I wanted to wait until someone else brought it up, because I didn't want to appear stupid alone. I also don't see how he manipulated his class.
He's hiding a lot from them, as well as hiding basic sleight of hand training right under their noses and making them think less of him for it a little.

There's also the whole 'older than he looks' thing, which to the older observers would be partially visible at least, but the he's able to keep it from the kids and others who aren't trained to notice those things.

...I think that's it.

Remember, they don't think he's doing anything massively impressive, just that he's further along then he should be.
Older than he looks thing isn't true as far as ANBU is aware, because they have his date of birth on file.
Older than he looks thing isn't true as far as ANBU is aware, because they have his date of birth on file.
...what in the...

He ACTS older than he looks. There's big differences between how adults and children react to life, as well as how they communicate, subconscious knowledge and understanding that we just pick up as we go along, along with being able to properly pay attention to our surroundings and put ourselves in others shoes.

All it takes is one person thinking "Hey, that's not a typical reaction/interaction for a kid to have." and he's at risk of investigation, so it's not that unusual that they're paying attention to him since he's going to a ninja school with a ninja teacher who notices things ninjas should notice. They don't know why he acts older than he should, they might not even know he's specifically acting older instead of, for example, just acting different, but they'll have noticed something.
I think it says that he's conning his class, so poker?
Re-reading. Here's some things that jumped out at me:
Oh, As for training as a ninja

canon started. seven untill
'Seven' and 'until'

With your memories, you probably will have
'you will probably have'

curriculum is fucking Bullshit.

that put me off trying mess with
'trying to mess'


Also, I don't think the 'among' needs to be capitalized, but I guess it depends exactly how you wanted that part to be read. Someone else might know better than me.

It turns out that families that constantly use chakra, have children who can use chakra a more easily
'chakra have'

a civilian adults ass


You've got it right every other time up until now, just so you know, which I really like seeing.

For most of the Library's civilian side

notes for later reference.
Missing space between the lines of these two paragraphs.

Most of it was just textbooks, and scrolls: dozens of each one, lined up.
'textbooks and'

You could also change the colon to a comma if you wanted, since it's not like anyone will get confused what's being thought about.

There weren't any just scrolls here
That's a little unfair, I'm sure they had a good excuse at the time!


there were a few books that caught my interest, and I had been reading through when I had time.
'there were a few books that caught my interest that I had been reading through when I had the time.'
'there were a few books that caught my interest, and I had been reading through them when I had the time.'

were books the size of a YA novel
'Young Adult'

The main reason I chose it was that it was more detailed manipulation theory than the current academic texts

... at least I think that's what it should be. It just sounds strange to me.

I was looking at the diagrams of Imbuing chakra

and in the control book, I was on a chapter about

Mastery of chakra reinforcement was supposed to allow almost anything to function as a weapon, even for a short time, a stick, a glass bottle, a piece of paper, and on and on.
'at least'

You could also rework the whole thing to something like 'Mastery of chakra reinforcement was supposed to allow almost anything to function as a weapon, at least for a short time. Things like sticks, bottles, and bits of paper, but the list of examples went on and on.'

For instance, using this, a person with say… an oak staff could use it to block swords or axes
'this a'
'with, say, an'

For those of you who don;t know
This is in your intro note, so I don't know if you care to fix it.

It was a folding knife, based on a folding hunting knife, my grandfather, back in my first life gave me.
The way this is set out makes it sound like the folding knife is something he brought with him from his first life. You can fix this by removing the two marked commas.

it showed one on the annoying

I took a moment to retrieve my knife from where I had dropped it, and fold it up, flicking the blade closed
'it and'

I bent down and picked back up the old duffle bag I had and continued scavenging.
'picked the old duffel bag back up'

Like that wire, though it seems I need more work to dismantle traps like that. Damn. I also need to finish working on the wire escape techniques.
'seemed I needed'

I think, anyway. He's thinking about what he plans to be doing/completing in the future.

I was wearing a dark blue with green accents jacket
'I was wearing a jacket, dark blue with green accents'

A leather skin-tight sleeve
'A skin-tight leather sleeve'

from the base of the middle finger on each hand, to where the mesh ended.
'hand to'

Once I had gotten the leather the way I wanted, I started trimming them
Either 'leathers' or 'it'. I'm pretty sure it'd be best to go with 'leathers' as your change, since he's talking about multiple pieces that he's turning into his sleeves.

Beyond that from wrist to knuckles was a layer of very delicate steel chainmail, the results of a week's worth of careful soldering and filing, the mail was sewed carefully to the leather with sturdy threads. The mesh was fine enough that it flowed almost like cloth, if quite a bit heavier, and was hidden under the sleeves. It gave my taijutsu a bit of a kick
Going to question this. The layer of steel is on the backs of his hands, and he says this is going to help him get more of a kick from punching things. It's not positioned properly for that unless he's going to go around pimp slapping people with the back of his hand, so unless I'm looking at this wrong (likely, because I don't know punchy) I don't know what he means.

ranging from artistic Cardistry
Another thing I'm not familiar with is Cardistry, and whether or not it should be capitalized like this.

I worked on any and every trick I knew to make my hands faster, more precise, then I made more nonsensical and absurd, strange and confusing.
Then you made more nonsensical and absurd, strange and confusing 'what'? And 'why'? Tricks, I assume, and to make his hands faster. Might flow better as
'then I made more nonsensical and absurd, strange and confusing ones to push my fingers further'

If it made my hands move faster, forced me to lie smoother, and gave me any edge in deception I could.
'could get, I tried it.'

flip coins from hands to hand

hiding and palming the coils as often as possible

Thanks to the armbands, my wrist wasn't dislocated or sprained, thankfully it had spread the pressure around a bit
'armbands my'

I finally got the wires out of chainmail, and let my hands drop
'of the chainmail and'

The chains would clink, softly it must be said if I made any sharp steps or movements.
'said, if'

A fingerless glove over top?
'over the top'

Looking up I noticed the sun start to head to the horizon
'had started'

I mean, unless it's literally exactly midday and the sun was directly overhead, which seems like a stretch.
All ^ was from the first page, so it should be easy to find.

the drills from the roof of the academy, while I nursed
'academy while'

sat next to me, doing the same
'me doing'

first time in a while, my class had gone through
'while my'

I wish I could help, but unlike Naruto, I
'help but, unlike'

influence…. Except

sharp needle pointless than an inch from my skin
'point less'

"Why do you do that."

I've seen coins, cards, kunai, shuriken, pens, and even knives in your hands.
She's currently watching him play with a senbon, so chances are she's seen him with senbon in his hands as well. Just feels odd it's not in the list, since she's including everything else.

She was focused if a bit prone to being sidetracked at times.
'focused, if'


I'd suggest picking a way to use numbers/currency and sticking with it, otherwise it just looks odd.



simply checking the see the rookies were coming out to play
'the sea of rookies that were'
'to see the rookies that were'

'It had'

I would think she's a fan girl, they're plenty in the class

I would go on a limb
'go out on'

"-Which lead the second Mizukage to-"
"-And so we can see how the trade embargo-"
For both of these, you're having the teacher continue speaking as you mostly ignore what he says, so the initial capital letter isn't required since he's in the middle of his sentences.

organic matter, It's resistant to chakra manipulations

Shusho, What was the

Shuriken is also a useful weapon

A few month of trying

As the class wound down, I gathered my things, and when dismissed, I took off.
Bit complicated. Would
'I gathered my things as the class wound down and, when we were finally dismissed, I took off.'
work better?

Flip a coin time! heads

I particularly like this training ground, number 19
Training grounds seem to be named by their numbers, so should this be 'Number 19'? This is more of a Naruto question than a spelling correction, in some ways.

I'm not sure what happened here, but it looks like for this one instance you're using non-standard apostrophes. Every other one I see is ' instead of '. Bot really a problem, exactly, but it stands out.

spent three weeks trying the cut the tip off

through, is a Bitch to get right.

I send out the last set of senbon and grin as I pin a trio of blooded blank ryo ring home.

I have no idea what you mean with 'ring home'.

Of the coins, almost a fourth of them were damaged.
Wouldn't practically all of them be damaged? He's sticking senbon through them to pin them to the target. I think you're trying to say they're damaged beyond use, or something like that.

Finished, cleaning up, I paused and took a breath.
'Finished cleaning'

The senbon was pinned just left of the bullseye, coin still shaking from the impact.
'The coin was pinned just left of the bullseye, senbon still shaking from the impact.'

"Wonder whats for dinner.... Hmm


"Round three, Let's go,"

I grin and clarify, Hands pulling a deck


I perform some cardistry
As mentioned up above, I'm unsure if this should be 'Cardistry' or not. Either way, it's best to stick to one way of presenting it.

to show a royal Flush
showing a second Royal flush.
'Royal Flush'


. Then I bring my hands together, and while showing the spades, flip both cards upsides down and pass them by each other and back
'flip both sets of cards upside'

My Jutsu skills were rough but passable

My chakras hovering about two-thirds of my usual cap


'... clicking'

or for it's 'Will of Fire'.

Gaara's loneliness, Should I help

I can respect Naruto's Idealism, Do I follow him?
'idealism, do'


But my goals, my drives....

the Story of 'Naruto'.

.Fight dirty. Cheat often. Win whenever possible.
Aaand that'll do for a bit.

I think it says that he's conning his class, so poker?
He also mentioned/displayed to Asako that he's underplaying his skills, and that's after she's been watching him do somewhat impressive things (for their age):
Looking up to watch as Asako seems to look at me in a new light. I'm fairly certain I know what she thought of me. A bored loner, uninterested in the shinobi lifestyle. I didn't really contradict that. I mean, I was always distracted, never really excelled in class. My Jutsu skills were rough but passable, and my taijutsu is my weakest point. I'm good seemingly at two things, card tricks, and throwing things.

My taijutsu was actually pretty bad. Not 'dead last everyone beats me', but I'm definitely in the bottom half of the class on hand to hand. Top fourth or so when it came to throwing weapons, and probably top third or so in test scores.
...what in the...

He ACTS older than he looks. There's big differences between how adults and children react to life, as well as how they communicate, subconscious knowledge and understanding that we just pick up as we go along, along with being able to properly pay attention to our surroundings and put ourselves in others shoes.

All it takes is one person thinking "Hey, that's not a typical reaction/interaction for a kid to have." and he's at risk of investigation, so it's not that unusual that they're paying attention to him since he's going to a ninja school with a ninja teacher who notices things ninjas should notice. They don't know why he acts older than he should, they might not even know he's specifically acting older instead of, for example, just acting different, but they'll have noticed something.
Considering Orochimaru's... fetish (It's a fetiah and all of you know it!), it's a pretty sensible explanation.
What most people don't get outside very seasoned interrogator is that 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' works for a reason; it's not only works in leveraging threat against uncooperating perps, they also helps throws off perps expectation, shaking his/ her psychological defense. In first type, leveraging threat for the most part works against stupid/ inexperienced perps. It can also works in reverse; some smarter, more influental perps that looking mostly for himself will cooperate more if he believes that cooperating will get him some advantage.

In the aecond type, this basically force the perps into mind games. Why he was nice? Is the food tampered? Is the drink tampered? Is this my last meal? When they start interrogating? Things like that. Add genjutsu and the possibility for mind games became practically limitless.

Also, be careful, since what perps believes are true, what perps want to believe to be true, and what the actual facts are, can be wildly differ.
Yep, Kindness and empathy are weapons in the Ninja world. See canon Naruto for exhibit A.
Nah, the smarter, influential criminal will call for his lawyer immediately, and then do or say nothing until the lawyer arrives.
Lawyers don't live long in the Elemental Nations....
Well, that's in USA. In Konoha, though, rules a bit... different :evil:
Yeah, In the USA if you kill a Lawyer and burn thecorpsee they call the cops and arrest you... in Konoha though....
"So you want a lawyer to represent you? Surely you wouldn't need one if you were innocent..."
Three days later...
"Now lets start from the begining one more. Where were you when the scroll went missing? We he had inside help. The sooner you come out with the truth the better."
One week later...
"Seems we have confirmation that you were telling the truth from the begining. We assure you that you will be compensated for your missing time with one B rank missions worth of pay. We will also remove your memories of your treatment with us, and replace them with more pleasant ones. All records of suspicion will be sealed by the hokage herself. She will also personally heal you and give you a commendation for your continued loyalty and perserverance."

After the ordeal in the torture and interogation department.
"Tahiti is a magical place, wonderful place for a vacation. It really made for an easy and enjoyable mission."

"Where were you last week?"
"meh. had to get over to Hot Springs Country for a quick minute. It's so relaxing."
What about an ushi-oni contract?
Aka japanese ox hybrid monsters with the other half of the hybrid ranging from part octupi, part crab, or even part spider. Some are even bipedal with glider monkey like membranes (see image in spoiler).

They would make for a versatile set of summons. So long as we don't accidently attempt to summon gyuki.

Kitsune foxes might also make for a good summons, tricky and stealthy illusionists sounds like a good summons.

Edit Note: Fixed qoute, although please note that I removed the videos and images from the qoute as you can see them in the post above those one.
I'm saying this now, I am unlikely to get some sort of mythical monster Contracts. No Godzilla or Demonic/Angelic Contract.
not a bad chapter.

personally, i think it's a little rough on it's obvious foreshadowing and flow and conversations /monogling but it's solid

I do feel you gave up what could have been a mystery/surprise later by keeping the audience uninformed of the watchers and only letting us see/hear what MC does.

also, may I just say: Damn ninjas, always poling their noses in everyone elses business
Yep, i think i did go a bit far out with that part of it. But next chapter ass more mystery! which will be... Suden, abrupt and confusing.
Enemy: "Why are you holding underwear?" o_O

Toru: "Don't you recognize it?" :evil:

Enemy: "... why are you holding my underwear?!?" :confused:

Toru: "That's the wrong question, the question you should be asking is what did I replace your underwear with?" :p
"One part explosion, two parts itching powder, one part aphrodisiac (For Sensitivity). Oh, I feel almost sorry about that."

Also, when I was talking about Toru having cat summons, and the boss being Toru, I meant the boss being Tora.
Hmmm.... Cats.... Teeth and claws and Nighvision oh my
So, Octopi Summons? What about Tree Octopi?

Joke in his previous life is actually real in fantasy-ninja land.
Hmm... chakra is a hell of a drug
It may not be octopi, but I'm pushing ahead in that belief because it fits, and because it was my idea. I'm going to be amused if it's not.
Was it your idea? Really... Did you miss something there?
His style and technique scream fox summons to me, but i'm also thinking crows or cats for obvious reasons.
Fox seems overplayed, and a bit Power Wanky
alligators you pull card tricks and take chances alligator part are often used as gambling good luck charms (imagine aliigator sage mode)
I.... I did not consider this. Oh god, Cajun, Voodoo, and card dealing crocodiles. They live in what's called the Shallow Bayou... I'm Tempted. I'mreallyy Tempted.
HAHAHAHAHA No. I do not need or want, to summon Godzilla. Or a T-rex. Or my personal favorite, the 101 strong Velocorptor pack. Thats OP as all hell.
I think pigeon clan, actually, and a handful of doves, since they're from the same family. It works with the street magician shtick, and also gives him a versatile espionage team. Pigeons get everywhere, the winged rat of the city.

Plus, you get the excuse to give them inexplicable Brooklyn accents. Who doesn't love the Goodfeathers?
Hmm... Tempting. The reason I'm going to say you don't see pigeons often is the lack of trash that you find in Konoha. less industrial BS, fewer Litter that non-biodegradable, and there is no spike in pigeon population.
That depends on how common pigeons are in the elemental nations.
I don't recall any in what I read of canon, but then the only animals that I remember being shown were either summons, trying to eat someone plot relevant, or as part of a joke.
If pigeons do exist in the elemental nations, they would probably be pretty rare outside the more temperate regions like Fire and Grass, maybe waterfall.
yep, And lack of a place with fewer predators. (Industrial cities)
I could have sworn I saw some in the background of Konoha during the anime, but it's been a solid decade since I watched it, so I could be wrong. Maybe it's just the mental image of ninjas bouncing from roof to roof, with a flight of pigeons bursting up from a gutter or alley.
I can see that too. Hmm...
Ushi-Oni already taken. Y'know, by a certain ninja that basically The Best At What He Does. Except on writing enka lyrics.
I Do not rap. I do not write rap. Trust me on this.

I don't know if it's because I read the chapters some time ago and don't remember or that I'm just that dumb but how was he manipulating the class?
I wanted to wait until someone else brought it up, because I didn't want to appear stupid alone. I also don't see how he manipulated his class.
It hasn;t been completely explored yet. a case of unreliable narrator. and the difference between a Glamoury and a Grammary
I think the t&I aspect is the fact that he was manipulating the people around him. Ibiki specialises in mind games. It may be that an academy student capable of this at this age is a sign of potential as far as ibiki's t&I is concerned
He's hiding a lot from them, as well as hiding basic sleight of hand training right under their noses and making them think less of him for it a little.

There's also the whole 'older than he looks' thing, which to the older observers would be partially visible at least, but the he's able to keep it from the kids and others who aren't trained to notice those things.

...I think that's it.

Remember, they don't think he's doing anything massively impressive, just that he's further along then he should be.
Both of you are on the right track.
I think it says that he's conning his class, so poker?
Hehehe, he has very carefuly not challenegd people to poker. he wants to fleece them when they have money, after all.
Older than he looks thing isn't true as far as ANBU is aware, because they have his date of birth on file.
Physical VS mental
...what in the...

He ACTS older than he looks. There's big differences between how adults and children react to life, as well as how they communicate, subconscious knowledge and understanding that we just pick up as we go along, along with being able to properly pay attention to our surroundings and put ourselves in others shoes.

All it takes is one person thinking "Hey, that's not a typical reaction/interaction for a kid to have." and he's at risk of investigation, so it's not that unusual that they're paying attention to him since he's going to a ninja school with a ninja teacher who notices things ninjas should notice. They don't know why he acts older than he should, they might not even know he's specifically acting older instead of, for example, just acting different, but they'll have noticed something.
Yeah, he gets it. a note on that is that he decided a long time ago, (7-8 years old) to consider himself a young child with a database of a past life, instead of a past life living as a child. it was a way to ignore some of the peskier moral and ethical arguments regarding age, like attraction and social mentality
Considering Orochimaru's... fetish (It's a fetiah and all of you know it!), it's a pretty sensible explanation.
Yep. it's totally a Fetish you pale skinned snake eyed jackass! Don't Kid yourself!

In the anime it was possible for a ninja to mimic the shape of an owls feathers to make his attacks silent. Apply this to wind natured chakra and shuriken and you have a lethal and silent attack.
Shira, the guy who developed it in cannon did so on his own while living in a dessert, which probably did not have many owls flying about.
Add this to shaping chakra into shuriken or kunai after throwing the senbon. Turn a small shuriken into somethig the size of a very large fuma shuriken.
There are also non-wind based tehniques to manipulate weapons midflight.
Combine them all with deception and misdirection. That clone technique could be used to make illusionary projectiles. Those senbon could turn into kunais midflight. Those small shuriken could be expanded into fuma shuriken the moment the enemy dodges.

Those missed kunai could have hollow handles with explosive notes, or storage seals with poison gasses or other such things in them. A card could have a swarm of senbon sealed within.
Jutsus can make things invisible and create sounds too.
Imagine letting off a barrage of weapons, but every weapon the enemy sees and hears are all illusions, illusions using projections of light and sound making the standard kai "release" tehcnique useless against them, while every weapon you actually three is both silent and invisible.
With all of the silent invisible weapons having hollow handles filled with explosive notes, or infused with chakra to create chakra blades just after before they hit. Add in chakra manipulation to alter the trajectory and you have a complex layer of misdirection and illusions.

And that fuma shuriken being capable of being used as a fan would really be useful. Fans can be used for wind jutsu, or to protect against sword or as a makeshift shield.

Manipulating Attack Blades
Chakra Levitation Technique
Wind Release: Verdant Mountain Gale
Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken

I may adapt these to various Earth/Water Jutsu, but you need to remember that he won't focus on the wind for some time. Also, some of these are REALLY high-level Wind manipulation. He may never achieve that level of mastery.

I think this belongs here.

Okay that was pretty cool, just saying.

Heh, I got a kick out of that over that Cover. I now want Card Master Ricky Jay to be my 'Specialty card supplier'. Goddamn.

Re-reading. Here's some things that jumped out at me:
My God, an edit. WHOO! most of these are instant fixes, but for these (vvvv) lets hash it out.
Going to question this. The layer of steel is on the backs of his hands, and he says this is going to help him get more of a kick from punching things. It's not positioned properly for that unless he's going to go around pimp slapping people with the back of his hand, so unless I'm looking at this wrong (likely, because I don't know punchy) I don't know what he means.
It's a combination of weight to his punches, training weight, and defense (Blocking and Deflection)
Training grounds seem to be named by their numbers, so should this be 'Number 19'? This is more of a Naruto question than a spelling correction, in some ways.
Hmm. Well argued. Going with it as a proper name.
I'm not sure what happened here, but it looks like for this one instance you're using non-standard apostrophes. Every other one I see is ' instead of '. Bot really a problem, exactly, but it stands out.
huh. That is... weird? wtf....
Wouldn't practically all of them be damaged? He's sticking senbon through them to pin them to the target. I think you're trying to say they're damaged beyond use, or something like that.
I would like to point you to the shape and design of an ryo.

Namely, the ones with the square hole. That's his target. he is pinning them through the hole. which is far more difficult than you probably thought what he was doing. note that that's why he made the blanks, these are generally compared to like fifty bucks US for each of them
Aaand that'll do for a bit.
You, sir, are a god among men. Thank you.

The chapter should be coming tomorrow. sorry for the wait, work has been hectic with the summer heating up. the chapter after that is already half done though, so yay!
Magician- 3
HA, you thought it was early but no, it's me, Dio the Update!

But yeah, finished up the chapter, just needed to finish editing. this is a bit of a... weird chapter, but it introduces a character for later, and Finally, gives us a bit of conflict. and impetuous to do something. Also, the one-sided beatdown is to show exactly how far ahead the other party is ranked.


I flexed my hand and gave my fingers a quick run through of the alphabet, frowning at the layer of bandages that now wrapped my palm, before looking up at the nearly bisected straw doll across the clearing. The massive three-pronged shuriken was embedded up to the ring on its side, the point of the blade pushing out its opposite side. I had thrown it a bit faster than I needed, and my grip had slipped slightly, the curve of the pointed end scoring a line across my palm. With the hand wrapped up tightly, I strode across to grab the Shuriken, readying to yank it when

Move MOTHERFuck!

I dive backward, that sudden itch on the back of my skull, the faint subconscious yell, instincts I barely knew I had going rampant-

I'm not fast enough, the figure that suddenly stands next to me, a figure that the only impression I get is an impression of Black clothes and white mask, kicks out, planting a foot in my stomach, before shoving me backward.

I go limp from the push, and then tense, slamming one foot down and using it and a flicker of chakra to flip backward and low to the ground.

I lash out even before I right myself, a dozen senbon being thrown in a loose spread in front of me. But by the time my eyes focus, I already know I missed, because of the figure, of which I now catch an impression of blue streaks on white, is beside me.

They (he, she? He? He!) plants a hand on my now flat parallel to the ground torso and shoves. Again, I go limp, letting my reflexes take over, slam my legs down slightly, make the impact slow down, with my arms lashing up, a deck of cards all but bursting from my sleeves.

There a flinch, and I'm already pulling my chakra, readying t-

Slam, foot to side, another kick, not intended to hurt, but to move, I'm up in the air once more, cards around me, I struggle to hold on to my chakra as-

I skip off the water of the river, and focus, flashing chakra out to try and find some form of friction, to try and catch myself even the slightest bit. I eventually get a second of balance and shove, send myself up to the cliff face, at an angle, and slam my feet on the rock, chakra sticking me to the surface.

And when I look up, the guy, the ANBU is gone. I take a short breath, and ready myself eyes flickering back and forth across the tree line. With a thought I release my hold on the wall, twisting to glance above me and then when the only thing I see is the sky, slam one foot down to twist once more, back at the trees.

Wait, What is- There's a small bundle of cloth, dark green and black, sitting where I stood.

I focus and glance around, sliding the two long senbon in my left sleeve to my hand, holding the rounded teardrop ends against my wrist and the long thin diamond shaped blades between my knuckles.

I step my way to the bundle slowly, ever so slowly. I take almost fifteen minutes walk only 100 meters, at most. That feeling at the back of my neck is gone now though. Stepping close, I use one of the long senbon to grab the note on top of the bundle, next to it in a neat deck are the cards I tried to use earlier, which I only now notice are not spread over the grass of the bank. I focus, and I can feel my chakra in them. I turned my attention back to the paper.

The note was simple.

Work on your speed, young one.
-A friend of your Grandfathers.

I blinked, and looked at the bundle, slowly pulling it p. It unfolded smoothly, revealing a sleeveless long jacket. I blinked at the weight, it had to be almost twenty pounds. Beneath it was a small box of weighted panels, and a small manual explaining how to raise or decrease the weight. Along with the weights were several strips of cloth, which could be used to change the size and fit of the jacket. Among those were loose flowing sleeves, a broad hood, a face mask that could attack to the hem, a matching long scarf, and panels that would make the jacket longer, as it was, it was a bit wide across the shoulders, but the buckles that laced across it took care of that, folding the cloth together.
Huh. Nice. I blinked and then voiced a thought that came to mind.

"OK, seriously, who the fuck is my grandfather?"


I sighed as I felt the bruised flesh from the attack loosen up, the steam and hot water of the pool helping. Good news, I'm not being distracted by the bacterial colony growing anymore, bad news…

"Ow." I had unrolled a thin case of actual surgical acupuncture needles, and held my arm out, looking at the bruise along the forearm that represented a barely effective block from the fight. I don;t exactly remember when it happened either.

Regardless, I continued slowly pressing the various pressure points along the bruise, slowly opening my chakra paths from the slight swelling of the bruise. The freer the flow of chakra, the faster my natural regeneration would be. Not hours or minutes, but probably a week instead of a month.

Sadly it only works on bruises and muscle aches.

I sunk deeper into the water, eyes, and ears still alert as I focused on the weight of senbon strapped to my good arm.

A lot of senbon.

Just in case.


I shouldered my bag and finished up burying my fire after having breakfast on the last day of my trip, looking up at the dark clouds that moved in overnight. A few minutes to retrieve the hood, and I'm pulling on the new coat as I stood. The weight was… reassuring, in a way. The myriad of pouches across it now filled with bits and bobs of my arsenal. Yep, calling it the arsenal. The fact I have a dozen varieties of sharp pointy throwing objects scattered across my outfit will prove my point. I swing my satchel over my shoulder with a grunt, the weights for the coat making me grunt as it weighs me down. I pull out a specially marked deck that I had been messing with most of the week, and flipped through the cards, slowly leaking chakra into them. The cards were the current prototype of my experiments with chakra infused paper and reinforcement.

As well as my first semi-stable attempt at Fuinjutsu… sort of.

See, one of the first concepts of Fuinjutsu could be boiled down to a single word.


It's a staple across 90% of all common sealing techniques, but usually, it's to keep fuinjutsu stable, it's simple really, very symbolic. Circles symbolize containment. Spirals symbolize Drain, Any polygon shapes indicate Direction and action, More unique shapes represent a unique Meanings.

But the Circle is everywhere. Need to keep your exploding tag stable till it burns? Circle. Want to keep a trigger from reacting with a sequence? Circles.

Prevent a chain reaction? Circles.

So I took that into account. I drew a simple circle on the back of each card, writing in an ink tinged with blood. The paper is bound to me by the resonance ritual, the ink to me by blood. The first few attempts ended with the paper either disintegrating, burning, or exploding with compressed chakra. then I added a triangle, for equilibrium and balance.

Then it worked, sort of.

The charge was faint, the seal leaking. I doubled the circle, two lines wrapping the outside, and inscribed the kanji for Seal on the paper.

Success! It stores chakra without exploding. Issue! I can't retrieve it. I doubled the triangles, one inverted to represent change, one properly oriented, to represent balance. Try again…

And that worked. It's rough, it's crude, any real fuinjutsu master would be up in arms at the lack of economy or style. But the design is simple and fits on my cards just fine. I spent a week working out the kinks and drawing it till I knew the design and its exact measurements like the back of my hand, and then I got a fresh pack of playing cards and got to work.

Now each card in this deck stores the amount of chakra your average bushin takes. But it does take some time to charge the full deck. I could do it in under an hour, but that's a drop from 100% to 20%, and then a long nap afterward. However, i already use cards all the time, adding a low flow of chakra into them over the course of the day is a far more efficient use of time and effort.

One of the things that I really like was the fact that it was far easier to channel my chakra through them as targets, the resonance making them act like a mirror for my signal. I could Kawarimi with any of my cards in a 100 meter radius, or so though the further out the more likely the card… shall we say suffers? From the jutsu. At about 20 meters, they burn out the array. At fifty, the cards rip and tear. At anything above 70 meters… well, 'Confetti' sounds accurate. The distance also increased the chakra cost. The three 100 meters tests were exhausting and took almost half of my chakra pool. My training with them this week had al but drained a few of them, and more and been utterly ripped apart by the stress of use. So I started to shuffle the remains of the deck, sending softly pulsing chakra between the cards to recharge the seals.

I took my time heading home, and as the rain started to drizzle slightly, I slid the cards away. My bag was waterproofed, and my new jacket kept the rain off all but my arms.

I noticed the path was empty and felt a silly urge come up. Mentally translating, I began to sing softly, the cadence was… a bit off, but it worked okay.

"I'm singing…. In the rain…."

By the time I reached Konoha streets again, I was far more relaxed and cheerful.

Always liked that song.
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Hundred meters kawarimi? That is still better than the other movement tricks aside from Hirashin. I know must jonins can run that in just a few measly minutes but that time can mean between life and death for you.

As you better your fuinjutsu style and work on it, you could raise the efficiency of it to take less chakra and/or go longer than 100 meters.
I wasn't going to say it.... but yeah.

Okay, let's use... Asuma, as our control here for jonin. Asus can move fast, and like most join. Can travel at almost let's say... a traveling speed of 55-65 kilometers per hour. He can cover the distance that Shusho travels with the kawarimi in 6 seconds, less if he rushes. Most jonin also have anpractical range of almost 200 meters for kawarimi, they stay closer due to the efficiency of it.

A full range card kawarimi is not going to save Shusho from anyone above chunin.

And while he will evolve the cards eventually, his current card has to be at his destination, and will still drain half his chakra for a full range switch.
DId you just make the Israeli flag a fuinjutsu?
Not... exactly Israeli flag. That's Star of David, 6-pointed star, which is traditional icon for Jewish, but also came a lot in... well, one of them is alchemy texts.

Come to think of it:
See, one of the first concepts of Fuinjutsu could be boiled down to a single word.


It's a staple across 90% of all common sealing techniques, but usually, it's to keep fuinjutsu stable, it's simple really, very symbolic. Circles symbolize containment. Spirals symbolize Drain, Any polygon shapes indicate Direction and action, More unique shapes represent a unique Meanings.

But the Circle is everywhere. Need to keep your exploding tag stable till it burns? Circle. Want to keep a trigger from reacting with a sequence? Circles.

Prevent a chain reaction? Circles.
I'll just drop my little theory that fuinjutsu is all basically storage, alteration, and release in various ratios.
It seems to fit pretty much everything we see of it in canon.
This at first bring me on 2 things: How the magic cast by humans in Dresdenverse, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Because circles basically a building to build and focused spells, and one of easiest way for mortal human to contain magical power.