I just had a thought
Metal is fast as fuck
Imagine being a darcsen
And you watch as an imperial soliders head just disconnects from their neck and goes flying as a blur races by
The only reason the soliders even get a shot at him is cause he let's them
I just had a thought
Metal is fast as fuck
Imagine being a darcsen
And you watch as an imperial soliders head just disconnects from their neck and goes flying as a blur races by
The only reason the soliders even get a shot at him is cause he let's them
He wants them to know they have no chance. Their weapons do nothing, and they're going to die. He wants to see the fear in their eyes.
I wonder what mogul we will get
The one that mellowed out or him in his prime
If we get the good one we might have a powerful ally
Cause he's like neutral
But I doubt he would abide some of the horrors of the shattering
So he would bring out spells he hasn't used in a long time
When Metal finish his fight with Shard, what will Metal do with Shard body? will he take it back with him or will he leave it behind.
Based on Shard point of view, Gala took him to a mechanic to get repaired when she first found him , so if his body stays behind he might just
get fixed again... So Metal can destroy him once more, constantly increasing his debt, that the true threat to Shard here, a constant ever growing
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What do we know of Whisper? everybody act like she is some very dangerous enemy but we don't know that much.
Power: 27 (Kind of strong but nothing too impressive)
Heart: ¿? (She shot people with worrigly ease, so probably low)
Logistic: 20¿? (Above average, experienced mercenary, was member of a mercenary team for a while)
Brains: ¿? (Most likely average, not too smart but smart enough to avoid direct combat, so higher than honey, perhaps)
Trickery: 25 (Above average, but nothing too impresive by itself)
Mystic: ¿? (Does she know magic? i don't know)

Killing Eggman Trait?: +20 to Power rolls when trying to kill Eggman, but not Conquering Storm.
Revenge Trait?: +10 another Power bonus that trying to kill Eggman triggered, but not Conquering Storm.
Party Pooper?: and yet another +10 to Power rolls after Eggman beat Zabok, but not when the fight against Zazz started.

Did i miss anything?
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This just gave me a nasty idea. What if we purposefully send out Cassia somwehre in hopes that Whisper hurts her heavily? So that Clove gains a gigantic Bloodlust for Whisper, so that she hunts down Whisper in cold blood.


Like, just no. This is just vile. I refuse to support this idea and will stand against it with all my forces.

No. Just. No.
What do we know of Whisper? everybody act like she is some very dangerous enemy but we don't know that much.
Power: 27 (Kind of strong but nothing too impressive)
Heart: ¿? (She shot people with worrigly ease, so probably low)
Logistic: ¿? (Her plan of shooting Eggman once and the leaving him to recover was ridiculous, so most likely low)
Brains: ¿? (Most likely average, not too smart but smart enough to avoid direct combat, so higher than honey, perhaps)
Trickery: 25 (Above average, but nothing too impresive by itself)
Mystic: ¿? (Does she know magic? i don't know)

Might be underestimating some of her stats, here. She was a mercenary, the same way Canaan is. Canaan who has pretty good Heart and Logistic herself. Now, Canaan is herself a full on main protagonist of her own series, Whisper is not. But I'd still reference Canaan's stats when estimating Whisper's.
Heart is probably low because Whisper is shy and distrusting, not because she shoots people. But then she has her wisps, so might have a trait for that kind of thing or a better heart stat than you'd think.
Logistics, well, what else was she supposed to do at that point? First shot didn't kill him, people were on guard and she would not have liked the response to any further further attempts.

This just gave me a nasty idea. What if we purposefully send out Cassia somwehre in hopes that Whisper hurts her heavily? So that Clove gains a gigantic Bloodlust for Whisper, so that she hunts down Whisper in cold blood.

Yeah... no. We can hunt for Whisper without that and could go horribly wrong. Also morally, no.