Canon! Love how you portray Stone and Belle here!
As your reward, please pick:

+5 to Stone's Loyalty or +10 to a Logistics Action next turn.

+10 to Logistics.

Man, this is a really good omake. Love how you make this backstory for starline, it would make sensewhy he turned out how he did with this.

Canon! Please pick between:

+5 to Starline's loyalty OR +10 to the Study The Warp Topaz action.

Gimme that Topaz bonus
Short but sweet omake, man i love your Darcsen omakes!
Canon! Please pick between:
Increase the DC for infiltrating Egg City by 5 due to active watch of the Darcsen or +5 to an action Isara is assigned to.

Canon! I love how you portrayed Honey and Conquering Storm! Awesome omake! Please pick between:
Honey and Connie each gain +10 to their next combat roll or they each gain a personal action to spar together which when completed will raise their Power or Trickery stats.

A long overdue talk.

Fantastic work man! We declare this canon!
Please pick between:
+5 to an action Sage is assigned to OR YOU(only Aaron) can pick one version of Eggman. That version has -5 to his next Shattered Mind roll. (need to confirm same time you pick reward which one)

Awesome work man! You really doing great with this omakes!
Please pick between:
+10 to the Create the Underground Egg-Road action OR +10 to the Infiltrate the Royal Palace action

Non-Canon Sadly, but please pick:

-5 to Shadow's next roll or +10 to Amy's next Heart roll with Shadow or Sonic

That will be all for now. Thanks to all for your hard work with this omakes!
Well...this was a bit of a dark Omake wasn't it? Really liked it, but man, i hope we don't go this route with whisper.

Non canon as expected, but please pick between:
+5 to Look For The Sniper action or The Snipers's traits against Eggman also work against the Black Arms
Thanks for the like! I'm kinda torn. Siccing Whisper on the Black Arms WOULD be tempting....but on the other hand, I'd rather her not take pot shots at us AGAIN (and potentially succeeding).

I'm all for catching her THEN setting her loose on certain Kings...I'll take '+5 to Look For The Sniper action' please (we should also check to see if the other Diamond Cutters were revived).
@Kingster if its not too much trouble, is the mysterybox unique to Negaquest, like it can't be replicated with any other omake? Because my goodness, it must be pretty special to to make up for the other good choices.
Do you have a reasoning behind it? I'm inclined to pick it so we can help her.

She is a complete lunatic that possible wants to smash any headhegog on her sight, that would include Rusty.

I don't think we can even help her since she get that way because the Chaos Energy of her home dimension drove her mad so Eggman genius he is there are limits and well she is a Anti-Amy at the end of day that has a crush on Scourge so her pre-insane personality was not that great either.
Fantastic work man! We declare this canon!
Please pick between:
+5 to an action Sage is assigned to OR YOU(only Aaron) can pick one version of Eggman. That version has -5 to his next Shattered Mind roll. (need to confirm same time you pick reward which one)
Fuck it, lets give the middle finger to robo-robotnik again.

I pick the -5 to shattered mind for Pre-SGW Archie Eggman.
I have no words, except. Amazing work, you really outshined yourself! Thank you for this omake.

Non canon but please pick:

+20 to Belle and Sage's next personal actions AND a reroll for each of them next turn OR +10 to each of their loyalties and a single permanent reroll if one of them critically fails OR Mystery Box

Great Omake! Will be non canon sadly,but please pick between:

Rusty gains +10 to her next personal action or Rosy The Rascal appears somewhere

I busted out laughing with this! Non canon but your reward will be between:

The option to include the Belle cannon in all ship designs OR +5 to the a Heart roll Belle makes.

I shall choose the super special MYSTERYBOX!

I also pick Rosy appearing. I understand the concern but there is no guarantee we will encounter her and she will be a menace to most people.

I'll take the +5 to the Belle Heart roll since I'm not sure why or when we would use such a cannon though it be would still be funny.
You my friend are coragious, specially since that one is only semi-good for us.

Really hope this don't mess the chances for future collabs. Kinda wanted the that people help in fighting Doom in Syndicate City when the time comes.
Well my Dark G.U.N mysteryboxes havent steered us wrong yet, it got us the the negotiation and Belle being okay with us destroying G.U.N. Let's hope this one is no different.
I hope people pick more loyalty for stone and the rock…as well as increasing bell's loyalty as well.

Need more traits for our hero's!

Also underground is good…we're going to need the shield against incursions by resistance while taking care of them.
This is a really funny omake, we would love to see more continuations of this once you unlock more versions of eggman.

Non canon sadly. Please pick between:

+5 to Eggman personal or +5 to the next Shattered Memories Roll
I choose the +5 to Shattered Memories Roll, please!

Phenomenal work! We will declare this canon! Please pick between:
-5 to Vortex Queen's next roll OR Mystery Box
Can't.... resist....

Mystery Box, please!