framing device.

On a much less useful note, when I first saw the title I thought this story would be written with the SI as an Eclipse Phase style Async.
make your primary kunai look like a regular kunai, while in reality you are using a custom made longer one.
Use a karambit knife instead of a normal Kunai for up close work, they expect the long straight blade, and you have a curved raptor claw that makes meat out of them. Since youre throwing Senbon, you might even fake up Kunai with Henge, or making paper ones...

Wait, Why not just use paper Kunai, once again made out of explosive notes? Then they focus on the obvious oddity, and miss the senbon in its shadow, while you lance out with a Karambit in one hand (All the while making senbon continue to appear and tossing them)

...LEAF FLOATING EXCERCISE just became that much more important. Do it with a senbon, so much so that you can control its flow, and pluck it from your sleeve entirely with Chakra! Get good enough that you can throw it with a flick of a single finger, a pinky perhaps, and you just added another extremely tricky combat manuever that keeps your hands free for larger and more impressive weapons.
Use a karambit knife instead of a normal Kunai for up close work, they expect the long straight blade, and you have a curved raptor claw that makes meat out of them. Since youre throwing Senbon, you might even fake up Kunai with Henge, or making paper ones...

Wait, Why not just use paper Kunai, once again made out of explosive notes? Then they focus on the obvious oddity, and miss the senbon in its shadow, while you lance out with a Karambit in one hand (All the while making senbon continue to appear and tossing them)

...LEAF FLOATING EXCERCISE just became that much more important. Do it with a senbon, so much so that you can control its flow, and pluck it from your sleeve entirely with Chakra! Get good enough that you can throw it with a flick of a single finger, a pinky perhaps, and you just added another extremely tricky combat manuever that keeps your hands free for larger and more impressive weapons.
Ugh,can you use normal white text please?
Magician - 1
HEY, back again. Sorry for the delay, the layout of this chapter is bugging me. I have enough things that I want to happen to fill both the Priestess and Magician Chapters, but I still need to work out the timeline for them a bit.

For now, though, this is a sort of Training Interlude leading into his next year. figured I'd set up some things that will come up over time, and explain where and how I acquired a few things that become relevant.

Summer was coming to an end. In two weeks I would have to resume classes at the academy, but until them, I had free time. So after much haggling with my mother and reassuring her, I would be okay alone for a full week, I got her support to camp out in one of the training grounds. The reasoning I gave was that I needed to learn how to camp properly, especially without help. Eventually, Toru Yoku gave up and let me go. While my father, Toru Gin, gave me a small smile.

My family had a rather quiet dynamic. My father was direct and charismatic at the stall, always with a compliment or subtle suggestion for people perusing his wares. A quiet confidence that what he sold was of quality. It drew people in, made them trust him. At home, he was the same. Quiet yet steady handed for the family. My mother was the far more energetic one, often singing as she worked in the forge. Growing up around her, she was always happy to grace the house with smiles and laughter. But she also worried a bit and was far more temperamental than my father.

When they were angry, it was two very different experiences. My father was a quiet anger, he would lower his voice slightly, to something just above a whisper. His eyes, normally a pale gray would harden to what looked like stone, and he would be cutting. Even when angry my father held no quarter. He could read you, respond to you and counter every argument. The only time I had ever beat my father in a heated argument was when I proved him wrong with facts. And my father was no fool, he knew information. He once joked that he was a merchant. That meant he heard things, knew things and sold things. I knew he was content with that, enjoying his profession.

My mother was the one who got loud when mad. She rose her voice often, but when she was mad it changed from a loud voice of enthusiastic pride or cheer, into screams of rage. But never towards me or my father. Towards us, she affected an air of annoyance that was far more effective. I had heard her yell about some of the jobs she had been ordered before. Often about outlandish claims for things that were not possible, often from some snobbish noblemen or haughty merchant's wife, who looked down on the plain woman who played such a trade as metalworking. But I knew my mother's feelings about her job. I knew if every time I heard songs coming from the workshop, or when she smiled as she showed off her newest creations over lunch or dinner. She had found her passion for art and beauty, and pursued it with all her might.
I only wish she worried just a little less.

"Shusho, do you have your knife?"

"Yes, mother."

"And the food."

Yes, mo-"

"What about your-"

"MOM! It's fine. I'll be less than two hours away if I need to walk back, and Ninja regularly will pass through. If there's something I forget I can come back. The academy office filed all the paperwork correctly and I have the permit for my campsite. Relax."

My mom, brushed her short brown hair behind her ear and gave me a slightly sheepish smile, before lunging forwards and sweeping me up in a bone crushing hug, "Be safe, sleep well, and be careful, okay?"

I relented and hugged her back. "Okay, mom. I'll be safe. Don't let dad get bored now yeah?" I gave her my best 'Faux-serious expression' "I won't be there to distract him from those terribly boring nobles looking at your jewelry! He might just die from boredom!"

"More like relax for the first time in years." I heard as my father ruffled my hair, having drifted up to us as I dealt with my mother. "Oh yeah, and I have a gift for you son." he pulled out two sealing scrolls and handed them off to me. One was signed from my grandfather, and the other was marked as from Higurashi's weapon shop. My eyes practically snapped open. "Grandfather sent me something?" I asked. I figured I had a good idea of what Higurashi's scroll probably held, but grampa Kosuke usually had some really interesting stories to tell. He had been a ninja for a very long time and had seen the last two wars. I was always confused when he said he was still just a genin, but whenever I inquired further he would just get this sad smile and tell me: "when you're older I shall explain my reason why. I do hope you have better luck than me, however."

Anyway, I grabbed the scrolls and hugged my dad, before stashing them in the pack I had. There were another three sealing scrolls already in the bag, one of camping supplies, one of emergency rations, and the last one of training tools and weapons.

I shouldered my pack and a round of goodbyes later was heading out.

I walked smoothly through the crowd, reflexively adjusting my gait and stance to match those of the civilians around me. My jacket was zipped up, and I had a brown knit hat over my hair, stitched with my glowing neon green skull on it.

I navigated west, checking a notepad I had the directions written on for training ground number 32. A forested area. The rules were also written on it. No Combat Ninjutsu above B rank. No fire Jutsu above E rank. Don't leave a messy campsite or any active traps when you leave. Basic stuff, but good thinking on behalf of the administrators. I followed my instructions and soon enough I was through the city into the training ground, shifting my pace from civilian speeds to Ninja in seconds, moving at what felt like a light jog, but was probably closer to two times faster than a civilian who was running.

Ain't chakra such a wonderful drug?

I passed by most of the basic training grounds, most of them simply consisted of a field with training posts or groves of trees. The one I wanted was about twelve miles from the training grounds, back against a small mountain at the edge of the forest. From what I had been told, it had a supply of fresh water and was far enough from the village that the animals were far more common, so I could test my skills at trapping.

There were a few more reasons I was heading out this way. One of them was the vial of dark blue gel in my supplies. Another was regarding… squeamishness.

I knew that one day, perhaps soon, perhaps years from now. I would have to kill someone.

I had only ever killed maybe three things in my old life. A rat, a gopher, and a fish. Each time I had been somewhat… nervous. If I was going to be a ninja, I had to get used to death.

The sun had just reached past its apex when I arrived at training ground 32. The area was a large expanse of forest, marked by a long winding game trail that went from the main path out this way, around to the west, and back. The end of the trail would be at the foot of the cliff faces that bordered the small mountain. I paused to take a drink of water and snack on a small granola bar, and recover. A few minutes later I was navigating the tree's, the wonderful ability to ignore the need to clamber through the branches due to chakra walking was amazingly useful.

A half mile into the woods, I found my target. A long winding river that flowed down off the mountain. I followed it back up towards its source, passing through a few small clearings that were once campsites for another ninja, before finally pushing through into the mouth of the river as it ran through the woods.

For a moment I just stood there to take in the sight.

The clearing was a good four to five hundred meters across, and a good third of that was a large pool at the base of a waterfall. The walls were granite and marble, dense and immovable as they rose up along the back of the clearing, reaching hundreds of meters tall. The waterfall was set to the west, falling into the pool before flowing away into the forest. More importantly, was the steam I could see rising from another pool that was off to the far side of the clearing.

A natural hot spring.

I grinned at that, I had heard about it in one of the geography texts when I had been looking up the terrains of the various training grounds. Between the fresh water of the river, and the hot water of the natural hot spring, (though I could see evidence of someone using a few earth Jutsu to make the spring more comfortable) this would be a good place to stay, particularly while training.

First though, to set up camp.

I wandered the edge of the clearing for a bit. Before finding a good place, a small half sheltered clearing, nestled in the nook of a small granite cliff and sheltered from the waterfall clearing by a thick growth of bamboo. I pulled out my scroll for camping and unsealed a hatchet and a bundle of rope. A few hours of work walking around and cutting down both bamboo and some heavy lifting of a few downed tree trunks and I had a solid shelter. A lean-to built up against the short cliff face, roofed with split bamboo planks and the back wall two carefully laid tree trunks. The top of it was layered with moss and leaves and then soaked with a slight water jutsu I had picked up from a book on survival. It was pitifully weak, nothing more than a weak spray similar to a showerhead but more than enough to soak down the roof of the lean-to. If I didn't know better, I would say it looked like two trees had fallen against the cliff and simply built up debris between them. The water and pressed down the leaves and muddied them with the dirt I had used to seal the roof, making it look like they were packed in there for some time.

I glanced up at the sky to see the sun was now drifting down towards the horizon, and set about setting up a fire pit against the cliff face a few feet from my new shelters opening. A few minutes setting up a campfire and I'm heading towards the river again, a glint of metal at hand.

I pause at the edge of the river and take a deep breath, letting the tension roll out of me. I watch the water, the sun slowly setting to my left.

And then I move, flicking three special senbon out into the water. Unlike normal needles, these ones are more like sewing needles, with a blunt end that holds a loose looped, upon which Ninja wire, thin and shimmering in the afternoon light, is hooked up. The tips are barbed, and as they fly out, I let the spool of wire up my sleeve loose out.

A few second later I'm reeling in a fish, and I pull a short knife from my belt. The cleaning is slow, I'm forcing myself to considered the death of the animal, to take the time and understand how it was now dead. The fish, from what I can see, is some sort of salmon, going by the bright red/pink meat.

I carve it up, and leave the guts and most of the bones in the river, giving back what I won't eat.

I take the fish back, spit it over the fire with some seasoning and let it cook. While I do so, I pulled out the small sealed jar from my supplies, looking at the jet. I had been looking for this for some time now. Gramps had mentioned it once in one of his stories, and it had taken half a year of watching before a trader from Suna was complaining about the 'weird blue gel from Northern Suna'. It was a rather rare yogurt from the goats in the land of the wind. It was favored by poison experts for one real reason.

It was an antidote to one of the more common paralytic compounds. Not just that, but it could be incorporated into a body's digestive system and the antidote itself was particularly painless. The bacteria in this yogurt was specially cultivated to make the user resistant to the poisons. In fact, I had the box of power to make one of those poisons at home sitting on a shelf. I also knew that the reason that this wasn't more common was two-fold. First, the body had to take it during their teenage years. After that, the immune system of a person would be too developed for it to take hold. Even then, by the time I turned seventeen, it would have passed through my body.

Second, it wasn't a necessarily pleasant experience. For the next few days, I would have blue lips and tongue from the bacterial colony growing in my system, phantom pains, itches, and some rather nasty cramps. That's why I had pushed for a full week camping. After that, as long as I kept my diet a bit protein heavy and added more dairy, I would have a fairly solid resistance to the poison I wanted to use.

It also took weeks to get out here in Konoha. Wasn't crazy expensive, but it took a large chunk out of my allowance for a few months.

I pulled the now nicely cooked fish off the fire, and set it to cool a bit, sliding the gel back in my bag for the moment.

Another reason I wanted to come here was that the hot spring was supposed to help with the process. It would relax my muscles and keep my body warm enough for the bacteria take root. I would also help keep me calm and relaxed. I would also keep up with my training of course, but having the ability to rest while the discomfort was present would be nice. I also would be trying to water walk.

I quickly devoured the fish before banking the fire for the night. The summer was warm enough that it wouldn't be much of an issue.

I took out the jar and opened it, and pulled out a spoon. I quickly took two medium sized bites of the gel, cringing at the slightly bitter taste. I choked the bacteria down, the cool liquid coating my throat as it went down. I sat there and waited to see if any immediate reactions would occur, and t check my vitals. a few minutes, later, I was confident everything was working fine.

Sealing it back up, I laid down and attempted to get some sleep. Tomorrow I would finish setting up camp and start training.
I liked this update. It's a good update. But camping, even in places that are frequently traversed, when the government knows you're there, is still dangerous. I hope you told a couple of ninja where you were. Grandpa, one of the Instructors, Asako? Eh? Eh?
I liked this update. It's a good update. But camping, even in places that are frequently traversed, when the government knows you're there, is still dangerous. I hope you told a couple of ninja where you were. Grandpa, one of the Instructors, Asako? Eh? Eh?
he DID file papers with the administration with, from what i understood, his general location, at the least

very nice to know a bit more about his family. being the grandson of the eternal genin (if we're not being red-herring'd) is a nice touch, too ^^