Only one of those reasons is valid if you're trying to survive in this world, and you know he's a God, and it's the ANBU/Hokage one. Even that's avoidable if you just make a habit of eating at that ramen store occasionally before running into him. And then keep your interactions mostly at the stall. Wait until Naruto comes to you after that. With such a history, the ANBU wouldn't see the danger, nor would the Hokage given he has access to your records.
Ok let's try reasoning why you shouldn't become friend with the annoying stupid child:

1) if I was an SI I wouldn't belive that I'm in a fictional world, I would through of my past life as either a delusion or a genjutsu and even if I come to belive they were memories of a past life I would consider my memories of the Naruto's manga as daydreams. That is because beliving you are simply insane is more believable than thinking that reality you are experiencing is a lie. So I wouln't approch the annoying one.

2) Even if I somehow remembered and trusted all my memories of the naruto's plot, I would belive that my very presence in the story would cause butterflies, so I would have doubts that the same lucky coincidences that let Naruto survive the early to middle plot would come to be yet again (if it wasn't a Shounen series Naruto should have died to Zabusa or even his chounin traitor teacher, let alone the later villains he encountered in the series).

3) Even if I somehow through that the plot would remain the same and that story logic would triumph against reality there is no reason to belive that it would improve my chances of survival, because after all if it's a story and not a real living world the author could quite easy sacrifice me to make an impact with the readers since I would realistically be a side-character at best (or even worse a filler episode character).

4 and last point) My reincarnated self would be in the body of a child with the hormonal level of a child if not the brain of one, so I very much doubt I would be able to make and consistently implement a rational decision like this one in quite a few years.
Hmm,I wonder why Toru hasn't made connections with Naruto yet. He knows that Naruto will just get stronger and stronger and protect him as his friend™,and thats just the 1st advantage.
Because being friends with Naruto to have someone to help keep you safe comes with the trade off of getting dragged into the dangers that go after Naruto.

Let's not forget that the main character of this fic isn't a Main Character of the world he's in, and plenty of characters get wiped out like the chumps they are when the big boys start messing around with each other.

Even if that wasn't the case, Toru is trying to keep a low profile so no one has a reason to question him. Keeping a low profile doesn't include making friends with the previous ruler's son who also happens to be the container for a mad fox god, and is the village pariah, and is someone he has no reason to have met.
1) if I was an SI I wouldn't belive that I'm in a fictional world, I would through of my past life as either a delusion or a genjutsu and even if I come to belive they were memories of a past life I would consider my memories of the Naruto's manga as daydreams. That is because beliving you are simply insane is more believable than thinking that reality you are experiencing is a lie. So I wouln't approch the annoying one
It sounds like it would be fun to watch you slowly run out of ways to justify how you daydreamed events and fall into a trap of paranoia as you begin to believe that nothing is real.
I confess, why would accepting that you're an SI/reincarnation-with-memories-of-a-world-where-Naruto-is-a-story mean that you must assume the world you now live in is not real? It's weird, sure,'re THERE. "This cannot possibly be," is always trumped by, "But it is."
I confess, why would accepting that you're an SI/reincarnation-with-memories-of-a-world-where-Naruto-is-a-story mean that you must assume the world you now live in is not real? It's weird, sure,'re THERE. "This cannot possibly be," is always trumped by, "But it is."
Because if you've decided that your memories of a past life which contains the events of your current one are an illusion implanted by forces unknown are more likely than seeing the future and reincarnation.
Accepting that they did not see the future either and are instead currently manipulating you seems like a smaller jump than they did see the future.
E: at least in terms of what I said.
I confess, why would accepting that you're an SI/reincarnation-with-memories-of-a-world-where-Naruto-is-a-story mean that you must assume the world you now live in is not real? It's weird, sure,'re THERE. "This cannot possibly be," is always trumped by, "But it is."
Because there is no evidence that I didn't just daydreamed the whole plot and/or my previous life enterely since as you say I'm there not on our world. Future events would be different just for the fact that they would be from my prospective without going with the whole butterfly effect. Past events that I couldn't possibly know could simply be my memory altering itself to comform to what I see in the present (witch is quite common even without delusions since our memory is quite malleable) or a series of lucky guesses/intuitions I draw subconsciously from facts I discovered in my new reality. People I knew from the anime would appear differently in a 3d real world than draw on a manga/anime and even if they have the same names they would quite possibily seem really different from my prospective since they are real people with whom I would interact personally instead of viewing them as an observer from an higher and extremely flat prospective. Till I will be 2-3 year old i probably won't have the finger manipulation ability to write what I remember and by than I would be immersed enough in my new life that I would have probably forgot most of it, especially if I didn't make the connection with this life with the Naruto's world of my "past life" early on (and that is if we accept the insane through that my baby brain would be able to emulate my old adult brain perfectly or that I wouldn't go insane from boredom in the early days/weeks/months of my new life).
On a personal level, I'd assume the very fact I had that information meant it wasn't reliable. Verify everything, and even then you having that information makes it a thousand times more likely someone else does as well. No way you're the only sod ever to reincarnate or whatever, and god alone knows what sort of mechanism was behind it being written IRL and how/if that factors.
Because there is no evidence that I didn't just daydreamed the whole plot and/or my previous life enterely since as you say I'm there not on our world. Future events would be different just for the fact that they would be from my prospective without going with the whole butterfly effect. Past events that I couldn't possibly know could simply be my memory altering itself to comform to what I see in the present (witch is quite common even without delusions since our memory is quite malleable) or a series of lucky guesses/intuitions I draw subconsciously from facts I discovered in my new reality. People I knew from the anime would appear differently in a 3d real world than draw on a manga/anime and even if they have the same names they would quite possibily seem really different from my prospective since they are real people with whom I would interact personally instead of viewing them as an observer from an higher and extremely flat prospective. Till I will be 2-3 year old i probably won't have the finger manipulation ability to write what I remember and by than I would be immersed enough in my new life that I would have probably forgot most of it, especially if I didn't make the connection with this life with the Naruto's world of my "past life" early on (and that is if we accept the insane through that my baby brain would be able to emulate my old adult brain perfectly or that I wouldn't go insane from boredom in the early days/weeks/months of my new life).

Ah, I seem to have misparsed or misunderstood you, then.

I thought you said that you would assume that the past-life memories were false because if they weren't, it would mean the world you were in was not real. That was the primary thing that baffled me: why would "Oh, I suddenly remember reading about Naruto in a different life in a world very different from this one," mean that, "I must not actually be in the world that I'm in now, because it looks a lot like that world of Naruto, and there's even a kid named Naruto three desks away in class?"

If you instead are simply assuming the past life memories must be false because it's unlikely that you'd actually have magical future knowledge from reincarnating from a world where you remember reading about this world as if it was a story.... okay. "I'm hallucinating/made it up/dreamed it/it's genjutsu" might seem more reasonable.

It's just the, "It must be fake memories, because otherwise the world I now live in isn't real" thing that made no sense to me. If you weren't saying that, then I withdraw my query.
Ah, I seem to have misparsed or misunderstood you, then.

I thought you said that you would assume that the past-life memories were false because if they weren't, it would mean the world you were in was not real. That was the primary thing that baffled me: why would "Oh, I suddenly remember reading about Naruto in a different life in a world very different from this one," mean that, "I must not actually be in the world that I'm in now, because it looks a lot like that world of Naruto, and there's even a kid named Naruto three desks away in class?"

If you instead are simply assuming the past life memories must be false because it's unlikely that you'd actually have magical future knowledge from reincarnating from a world where you remember reading about this world as if it was a story.... okay. "I'm hallucinating/made it up/dreamed it/it's genjutsu" might seem more reasonable.

It's just the, "It must be fake memories, because otherwise the world I now live in isn't real" thing that made no sense to me. If you weren't saying that, then I withdraw my query.
it's just that I never understood why SI in stories are so sure that they are the person that lived in our world instead of the baby that live in their new world or how they can accept as truth the through that a japanese mangaka somehow immagined the world they live in (ok so in the multiverse theory we see in this site so often he would only be receptive to a real world and copy part of it in his story, but that seem like a coup out to me), that they take from granted the memories they have of the story as being something that existed instead of something they just dreamed up and that and that even than it apply in a word were they exist and were the characters are real people instead of drawings on a manga. To me thinking something like that would mean making so many umprovable absuntions it wouldn't even be funny, plus it would seem rather egocentric of me (by thinking I'm the special one who defied all the rules) and depressing at the same time (I'm just a side character in the story of the protagonist Naruto and all the very real people I see around me are predestinated to follow the plot of a manga unless I'm special and I alter the plot by my action or by my existence).
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it's just that I never understood why SI in stories are so sure that they are the person that lived in our world instead of the baby that live in their new world or how they can accept as truth the through that a japanese mangaka somehow immagined the world they live in (ok so in the multiverse theory we see in this site so often he would only be receptive to a real world and copy part of it in his story, but that seem like a coup out to me), that they take from granted the memories they have of the story as being something that existed instead of something they just dreamed up and that and that even than it apply in a word were they exist and were the characters are real people instead of drawings on a manga. To me thinking something like that would mean making so many umprovable absuntions it wouldn't even be funny, plus it would seem rather egocentric of me (by thinking I'm the special one who defied all the rules) and depressing at the same time (I'm just a side character in the story of the protagonist Naruto and all the very real people I see around me are predestinated to follow the plot of a manga unless I'm special and I alter the plot by my action or by my existence).
I think the main reason is similar to why a non-reincarnation SI will believe he's a person from another world where this place in which he finds himself is a work of fiction: he remembers it being so.

Memories are powerful things. It takes a lot to convince you that they're not real.

Should your memories of the other world include reading about things yet-to-be in the world in which you now live, you could set up experiments to test it. Similar for memories of secrets that already are established.

A lot of secrets are a lot easier to discover proof of if you know to look.

Of course, that's if you even care. But presumably, SIs care because they remember enough to have reason to have wanted to be inserted. I mean, it's a Self-Insert. If some part of you didn't want you here, it wouldn't have been written.
Hmm,I wonder why Toru hasn't made connections with Naruto yet. He knows that Naruto will just get stronger and stronger and protect him as his friend™,and thats just the 1st advantage.
Because he's an annoying immature and emotionally needy brat at this point in time? Toru has better things to do.
That jutsu that lets someone experience chakra with their other senses gives me an idea. There are senses that humans just don't have, like an eel's electromatic sense. If you could hit someone with a genjutsu that overwhelms an alien sense they shouldn't have it would create an entirely unexpected type of disorientation.

Then you have extensions of existing senses. To visualize this imagine for example you grew an entirely different arm out of your forearm. You could feel it just like it was another part of you. Now lets say that the forearm of that new arm doesn't exist but you can still feel the hand. It would be separate from you but still something you can feel despite having all your normal parts. Now imagine that hand got stabbed. It would hurt just like any other hand.

Take the logic of the above paragraph to use a genjutsu to bind someones mind to a dream catcher so that they can feel the strings of the dream catcher like a remote nervous system. Just gripping the strings would result in crippling pain. If not a pain dream catcher then perhaps a fake eye inside a tube pointed directly at a flashlight. Being blinded in one of your eyes would be incredibly disorienting. It doesn't matter if you just gained that 3rd eye moments ago. This would also be confusing as hell to explain to someone on the fly.
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Me either :[ I'd love to see it at some point, but this isn't the story for that, probably. Early on, Rogue said he wasn't bringing Naruto into the story 'til much later. The necessary condition for that sort of play is a story where you're in a position to benefit Naruto, but also not in a power wank fantasy with three thousand dojutsu, while also being self interested, calculating, and not a sociopath.
Me either :[ I'd love to see it at some point, but this isn't the story for that, probably. Early on, Rogue said he wasn't bringing Naruto into the story 'til much later. The necessary condition for that sort of play is a story where you're in a position to benefit Naruto, but also not in a power wank fantasy with three thousand dojutsu, while also being self interested, calculating, and not a sociopath.
Sounds like a hard balancing act. I'm glad Naruto isn't a focus though, it's too common
Hmm,I wonder why Toru hasn't made connections with Naruto yet. He knows that Naruto will just get stronger and stronger and protect him as his friend™,and thats just the 1st advantage.
Toru is trying to find his own path. I mean, he could devote his life to fixing canon, go and befriend Naruto, become an ally of the Konoha 12, Feed information and events to the Hokage... but that's not what he wants. Like he said at the end of the 'Fool' Arc. This isn;t Naruto;s story. It's Toru;s. The fact that NAruto will play a major role is irrelevant at this point. Toru Needs to learn about jutsu and chakra, Toru is experimenting and learning and evolving. The rest is for the future.
Well, someone asked for Tenten. I'm glad someone asked for Tenten.
I was halfway through a chapter about forging equipment, and someone commented about Tenten.
What else could I do?
Hmmmm. :wtf:
Fingers crossed. Here's hoping Toru's onset of puberty will not be sooooo romantic. If teenage romance is really needed, well please don't dedicate whole chapters for it... *shudders* Or, put a warning for those of us traumatized with ffnet's overload of puberty hormones and escaped here in SV/SB.
Too much sugary sweet teeth-rotting romance is a NO. If you will dedicate a chapter for it, warn us so we can skip it and get on with sneaky stabby stabby action. And, yeah, the BOOM. There can never be too much boom and destruction in Naruto. :ninja:
On Romance! Romance is not gonna be a huge thing in this story. yeah, an occasional fling between characters, or a romance subplot may drift into view on occasion, and there's a fairly major romance plot during the 'Lovers' arc I have planned, but Toru isn;t quite the centerpiece for that.
They eat dinner late in that household. :o
The stall out front closes at close to 8, and Toru's dad usually makes dinner. They eat late, because its rare for them to sleep before midnight. but they all get up before 8. cause sleep is for the week in this house.
I feel like exploding tags bear mentioning somewhere in here, since they seem to get more use than even sealing scrolls, at least for most ninja.

Exploding tags count as both a Channel and a Seal, depending on the part. (Chakra goes in, gets stored, and then released Concussive/incindiary force.)
Me either :[ I'd love to see it at some point, but this isn't the story for that, probably. Early on, Rogue said he wasn't bringing Naruto into the story 'til much later. The necessary condition for that sort of play is a story where you're in a position to benefit Naruto, but also not in a power wank fantasy with three thousand dojutsu, while also being self interested, calculating, and not a sociopath.
See, This is right. I don;t want to write a powerful OC/canon bashing fic. Toru isn't a god, or all knowing, or overwhelmingly genre savvy, and neither are his friends or villains. my biggest goal here is to write people. People you could imagine existing. For isntance lets try and.. describe, my cahracters, as i see them, as i try to write and hint.

Toru is in all truth, a teenager. he;s fairly impulsive easily distracted, and still learning, regardless of the years he knows, his body isn't there to match. He's a bit immature, but with this focus, he laughs and distracts his hands, which are never idle, not now, not when he has so much to do, and so little time. he keeps moving, one part ADHD, one part Immaturity, one part too much energy and too fast a mind. His hands have a hard time keeping up.

Yumi is angry, and she channels that really well, but it's still there. she has issues, mainly family issues, and it makes her... a bit forward and aggressive, particularly by Nara standards. She was chosen as leader, and it makes her heart race, her blood pulse. this.. Trust, this Faith as it seems, is all the more important by its lack elsewhere.

Kohaku is closed off, and lonely. dealing with a new town, oaths to her family, and a desire she can;t quite live up to in her own eyes. She is homesick and quiet and withdrawn. But when she sits there, and Yumi leaves this perfect opening for a perfectly timed moment to pick on Toru, because with Yumi they can be friends, they can be girls, picking on the guy who's stuck with them. They can talk fashion and gossip.

Santa is calm and easily amused, a bit overwhelmed by having what he considers a Near-Prodigy team, and trying to be there for them, if he;s pushing the fast, its cause he;s just trying too hard, if he misses a lesson or explanation,l its cause he;s inexperienced t this. but he's also a Yamanaka, a master of the mind, so when he sees his team, he can;t help but see these... cracks. in each of them. and he knows. the reason they are so great is these imperfections that haunt them. Toru with those old eyes, Yumi with the fragile trust and Bitter homelife, Kohaku, whos far from home and trying so hard. So he does it. he pushes them. and they push back, eyes hard, grins sharp, desires burning. He thinks they have a will of fire. He doesn;t know just how true this is. His Genin might just burn the world down.

While Tenten is still as we know from canon, Weapon-geek and straightforwards, but young, still a tad naive, though with subtle shifts. instead of forging her own path unfettered, she has a slight role model in the form of Toru. A young man with (to her) lightning fast reflexes, insane creativity, and stunning pinpoint accuracy. and its something he clearly earned. iShe sees something that's not a bloodline. Not some strange clan trait. it's practice. Toru is her first look at what she'll later call 'a genius of hard work.' She knows this. She has seen the days spent with bloodied fingers and repetition. firing one shot a thousand times. going through needles by the case, though shuriken by the set, She sees it in the grin when he gets 4-5-10-20 hits in a row. all bullseyes. she sees it when he breaths deep, wrapping blistered hands and cuts from fuckups. she sees it in he constant movemnets of cards and senbon. And she respects that. And she also sees something she can;t name not yet. but when she's older, when war passes by, she; ll know.

Toru is a Desperate man, holding on to the time he has.

...Where the fuck did that come from? Wow.

My muse decided to take the wheel.
If I were an SI I'd probably forget.

An intensely boring story that would be.

It's just denial in face of overwhelming terrible SI story, out of teenish wish to be special. I personally believe if one of us are to be reincarnated in fantasy world, we'll do what most SI do, as in learn magic, sword, have adventure, try to get laid with an elve, etc. Most people think alike after all
It's just denial in face of overwhelming terrible SI story, out of teenish wish to be special. I personally believe if one of us are to be reincarnated in fantasy world, we'll do what most SI do, as in learn magic, sword, have adventure, try to get laid with an elve, etc. Most people think alike after all
I don't have many illusions of myself. Any SI of me would end up wishing that he didn't procrastinate as much... And possibly for a PC. And plumbing. Depends on the setting.
On Romance! Romance is not gonna be a huge thing in this story. yeah, an occasional fling between characters, or a romance subplot may drift into view on occasion, and there's a fairly major romance plot during the 'Lovers' arc I have planned, but Toru isn;t quite the centerpiece for that.
That's good news. Romance not focused entirely on the SI is a breath of fresh air. It's always hard to find them fics these days. I don't mind the flings part they are teenagers afterall.
...Where the fuck did that come from? Wow.
Hoping there are much more where that came from. Perhaps, Obito's Kamui? :cool:
Also. OH, MY GOD! It's THE LEGENDARY @Pax_Empyrean!

I started reading SV/SB through Ryuugis TGWP, You are an awesome man.
That's where I started, too. TGWP was good times. And thank you.

By the way, how was SLCC this year? I went to the first few, but haven't been in a while. Might go to the next one.

Kind of limited career options with a name like that.

Came Tenten's voice from right next to me!
Tenten offers a reminder that little girl ninja are still ninja.

"Alright, I can see how you would think that." I looked down, reached over, pulling the shell from the quench, and setting it on the counter. "Let's talk fuinjutsu then."
Corrupting the youth, I see. A little odd that there isn't any reference to explosive tags, since those are another application of fuinjutsu that Tenten would probably be familiar with.