Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Let me clarify something -- Joker/Ba'al was PURE omake and not part of the main story.

Ba'al's host is the same one he had on the TV show.
This latest chapter had a bunch of villains popping up. A goa'uld Heartbreaker could easily transform this story to something dark. With that said, carry on with the snarking.
I feel like heartbreaker at the very least really isnt an issue, without the endbringers or scion around, the higher tier threats and the 9 dont have cauldron looking out for them anymore, heartbreakers got a spooky power, but there a lot of people around now that could utterly dismantle him, and if he starts moving it seems unlikely that dragon (either of them) would miss it.
So, can someone point me at the omake that the "Omake-squared" is apparently a continuation of? I think I either missed it or read it too long ago.
The woman stepped forward and backhanded him solidly, knocking him down and to the side. Such was her strength that he had to struggle to regain his balance and avoid falling to the floor.
...y'know, I'd love to see a situation where a dickish evil superior takes a swing at an underling like this, only for the underling to haul off and knock them the fuck out in response. See if they're so quick to throw a tantrum and hands next time they lose their temper after they've woken up with a concussion and a few loose teeth.
...y'know, I'd love to see a situation where a dickish evil superior takes a swing at an underling like this, only for the underling to haul off and knock them the fuck out in response. See if they're so quick to throw a tantrum and hands next time they lose their temper after they've woken up with a concussion and a few loose teeth.

Not likely in the Terran Empire, as advancement through assassination is a thing. Any senior officer likely knows how to kick ass and take names. If Mwangi was wearing an Imperial uniform, she would have just used his agonizer.

Being in the Empire kind of sucks.
You have to understand that a lot of people don't read the chapter, then all the posts following it to see if their question has been answered. They read the chapter and ask the question immediately. Hence the same question being asked over and over :)
Perso I dont read all the post until I have read all the chapter dispo then I read the post following the last chapter ( or rather just pass over looking for anything interessting if there too much ^^)
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Tricky to whip one of those up that would not also kill the Tok'ra...
To be precise for all the Tok'ra objection to being called Goa'uld they are in species terms. The difference is philosophical, that was the problem with the Goa'uld toxin they invented at one point. You could clear entire planets with ease, but it would kill all the Tok'ra and Jaffa in the process. Not good from a moral or PR standpoint.
I'm thinking that Ianthe's next project should be an anti-Goa'uld virus...
The trick with this is to be a bit subtle - the virus doesn't kill Goa'uld, it just adds a full copy of the memories of anyone they parasytise to their genetic memory. And, encodes with that a copy of their DNA. The Tok'ra shouldn't mind this, the Goa'uld, on the other hand... :)

And, if you catch such a Goa'uld, later, you can 'restore' all the people they've messed with (though, you'll likely want to do some careful memory hacking).


That is reasonably simple, if you want to get fancy you try and change things to add a sleep cycle to the Goa'uld, say about 8hrs out of every 24, and during this the original body 'owner' gets to run things. Or, change the dominance logic, so fighting back against the Goa'uld gets a lot easier. Both these, though, are things a Goa'uld could work around, with a little effort, such as self-imprisonment, or maybe drugs.
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