Empress- 5
Another! This time with an actual sorta intro to Kabuto! Whoo! also, Consequences of not having Naruto's healing? accidents happen, and hospital visits are a thing.

"This sucks," I muttered, rubbing my eyes as I tried to ignore the soft sound of the hospital around me. I had been fine, until an hour ago. Then on a Tora mission, I just had to get tripped by the fucking demon cat. It had twisted my ankle something fierce, and the medics had declared It was a nasty sprain. They would have it cleared up by tomorrow afternoon, but they had to let the swelling go down before hey could finish healing it. Great. And the Painkillers I was on were making me antsy.

My team had left to head home with their regards just a few minutes ago, while Sensei had headed out to inform my parents. So here I was stuck with my leg in a sling with some ice while waiting for my parents to get here. I sighed and pulled a scroll from my bag, a copied breakdown on chakra string control. Might as well do something while I was stuck here.

I held out my hands and focused, taking a few seconds to imagine how the thread should be, before pulling my fingers slowly apart, the wires appearing as a faint blue thread that wrapped my fingertips. There we are, a cat's cradle of chakra string.

I grinned and started playing an old game. Pull here, flip there, twist there, loosen here, tighten there. The pattern folded in on itself as I focused on maintaining the shape and structure. Finally, I moved to the more interesting stuff, biting one cord and drawing it from my finger, focusing a slight amount of chakra to my teeth to act as a stable anchor.

Now, how to make this work...

A silver-haired young man, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, wandered through the halls of the low-security section of the hospital, a file he was taking to the archives in hand. He was still working to finish his Medical Ninja training, and much to his dismay, part of that was several hundred hours of on-site experience.

He was probably gonna have to skip out or fail on yet another Genin exam. Joy. Stuck playing a Genin even longer. He glanced in a room window as he passed, and had to stop and do a double take.

The patient inside was currently half wrapped in an intricate web of shivering blue strings, which were anchored from his body in the bed to several ceiling supports, the window rod, the lamp fixture, and the medical grade support harness hanging over his bed. The one rated to carry a full person weight if need be. And he was currently using several wires from each hand to the roof as an anchor to do what seemed to be a series of horizontal pull-ups. Interesting.

'Chakra Strings?' he mused, 'creative use for them.' eying the pattern and taking note of how the wires were anchored against more than just fingers, no from what he could tell they were being sustained by more tenketsu then just the young genin's hands. He glanced to the side, sharp eyes behind the glasses picking up the name on the clipboard stuck next to the wall.

'Shusho Toru… never heard of him.'

He looked back to see, that the kid was now supported by a single bundle of strings in his hands, holding him up in a sitting position as he reached to hold the wire and keep himself up. The wires slowly vanishing one by one 'He's testing the hold. How many stings it takes to-' there, one wire to short and the others snapped, sending him jolting back lightly to the bed, an annoyed scowl on his lips as he reached up, lines reaching for the ceiling again.

Kabuto grinned slightly and left to continue his rounds, reaching up to adjust his glasses

"How interesting..."

Santa-sensei opened the door, almost startling me, and making me have to clamp down on my control, to keep the already strained threads from dissipating.

"-M's M's't 'ht 'ooks ike?" I bit out around the few dozen threads spewing from my mouth, anchored on the slightly stronger tenketsu there.

He looked slowly over me, as I hung with my left arm pulled and bound to my chest, a dozen wires anchoring my unbound foot to the ceiling and another fifty, at least, holding me up with one arm splayed back behind me back.

Turned out trying to pull off a Spiderman style upside down pose with a sprained ankle sucks.

But I'm also Really fucking bored right now.

I mean, yeah, I had a bit of a breakthrough on how to make the strings connect and anchor to things that aren't me, but I still need time to set up the link to them. If I could get it just a little faster…. Well. Having magical Ninja-energy web shooters would be mighty useful…

Sensei gave me a Look and sighed, before pulling out an unopened deck of cards.

"If you undo your horrific attempts at a shibari-" And there was the heat rushing to my cheeks, and my mouth almost gaping "-I could give you this. To keep your mind occupied, perhaps?" He mused, and I sheepishly grinned back before biting down hard and with a sharp click. The wires around me started snapped in sequences, letting me fall gracefully on the bed.

"Yes please sensei," I replied, catching as he tossed me the deck, as well as another two he tossed my way. It was with practiced fingers that I used the edge of a thumbnail (and a faint reinforcement to keep it from breaking) to slit the seal, the familiar and reassuring weight of fresh cards as I performed a simple slide to start out. Sensei sat in a chair in the corner, arms crossed and stance relaxed, as I began flickering through some basic shuffles.

"You can practice your sensory overlay while you recover for a few hours, and I'll talk about your jutsu and various tricks you can use."

"Hai Sensei."

Yumi stretched slowly and languidly, twisting as she popped her back, hands far above her head the feeling of her back and stomach stretching. 'Hmmm, almost as good as an afternoon catnap.'

She was walking next to Kohaku, who was still perfectly composed. Even if earlier they had both been quite red at the sight of Toru-san sitting on the ground letting out a string of invectives at a caged Tora that almost made sensei blush. He had been particularly creative near the end.

"So, we got the evening off, and tomorrow's our free day. Any plans for when we get Toru out of his lockdown?"

"I fully expect him to check himself out of sheer boredom," Khaku muttered with a faint grin. "Did you see how fidgety he was getting when sensei had to take his stuff home, on doctors orders?"

"Security measures. He was able to keep his scrolls, nothing more. And no sealing scrolls."

"Makes sense. Some of the doctors aren't combat medics, and if someone gets a bad reaction, or is dealing with some sort of trauma, leaving weapons would only exacerbate the situation."


Yumi and Kohaku meandered with a comfortable silence for a while, before Kohaku broke it.

"Any ideas for the combinations we were working on?"

"Aside from the obvious 'Torchlight' combination, and the whole idea of snag and tag we've been using? A few. My question is, how far can you model your smaller 'ember salamander' you were working on before it triggers?"

Koahky grinned. "Quite far."

Yumi grinned right back. "Excellent! So here's what I was thinking…"

Yumi and Kohaku spent a long afternoon working out some of the kinks in their plans, before heading to their training ground for some practical testing. Next time they were paired against Toru in spars, it would be interesting.

If the fact they were together kept Yumi away from her overbearing mother, and Kohaku from the depressing loneliness, they didn't say. But they appreciated the effort nonetheless.

I sighed, looking at the ceiling where a deck of cards was now embedded in the loose plaster boards.

"Fucking Bored."

Oh well. Good use for chakra strings. I flicked my hand up, using a string to lash up, snag a card, and yank it back down. I'm not great at that yet. Chakra strings take very little chakra to maintain, and only slightly more to form, but my accuracy at controlling a string without moving my hand sucks. A flick or wave helps me form it in motion.

I still miss grabbing the cards like half the time.

Well. I can practice for a while at least.

Nothing better to do.

"God I'm so bored."

Flick and throw, Embed cards, Conjure Chakra strings.

This is gonna get old fast.
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Tora has played a part in the post-graduation training of almost the entirety of Konoha's shinobi forces. He She has enough experience to be a pain in the ass to genin teams, groups of freshly trained killers with moderately superhuman physical capabilities.

To the ninja of Konoha, he she is an annoyance. To other cats, he she is a god.

Also, that poor bored fuck.
Boredom is the mother of surprisingly useful esoteric ninja techniques.
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Tora has played a part in the post-graduation training of almost the entirety of Konoha's shinobi forces. He has enough experience to be a pain in the ass to genin teams, groups of freshly trained killers with moderately superhuman physical capabilities.

To the ninja of Konoha, he is an annoyance. To other cats, he is a god.

Boredom is the mother of surprisingly useful esoteric ninja techniques.

I'm pretty sure that Tora is a girl.
Tora has played a part in the post-graduation training of almost the entirety of Konoha's shinobi forces. He She has enough experience to be a pain in the ass to genin teams, groups of freshly trained killers with moderately superhuman physical capabilities.

To the ninja of Konoha, he she is an annoyance. To other cats, he she is a god.

Boredom is the mother of surprisingly useful esoteric ninja techniques.
Why am I imagining a tribe of intelligent Nekonins forming around Tora?

Does Tora use Chakra? That would explain a bit.

Is anything noted in Boruto about unusual cats?
Heh an now you know why the Doctors never expect ninjas to sign out. all of those who can escape due to boredom.
"If you undo your horrific attempts at a shibari-" And there was the heat rushing to my cheeks, and my mouth almost gaping "-I could give you this. To keep your mind occupied, perhaps?"
This embarrassment shall absolve itself by being visited upon the enemy fifty fold.
Bure Bure level Fifty Fold at the least.
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I'm actually surprised this bored him. He spent hours on similarly tedious repetitive tasks when training with his senbon and rings. I suppose it's all about context: he chose to devote the earlier time. Here, his options are limited, so he feels more constrained even though he's doing something that he'd probably willingly devote himself to if he had other options.
Is it just me or does anyone else think it sounds strange to keep someone in the hospital for something as simple as a twisted/sprained ankle?

Wrap it up, send him home, order him to keep it on ice, then he can come back tomorrow instead of wasting a bed for the next 24 hours.
Is it just me or does anyone else think it sounds strange to keep someone in the hospital for something as simple as a twisted/sprained ankle?

Wrap it up, send him home, order him to keep it on ice, then he can come back tomorrow instead of wasting a bed for the next 24 hours.
If you are civilian? Yes, it is strange.

If you are someone who highly dependent on said ankle to stay alive? No, not at all. Professional athlete could be send to hospital for even less.
Minimaxing chakra strings.
Don't they allow a master to manipulate dead bodies like puppets?
And hes seems to be planning on using them on projectile swarms... Fascinating concept.
Toru really doesn't seem S rank material right now,he needs some thing that makes him stand out.
Currently,seals are the only things that do that for him but the question is if he can get a sealmaster to teach him. There are so few sealmasters after all.
Sealing is powerful but takes a lot of investment to be worthwhile; most of the time it just isn't worth it, which is why it's so rare.

On the one hand, seals on cards meshes well with his whole sleight of hand schtick. On the other hand, his team's mission profile is infiltration, high level diplomacy, investigation, and possibly assassination or sabotage. Sealing doesn't lend itself to most of those things except for the last two, and in those cases it's just another avenue for creating traps.

Instead of trying to stand out as an S-rank ninja, it would probably be better to be the guy nobody ever heard of, who goes out and does his missions without anybody knowing who was responsible. Hell, maybe even be a career "genin" like his grandfather. Good way to hide a useful asset.
I'm actually surprised this bored him. He spent hours on similarly tedious repetitive tasks when training with his senbon and rings. I suppose it's all about context: he chose to devote the earlier time. Here, his options are limited, so he feels more constrained even though he's doing something that he'd probably willingly devote himself to if he had other options.

"Become a ninja? Fine. Erase my identity to be an infiltrator? Sure. Join a traitor and defect from Konoha? Sounds good. But you want me to be a genin for how long!?! Do you know how many D-Ranks that will be?"
That and its demeaning as fuck. Kabuto is mid to high Chunin right now. just based on his skills as a medic and assassin.
"I don't need to know about your high standards for shibari."
Listen, The Yamanaka clan is well versed in the ancient art of shibari.
Is it just me or does anyone else think it sounds strange to keep someone in the hospital for something as simple as a twisted/sprained ankle?

Wrap it up, send him home, order him to keep it on ice, then he can come back tomorrow instead of wasting a bed for the next 24 hours.
As these guys note-
If you are civilian? Yes, it is strange.

If you are someone who highly dependent on said ankle to stay alive? No, not at all. Professional athlete could be send to hospital for even less.
Yep and considering the investment each ninja is worth is probably been taught extensively how important proper care is.
this is essentially Military medical treatment. They want to check his field ready when he leaves. most of the medics have a standard, and a twisted ankle healed properly is far fewer problems then one healed improperly leading to greater injuries.
Minimaxing chakra strings.
Don't they allow a master to manipulate dead bodies like puppets?
And hes seems to be planning on using them on projectile swarms... Fascinating concept.
He's good at synergy between disciplines.
Toru really doesn't seem S rank material right now, he needs some thing that makes him stand out.
Currently, seals are the only things that do that for him but the question is if he can get a sealmaster to teach him. There are so few sealmasters after all.
Toru isn;t trying to really specialize. it is more he has multiple unlocked skill trees and he's working on filling out the lower branches of them. beyond that, he's working on intersecting concepts. how to use this piece of fuinjutsu with this genjutsu skill and so on.
Sealing is powerful but takes a lot of investment to be worthwhile; most of the time it just isn't worth it, which is why it's so rare.

On the one hand, seals on cards meshes well with his whole sleight of hand schtick. On the other hand, his team's mission profile is infiltration, high level diplomacy, investigation, and possibly assassination or sabotage. Sealing doesn't lend itself to most of those things except for the last two, and in those cases it's just another avenue for creating traps.

Instead of trying to stand out as an S-rank ninja, it would probably be better to be the guy nobody ever heard of, who goes out and does his missions without anybody knowing who was responsible. Hell, maybe even be a career "genin" like his grandfather. Good way to hide a useful asset.
This is what he's sort of on his way to being. most ninjas stand out by their specialty. Asuma is known as Wind/Fire jutsu and knives. Kakashi is known for Sharingan and jutsu skills, Gai for Taijutsu.

Right now? to most people who fight him, he would appear just another genin. Yeah, he uses plenty of tools and weapons, but that's, not something insanely uncommon. lots of ninja use tools. it's only when one starts using something specialized or legendary that draws attention. and while his cards might grab a second look, it's still not... flashy.

and that's likely how it will stay for a while.
Actually, can Jonin and such being demoted to lower rank on the grounds of failed competency or things like that? We know that Chuunin and Jonin had exams to determine their competence and worthiness, but is these things that need to be tested regularly, or just once in a lifetimr, barring... special cases?