Loved this chapter even more than the last ones, and all of the so far established characters are intriguing. This story is just brimming with subtle and interesting details that build a vibrant world.

I look forwards to more. :)
I would like to point you to the shape and design of an ryo.
Want to know how stupid I feel? I should already know this. God damn it.

Still, glad everything else might have helped. I'd have done the rest, but sleep calls us all eventually, and now I don't have access to a computer so anything else will have to wait.

If I don't forget (I'll probably forget) I'll do the rest.

"OK, seriously, who the fuck is my grandfather?"
It's funny, because his grandfather might have been a nobody and still gotten the same sort of response. Older generations just know people, and it can be amazing the types amd amounts of connections the elderly have gathered through their lives simply by being political and helpful.

For all intents and purposes, that ANBU could have been a regular at a pub his grandfather frequents and simply overheard some kind old man who shouts a round every now and then talking about his favorite grandson.

There's reasons for respecting your elders.
Magician- 5
Alright, hashed this out last night, edited it up today. Oh, and I mentioned it in chapter... two(?) but most of language and speech you read are actually in story Japanese or the elemental equivalent that sounds and reads and has similarities to Japanese, but for some minor variants.

Also, love the comments and feedback! keep them coming, probably gonna post another mass reply to them later tonight.

Oh, and thanks to
Tactical Tunic for throwing ideas at me, Tsuru is based of one of his suggestions.

"So, what's the plan today? You normally try to avoid taking me with you to training." Asako asks, dressed in simple black shirt and skirt, the long sleeves tied to keep them close, and the skirt parted to keep her from losing flexibility. She looks nice, shoulder length straight black/purple hair and pale skin clashing with the dark brown eyes and light makeup she prefers to use. nothing fancy, not like some fo the other girls in class. Or Kohaku.

She also is taking in the deserted corner of training ground 12 with curiosity, it's a small clearing with sparse trees around it, private somewhat, but also easy to be seen by anyone approaching.

I nodded, hands pulling out a very specific deck from my coat. It was dark gray color, with a bright red eye emblazoned on the back, the design similar to the eye of Ra, from my past life. In the center of the eye, there was a small seal, looking like a pair of spirals circling against each other. I shuffled it to calm myself, and order my thoughts, a habit Asako is well acquainted with as her quirked lips show. she knows I'm not exactly a... social butterfly. If I'm not talking to someone about something I know well, or without being on the verbal offensive, I get twitchy. Faking it's easy but being... somewhat truthful makes it harder. Fucking social anxiety crossed over with my reincarnation. I glanced at the backs of the cards as they flowed, the swirls in the eye seems to spin slowly.

"I got a scroll for a Genjutsu, and I was wondering if you'd let me practice setting chakra in your coils, and casting them." I held up a copied scroll, with only the instructions for the Hell viewing technique is written upon it. I was keeping my grandfather's notes… 'in house', so to say. "If you let me, I'll let you learn and practice it on me. Besides, this way you get to practice sensing and dispelling genjutsu."

"Hmm..." Asako hummed to herself as she looked at the scroll and clearly considered her options. "Why, I do believe I'm up for it. Go ahead, hit me with your best shot!" Asako grabbed the scroll and stepped back, looking at me with a grin.

I closed my eye's, focused my chakra, and then looked at her, chakra circling around my hands in erratic waves as I tried to get it under control, hands coming together in the ram seal as I focused on the flow of chakra. A few seconds later I felt it began to flow steadier, and focused back on Asako.

To help modulate the flow, I added a trigger phrase.

"Genjutsu: Contact."


Another day of class, another sparring session.

I sighed and held an ice pack to my lip, the swelling of my lip from a clean hit going down. I had to face Ashi again, and after a few minutes of us doing our best to dodge and counter, she landed a clean hit. I made her pay for it, as she was nursing a black eye, but it still hurt. Waiting for the session to almost end, and the hour break for lunch to start. I headed to the boy's restroom, I pulled out an increasingly familiar small leather bundle and unrolled it on the sink counter. Sighing I pulled a small set of acupuncture needles out and slowly poked my chin, using the mirror to feel out my nerves and chakra coils slowly. A few minutes of treatment and the pain started to fade away, and the swelling began to go down somewhat, the pressure that had been building slowly changing from annoying to uncomfortable.

The door opened and I turned to see Hyuuga Tsuru Limp in, eyes half closed in pain and face bruised. Across his shoulders and arms are more bruises, evidence that, as usual, he got matched up with Kegawa Inuzuka, Ashi's stronger, faster, sister.

"You look like you got hit by a horse Hyuuga-san."

"Yeah, Kegawa got… enthusiastic." The Hyuuga mutters, massaging his bruised arms with a hiss. "Damn, it stings."

I always enjoyed hanging out with the branch Hyuuga member, he was… relaxed, and just mischievous to play along when people played pranks or jokes. I looked at his arms and noticed the swelling was blocking his chakra flow, I think. That would explain why him rubbing his arms didn't do much, normally he could do something similar to my acupuncture treatment. Without the chakra control from the swelling, it means he was having difficulties.

"Hey, hold out your arms, I'm going to reduce the swelling on your pathways." I motioned him to the sink and unrolled the leather bundle again.

"Hmm?" Tsuru tilts his head as he steps closer, pale eyes roving over the array of needles in the satchel. "What do you mean?"

"It's' the same thing you were probably trying to do, I'm betting your chakra control is… sketchy, with those bruises. I'm going to ease them open, you should be able to use your technique to heal them faster if I get them clear."

He looks skeptical, and after a moment flickers on his Byakugan, the veins around his eyes bulging and tightening, the pale blue eyes now going glaringly white. "Show me?"

I nod and start, needles slowly tracing the bruised muscles. Every few millimeters I release a small burst of chakra. The energy flowing out and pushing his coils open slightly. Slowly, as I move the needle, the swelling goes down slightly and by the way. Tsuru's gaze is focused, watching something interesting.

As I work, I swap the needles out, tracing the larger coils with thicker needles, tracing off it with thinner points. The unfamiliarity of having to find the coils on someone else's arms is harder than I expected, and what takes me about five minutes takes close to fifteen. With a final poke of chakra, he flexes his hand, looking at it through the Byakugan.

"Interesting, So you channel chakra to force the coils open slightly, and allow you to increase the pressure against the swollen muscles, allowing the swelling to lessen. Interesting." he channels chakra, the tips of his fingers letting go the faintest wisps of blue energy. "This seems similar to the Gentle Fist technique."

"Meh, Same concept, different application. I'm good at that." I muttered, reaching for the other hand only for him to stop me.

"If I guide you through the main coils, would that help?" he asks, head tilted.

"If you could, that'd work fine." I reach into my kit and pull a simple ink pen, passing it over. "Just trace the chakra pathways, I'll follow after."

He nods and quickly and smoothly sketches a series of branching lines from shoulder to fingertip, a bit more than I did on the other arm.

Nodding in thanks, I proceed to trace the lines, taking only a few minutes to finish. At the end, he grins and runs his hand down the lines, smudging the ink. "Thanks, Toru-san, this is great."

"No problem, and please, call my Shusho." I grin back at him, the needles vanishing as I palm them. A few minutes later, we're back in class, enjoying the last of the short break after sparring.

Asako gives me a sort of sideways questioning glance, but I just smile and wave it off.


I'm back at Training Ground 19, once again, my new arsenal arrayed around me. With a flicker of movement, I start grabbing the weapons around em and smoothly throwing each one at the targets, alternating target and distance at random.

I've been doing this whenever I've had time recently, trying to get used to reflexively swapping types of the weapons on the fly. The longer it goes, the more tricks I've tried to pull while training, making shuriken curve into the target, making the senbon pin shuriken to the target, making shuriken rebound off each other in mid-air.

It's taken almost a month of hard practice to build up my skill with the new tools, and even now they are a more difficult to use. I figure in a month all my arsenal will be mostly on the same level, except for the windmill shuriken, that's going to take a while. And Wire Manipulation. That's also trailing behind… Meh, tomorrow's Shusho can work on that, I'm going to keep throwing my array of sharp objects at the targets.

The wind blows and for a split second, I can hear the creaking of a tree branch-

And I spin, shuriken snapping up and arcing around and into the leaves of a tree. A split-second later, there's a yelp of surprise and a young girl dressed in a pink Chinese-style shirt and her hair in buns drops from the tree.

"Hello Forge Girl, Nice of you to drop by." My voice and the smirk are enough to snap her out of her funk, making her jump to her feet.

"You!" she gets in a pose, finger pointing at me and eyebrow twitching.

"Me." I raise a hand and catch the spinning tri-blade shuriken as it arcs back around. "Any reason you keep watching me forge girl?"

"Why are you calling me forge girl! And it's because I like weapons, and your one of the only people who knows what they're doing near my age!" She glares at me and considering I'm almost two years her senior, it's fucking hilariously cute. I spin the shuriken on my finger and grin.

"Well, Forge Girl, I call you forge Girl because I don't know your name, and you smell like a forge, Girl." The smile on my face is so wide at that you can count my molars. I snap the shuriken closed, collapsing it and storing it in my pocket.

She glared, and huffed, stomping her foot. "My name! is! Tenten!"

"Ah, Forgive me then forge girl Tenten, I didn't know!" My grin has passed into the fabled 'Shit-eating' territory, of this I am sure. Yes, the months of being sarcastic and backhanded in my first life are indeed useful!

"AGHH!" Tenten growls in aggravation, and her hand comes up and throws the pair of blunted kunai at me.

I'm already in motion, my three-pronged windmill shuriken coming out and spinning as I pull it from the counter, sliding the blades open and into the fan configuration, and then swinging it to knock the two weapons up into the air. "Now now, Tenten-chan, You shouldn't throw weapons at fellow shinobi you could cause some dreadful injuries like that." My grin is even worse now, not just shit-eating, but shit-eatinglysmug.

A split second later, I step forwards, and leap forwards, the sudden motion catching her off guard. A quick leg sweep followed by her kunai being returned leaves her pinned by her sleeves to the ground. She lays there, struggling and muttering curses at me.

"Have a good day, Tenten-kohai, See you around."

A few minutes of gathering up my weapons later and I'm heading out, kicking the kunai out from her sleeve. As I leave, I give one last bit of advice. "Practice your drawing speed, you project your movements too much, and the names Toru Shusho, Tenten-chan."

And then I kawarimi away, making sure to only leave a playing card I stashed among the trees earlier, a spare joker from the half shredded training deck, embedded in the ground.

Bout time I got to use that trick, I've stashed that card there for every day of training this week.

The price of being a badass is high indeed.


I sat at the library once more, surrounded by several scrolls and my notebook, as well as two new journals. In one of them, I was recording the design and effects of the card seal, in another, I was marking down notes on the genjutsu training. I was writing it in a mix of English and katakana, interchanging grammar, word structure, and lettering between the two. I hadn't done this before because I didn't see the point, and I kept my notes secure, or so I thought. My grandfather finding the journal was annoying, and so I've started to step up my game.

I flip through 'Chakra manipulations- Volume 4: Developing control' to a passage I remember, something about… ah, here.

How to change the physical nature of chakra. It is a short paragraph, connected to the explanation on the leaf sticking jutsu… just two lines, but I just need confirmation….

Hmm. perfect. I note down what I found, going back and editing a line I had written earlier.

"So Genjutsu is projection of chakra, Ninjutsu is the release of chakra, Taijutsu is the reinforcement of chakra, Fuinjutsu is the containment of chakra…"

I flipped a card from my sleeve, looking at the burned out symbol on the back.

"Containment and projection…. Containment and release…. Hmmm."

I flip my first journal, the one in chakra in general, and look over a section I wrote on how the academy jutsu work.

I was onto something, I could feel it, but I needed more jutsu for reference, more seals for efficiency, more data I couldn't get before graduation.

"Suppose I just have to graduate then, don't I," I muttered, before packing up and returning the books and scrolls to their places.

As I left the library, I pulled out the new deck of sealing cards, inked only the night before, and started to shuffle.

Six months and counting, till Graduation.

(About three chapters or so, The High-Priestess chapters start with graduation and cover it and the first week or so of being a Genin.)
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Ah yes. Are going to see ultra tenten? I like each of your characters and I'm still not sure if you'd be placed with Ashi or Asako.
I see Tenten has tried to "befriend" you.
Does not work as well with pointy objects as it does with pink wave motion guns does it?
Why,yes! Seal summons in those card and you'll be golden! Granted it'll be more like pokemon but meh.

I'm not sure how we will get seal summons but maybe we go to to water country. :V

Also genjutsu is projection. So it's better for summoning stuff like blue eyes white dragons than seals.
I'm not sure how we will get seal summons but maybe we go to to water country. :V
Simple! You just transform the bs archaic scroll which you have to sign to summon into a card,modify it a bit so that creatures can be summoned through it or creatively hide the fact that you are summoning and viola! You have Pokemon summons!
Need to get the card back from the ground bfore enemy gets it though........
Simple! You just transform the bs archaic scroll which you have to sign to summon into a card,modify it a bit so that creatures can be summoned through it or creatively hide the fact that you are summoning and viola! You have Pokemon summons!
Need to get the card back from the ground bfore enemy gets it though........

You say pokemon but the only pokemon we could get are
They are seal summons after all. :V
"So, what's the plan today? You normally try to avoid taking me with you to training." Asako asks

Well, of course, it isn't like he is obligated to invite her to his training sessions. I know I would have been annoyed with her constant attempts at intervening in my training session, so I admire the SI/OC's tolerance toward Asako, especially toward their 'games' they play when she try to figure out his secrets. He is a better man than me, I would have cursed her out by now *shrugs*.

I think that the only reason I don't like her, her attempts to figure out his secrets and I'm not even sure if the SI/OC would ask for her to stop, she would. That is how much I distrust/dislike her.
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I'm not sure how we will get seal summons but maybe we go to to water country. :V

He's a magician! It won't be a real summons. It'll be a seal that holds enough chakra for a clone and applies a transformation technique to the clone. Or maybe he'll figure out how to merge shadow clone with puppetry and be the first to use autonomous puppets.
He's a magician! It won't be a real summons. It'll be a seal that holds enough chakra for a clone and applies a transformation technique to the clone. Or maybe he'll figure out how to merge shadow clone with puppetry and be the first to use autonomous puppets.

Honestly it looks like he is going for holograms.
Anyway to use chakra to make solid light?
Not shadow clones, actual solid light constructs.
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Yes. With more flexibility. Think green lantern-lite at most. Green lantern expy jutsu is way out of our reach.
Honestly it looks like he is going for holograms.

If you're talking about holograms of people and summon animals the clone technique is already taught in the academy.

Anyway to use chakra to make solid light?

Not shadow clones, actual solid light constructs.

Yes. With more flexibility. Think green lantern-lite at most. Green lantern expy jutsu is way out of our reach.

This kind of thing is a bit wonky. Anything is possible in fiction after all. The wonky part comes down to author decisions on difficuly, implementation, and how effective the technique is.

Adamantine chains was a thing mind you and those are in essence almost exactly what you are talking about. It wasn't even a bloodline ability, it was hidden knowledge.

Something like Adamantine chains but less rigid in form so as to be changeable but sacrificing binding power to do so would probably be what you're after.
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