Ah, I was associating them with the Trickster Anansi and forgetting that they're a trap/ambush species primarily rather than a get in and close and poison/grapple species.
"A C-rank… well, I think I have just the thing. Asuka-chan, please bring in Tagami-san, would you?"
Question, does the Hokage set this up for every teams first C Rank mission?
I don't think its reasonable they keep clients hanging around until a team of Ninja show up so I assume Santa and the Hokage approved this earlier and then set up this meeting to inspire young Ninja on their first big boy mission. Also the Hokages time is kinda valuable.
This was Masuke Tagami, one of the traders that helped transport raw materials around the Land of Fire. most of what he brought to town was lumbar and clay
He transports spines? Or is that meant to be lumber?
Question, does the Hokage set this up for every teams first C Rank mission?
I don't think its reasonable they keep clients hanging around until a team of Ninja show up so I assume Santa and the Hokage approved this earlier and then set up this meeting to inspire young Ninja on their first big boy mission. Also the Hokages time is kinda valuable.
Yep, this is a level of pageantry. while Hokage does hang around the mission office on occasion, its usually for like an hour of updates and check-ins, or special occurrences.
He transports spines? Or is that meant to be lumber?
Chainmail Bikinis have a massive weakness, Heat Metal. Although that's more of a ranged attack than AOE.
Eh, against a Ninja I'd generally go with Phantasmal Force. Ninjas tend to spec into Dex/Wis more than Int. With PF they don't even need to know that you're there, just that there are people shooting through the walls at them.
Undead minions are also pretty good against ninja. Too stupid to fool, most of the time, and quite resistant to poisons and (depending on whether you're in PF or not) potentially precision damage.

What is this about "sometimes seals fail?" This is the first I'm hearing of this, I think. How do they fail? Dump all their stuff out, or the stuff is lost in limbo forever, or what? I sense a Chekov's Gun being carefully placed on a mantle in the background, here.
Yeah, but all you're doing there is sacrificing a spell point for a guaranteed hit with a 1d4+1 attack, so, anywhere between 2-5 HP, when you could be dealing much greater damage without needing to roll to hit. If you select a spell for what you want them to save against, and you're forcing them to make a save against something they're likely to not have proficiency in, against your powerful Spell Save DC.

PF to target Intelligence. DW to target Wisdom.
Yeah, but all you're doing there is sacrificing a spell point for a guaranteed hit with a 1d4+1 attack, so, anywhere between 2-5 HP, when you could be dealing much greater damage without needing to roll to hit. If you select a spell for what you want them to save against, and you're forcing them to make a save against something they're likely to not have proficiency in, against your powerful Spell Save DC.

PF to target Intelligence. DW to target Wisdom.
It's 3d4 +3 absolutely good enough dmg to drop most ninja.
What is this about "sometimes seals fail?" This is the first I'm hearing of this, I think. How do they fail? Dump all their stuff out, or the stuff is lost in limbo forever, or what? I sense a Chekov's Gun being carefully placed on a mantle in the background, here.
I'd imagine, generally being placed on wettable, burnable paper, they're easy to damage. And I'd further imagine failed storage seals spew out the contents. It might even be a design feature, like in Tenten's "throw every sharp pointy thing imaginable" scroll techniques.
What is this about "sometimes seals fail?" This is the first I'm hearing of this, I think. How do they fail? Dump all their stuff out, or the stuff is lost in limbo forever, or what? I sense a Chekov's Gun being carefully placed on a mantle in the background, here.
I'd imagine, generally being placed on wettable, burnable paper, they're easy to damage. And I'd further imagine failed storage seals spew out the contents. It might even be a design feature, like in Tenten's "throw every sharp pointy thing imaginable" scroll techniques.
Well, seal can be messed up, and as Tooru already shows, improper seal could go anywhere from 'not doing anything' to 'goes ultra bonkers'. And some villains shown to be able to mess with other seal (Like Orochimaru fudging Nine Tail Sealing chakra in early arc, and Jiraiya fixing it, nin-medic contains Orochimaru cursed seal using anothet seal. There was also cases seal being broken by sheer power, like what happened when Kyubi (and Naruto) pissed off enough).

It was not very prevalent in main series because reasons, but one reason I can think of is that seal can be seen as guns; you just don't mess with guns unless you trained enough, and by yhe time you trained enough to mess with them, you usually don't want to.
I love the direction you are going with this story... I'd normally put a "But" around about here yet I don't seem to have anything to complain about and this makes me sad.
What is this about "sometimes seals fail?" This is the first I'm hearing of this, I think. How do they fail? Dump all their stuff out, or the stuff is lost in limbo forever, or what? I sense a Chekov's Gun being carefully placed on a mantle in the background, here.
*Looks at wall...*
*Looks back*
I've got more than one chekov stashed away.
Well, seal can be messed up, and as Tooru already shows, improper seal could go anywhere from 'not doing anything' to 'goes ultra bonkers'. And some villains shown to be able to mess with other seal (Like Orochimaru fudging Nine Tail Sealing chakra in early arc, and Jiraiya fixing it, nin-medic contains Orochimaru cursed seal using anothet seal. There was also cases seal being broken by sheer power, like what happened when Kyubi (and Naruto) pissed off enough).

It was not very prevalent in main series because reasons, but one reason I can think of is that seal can be seen as guns; you just don't mess with guns unless you trained enough, and by yhe time you trained enough to mess with them, you usually don't want to.
You point out most of what I was going to say. Adding on the mechanical side, most seals are only as durable as the materials they are built into (Hence why Toru has had... issues). Destroying a standard storage seal does essentially banish what was in it to a pocket dimension.

I'm actually using the DND bag of holding rules there. "If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again."

there is a failsafe you can add to a storage scroll that forces the second option, forcibly expelling what was in it back to the real world, but is fairly annoying to set up, thus more expensive. There is also a third way, where you can set things to rebound to a different seal, but that's way more complex and advanced since it borders on connecting a multidimensional space to multiple anchor points. It's really complex, like, On par with the Kamui Technique and the Flying Thunder God, level.
I love the direction you are going with this story... I'd normally put a "But" around about here yet I don't seem to have anything to complain about and this makes me sad.
I... This is one of the most relaxing comments I've ever gotten. wow. Glad you enjoy.

Also, Work has been hell, but I'm almost ready to post the next chapter. expect updates in the next few days.
I want eight, but only eight of the weapons up on that wall.

Yeah, okay, the bag of holding mechanic would work well. Now he needs to put a portable hole mechanic seal on one of his bag of holding seals, and attach it to a shiruken, like a real D&D engineer.

There's his pseudo-dust release, and S ranking.
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Emperor 2
Emperor 2

Its day four on the road from Konoha and the caravan was finally pulling into the first major town since Konoha. I watched from my post on the top of the last wagon as the caravan trickled into the market district, setting up in a plaza at the major crossroads at the other edge of the town. people drifting our way from stalls and shops across the town. The traders we were guarding were quick to strike up a conversation with the local vendors.

It felt strange, as well. I lived in a market, so I saw conversations like this all the time. But normally, it was from the other perspective, as a local market getting supplies, not a supplier selling off supplies. I felt a weird mix of unease and relaxed familiarity.

Sensei quickly split us up to keep an eye on things. I stayed on overwatch with the merchants, keeping an eye out for thieves or pickpockets, while Sensei and Ko- no, Shimo (Habits are hard to break)kept an eye on Tagami-san. Yumi was sticking with the rear of the wagons and keeping an eye on the main roads. As I sat there, watching, i felt myself mentally drift off slightly. Not towards sleep, no, but... this felt like when I sat in my window at home. Watching the market.

For a while, my gaze tracked one person or another as they wandered. Switching back and forth across the market slowly. But soon I stopped seeing people in particular, instead of looking at the flow of the travel. Close to four hundred people moved through the streets below the building I had chosen as my perch, on the crossroads facing across from the plaza the wagons occupied.

The faint blue haze of chakra came into sight, not so much an aura as a trace of light glinting off a pond. There, a flicker, Yumi jumping from one cart to the next for a better angle, using a pulse of chakra to catch her footing.

There stood Sensei, a trace of chakra flickering across his form. Invisible if I wasn't looking for it. I couldn't make out intent or reason from as far as way as I was. Instead, I drew my gaze away, looking back at the flow of movement. To keep my attention I began to map out how the people moved, losing myself in the flow as I watched, waiting.

In any town this size, with more than a hundred people in the market, on the crossroads of one main trade route and another, there was going to be some sort of trouble.

It happened in Konoha, too.

I let myself lose my focus in the crowd, let my thoughts turn to motion and spacing, reading intent and body language.

If I only lived as Toru, this would be hard. It would be something I was only just learning. But my past life, the introvert he was, still liked to get out. To get away from a dark room and a bright computer screen. He would sit at the mall, at church, at parks. Watching people, watching crowds, and life and movement.

And that gave me what I needed.

People were different, but motivations ran the same no matter where.

AS the sunset, I kept watch, and as the sky darkened, streets quieted, and shops closed, I began to relax.

Nothing would happen tonight.

As the sun passed the horizon, I stood and trekked after Sensei and my teammates, we would be sleeping with the caravan tonight.

My paranoia would be keeping me up tonight. I could tell.

A day later, we left the township behind, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yumi held a thin copper circle in her hand, slowly watching as it floated around her fingertips, held in a slow spin between both hands, trace amounts of Raiton Chakra flowing through it.

She breathed in slowly, and then exhaled, almost panicking as the ring began to waver.

"Lightning has two distinctive styles, Yumi. The first revolves around the strike, focusing on attacks that pierce all before them. The second is the one that you'll be learning first. It's the harder, but far more versatile of the two. Instead of the lightning that pierces, you'll be learning the currents that travel. To Maintain these streams of power, to trap and chase your opponents. You'll be starting with the ring exercise..."

Slowly breathing, the copper ring began to pick up wobble, as Yumi felt her grasp on the lightning falter. Suddenly it dropped and she yelped softly, hissing as the static shock of the ring touching her skin broke her focus. She let it drop, the metal ring digging into the ground slightly.

Across the firepit from her, Shimo held a ball of flame in her hand, simply letting it feed off her chakra while keeping herself from being burned by the heat using a variant of some sort of physical reinforcement.

Considering that when they had left Konohagakure 2 weeks ago, the flame Kohaku could safely hold without consequence had been more akin to a weak yellow matchlight then the half foot wide ball of swirling deep red flame she held now, Yumi was suitably impressed. Hanging from the trees at the edge of the firelight, was Toru in his hammock. Beneath his perch, there was a boulder with a handprint embedded in it, and a trail of rock chips and dust sitting on the ground around it.

While it had taken months for Toru to get proficient with it, he had finally gotten comfortable enough with What sensei told us was nicknamed the 'Headhunter', the Double Suicide Decapitation Technique, to use in combat. Which led to him learning how to drop out of sight through the ground, leaving barely a trace of his passing. He had even made plans to get a small rebreather from the supply store, like the kinds used for underwater missions. However, with Shusho's tendency to vanish into the topsoil and his growing knack for sensory, he had spent several watches hiding next to the fire pit as he waited for daylight to come. More then once Yumi had woken to Kohaku watching from the fire, and Toru rising from the ground like a wraith, dust falling from his form.

At this point he had moved onto the second part, actively moving through the earth, and sinking into tougher materials. Sensei had started him on training his earth chakra months ago, but seeing him slowly push through stone was still interesting.

Yumi stretched and sighed, looking around. The caravan had followed the seaside roads for five days so far, keeping a fair distance from the shore itself, but close enough to hit a multitude of small villages.

Some towns they stayed for under an hour, some for almost half a day. They would start early and stop late each day. Today, they were camped out less than ten kilometers from another small village, they had put up camp early. Sensei had taken the first watch, with Yumi being next, followed by Shimo and then Shusho. They had been napping in turns the last couple days, with two of the three genins guarding the caravan with Sensei, while the third napped on a carriage, then swapping. This meant that the three of them were fairly well rested. Tonight Shimo had had the last nap and split the first half of the night, so she felt awake and was watching the morning with Yumi.

As the camp started to pack up, she decided to wake up Toru. she grabbed the lapel of his jacket and stepped back, watching with amusement as he flailed and rolled from the hammock to the ground. "Dammit." he sat up, hand reaching up and rubbing his hair as he took in the camp packing up. Sighting, he reached up, a weave of blue stretching from his fingers. With a yank the hammock untangled from the tree and coiled on his arm, the blue chakra strings yanking it into a perfect coil, and his other hand reaching up to pull his bag from another nook in a tree.

"No issues during the night?" he asked, looking up as he stashed his rope and thin blanket back into his pack.

"Nope. Mostly elemental practice after you took to sleep."

"Got it. I'm guessing I have last nap?"

"Depends. We were supposed to be reaching the last major city to set along this section of coast soon, and we might stay there for a night."

Toru nodded and finished packing, slinging his bag back up and standing.

Seeing he's finished, Yumi stepped and let him join her side as they headed back to the campfire, Soon they headed out.

A week to go until they get back to Konoha.
