Anyway to use chakra to make solid light?
Not shadow clones, actual solid light constructs.
Closest thing is the samurai sabre technique.
Pure shape transformation, it is practically the only thing the samurai train, so it is likely the best a person can practically do in regards to what you're talking about. Let's them use their wazikashis as just about any (melee) weapon at any length limited only by their chakra and control, and fire focused bladed blasts of chakra that can slice though flesh, stone, and steel. It is also noted like the rasengan, another shape transformation technique, to be much faster to activate than anything that requires handsigns.
Alright! reply time! Thanks to everyone who liked the chapters! always like to see the support.

Now to the interesting bits.
I noticed a lot of "Fuck" in this chapter, most of them totally necessary.
That's puberty for ya :p
Yes, to be a ninja, and maintain any semblance of sanity/humor, I have resorted to the Tatuya school of 'Fuck this, Fuck that, Fuck all of that' when it comes to my language.
Ah yes. Are going to see ultra tenten? I like each of your characters and I'm still not sure if you'd be placed with Ashi or Asako.
I see Tenten has tried to "befriend" you.
Does not work as well with pointy objects as it does with pink wave motion guns does it?
Nothing works as well with pointy objects as it does with pink wave motion gun.
Including cake-cutting.
Tenten will be an interesting side project of mine, I aim for her to be... equal, to Neji and Lee, at least when it comes to no rules barred combat.
Also, Access to lee and Gai's lessons and information. Always a nice thing.
Ninja info cards. Watch Kabuto be his antagonist.
heh, I can see that now.
Kabuto: So I heard you're interested in my Ninfo cards?
Shusho: yeah, I have my own variant and wondered if I could see how you got the invisible ink set up.
Kabuto: well... its sort of a secret...
Two years later-
Shusho: Thought it was appropriate. Cause you know, you're a dick.
Is he going to make yugioh cards? Holographic monsters?

Why,yes! Seal summons in those card and you'll be golden! Granted it'll be more like pokemon but meh.

I'm not sure how we will get seal summons but maybe we go to to water country. :V

Also genjutsu is projection. So it's better for summoning stuff like blue eyes white dragons than seals.

Simple! You just transform the bs archaic scroll which you have to sign to summon into a card,modify it a bit so that creatures can be summoned through it or creatively hide the fact that you are summoning and viola! You have Pokemon summons!
Need to get the card back from the ground bfore enemy gets it though........

You say pokemon but the only pokemon we could get are
They are seal summons after all. :V

He's a magician! It won't be a real summons. It'll be a seal that holds enough chakra for a clone and applies a transformation technique to the clone. Or maybe he'll figure out how to merge shadow clone with puppetry and be the first to use autonomous puppets.

Honestly it looks like he is going for holograms.
Hmm... Seal summons.... Nope. Not really gonna happen. Seal+Jutsu? oh, yes.
Oh, and considered that he can store chakra in the cards.
then considered how many Jutsu's are chakra intensive and require constant fueling of chakra.
So summons cards? no. Empowered constucts? well.... MWHAHAHAHA.
Anyway to use chakra to make solid light?
Not shadow clones, actual solid light constructs.

So modified clones more than shadow clones.

Yes. With more flexibility. Think green lantern-lite at most. Green lantern expy jutsu is way out of our reach.

If you're talking about holograms of people and summon animals the clone technique is already taught in the academy.

This kind of thing is a bit wonky. Anything is possible in fiction after all. The wonky part comes down to author decisions on difficuly, implementation, and how effective the technique is.

Adamantine chains was a thing mind you and those are in essence almost exactly what you are talking about. It wasn't even a bloodline ability, it was hidden knowledge.

Something like Adamantine chains but less rigid in form so as to be changeable but sacrificing binding power to do so would probably be what you're after.

I mean Genjutsu cards.

Closest thing is the samurai sabre technique.
Pure shape transformation, it is practically the only thing the samurai train, so it is likely the best a person can practically do in regards to what you're talking about. Let's them use their wazikashis as just about any (melee) weapon at any length limited only by their chakra and control, and fire focused bladed blasts of chakra that can slice though flesh, stone, and steel. It is also noted like the rasengan, another shape transformation technique, to be much faster to activate than anything that requires handsigns.
Solid chakra manipulation is difficult but possible. Using a medium is far easier. As for future genjutsu cards? the process for using genjutus is far more complex then ninjutsu, while he might fuel them off a card, he'll need to mantain control of the jutsu personally.
heh, I can see that now.
Kabuto: So I heard you're interested in my Ninfo cards?
Shusho: yeah, I have my own variant and wondered if I could see how you got the invisible ink set up.
Kabuto: well... its sort of a secret...
Two years later-
Shusho: Thought it was appropriate. Cause you know, you're a dick.

Orochimaru: *helpless with laughter*
You know, I'm kinda surprised your dude isn't devoting more focus to medical shit.

I mean, just his acupuncture trick allows him to significantly improve the rate he recovers from some types of training, and he has to know that even a reasonably small improvement to his training rate will pay big dividends over the course of the next 5-7 years.

I get that the control requirements are kinda crazy and he certainly doesn't want to be sidelined into a full medical track, but improvements to survivability, utility, and training rate all wrapped up into one package sounds too nice to pass up.
Solid chakra manipulation is difficult but possible. Using a medium is far easier. As for future genjutsu cards? the process for using genjutus is far more complex then ninjutsu, while he might fuel them off a card, he'll need to mantain control of the jutsu personally.

Good job, you succeed on those and you might as well get them classified as Hiden jutsu which is a good enough reason to end up as a founder of a ninja clan.

Any technique that is not easily copied and needs to be personally taught can be a Hiden jutsu and many of the clans use Hiden techniques to ensure there power
How do you explain kin and her sound based genjutsu? that just used bells and i'm pretty sure it worked separate.
There's several parts to genjutsu, the part that I consider the bells from Kins technique to be is called the trigger. The genjutsu is activated by the sound of the bell, which is charged with the chakra. She maintains the effect herself through concentration though, and supplements that with sound.
You know, I'm kinda surprised your dude isn't devoting more focus to medical shit.

I mean, just his acupuncture trick allows him to significantly improve the rate he recovers from some types of training, and he has to know that even a reasonably small improvement to his training rate will pay big dividends over the course of the next 5-7 years.

I get that the control requirements are kinda crazy and he certainly doesn't want to be sidelined into a full medical track, but improvements to survivability, utility, and training rate all wrapped up into one package sounds too nice to pass up.
He does know some anatomy and first aide, he uses senbon, after all, but he is sort of keeping that in his back pocket. Medical jutsu is out of his league, but learning lots of little first aid and minor tricks helps him more for less effort. If he ever gets his control up to where he wants, he'll probably pick up a bit of medical jutsu, but it's not likely to be his focus.
Imagine the MC trolling bandits with what looks to be a children card game. Toro the card duelist s-ranked threat.
Imagine the MC trolling bandits with what looks to be a children card game. Toro the card duelist s-ranked threat.

sneak into bandit camp in during the night. sample everyones chakra and make picture cards of each of them. link them to body control jutsu. they're bandits so it's not like they know how to resist.

have everyone wake up in the morning at the same time and play Guess Who with the bandits.
sneak into bandit camp in during the night. sample everyones chakra and make picture cards of each of them. link them to body control jutsu. they're bandits so it's not like they know how to resist.

have everyone wake up in the morning at the same time and play Guess Who with the bandits.
That sounds awesome but chakra intensive as fuck.
Yeah, but on days when you know you're not going to fight anything challenging, you may as well use those 9th level spell slots for something.
He does know some anatomy and first aide, he uses senbon, after all, but he is sort of keeping that in his back pocket. Medical jutsu is out of his league, but learning lots of little first aid and minor tricks helps him more for less effort. If he ever gets his control up to where he wants, he'll probably pick up a bit of medical jutsu, but it's not likely to be his focus. you think he can store healing jutsus in cards?

i'm picturing him sneaking about, seeing someone hurt, throwing a card that sticks to them, heals them and then falls off and disintegrates, and they never know he was there.
Gets told by ANBU to work on his speed, after being thoroughly outclassed.

Doesn't work on his speed...? you think he can store healing jutsus in cards?

i'm picturing him sneaking about, seeing someone hurt, throwing a card that sticks to them, heals them and then falls off and disintegrates, and they never know he was there.
Nope. He would first need to set the chakra just for the patient or it would do more harm than good (not as much damage as throwing a shuriken, so not useful as an offensive jutsu)

Second it would need to be set for their specific injuries. It seems as though healing wounds involves stimulating cell growth in the wound, and requires a great deal of precision or you get massive benign tumors that, again, do more harm than good, but less so than a stabbing.

If he spent the time to become a really good med-nin he might be able to use cards as a cheap knock off of one of the slug summon katsuyu's abilities. But I don't see that happening as he would have to dedicate himself to only that. Even if he could then call himself Doctor McNinja.

Bad medical jutsu could be used to give people benign tumors, or cancer. A not so instant, but sure fire, kill technique. An... actually depressing thought that I could totally see ninjas weaponizing and selling cancer as an undetectable assasination technique.
Last edited: you think he can store healing jutsus in cards?

i'm picturing him sneaking about, seeing someone hurt, throwing a card that sticks to them, heals them and then falls off and disintegrates, and they never know he was there.
Well, that won't work. For starters, healing is difficult and delicate work. Just to relief a sore, he needed to, carefully, pressing acupuncture needle on chakra point/ bundles to hasten chakra flow. And that's for minor, cantrip-like technique.

He'll get much more utility by storing medicated bandage and his clone into card.

You might think of something like 1st aid spray or emergency injection you see, but that's more on medicine in general, not healing jutsu.
Nope. He would first need to set the chakra just for the patient or it would do more harm than good (not as much damage as throwing a shuriken, so not useful as an offensive jutsu)

Second it would need to be set for their specific injuries. It seems as though healing wounds involves stimulating cell growth in the wound, and requires a great deal of precision or you get massive benign tumors that, again, do more harm than good, but less so than a stabbing.

If he spent the time to become a really good med-nin he might be able to use cards as a cheap knock off of one of the slug summon katsuyu's abilities. But I don't see that happening as he would have to dedicate himself to only that. Even if he could then call himself Doctor McNinja.

Bad medical jutsu could be used to give people benign tumors, or cancer. A not so instant, but sure fire, kill technique. An... actually depressing thought that I could totally see ninjas weaponizing and selling cancer as an undetectable assasination technique.
Cancer isn't useful as assasination technique. Embolism is. Other than that, good point.
Hmm... Seal summons.... Nope. Not really gonna happen. Seal+Jutsu? oh, yes.
Oh, and considered that he can store chakra in the cards.
then considered how many Jutsu's are chakra intensive and require constant fueling of chakra.
So summons cards? no. Empowered constucts? well.... MWHAHAHAHA.

I get it he's going to be like Konan, but efficient instead of using literal landscapes of paper bombs. Actually... folded creations.

Deck of cards.

Animated minions.

He's going Red Queen on this chakra-filled wonderland! He'll have tiny card soldiers managing traps and serving as teleportation points. I'm onto you!
Cancer isn't useful as assasination technique. Embolism is. Other than that, good point.

I was thinking along the lines of a relatively fast acting cancer, send someone in the middle of the night, they do their technique for a minute, victim dies very slowly in pain. Unlike poison, if it's detected it won't be thought of as an assasination. Embolism works better though.
Here is the size of an explosive tag:

Here is the size of a senbon:

What happens if you wrap an explosive tag round a senbon, so that it retains a slim profile yet delivers high explosive capabilities? The danger would be incredibly hard to detect from an enemy point of view (Due to the retained thinness of the senbon) yet it would explode from inside the wound, as opposed to outside of it, making it more dangerous than a kunai delivered explosive tag.
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Here is the size of an explosive tag:

Here is the size of a senbon:

What happens if you wrap an explosive tag round a senbon, so that it retains a slim profile yet delivers high explosive capabilities? The danger would be incredibly hard to detect from an enemy point of view (Due to the retained thinness of the senbon) yet it would explode from inside the wound, as opposed to outside of it, making it more dangerous than a kunai delivered explosive tag.

If you can get the explosive part into the wound, and if it doesn't wreck the flight profile, and if they don't pull it out before it goes off... it might just work. Unfortunately if an explosive on the nearby outside doesn't work you probably won't be getting a senbon into them. Might be a good way to diguise getting those explosives close.

It reminds me that he needs alternate means of detonation, like timed explosives, contact explosives, and proximity explosives. Definitely contact or close proximity, with immediate detonation for thrown cards.
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If you can get the explosive part into the wound, and if it doesn't wreck the flight profile, and if they don't pull it out before it goes off... it might just work. Unfortunately if an explosive on the nearby outside doesn't work you probably won't be getting a senbon into them. Might be a good way to diguise getting those explosives close.

It reminds me that he needs alternate means of detonation, like timed explosives, contact explosives, and proximity explosives. Definitely contact or close proximity, with immediate detonation for thrown cards.

Pretty much. wound detonation is the dream, not what should be expected.
If you can get the explosive part into the wound, and if it doesn't wreck the flight profile, and if they don't pull it out before it goes off... it might just work. Unfortunately if an explosive on the nearby outside doesn't work you probably won't be getting a senbon into them. Might be a good way to diguise getting those explosives close.

It reminds me that he needs alternate means of detonation, like timed explosives, contact explosives, and proximity explosives. Definitely contact or close proximity, with immediate detonation for thrown cards.
Explosive senbon are definitely useful to initiate big opening against enemies that doesn't know any better (read:had no knowledge on who attacks him and maybe a bit overconfident).

"Hah, just a little needles, not even poisoned. No big-"


Also, timed and alternate method of detonation are pure evil. Americans used mixed bombs wth delayed detonation to ensures landbases becom useless throygh paranoia in WW2. Very evil.
Imagine the MC trolling bandits with what looks to be a children card game. Toro the card duelist s-ranked threat.
sneak into bandit camp in during the night. sample everyones chakra and make picture cards of each of them. link them to body control jutsu. they're bandits so it's not like they know how to resist.

have everyone wake up in the morning at the same time and play Guess Who with the bandits.
That sounds awesome but chakra intensive as fuck.
Yeah, but on days when you know you're not going to fight anything challenging, you may as well use those 9th level spell slots for something.
Or, you could make it easy by simply drawing a linked set of explosive suicide seals on them, with a variable trigger array.... and make their own chakra explode them, just for ease of use. you think he can store healing jutsus in cards?

i'm picturing him sneaking about, seeing someone hurt, throwing a card that sticks to them, heals them and then falls off and disintegrates, and they never know he was there.
Nope. He would first need to set the chakra just for the patient or it would do more harm than good (not as much damage as throwing a shuriken, so not useful as an offensive jutsu)

Second it would need to be set for their specific injuries. It seems as though healing wounds involves stimulating cell growth in the wound, and requires a great deal of precision or you get massive benign tumors that, again, do more harm than good, but less so than a stabbing.

If he spent the time to become a really good med-nin he might be able to use cards as a cheap knock off of one of the slug summon katsuyu's abilities. But I don't see that happening as he would have to dedicate himself to only that. Even if he could then call himself Doctor McNinja.

Bad medical jutsu could be used to give people benign tumors, or cancer. A not so instant, but sure fire, kill technique. An... actually depressing thought that I could totally see ninjas weaponizing and selling cancer as an undetectable assasination technique.
Well, that won't work. For starters, healing is difficult and delicate work. Just to relief a sore, he needed to, carefully, pressing acupuncture needle on chakra point/ bundles to hasten chakra flow. And that's for minor, cantrip-like technique.

He'll get much more utility by storing medicated bandage and his clone into card.

You might think of something like 1st aid spray or emergency injection you see, but that's more on medicine in general, not healing jutsu.

Cancer isn't useful as assasination technique. Embolism is. Other than that, good point.
You all make wonderful points, and yes, imthis is all accurate. Medical jutsu is just can hard to do right, it needs an active mind and knowledge to be present.
Gets told by ANBU to work on his speed, after being thoroughly outclassed.

Doesn't work on his speed...?
That's what offscreen is for.
Correct! I'm also trying to hint at him getting faster without showing it outright, like his speed during the spar, and my descriptions.
I get it he's going to be like Konan, but efficient instead of using literal landscapes of paper bombs. Actually... folded creations.

Deck of cards.

Animated minions.

He's going Red Queen on this chakra-filled wonderland! He'll have tiny card soldiers managing traps and serving as teleportation points. I'm onto you!
... <. <'
So-o? you can't prove noth'n Narc!
Here is the size of an explosive tag:

Here is the size of a senbon:

What happens if you wrap an explosive tag round a senbon, so that it retains a slim profile yet delivers high explosive capabilities? The danger would be incredibly hard to detect from an enemy point of view (Due to the retained thinness of the senbon) yet it would explode from inside the wound, as opposed to outside of it, making it more dangerous than a kunai delivered explosive tag.
I've hinted at this... sort of.
If you can get the explosive part into the wound, and if it doesn't wreck the flight profile, and if they don't pull it out before it goes off... it might just work. Unfortunately if an explosive on the nearby outside doesn't work you probably won't be getting a senbon into them. Might be a good way to diguise getting those explosives close.

It reminds me that he needs alternate means of detonation, like timed explosives, contact explosives, and proximity explosives. Definitely contact or close proximity, with immediate detonation for thrown cards.
...*slides razor edges explosive cards away behind my back*
Pretty much. wound detonation is the dream, not what should be expected.
Explosive senbon are definitely useful to initiate big opening against enemies that doesn't know any better (read:had no knowledge on who attacks him and maybe a bit overconfident).

"Hah, just a little needles, not even poisoned. No big-"


Also, timed and alternate method of detonation are pure evil. Americans used mixed bombs wth delayed detonation to ensures landbases becom useless throygh paranoia in WW2. Very evil.
*hides remote activation sympathetic seal*