He is developing his body, though maybe not as potent as Gai trained Lee, but he's trying g to fight the way that feels natural. its deception and movement and an endless array of feints that aren't feints. it why he spends afternoons repeating a trick, or shadowboxes across the cliff. it's training, but more for reflex and agility. he probably is leading the rest of the guys in class when it comes to natural flexibility and evasion. others are faster in a straight line, but he's probably considered the best when it comes to fighting in a 3D space.

Gives me a few ideas for time efficiency. Eventually he'd end up this way anyways I assume but this shaves years off the timeline.

If he can zap himself with a self-genjutsu to make a mindscape he can practice muscle memory in his mental world since muscle memory doesn't actually exist in the body muscles. It's a purely mental thing.

If something like a self-tsukuyomi is possible where the timescale in his mind is faster than real life it could be a knock off hyperbolic time chamber.

If the time compression isn't possible the mind-scape ripoff is could be combined with a mental clone to maximize the body while practicing the finder details in the mind.
Wind is obviously the best element for him to learn, not just for deceptive destructive wind blades but also throwing/creating/hiding sounds, adjusting throws in otherwise impossible ways, throwing things he isn't currently touching. Fire, his most likely element, can work well too. There is a technique to cover thrown weapons with fire hot enough to burn though most materials fast enough the weapons don't slow down going through trees, most walls, and people. Glowing shuriken of painful death make a great distraction or finisher.
He probably is leading the rest of the guys in class when it comes to natural flexibility and evasion. others are faster in a straight line, but he's probably considered the best when it comes to fighting in a 3D space.

He obviously needs to find a way to get flight when needed then, either with jutsu or leveraging anything from our world.

His whole stick seems to be about building tiny little advantages and stack them on one another without relying on any one thing in particular. Build the fundamentals up so he can survive in the world.
That is the one thing we see in common in Minato, Kakashi, Itachi and most notably, the third Hokage.
Shurikenjutsu scales really well with practice and often augments most other ninja techniques.We don't really see it much beyond Tenten's level, but when we do, it insta-kills armies.And it requires only basic deception to reach deadly levels.
IMO the reason Zabuza said that most ninjas have a way of blocking/dodging shuriken is that they don't survive long enough without developing it.Any notable shuriken using S-rankers (3rd,Itachi,Sasuke) are considered army killers.

Mostly, the sound and hand motion tend to give away the trajectory of the shuriken.The solution obviously, is to hide them or speed them up so that the opponent has no time to react.Barring that, time barrages so that they reach the opponent exactly when you disengage from taijutsu.
Yep. Weapons are merely another tool, and most high-level ninja's without a single specialization are at least 'Experts' with the basic weaponry.
Gives me a few ideas for time efficiency. Eventually he'd end up this way anyways I assume but this shaves years off the timeline.

If he can zap himself with a self-genjutsu to make a mindscape he can practice muscle memory in his mental world since muscle memory doesn't actually exist in the body muscles. It's a purely mental thing.

If something like a self-tsukuyomi is possible where the timescale in his mind is faster than real life it could be a knock off hyperbolic time chamber.

If the time compression isn't possible the mind-scape ripoff is could be combined with a mental clone to maximize the body while practicing the finder details in the mind.
These might be things that develop down the line around Shippuden.

Wind is obviously the best element for him to learn, not just for deceptive destructive wind blades but also throwing/creating/hiding sounds, adjusting throws in otherwise impossible ways, throwing things he isn't currently touching. Fire, his most likely element, can work well too. There is a technique to cover thrown weapons with fire hot enough to burn though most materials fast enough the weapons don't slow down going through trees, most walls, and people. Glowing shuriken of painful death make a great distraction or finisher.
his current alignment is already decided, and sadly Wind is diametrically opposed. he'll pick up a trick or to for them down the line, but his first few elemental Jutsu are not going to be wind.
He obviously needs to find a way to get flight when needed then, either with jutsu or leveraging anything from our world.

His whole stick seems to be about building tiny little advantages and stack them on one another without relying on any one thing in particular. Build the fundamentals up so he can survive in the world.
That is sort of his goal. no single reliance on some special skill or power. but an array of mid-level skills that mesh well. he's aiming for a level of Fault Tolerance where even of someone has a hard counter to let's say... genjutsu (Fucking Sharingan), he still has other options (Weapons and jutsu and vision obstruction and battlefeild control)
I thought Earth was opposed to lightning?
Water> Fire > Wind > Lightning> Earth > Water?
So the opposite of Wind is either Fire or Lightning.
the wind trumps lighting, yes but Diametrically Opposed means that its opposite it on the circle. So it's neither fire, wind or lightning for his element
Ah so water? Makes sense his grandfather uses the water dragon jutsu.

Nice, water is my favourite chakra nature and we don't see enough of it in canon or fanfiction.
....No one remembers Earth? really?

Fuck, screw subtlety, he has a primary Earth alignment and a secondary Water affinity. and before someone comments, no, he does not have the mokuton. his elements are his grandfathers but swapped. He starts with an Earth but his grandfather will teach him some water, and train him to use it.
Fuck, screw subtlety, he has a primary Earth alignment and a secondary Water affinity. and before someone comments, no, he does not have the mokuton. his elements are his grandfathers but swapped. He starts with an Earth but his grandfather will teach him some water, and train him to use it.

Earth is one of the better elements to control the battlefield with. Also there are Earth jutsu's to control your weight, high enough mastery you can use it to nearly fly. Perfect to use for him in 3d fighting eventually.
Can you control vibrations with earth style? In coiling dragon light novel vibrations fell under the earth category. Mc could do some really freaky shit with that.

Sorry, I felt a sudden and irresistible urge to shout that but managed to channel it into a post.
Ravenous Pitch Floor no jutsu, anyone?
Also there are Earth jutsu's to control your weight, high enough mastery you can use it to nearly fly. Perfect to use for him in 3d fighting eventually.
Those were Dust Release, not Earth Release, iirc. He isn't getting access to that ever, since it's an advancement built even farther upon a bloodline from the hidden village that Konoha is most hostile with.
Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique

Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique

B-rank jutsu's, so if they are possible for him depends on increasing his chakra capacity. Possibly a year after hitting Chunin.
Hum, I stand corrected then.

Behold! The power of "If I Remember Correctly!" This one little phrase or it's abbreviation can let you get out of virtually any terrible embarrassment from being proven completely wrong, so long as you set it up properly ahead of time!
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Earth is one of the better elements to control the battlefield with. Also there are Earth jutsu's to control your weight, high enough mastery you can use it to nearly fly. Perfect to use for him in 3d fighting eventually.
Yep. I have a few ideas for that.
Can you control vibrations with earth style? In coiling dragon light novel vibrations fell under the earth category. Mc could do some really freaky shit with that.
Not quite. vibrations fall more under Lightnings Domain.

Sorry, I felt a sudden and irresistible urge to shout that but managed to channel it into a post.
Ravenous Pitch Floor no jutsu, anyone?
hehe, yep, massive sinkholes shall appear occasionally. Also, I like your avatar. Nergil Right?
Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique

Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique

B-rank jutsu's, so if they are possible for him depends on increasing his chakra capacity. Possibly a year after hitting Chunin.

Thank you for mentioning this.

hmmm... musings on future jutsu names/ranks, to give you an idea of what might come up.

Doton: Catacombs (C)
Doton: Thieves Graveyard (B)
Doton: Kingdom of the Four(A)
Doton: Twisted Landscape (B)
Doton: Seven Steps to Hell (B)

Suiton: Meandering Ghosts (C)
Suiton: Echoing Fog (D)
Suiton: Shallow Pond (D)
Suiton: Splashing Tide (E)

Genjutsu: Now See This (C)
Genjutsu: Rorschach (D)
Genjutsu: 'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor' (A) (AKA: Pysic Paper Jutsu)
Genjutsu: Friendly Conversation (D)
Genjutsu: Styxxian Caller: A Friend (B)
Genjutsu: Styxxian Caller: A Rival (C)
Genjutsu: Styxxian Caller: Asphodel (D)
Genjutsu: Deafening Silence (A)
Thank you for mentioning this.
The only one seen using these techniques in the manga AND the anime is the tsuchikage, so the prerequisites to get it might not be to your liking.
Although I recall a conversation I had about how if one can reduce the mass of an object to negative levels one could theoretically create an alcubiere warp drive...

I recall there being a flat out invisibility jutsu that Jiraya invented while he was in the academy or soon afterward. The same technique Hayate Gekko, the guy baki killed before the sand invasion, used to hear too much.

Edit: here it is: Transparent Escape Technique
If one assumes a limited technique base for a clanless orphan like Jiraya, one could assume it is built from a henge. As it is described as camouflage, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out. If it can be applied to weapons you could have all the elements used in modern electronic warfare, decoys (weapon bunshin), jamming (smokescreens, genjutsu, weapon henge), and stealth (weapon active camouflage, weapon henge).
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hmm....quicksand with sandy arms that drag you sown?
thick mud to block flames?
secret tunnels everwhere?
swimming through the ground to travel?
levitating a rock, but also tunneling in the rock in order to travel?
Considering his specialty might be 3d movement, he can use them to easily control how high he goes when he jumps or moves, if he has the chakra.
Jump up to dodge, go to jump again only to reveal it was a clone and you actually are underground?
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