Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

As for the last chapter, I'm trying to remember the plot to Alien3​. Aside from Ripley and Bishop being alive (or in Bishop's case, salvageable), was it specified whether Hicks and Newt died on the Sulaco or during the escape pod "landing" on the planet? For some reason there being only one living human on the ship when the Ship of Fools came onto the scene strikes me as wrong, but that might just be my gut reaction to that entire movie. Never did like that particular turn.

Definitely watching this.

I'm well aware of what happened to Newt, Hicks and Bishop. Michael Biehn never gets a break. It will be addressed.
It is just a cameo. I don't know if I could write a good Warhammer 40k piece. For one thing, I never actually read the novels or played the war game. For another, the setting is probably one of the DARKEST settings this side of a Cormac McCarthy novel.
And given your method to enter a universe, anyone becoming remotely aware of what he's dealing with would do what your heros did - leave. And if for some reason they cannot, they'll get eaten either by Chaos or one of the factions.
Interesting. I'm liking this so far, but there is one grammatical issue that crops up from time to time that makes reading a bit rough. There are scattered instances like the one I quoted where the dialog from two or more characters are included in the same paragraph, which makes it difficult to determine who's saying what. Generally when someone new starts talking that should also start a new paragraph, just to keep things clear. Doesn't come up often, but it does happen. Not a major complaint, tho.

FYI, I made an attempt to go back and fix this by putting in paragraph breaks. Hopefully, most of this has been resolved.
This is honestly one of the best crossovers I've read. You have done pretty dang well in having them actually be in character and their interactions. I will await gleefully for what comes next.
A fic l read had the Emperor become a chaos god. He became the chaos god of Order. You can probably imagine what the ramifications for humanity were. Ever increasing order with those who followed him becoming ever stricter and finding fault in even the smallest bit of disorder. They also launched massive assaults on any hint of chaos with a previously unseen fanaticism, people attacking demons with their bare fists levels of fanaticism.

I'm not sure this is a significant difference from the canon world. :p

It is just a cameo. I don't know if I could write a good Warhammer 40k piece. For one thing, I never actually read the novels or played the war game. For another, the setting is probably one of the DARKEST settings this side of a Cormac McCarthy novel.

Which makes it ironic that Worm is one of the two worlds I can think of where you can drop the Chaos Gods in unchanged and things get _better_. It's borderline, but at least a tiny bit better. (NGE is the other, and it's not borderline.)
Chapter 4: Avarice and Greed Are Gonna Drive You...

Chief O'Brien finished repairing the microfracture, then slid the conduit back

The change in context between the previous and this chapter is a little rough. I initially thought O'Brien was repairing the "Ship of Fools", not something on DS9. Maybe doing something like adding a sub-heading of "Origins" might be worth considering?

Miles was fairly sure he could make something work with the Ancient drive and the remnants from the runabout...enough to get the one intact ship they had off the ground. It took a couple of weeks, which was about a quarter of the time Miles expected.

I'd suggest you consider putting a paragraph break before 'It took'. Yes, this is all set in the past, but, a fortnight break reasonably should end a paragraph.

Patting himself down, he seemed to be uninjured, which was more unusual.

Missing one eye is reasonably fresh, for Xander, at this point - so he'd probably note this.

When the building started to collapse, the Xander had been cut off from the other two.

Extra word 'the'?
I'm not sure this is a significant difference from the canon world. :p

Which makes it ironic that Worm is one of the two worlds I can think of where you can drop the Chaos Gods in unchanged and things get _better_. It's borderline, but at least a tiny bit better. (NGE is the other, and it's not borderline.)

what's NGE? no better question do I even want to know what that is?
I've been trying to compare output of matter/anti-matter power (typically given for the Enterprise-D) and (one) ZPM. They seem to be similar, in the tera-Watt range, maybe tens of tera-Watts. A ZPM seems to be able to maintain this level of output for several thousand years... Which is a ridiculous capacity...

(I'm relying on other people's work here - I'm not currently clear-enough headed to crunch the numbers myself. :) )

Now, if you feed this into a replicator, with no feedstock mass to convert, then at 100% efficiency you can make maybe about 100g per hour. Energy-to-matter conversion gives you very little matter... The implication is that metals are more difficult, so, maybe, that makes 100g/hr iron/nickel, which is about the most stable element (in terms of binding energy), and if you want to go away from those on the periodic table you get less per hour...

Multiple ZPMs might speed things up, but, note they'll likely need some power for other stuff. On the other hand, three ZPMs was enough to fly the city of Atlantis around, and run all the shields...


Of course, this may be one of those example of science/tech getting in the way of story-telling. :)
Now, if you feed this into a replicator, with no feedstock mass to convert, then at 100% efficiency you can make maybe about 100g per hour. Energy-to-matter conversion gives you very little matter...
I have had problems with why you'd even want to do this. Making matter from energy is only ever a choice if you have no matter around to use and that is never true in our universe.

Use the energy to set up an enormous magnetic ram-scoop and fly around in interstellar space for that same hour and you'll have hundreds of times more matter to make stuff with using a fraction of the power. Just sitting still with that same ram-scoop and some clever cycling of the magnetics and you'd probably get the same 100 grams.

If you're in a star system then collecting the solar wind by flying near the star with a cargo hatch open would be a more intelligent way to collect mass!:mad:
That could be one of the reasons they wind up in Brockton Bay. Ianthe or Panacea will be able to take care of that issue rather quick.

Of course this would also give Amy a new source of novel DNA to examine. Xenomorphs have to be pretty interesting from a genetic perspective.

EDIT: I would also expect any kind of basic medical scan with a Tricorder to pick up something like that as well. If there aren't any doctors on board O'Brian should still pick up the parasites presence even if he doesn't know how to interepret the medical information.

EDIT 2: With the Family senses being as sensitive as they are Sauriel, at the least, should also be able to detect that there is something medically wrong with Ellen with a good sniff the same way some dog breeds can detect cancer.

True, xenomorphs are interesting from a genetic perspective. Somewhat in the same way that a live ebola sample is for a pathologist.
I have had problems with why you'd even want to do this. Making matter from energy is only ever a choice if you have no matter around to use and that is never true in our universe.

Use the energy to set up an enormous magnetic ram-scoop and fly around in interstellar space for that same hour and you'll have hundreds of times more matter to make stuff with using a fraction of the power. Just sitting still with that same ram-scoop and some clever cycling of the magnetics and you'd probably get the same 100 grams.

If you're in a star system then collecting the solar wind by flying near the star with a cargo hatch open would be a more intelligent way to collect mass!:mad:

Yup. I'd recommend grabbing any mass you can, as feedstock. But, the way the story reads (to me) the replicator is a source of mass, not something converting feedstock (from any source) into what's required.

Not even "Nobody Dies"? (I grabbed a copy, but haven't read it yet. NGE is not one of my fandoms)

Those are official reworks. Fanfic are a totally different game! :)
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Yup. I'd recommend grabbing any mass you can, as feedstock. But, the way the story reads (to me) the replicator is a source of mass, not something converting feedstock (from any source) into what's required.
Two modes of operation - way I read it. Have mass - use it, don't have mass - use energy only.
And now I'm thinking about Ellen Ripley as a mother-figure for Taylor. That could be pretty awesome...
I've been trying to compare output of matter/anti-matter power (typically given for the Enterprise-D) and (one) ZPM. They seem to be similar, in the tera-Watt range, maybe tens of tera-Watts. A ZPM seems to be able to maintain this level of output for several thousand years... Which is a ridiculous capacity...

(I'm relying on other people's work here - I'm not currently clear-enough headed to crunch the numbers myself. :) )

From what conjecture I've read/heard, the ZPM pulls energy from a crossing point in dimensions. M/AM works from the destruction of Matter and Anti Matter.

The crossing point of dimension would have an extremely large pool of energy available compared to M/AM reactions. In fact the ZPM could be a means to control the amount of energy released like a tap controls the flow of water. Different configurations of the ZPM could allow for different flow rates so the ZPM's for say Atlantis would work in smaller devices but the ZPM's made for the smaller devices would not work properly for Atlantis.

As for ZPM's running out of energy after so many millennium, who wants to bet that the ZPMs are the cause of Entropy...
From what conjecture I've read/heard, the ZPM pulls energy from a crossing point in dimensions. M/AM works from the destruction of Matter and Anti Matter.

The crossing point of dimension would have an extremely large pool of energy available compared to M/AM reactions. In fact the ZPM could be a means to control the amount of energy released like a tap controls the flow of water. Different configurations of the ZPM could allow for different flow rates so the ZPM's for say Atlantis would work in smaller devices but the ZPM's made for the smaller devices would not work properly for Atlantis.

As for ZPM's running out of energy after so many millennium, who wants to bet that the ZPMs are the cause of Entropy...
Actually what's happening is they're pulling energy literally out of nowhere. ZPM stands for Zero Point Module. They call it this because of what it's doing. Now the thing is basically a generator but it has limitations similar to a battery. This is because zero point energy in the Stargate Universe produces what is IIRC effectively negative mass this is what lets you get away with seemingly having broken thermodynamics in like a well trained horse. The reason this does not screw over your everything is that ZPM has a pocket dimension to store these particles in. this is also why they limitations similar to a battery the pocket dimension has a finite amount of the particles that it can store.
And now I'm thinking about Ellen Ripley as a mother-figure for Taylor. That could be pretty awesome...

I also imagine Ellen and Xander getting along pretty well. Xander has grown up around, and respects, strong women. I could see Xander filing Ellen into a "Slayer" sort of category while treating Taylor like Dawn or one of the Potentials.
Maybe she can get a little sister in the firm of Newt? The escape pod had one DETECTED life sign. Does the coldsleep make the life signs unrecognizable to the Frankenstein-ed sensors on the Ship of Fools?
Maybe she can get a little sister in the firm of Newt? The escape pod had one DETECTED life sign. Does the coldsleep make the life signs unrecognizable to the Frankenstein-ed sensors on the Ship of Fools?
IIRC, only Ripley's pod got grabbed by the Ship of Fools - the others would have still gone splat on impact.
So, I've written about half of the next chapter. The bad news is that my computer crashed thanks to a wonky memory problem that I've been hesitant to try and fix because it would inevitably involve shipping my box back to the manufacturer. I just lost what was turning into a really nice scene of Harry Dresden and Ellen Ripley commiserating with each other over their respective daughters. I was hoping to finish it up before bed, but now it will have to be tomorrow at the earliest. Luckily, it's a national holiday in the US tomorrow.