his body straightening and pulling back and sending her twisting and staggering forward half a step as from the corn of her eye she saw Tsuru grab Hotaru by the stomach and all but throw the dog at her, the familiar ball of fur slamming into her stomach and then a foot sweeping her legs. Again.

I have to say I have no idea what maize has go to do with sight.
Hey @RogueDruid, I've got some corrections for ya. Nothing catastrophic, just some bad punctuation and such.
I sat on the bed, twisting my ankle and nodding at the lack of pain or stiffness, before hopping to my feet.
Green comma doesn't exist and should, red comma does exist and shouldn't.
"Nothing on your side, we'll mark you as ready for combat, and check you out.
Extraneous comma.
I could go and work on breaking down explosive tags… but I'm, about at that point I need a supervisor.
Extraneous comma. It also might be a good idea to add a "when" or a "where" in between "point" and "I," but I'm not sure if it is strictly necessary.

Tsuru grinned, this would be fun.
Comma either should be a semicolon, or you should end the sentence there with a period and start the following "this" with a capital "T."
Kegawa and Haruto had fought together far longer than the boys, their movements were in sync in a way that the Hyuuga and Illusionist just weren't a match for.
Either the same as the previous correction, or you should add an "and" after it.
Don't get her wrong, they worked together well for people who had never teamed up, each picking a target and going in a staggered path.

However, she wasn't expecting how fast things turned against her.
Remove the separation between these two. The second sentence is still part of the first one's paragraph. I get that you are trying to creates some drama or some such, but it is jarring and grammatically incorrect. Maybe try using an ellipsis instead? I know that I tend to overuse ellipses in my stories, but what you did here is worse.
She almost lost it in the first five seconds, seeing a series of kicks and a half flip cartwheel twisty… Thing, that almost swept her off her feet.
Autocorrupt seems to have victimized you, as that "T" is not supposed to be capitalized.
As she slammed down she felt a push of cool cloth at her throat, Toru had a knee on the hollow of her collar, Tsuru with a hand at her stomach.
Period or semicolon, again. The sentence after it is also borked in a way that is kind of hard to describe, but feels similar to changing tense halfway through.
He had picked up a few changes in the last two months, a slightly deeper tan, a bit of height (how was he so damn tall? She barely came up to his eyes!), and he carried more weapons.
Needs to be a colon in this case, rather than a period or a semicolon.
"Well, I've been studying Chakra flow techniques…" Toru began, his hand glowing with a faint blue aura.
Comma doesn't exist in the original, but should.
I'm sure there's others, but I don't want to look more for them right now.
@RogueDruid I have a few more random technique ideas for you
  • I'm fairly certain the SI has already considered the fun leverage/grip tricks that can be done with the wallwalking technique, but most of them have more advanced versions using chackra string to anchor to distant objects.
    • mid-air direction changes ala Attack On Titan
    • anchoring your upper back to the ground so that a charging lunge abruptly becomes a backflipping kick with all the force of the charge
    • slinging instead of throwing, to increase range
    • making a shuriken throw at a 90+ degree angle from what it looked like your point of aim was
  • jutsu disruption technique: ram a chackra string into an opponent's jutsu handseals to both throw off finger motions and futz with their chackra control. probably only effective effective against low tier opponents
  • saving chackra by using chackra strings as guidelines for ninja wire
  • adjusting a chackra string to remove twist, or else hot swapping them. The point being to create a minimal friction environment for bringing a shuriken up to a much higher rotational speed than normal, so that instead of stabbing, it cuts like a circular saw
  • can the water walking technique be used UNDER water?
  • combine waterwalking and chackrastrings to coat the strings in poison
  • reeling strings back into your chackra network to reclaim some of the cost
@RogueDruid I have a few more random technique ideas for you
  • I'm fairly certain the SI has already considered the fun leverage/grip tricks that can be done with the wallwalking technique, but most of them have more advanced versions using chackra string to anchor to distant objects.
    • mid-air direction changes ala Attack On Titan
    • anchoring your upper back to the ground so that a charging lunge abruptly becomes a backflipping kick with all the force of the charge
    • slinging instead of throwing, to increase range
    • making a shuriken throw at a 90+ degree angle from what it looked like your point of aim was
  • jutsu disruption technique: ram a chackra string into an opponent's jutsu handseals to both throw off finger motions and futz with their chackra control. probably only effective effective against low tier opponents
  • saving chackra by using chackra strings as guidelines for ninja wire
  • adjusting a chackra string to remove twist, or else hot swapping them. The point being to create a minimal friction environment for bringing a shuriken up to a much higher rotational speed than normal, so that instead of stabbing, it cuts like a circular saw
  • can the water walking technique be used UNDER water?
  • combine waterwalking and chackrastrings to coat the strings in poison
  • reeling strings back into your chackra network to reclaim some of the cost
You. you, I like. All of these are... Theoretically possible. With the possible exceptions of the inverted water walking.

I offer you this in return. Chakra wire Senbon-crossbow.
I offer you this in return. Chakra wire Senbon-crossbow.
honestly ... that's rather meh. By that point I'd say either get a real crossbow or get a dedicated technique that just converts chakra to launching speed.

And I'm not sure how much senbon even benefit from increased velocity since as far as I can tell they're all about precision and poison delivery, not actual penetrative damage.

Far better, to my thinking, to just use puppeteer techniques to levitate them in the air and stab from all directions
honestly ... that's rather meh. By that point I'd say either get a real crossbow or get a dedicated technique that just converts chakra to launching speed.

And I'm not sure how much senbon even benefit from increased velocity since as far as I can tell they're all about precision and poison delivery, not actual penetrative damage.

Far better, to my thinking, to just use puppeteer techniques to levitate them in the air and stab from all directions
its more along the line of being able to cast senbon without moving, or from a distance from toru. wire and several senbon go out, the crossbow is constructed, and then senbon are fired.
its more along the line of being able to cast senbon without moving, or from a distance from toru. wire and several senbon go out, the crossbow is constructed, and then senbon are fired.
if you have enough force and tensile strength for that, then just flinging them via cstring would be simpler. Alternatively seal some moving senbon and use cstring to aim the seal.
honestly ... that's rather meh. By that point I'd say either get a real crossbow or get a dedicated technique that just converts chakra to launching speed.

And I'm not sure how much senbon even benefit from increased velocity since as far as I can tell they're all about precision and poison delivery, not actual penetrative damage.

Far better, to my thinking, to just use puppeteer techniques to levitate them in the air and stab from all directions
Depends on the senbon speed. Long and thin minimized drag, couple that with hypervelocity speeds and you have jutsu based gun. No need to bother with poison, just turn your enemy into messy smears. Then use a water jutsu to clean up what left.
Here's a fun idea: use the cards as homing beacons for chakra strings, so that you can maneuver in the air by grabbing whatever the card is on or in instead of having to actually aim while flying through the air.
I offer you this in return. Chakra wire Senbon-crossbow.

Couldn't you just do a kawarimi between your fingertips and the senbon? Then cancel the technique before it could kill the senbon's momentum (or actually skewer your fingers).

I recently read a fic where Naruto kills Zabuza's water clones by having his shadow clones kawarimi with their heads. Got me thinking about the implications of partial-body swaps.
Couldn't you just do a kawarimi between your fingertips and the senbon? Then cancel the technique before it could kill the senbon's momentum (or actually skewer your fingers).

I recently read a fic where Naruto kills Zabuza's water clones by having his shadow clones kawarimi with their heads. Got me thinking about the implications of partial-body swaps.
It is reasonable to assume that if an academy technique could be used to telefrag people, somebody would have noticed that by now.

It's a high speed movement technique anyway, derived from Shunshin. It's not actually teleportation in canon.
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I have to say, Kawarimi doesn't seem like it would do "partial" swaps. Nothing in the technique suggests that it can break apart connected objects.
It's a high speed movement technique anyway, derived from Shunshin. It's not actually teleportation in canon.

I'm assuming that kawarimi involves latching on to something with chakra, pulling against it to catapult you past it and vice-versa, then pulling again to stop both you and the object at your destinations. It's a bit like Spider-man's web shooter, except with practically instantaneous acceleration/deceleration due to Bullshit Ninja Magic and presumably lots of training. It's easier than shunshin (hence taught first) because you've got something concrete to grab onto.

This is probably not the only interpretation, but I'm not aware of anything that contradicts it.

In the fic I read, rather than grabbing the whole object, each shadow clone was creating the initial chakra link between the water clone's head and their entire body. Then, when the bungee effect kicked in, the force ripped the water clone's head off. Probably wouldn't be doable with a real ninja unless there was already a huge power gap.

I have to say, Kawarimi doesn't seem like it would do "partial" swaps. Nothing in the technique suggests that it can break apart connected objects.

Per the above: by "partial swap" I meant anchoring the chakra bungee cord to a specific part of the ninja or object rather than just wrapping round the whole thing. Tethering a senbon to your fingers would have about the same effect as a pencil being fired with a rubber band, but massively more powerful due to the afirementioned Bullshit Ninja Magic.

This would require crazy chakra control, not to mention strong fingers, but Toru is doing pretty well on those fronts.
I'm assuming that kawarimi involves latching on to something with chakra, pulling against it to catapult you past it and vice-versa, then pulling again to stop both you and the object at your destinations. It's a bit like Spider-man's web shooter, except with practically instantaneous acceleration/deceleration due to Bullshit Ninja Magic and presumably lots of training. It's easier than shunshin (hence taught first) because you've got something concrete to grab onto.
Yeah, that's... basically all bullshit.

This is probably not the only interpretation, but I'm not aware of anything that contradicts it.
Canon describes the mechanics of Shunshin and says that Kawarimi is derived from it. We can assume that it operates along at least vaguely similar principles.

You're putting way too much weight on this other fic you read. Kawarimi does not work like that.
Canon describes the mechanics of Shunshin and says that Kawarimi is derived from it. We can assume that it operates along at least vaguely similar principles.

Care to share with the class? It's perfectly possible I'm wrong, but if so then I'd really like to know the correct answer.

(And maybe a reference, if you can be bothered, so we can be sure this isn't just a case of conflicting headcanons.)

You're putting way too much weight on this other fic you read.

Not their fault, the above has been my headcanon for some time. In fact I've just taken another look and I think the fic's author may actually subscribe to the "kawarimi = teleportation" school of thought.
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Care to share with the class? It's perfectly possible I'm wrong, but if so then I'd really like to know the correct answer.
The first databook explains how it works: it vitalizes the body to move very quickly for a short time. In chapter 395 when they're trying to nail down Tobi with Shino's bugs, they conclude that he's actually teleporting without any kind of marker or seal instead of just moving around really fast (like these techniques would do), and this impresses the hell out of Kakashi. The English anime translation incorrectly calls it "Teleportation Jutsu," but the English translation of the anime is terrible.

Body Flicker Technique

Aside from all of this, we can assume that it can't be used offensively to tear up bits of people (even clones) because if it could, it would be used for this all the damn time. Everybody knows this technique. A lot of people make clones. Nobody counters clones with this technique. Thus, even if the databook didn't tell us that it doesn't work this way, we can assume that it's not a counter because nobody uses it as one despite it being a ubiquitous technique.
It is, to play devil's advocate, possible that you can't use Shunshin to interact with people without maiming yourself under normal circumstances, much like Time Stop in D&D has built in safety mechanisms to prevent. Shisui was feared and respected for being able to use it in a fight, after all. Most people aren't in the habit of just throwing away Shadow Clones like Naruto does.
The first databook explains how it works: it vitalizes the body to move very quickly for a short time.

Thanks for the info, very informative.

In that case, how can kawarimi be a derivative of it? There's nothing about vitalising your body that would lead to logs magically appearing in your former location.

Again, there might be a good explanation, but it isn't obvious. The Narutopedia page is less than helpful on the mechanics, and I don't have access to the databook.

Also, do we have any idea why kawarimi was considered the more easily-learned technique? Seems odd if it was basically shunshin++.
It basically boils down to an even mix of "this is a trick that real life ninja supposedly did, so it's one of the basics" and "because Kishimoto says so."

Jutsu mechanics don't make much sense, generally. Sometimes we have enough information to shoot down theories, but often enough it's just magic and there isn't any explanation for it. Very rarely we get something that's actually explained in detail, like the Rasengan.

As for using Shunshin in fights, a lot of people do that. Shisui just seemed to be faster about it, which is more than dangerous enough. The anime makes up a bunch of extra shit about it, like him fighting while super fast and making clones of himself with it.
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Shunshin and kawarimi enhance the body to move quickly to a target (location). What makes kawarimi easier is that has a specific target that you latch on and thus are guided to. Additionally you pull the target towards you which pulls you towards it.
The shunshin does not have a guidance system, which does not make it harder to perform, but more dangerous to use. Especially in combat. And since genin usually don't have the high speed observation skills to see during the shunshin, they learn the kawarimi.

Lastly, kawarimi uses your chakra to latch onto things. Hard to latch onto foreign chakra. And even if you manage, the target will propably notice and can disrupt it. And different from genjutsu, moving somebody's body is not subtle at all.
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Here's a fun idea: use the cards as homing beacons for chakra strings, so that you can maneuver in the air by grabbing whatever the card is on or in instead of having to actually aim while flying through the air.
Oh I really like this idea. I imagine it would look very eerie and similar to Spiderman. Any fun ideas what the name of the technique could be?
I wonder if using cards as foci for Kawarimi or Kage Bunshin would allow Toru to "store" chakra in them so that he could have more active than he could normally manage on his own.

Naruto is famous for his enormous chakra reserves letting him maintain armies of shadow clones. Toru managing even a smidgen of that by having "deck of illusory Torus" would be noteworthy. Especially if the card-focus let him kawarimi with his own clones.

Or sneak cards onto others and cover them in a modified kage bunshin that just makes them look like him.
Oh I really like this idea. I imagine it would look very eerie and similar to Spiderman. Any fun ideas what the name of the technique could be?

I usually name techniques like everything is an Exalted charm, but this one's kind of tricky.

Spider's Thread Meditation maybe?

Threads of Unfurling Wind could work too.