Maybe it's not perfect fit for T&I, but it's partial fit and Ibiki thinks they can train him. Besides, if they put in a request for 5 people and get 2, that's a win. And if that kid didn't have other requests from other departments, then at least he's got a job.
Yeah, but both of those are far more useful on the spy end of things.

Interrogation, especially of the T&I variety, is generally done after you have captured/control over the subject. So his talents in misdirection and subterfuge wouldn't really apply for the most part there. They would certainly get far more use in that direction with something like the Mindwalking jutsu or people trained specifically for this task like Ibiki was.
The way I view it is that there's a few different division in T&I, and these are rough, quite a few people cross between the various sub-departments based on missions or preferences.

there are the physical torture specialists (like Anko, maybe Ibiki) who specialize in both Biological information as well as s torture: things like figuring out bloodline limitations and so forth.

There's Mental Experts (Yamanaka clan, and Ibiki) who are trained to be thorough and methodical and to double-check facts and wording constantly. they can take their time and get highly detailed data out of their prisoners. They are often trained from birth (Yamanaka) or trained upon becoming Chunin (most non-Yamanaka) the training takes some time, because of the fact there, not any 'instant Interrogation specialists'. Ibiki would like to have someone with Shusho's instincts trained like this, he thinks it would be the best use of resources if he joins T&I. This is also the hardest group to get into simply due to the amount of stuff to learn about psychology and body language.

and then there's two other classes, Feild Interrogation experts, and Social manipulation experts.
Field Interrogators work best in the rough, they are quick, dirty, and direct. they don't have time for working into a subject's mind and looking for a specific information. they have to work fast, be brutal, and double-check their work. Most Jonins gain some skill in this out of necessity.
What Ibiki/Current head of the T&I wants to maybe recruit Shusho to be is a social interrogator, early on anyway.

Social Experts work the best undercover, they generally function as spies and infiltrators, very Michael Westen burn notice style, and play as civilians. they get into populated centers and track down targets, and then gather information. be it gossip, or stolen documents. They often scope out targets to gather information for assassination missions or raids.
Maybe it's not perfect fit for T&I, but it's partial fit and Ibiki thinks they can train him. Besides, if they put in a request for 5 people and get 2, that's a win. And if that kid didn't have other requests from other departments, then at least he's got a job.
Yep, besides, most jonin in this story will have been in at least two different departments by the time they make jonin, simply for variety. Kakashi, for instance, was both a frontline assault specialist, a hunting/ tracking specialist, and an Anbu captain over the course of his career in this story. Anko is both an assassin/Anbu operative, as well as an interrogator. Ibiki was Anbu and frontline, and now T&I operative. Asuma was the Fire Guardian, Frontline, and Diplomatic Core. Kurenei was a stealth expert and assassin, Gai is a Close quarters expert, and spent time as Anbu.

The Sannin did as well. Tsunade was frontline, Medical, and Diplomatic. Jiraya was T&I, Anbu, 'Diplomatic' and Frontline. Oricmaru Was R&D, Hunting Core, Frontline.

Toru may end up spending time as T&I, ANBU, Diplomatic Core, and possibly R&D
What most people don't get outside very seasoned interrogator is that 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' works for a reason; it's not only works in leveraging threat against uncooperating perps, they also helps throws off perps expectation, shaking his/ her psychological defense. In first type, leveraging threat for the most part works against stupid/ inexperienced perps. It can also works in reverse; some smarter, more influental perps that looking mostly for himself will cooperate more if he believes that cooperating will get him some advantage.

In the aecond type, this basically force the perps into mind games. Why he was nice? Is the food tampered? Is the drink tampered? Is this my last meal? When they start interrogating? Things like that. Add genjutsu and the possibility for mind games became practically limitless.

Also, be careful, since what perps believes are true, what perps want to believe to be true, and what the actual facts are, can be wildly differ.
not a bad chapter.

personally, i think it's a little rough on it's obvious foreshadowing and flow and conversations /monogling but it's solid

I do feel you gave up what could have been a mystery/surprise later by keeping the audience uninformed of the watchers and only letting us see/hear what MC does.

also, may I just say: Damn ninjas, always poling their noses in everyone elses business
Nah, the smarter, influential criminal will call for his lawyer immediately, and then do or say nothing until the lawyer arrives.
Can you please quote whoever you are replying to?
I think it was me.
What most people don't get outside very seasoned interrogator is that 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' works for a reason; it's not only works in leveraging threat against uncooperating perps, they also helps throws off perps expectation, shaking his/ her psychological defense. In first type, leveraging threat for the most part works against stupid/ inexperienced perps. It can also works in reverse; some smarter, more influental perps that looking mostly for himself will cooperate more if he believes that cooperating will get him some advantage.

Also, when I was talking about Toru having cat summons, and the boss being Toru, I meant the boss being Tora.
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It may not be octopi, but I'm pushing ahead in that belief because it fits, and because it was my idea. I'm going to be amused if it's not.
His style and technique scream fox summons to me, but i'm also thinking crows or cats for obvious reasons.
Yes... Maybe. that's not going to happen anytime soon though. That's the sort of high-level BS mastery that usually comes associated with a form of mastery.

Nope, to get his summons he will have to draw their attentions through deed and action.

Hmmm.... magpies snatching Kunai out of the air and doing a demonic version of the Seagulls from Finding Nemo.
Toru stands still and a massive magpie lands on his shoulders, Eyeing the Suna Nin across from him."Mine?"
It tilts its head and locks eyes with Toru, before cocking its head as it asks a simple question.
"Go for it. [Summoning Jutsu- The black Sky]"
The sky filled with smoke, and then the trees surrounding the two ninjas were colored black and white by the press of feathered beasts.
As one, a single battle cry filled the air.

Nope. Don't play LOL.

...Damnit, I had this Misdirection set up and had everyone else convinced to drop the subject until I could spring it on them, and then YOU. YOU just had to come and pull the Rug out from under me, huh.
(Also, You found one of my many misdirections I've been playing, Well done. Have a cookie. relax. Thank you for being so attentive, it warms the cockles of my heart.)

In order of these comments:



Not going to use the Hiraishin for a long ass time, if ever. Not worth the payout for the effort/consequences in my eyes.

"Yes, I do have a deck planned labeled 'ACME Inc'. Why do you ask?"

"HA, my style of combat is unmatched, you could never hope to get close to me, not alone!
"Summoning Jutsu: Hitchcock's Masterpiece."

Snake style is offensive, quick flexible strikes.
Octopus Style is Grabbling oriented. (Tentacle Suction cup Jutsu, AKA: OH GOD WHY WON'T YOU LET GO!)

True, Octopus would be a very... Situation Specific Summon. the benefits would be specialized techniques, and while no "sage mode" they wouldn't have nothing to offer with regards to Nature Chakra.

Shhh.... For Every Ninja Octopus, you can;t find, there's another two that found you.

Hmm... Salamanders would be interesting, yes... And he shall have probably an entire chapter or two dedicated to his fist contact with his summons.

With that out of the way, and thank you all for commenting and discussing, lets continue!

Here we finally have an outsider's perspective of how Toru appears. First off, I want to note that the Anbu here is highly observant, and thus picks up on some more information then most of the average rank and file would.

'Tsuru' paused once more as he reached the Training ground, sliding unseen through the trees to a new perch.Today would mark the fourth day he looked in on the kid.

And there the kid was once again, for the fourth day in a row, training. The ANBU had to admit he was somewhat impressed the first day, while the young boy had been dancing across the cliff face, he had quietly searched for his camp. He had actually needed a few seconds to find the lean-to. What caught his attention when he returned to watch the kid, however, was the kids fighting motion. Unlike most academy students, his step and movements had a flow. A smooth conservation of motion. Oh, there was hang up, some shifts had a distinctive jerk or small pause, but some of his movement flowed together. A step into a duck and stab, for instance, all in one short straight push. Simple, but perfectly executed. There were a few moments when he would get flashy, but it wasn't hard to see that the flashy movement was intentional.

What really caught the Anbu's eye was the third day he had checked the kid. He had been practicing on close quarters combat on the dummy. What caught his eye is that he would do one motion over, and over, and over. A dozen motions repeated constantly, and then, he performed them all, in dozens of various sequences.

Kuan slash for the throat, hand coming forward for what looks like to correct his balance, and then flash, senbon in his off hand for the leg, while the kunai keeps going, push up and off the ground, keep coming up to knee the groin, aim for sternum, kunai released for another palmed senbon, which goes through the eye.

Variations of it were tried and discarded, never the same one twice in a row, never the base form repeated in any real pattern. But once he had weeded out the unwanted sets of motions, he swapped to practicing what looked to be the best combos he had formed.

Sometimes, the kunai dropped early, others the senbon was shoved up in the gut, or at where the kidneys would be. Sometimes, the stab shifted to slash, and vice versa. Sometimes it was a duo of kunai that shifted to a feint.

They were all variations on a close range combo. To deal with someone reaching or getting in close.

The kids sneak attack were smart too, he would shift his stances and relax, putting himself flat-footed, before beginning a new set. What looked like a panicked and easily avoided slash, hiding a trio of senbon to the stomach. A jolt of surprise that was actually a draw for a knife. A stumble that turned into a kick, or a turn that led into a flickering fast jab.

The movements weren't perfect, not by a long shot. For every ten moves, he tried, six wouldn;t work, no in combat anyway. But the seeds of something interesting were there.

Since then he had requested permission to keep an eye on the kid, and after relaying what he saw, his captain gave approval

Tsuru looked down to see what the kid's plan was today.


The kid stood in the center of the clearing and seemed to be meditating before he was sitting a log that he had placed. In his hands were a deck of cards, and he was slowly sending the cards in long arcs from one hand to the other. Tsuru settled in on a new perch on a tree nearby, blending in with the forest behind him.

Below the kid did one more long arc, but this one was different. Dancing between the cards were thin swirls of chakra. Not a lot, but enough to grab the Anbu's attention.

Then there was a blur, the cards seeming to hover as the kid brought his hands together, The fingers formed Boar-Ox-Snake, and the space between the cards and the log seemed to shift, and Tsuru blinked. Now there was a log, with a line of playing cards embedded in it, sitting just in front of the kid, who was on a knee and breathing heavy. Across the dirt where the log was was the rest of the cards, embedded in the dirt and sticking by the edges out of the ground nearby.

What the hell just happened?

Tsuru thought back and thought through the blur he had seen.

The cards and the log had been engulfed in chakra., and then the switch had happened, both being pulled together and past each other at high speed.

Was that… was that a kawarimi?

What. The. Hell.

The kid, Toru Shusho, was experimenting with the Jutsu. More importantly, he had the control and mindset to successfully experiment with Jutsu. Evry kid, clan, civilian, genius, or dead last, they all made 'Custom variations' of jutsu. A little faster here, a different visual there, but most of them were simple changes. this... Whatever Shusho was working on trying to do, it was still a mystery. That technique was.. Interesting, so far. If it was what he though, a remote substitution, then it could evolve to an assassin jutsu with little effort. Swap an exploding tag with someone's weapon.

The thing is, the kawarimi doesn't work like that.

The baseline of the jutsu sends out what is commonly referred to as the 'anchor' of chakra, marks its endpoint, and then rips both things in a tight arc, sending them past each other with a puff of chakra smoke for concealment, and then stopping them at each other's origin. There are variants where you can use a physical clone as a target or leaving an illusion of yourself over the log, usually just a modded bushin.

But using something as third party proxy to channel the anchor… it's not possible using the basic karawmi. There are a dozen variables most ninja need years to automatically do. Distance, weight, chakra suppression and focus, keeping from ramming a tree or rock in the process. An inanimate object can't do that.

So how did he get the cards to act like that?

Tsuru settled once more to mull over his thoughts and think about the report he would be handing in later, in as Toru stood up and collected the cards, the paper sliding cleanly from the groove they had cut showing that instead of acting like paper, they were acting like they were made of metal, every card was flat and unyielding.

Finally with the deck once again assembled, Toru placed the log back in place and resumed his experiments, taking the time to pull a field journal out and make a few notations before sliding it back into his kunai pouch.

The cards began to shuffle and flow around him once more, chakra flowing through the paper.


The Anbu stood before his captain once more, the man in the bear mask looking through the file with interest.

"So he stayed working on that for another three hours, averaging an attempt every five minutes or so, correct?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And his results were positive but unfinished?"

"Yes sir, by the end of the three hours he was running low on chakra, but the last half hour the final three attempts made were under a dozen cards each, and there wasn't a repeat of the early results. He seemed to get the hang of marking only a few cards for each try, and lessening his output."

"Interesting. I'll pass this on to recruiting, I expect they will take an interest in the boy, I know Torture and Interrogation have already marked him for possible recruitment."

That was news to Tsuru, and he stiffened slightly. "T&I Sir? May I ask why?"

"His teacher was one of their best field interrogators outside of the Yamanaka clan. He asked to teach at the academy years ago, he uses it as a cover for keeping an eye on the kids. Apparently, Toru here has been conning almost his entire class, and he almost got the sensei under the same misconception. Anyway, dismissed Tsuru, go have a drink and relax. I'll have you check on the kid for his last day, but I have someone else who wants to watch the kid tomorrow."

Tsuru nodded and left, leaving his captain behind to look over the file.

"'Old man Kosuke's grandson huh? I wonder what path you will travel."

He folded the file and set it down, reaching for two other files, and looking them over.

Transfer and recruitment forms for two children, the same age as the young Toru.

"Hmmm…." The captain murmured as he looked over the lists of skills and assets the two had, before pausing and looking back at Torus file. "I may have three files to send to recruitment."
alligators you pull card tricks and take chances alligator part are often used as gambling good luck charms (imagine aliigator sage mode)
I think pigeon clan, actually, and a handful of doves, since they're from the same family. It works with the street magician shtick, and also gives him a versatile espionage team. Pigeons get everywhere, the winged rat of the city.

Plus, you get the excuse to give them inexplicable Brooklyn accents. Who doesn't love the Goodfeathers?
I think pigeon clan, actually, and a handful of doves, since they're from the same family. It works with the street magician shtick, and also gives him a versatile espionage team. Pigeons get everywhere, the winged rat of the city.
That depends on how common pigeons are in the elemental nations.
I don't recall any in what I read of canon, but then the only animals that I remember being shown were either summons, trying to eat someone plot relevant, or as part of a joke.
If pigeons do exist in the elemental nations, they would probably be pretty rare outside the more temperate regions like Fire and Grass, maybe waterfall.
I could have sworn I saw some in the background of Konoha during the anime, but it's been a solid decade since I watched it, so I could be wrong. Maybe it's just the mental image of ninjas bouncing from roof to roof, with a flight of pigeons bursting up from a gutter or alley.
In the anime it was possible for a ninja to mimic the shape of an owls feathers to make his attacks silent. Apply this to wind natured chakra and shuriken and you have a lethal and silent attack.
Shira, the guy who developed it in cannon did so on his own while living in a dessert, which probably did not have many owls flying about.
Add this to shaping chakra into shuriken or kunai after throwing the senbon. Turn a small shuriken into somethig the size of a very large fuma shuriken.
There are also non-wind based tehniques to manipulate weapons midflight.
Combine them all with deception and misdirection. That clone technique could be used to make illusionary projectiles. Those senbon could turn into kunais midflight. Those small shuriken could be expanded into fuma shuriken the moment the enemy dodges.

Those missed kunai could have hollow handles with explosive notes, or storage seals with poison gasses or other such things in them. A card could have a swarm of senbon sealed within.
Jutsus can make things invisible and create sounds too.
Imagine letting off a barrage of weapons, but every weapon the enemy sees and hears are all illusions, illusions using projections of light and sound making the standard kai "release" tehcnique useless against them, while every weapon you actually three is both silent and invisible.
With all of the silent invisible weapons having hollow handles filled with explosive notes, or infused with chakra to create chakra blades just after before they hit. Add in chakra manipulation to alter the trajectory and you have a complex layer of misdirection and illusions.

And that fuma shuriken being capable of being used as a fan would really be useful. Fans can be used for wind jutsu, or to protect against sword or as a makeshift shield.

Manipulating Attack Blades
Chakra Levitation Technique
Wind Release: Verdant Mountain Gale
Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken
Good interlude.

Also, octupi can and do move on land.

And here we see his most common summon, because they're so fucking alike. Just listen to the commentary.

What about an ushi-oni contract?
Aka japanese ox hybrid monsters with the other half of the hybrid ranging from part octupi, part crab, or even part spider. Some are even bipedal with glider monkey like membranes (see image in spoiler).

They would make for a versatile set of summons. So long as we don't accidently attempt to summon gyuki.

Kitsune foxes might also make for a good summons, tricky and stealthy illusionists sounds like a good summons.

Edit Note: Fixed qoute, although please note that I removed the videos and images from the qoute as you can see them in the post above those one.
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What about an ushi-oni contract?
Aka japanese ox hybrid monsters with the other half of the hybrid ranging from part octupi, part crab, or even part spider. Some are even bipedal with glider monkey like membranes (see image in spoiler).

They would make for a versatile set of summons. So long as we don't accidently attempt to summon gyuki.

Kitsune foxes might also make for a good summons, tricky and stealthy illusionists sounds like a good summons.

Edit Note: Fixed qoute, although please note that I removed the videos and images from the qoute as you can see them in the post above those one.
Ushi-Oni already taken. Y'know, by a certain ninja that basically The Best At What He Does. Except on writing enka lyrics.
Good interlude.

Also, octupi can and do move on land.

And here we see his most common summon, because they're so fucking alike. Just listen to the commentary.
Well, that's in USA. In Konoha, though, rules a bit... different :evil:

"So you want a lawyer to represent you? Surely you wouldn't need one if you were innocent..."
Three days later...
"Now lets start from the begining one more. Where were you when the scroll went missing? We he had inside help. The sooner you come out with the truth the better."
One week later...
"Seems we have confirmation that you were telling the truth from the begining. We assure you that you will be compensated for your missing time with one B rank missions worth of pay. We will also remove your memories of your treatment with us, and replace them with more pleasant ones. All records of suspicion will be sealed by the hokage herself. She will also personally heal you and give you a commendation for your continued loyalty and perserverance."

After the ordeal in the torture and interogation department.
"Tahiti is a magical place, wonderful place for a vacation. It really made for an easy and enjoyable mission."
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I think the t&I aspect is the fact that he was manipulating the people around him. Ibiki specialises in mind games. It may be that an academy student capable of this at this age is a sign of potential as far as ibiki's t&I is concerned
I don't know if it's because I read the chapters some time ago and don't remember or that I'm just that dumb but how was he manipulating the class?