
Not to be confused with Chao. Chaos (カオス, Kaosu?) is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an immortal mutant Chao and a godlike figure[3] who serves as the guardian who was worshipped by the Knuckles Clan prior to their negative turn of events, as well as the Chao and...

Does anyone know what the local factions are capable of exactly? I don't know much about the Deadly Six or Black Arms.

So the Deadly Six, are kinda dangerous and at the same time not, like 4 out of their 6 members are not really up there or have personalities that really don't let them reach their full potential.

Like they would be more trickery/power based units rather than anything else, since well one of them is a blood knight named Zazz, tbh that guy only good stat would be power, he is just that simple minded, you have Zomom who is on the same boat as he is a gluttonuos guy who only thinks on food, Zeena is the token girl of the team and mostly goes for trickery really as she is so narcisistic that doing anything that would ruin her make up simply is not worh the time for her, finally Zor is the steriotipical emo kid from around the block with no drive to do anything, so probably mostly a jack of all trades.

Master Zik and Zavok are really the only ones keeping that team together as they are really the ones with the drive, the intelect and the strenght to command those other 4 to actually do something productive, will probably have high stats all around the table with Master Zik probably having a high mysticism due to being over 1000 years old.

Now apart from well being monsters in general what makes them difficult to deal for us is that they are technopaths, like throw any tech at them and watch as they hijack everything that is not man mained and has a computer.

The black arms on the other hand are a alien race who not only can rival us in numbers, but also power, like think steriotipical alien invasion with BS tech and powers.

Problem right now is that they have a space colony, which also holds a very powerful colony laser capable of blowing up the earth to smithereens if they get petty, either that or do a good old colony drop.
Touche. Though isn't that what our current action does with investigating Green Hills?

Survey the Area is to figure where exactly happend in Green Hill and the territories around it, we have a map nut this is meata knowdlge but game wise Eggman has no idea who Green Hill make borders with.

Heck we have no idea where even Eggman's base is located.

Also the Zombie guy is on the other side of the world.

Sorry my mistake but we still make borders with a guy that is secretly a alien and want to conquer the world using ESP powers.

The Deadly Six are lethal towards Eggman specifically because the doctor rely on his robots to enforce his will, so any badnik force send against them will be turned gaint us, same thing will happen to Rusty and Metal Sonic.
Master Zik and Zavok are really the only ones keeping that team together as they are really the ones with the drive, the intelect and the strenght to command those other 4 to actually do something productive, will probably have high stats all around the table with Master Zik probably having a high mysticism due to being over 1000 years old.

Now apart from well being monsters in general what makes them difficult to deal for us is that they are technopaths, like throw any tech at them and watch as they hijack everything that is not man mained and has a computer.

The black arms on the other hand are a alien race who not only can rival us in numbers, but also power, like think steriotipical alien invasion with BS tech and powers.

Problem right now is that they have a space colony, which also holds a very powerful colony laser capable of blowing up the earth to smithereens if they get petty, either that or do a good old colony drop.

Alright so Deadly six are more like Deadly two +four others. The main issue is that they hard counter our usual tricks.

The Black Arms have a Kill sat. ...Shit. We need to deal with that.
As for Starlines' Operation Remaster? Again, I'm not sure about that one. We already have a similar process to the Legionization/Cyberization from the Archie series (Pre-Reboot/Post-Reboot respectively). Though....the process COULD be used to strengthen our Grandmaster/Bosses...
Yeah I figured that it'd be in a similar tech path if not the same tech tree. So we would Cyberize anyone we're turning into hero units using the better cybernetic stuff available while the grunts get a more standardized package.
Turn 1- January 2XXX Results

[X] Plan: Back to basics
-[X] Establish a Defensive Parameter DC:40/60/90 - Rusty Rose
Results: 84 (Roll) + 24 (Rusty) + 18 (Eggman Power)+4 (Loyalty) = 130
Great Success!

Thanks to your great tactical mind and the robotic able body of Rusty Rose, you were able to quickly set some fortifications around what will be your homebase…until you manage to recover what's rightfully yours from that blasted Zeti!

It was quite an easy thing to do, just order Rusty to establish security cameras at designated points, their location making them very hard to spot. Use some of the remaining scrap to make a few sensors, turrets, a few mines for those "bothersome guests" and the occasional death traps around the base to complete it.

With this, not only have you managed to set some defenses against any unwanted invaders, but have taken the first step for your grand return!

Results: Established Defense Perimeter. Marked your own Territory!
Any invaders receive a -30 Malus when attacking. And -10 malus to infiltrate your base!
Eggman position on the Map:

It's the red spot.

-[X] Go Visit The "Mean Beans Coffee Cafe" Shop. DC:Autopass.
Results: Autopass

To be continued in: EGG+STONE= A Match Made in Hell

-[X] Rebuild Metal Sonic DC:50
Results: 43 (Roll) + 32 (Eggman Logistics) +20 (Eggtronics) = 95
Great Success!

Ahhh, Metal Sonic. Without a doubt, your greatest creation to date. Sometimes you impress yourself with the diabolical schemes you managed to come up with.

Metal Sonic is the pinnacle of your evil Genius! A machine made in the visage of your greatest nemesis, with the intention to be better in every single way! Even has the capacity to evolve and absorb the bio data of those heroic pests!

Sure, there had been...a few mishaps with his programming, but that's what science is about! Making hypotheses and experiments and testing them! A few hiccups are to be taken into consideration.

But you digress! As you spent a whole afternoon returning Metal to his evil, blue, and shiny murderous glory. You took the chance to obtain more information from Starline about how your invention got into such a pathetic state. You wanted to know who was responsible for such transgression so you knew WHO TO CARPET BOMB TO OBLIVION!

Unfortunately, Starline lacked that data. From what he knows, Metal fell while invading the Empire in your name. He was engaging one of the Empire strongest Agents apparently, someone belonging to a "Drei Stern" or some ridiculous name like that.

Surprisingly, The Empire agent was able to stand their ground against Metal in his "Neo" form, something surprising to take into account for future engagements. Just when it seemed like your creation had the upper hand, that insidious Black Doom's forces arrived on the battlefield, and caused enough of a commotion to give The Empire the chance to destroy Metal!

This won't stand! You quickly took to the task of repairing him. With Metal at your side as it rightfully is, your enemies will soon learn the true fearsome might of your greatest creation when led by a true tactical mind!

Unfortunately, you didn't have as many resources to work with as you would have liked. The current base that Starline had taken refuge had so few tools and parts to work with. You made due of course you are Eggman! Still, while fixing Metal to his base conditions was within your abilities, further upgrades would be harder to impart on him without more equipment to use.

As you installed the newest Power Core unto Metal's chassis, and checked your computer to make sure the correct software update was uploaded, we couldn't afford any more rebellious nature from your creation, no sir! You gave a satisfied grin as the computer confirmed all updates have been done successfully.

"Alright, just need to activate the energy flux and redirect it to the Power Core, make a final check so Metal's sensors and biodata analyzer are up to snuff…and Voila!" Eggman shouts as he finishes the last inspection and the last button for Metal to be reactivated.

"Rise and Shine Metal! There's a world to conquer and your dad needs you to show some fools their place! Wahahahahaha!!!" He laughs as Metal eyes shine brightly and he stands up from the bench.

Metal just looks up to you and just stares with those shiny murderous eyes, like if he was trying to say: "...Where is that Hedgehog?" You quickly understood what he wanted.

You give Metal a bloodthirsty grin as you answer. "Oh, we will deal with Sonic soon enough my boy! But first, there are some other upstarts I need you to deal with!"

Results: Metal Sonic has been repaired! Obtained Metal as a Hero Unit!

Please choose a Starting trait for Metal:

[ ] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy

[ ] Plasma Pulse: Can be used once per battle. Metal skips his turn and next turn he gets a +20 bonus to all combat rolls until the fight is over.

[ ]Ring Spark: Once per battle, Metal Gains a +10 to combat rolls and can attack all enemies nearby, but loses 1 life/Hp after use.

Metal Sonic Sheet:

Metal Sonic Power: 30 (I built Metal Sonic to surpass that hedgehog, and no one can say I've fallen short! Metal has the speed to match(if not surpass) Sonic and the firepower to fry him to a crisp!)

Heart: 0([No. Metal has shown me time and time again that granting them independence will only lead to headaches down the line. Metal will be a weapon, and STAY that way until I deign otherwise)

Logistics: 10 (Metal can manage itself without my supervision)

Brain: 4(While Metal Sonic is undoubtedly one of my most advanced machines, the bulk of his processing power is devoted to combat and high-speed situational awareness; leaving them with precious little to spare outside of its prime objectives)

Trickery: 8(Metal can recognize deception and potentially return it in kind, putting them far ahead of most Badniks)

Mystic: N/A(Metal does not understand or wield arcane powers beyond those of the gemstones I imbed in his chest)

Loyalty: 70


OBEY EGGMAN: Metal [either has an automatically high loyalty or is fundamentally incapable of betraying Eggman on his own] and gains +10 to resist being forced to do so by outside forces such as hacking, magic, or the like.

Mano-focused: Metal Sonic is made to fight, not lead. (Metal cannot be used to command Badniks, Minions, or Allies except as as an instrument of Eggman's will)

Copycat: Metal can analyze the biodata of an opponent and replicate their abilities(Metal can scan an organism to copy their combat traits. If a suitable trait doesn't exist, Metal will synthesize one in its place)

-[X] Rebuild The Egg Mobile DC:Autopass - Orbot & Cubot
Results: Autopass

Normally, you wouldn't trust those two bunglers to wipe your shoes unsupervised, but fixing up the Egg Mobile was a relatively simple task.

So you ordered Orbot & Cubot to repair your old ride. The two saluted and got to work, yammering to each other already. You don't care to listen and let them get it out of their systems as long as they do the assigned task.

And they thankfully do, having the Egg Mobile repaired in a mere 2 hours.

My my, you knew there was a reason you kept them around.

Reward: Repaired the Egg Mobile for your use!

Egg Mobile - Your truly all terrain vehicle that has been improved and upgraded through the years, it is your mobile command point and a powerful weapon. (+5 to combat rolls and flee rolls. Flee roll bonus increases to +15 if the foe cannot fly)

-[X] Survey The Area: DC:30
Results: 54 (Roll) + 40 (Eggman Brains) = 94
Critical Success!

With all these new developments it was important more than ever to have a deep understanding of the current situation.

Starline had said that the world had somehow mixed with other realities, but you admit, you didn't fully understand what he meant until you set out a few drones that you hastily built to do some recon around the area…

It was bizarre, to say the least, your mind had allowed you to achieve great feats that would have an intellectual individual confused, but you couldn't help but stare at the current state of the world.

The Area of Green Hills was relatively the same, it still retained its annoying green vegetation and happy looky animals, yuck! But the areas outside of it?

It was like someone made a patchwork robot of totally different parts. Where one area ended, another started, but you could easily tell they didn't fit, or belong there. Like if someone has just crushed two pieces of land and made them stick together.

The scientist in you wondered how this was possible, most likely magic, Ugh. You couldn't help but be annoyed at thinking that another magical artifact was the cause of this.

From what you could see, to the west of Green Hills, "the Empire" was located. Currently, their focus was on invading Green Hills, with some Brigadier "Selvaria Bles" leading the charge against Zavoks forces. They seemed to have technology way too outdated to your standards. They barely had a chance against your weakest Badniks!

To the south, there were more new areas that had appeared. There was the Empire of Radaxian adjoined to Green Hills. Led by some guy named Janken the Great, who seemed to have a weird obsession with Games?

After that there was a place called Tokyo-to lead by Goji Rokkaku, he seemed to have the place completely on lockdown. If the amount of defenses he set up weren't easy for you to destroy you would be impressed, Ha!

To the West of them was seemingly a place called Tokyo too? That's weird. Anywho, the area seemed to be controlled by a corporation called Judgement 6, who from what your drones could check, seemed to have an obsession with fighting tournaments! There was always an advertisement of one being held every month if you understood the data correctly.

Lastly, to the Southwest, was a place Primp Town, if the big Sign outside of it was any indication.
…You would have liked to get more information from it but everytime your drones got close, they always short circuited and fell to the ground! It was infuriating!!!

Returning to Green Hills, you managed to identify the locations of the "Restoration" and GUN, apparently those fools still continued to resist Zavok, if from what you saw of that weird Lemur with that strange hand tail and a blond haired officer leading some forces to combat the increasing badnik presence in the area.

The most important discovery you made this month seemed to be that the earth itself of Green Hills was affected in some way. Your scans were able to detect the presence of some new mineral never seen before, you managed to obtain a sample, and from what you could see, it's energy signature is similar to what the Empire uses for its weapons…

How interesting.

Results: Learned of the Nearby Kings! Discovered some of the Empire, Restoration, and G.U.N Hero Units (Selvaria Bles, Tangle the Lemur and Agent Topaz)!

Discovered that the Area in Green Hills seems to have deposits of this strange mineral (Ragnite)
Unlocked Action to Mine Ragnite!
Unlocked Action to Study Ragnite!

-[X] Look for Promising Minions DC:30/50/70 - Starline
Results: 84 (Roll) + 20 (Starline Trickery) + 22 (Eggman Trickery) 3 (Loyalty) + 5 (Omake Bonus)= 134!
Great Success! (6 points from a critical success!)

To Be Continued In " Lesser Minion Tryouts: For Those Much Worse Than Me. A Powerpoint By Dr. Starline."

-[X] Gather Rings DC:5/50/90
Results: 69 (Roll) + 8 (Eggman Mystic) = 77

Humiliation. That's the main thing that was running through Eggman's mind as he collected rings outside the base. Luckily he was able to build a few drones to assist him and even Cubot and Orbot helped with the task.

It took the whole month but by the end, he had managed to collect a sizable sample to study and do some experiments with.

Something worth mentioning is that Cubot had managed to point a few unique rings in the area, but unfortunately he failed to successfully retrieve them.

No matter, he can try later!

Results: Obtained a decent amount of rings, Action to look for the special rings unlocked!

New Actions Unlocked:
Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power:
Create Ring Retrieval Units
Build A Ring Reactor

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Return to... His Lab
Result: 70 + 5
To Be Continued In "You Can't Come Home Again"

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Do Some General Tinkering
Result: 39
You used some of your time tinkering with some of the scrap laying around the base. You won't lie and admit that the process was somewhat relaxing to you. Taking some time off your upcoming world conquest and focus on one of the things you truly loved.

That doesn't mean you were really productive with that. By the end of your tinkering session, you only managed to build a few blasters to use for personal defense. Not your best work, you would admit, but it will do.

Results: Build EggGuns!! X5

Can be assigned to a Hero Unit and grants +5 bonus to combat rolls!

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Draw Up Blueprints
Result: 37
As you stared at your desk, you couldn't help but to find yourself in one of those weird situations where you didn't know what to make. The lack of resources was a factor to consider, but that was barely a setback! In no time, you would have your Empire back! After you destroy that annoying red beast.

Letting your mind wander as you think of the several effective ways you can make Zavok regret being born, you let your hands work freely and let the first sign of inspiration guide you.

At the end of your session, you were holding the blueprints of one of your first inventions. The Death Egg Robot! A classic for sure! But a little bit outdated compared to your current standards. Still for such pathetic enemies, this will do just nicely!

Result: Action unlocked to build the Death Egg Robot!!!

-[X] Dr. Eggman: Study your New Minion
Result: 91
Eggman used the remaining free time he had studying the most recent addition to his forces. And he couldn't help but be relatively impressed by his counterparts from that supposed Chaos Council.

This Rusty Rose was originally fully organic! Until his counterparts managed to somehow piece by piece transform her into an ideal killing machine. The process to turn organisms into Androids was something Eggman was aware of and totally capable of, but he never saw any reason to do it.

The Technology Rusty had wasn't that different from his, but still. With a few hours to check her design and fully understand how she worked, Eggman was confident he couldn't only upgrade her to even greater heights, but also make an Elite Badnik version of her! They will be a nice addition to his army, without a doubt!

Result: Action to Upgrade Rusty Rose.
New Badnik Unlocked: Rusty Badniks Versions!

-[X] Dr. Starline: Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Result: 12

From what you heard, After finishing his alloted tasks, Starline took some personal time to go.. people watching?

Hmmm. Not something you had any interest in, nor what you expected from him, but it was none of your business.

Unfortunately, there was a sudden burst of flash rain. Starline didn't get much worse than a case of the sniffles, but it was still annoying enough he apparently came back to base without having seen much of anything.

Meh. Surely nothing useful would have come of it anyways after his earlier searches.

-[X] Rusty Rose: Talk to Your New Co-Workers
Result: 63

Rusty, from what you can gather, is getting along well enough with your fellow minions. You were personally busy repairing Metal Sonic at the time, so you are not quite sure, nor do you care all that much beyond the fact it will be useful for them to be on the same page for the most part.

"I brought you some tea, newbie!" Cubot said cheerfully, hovering up to Rusty.

"I do not require sustenance." Rusty said simply.

"Awww. I thought we could stand around a fence drinking it and saying Yep to each other."

Rusty, Starline and even Orbot all stared at the yellow machine, clearly having no idea what he's on about.

"Is the boss behind me!?" Cubot fearfully looked.

"Dr. Starline. Why does Eggman keep such a... less than stellar individual around? It seems counterintuitive to his stated goals." Rusty chose to move on and probe Starline for information.

"Bah! I wouldn't question the Man. He respects loyalty and his brilliant mind is hard for anyone but perhaps myself to comprehend. If he keeps Cubot around, he has a darn good reason." Starline snorted.

"I wouldn't say it in quite the same way, but the doctor has a point, ma'am. Dr. Eggman knows best, and he has his reasons for everything he does, even if they seem strange to us." Orbot added.

"Affirmative. Noted." Rusty nodded along.

"SERIOUSLY WHERE IS HE, GUYS!? I'M FREAKING OUT!" Cubot cried, having been looking around for his boss this whole time.

Reward: Rusty feels she better understands Dr. Eggman. She also gets along decently with her co-workers, though Cubot baffles her.

Random Event Roll: 51

You don't know where all these blasted cats came from, but they are quite annoying.

You can feel a small sense of kindred for them, they seem to have a similar disdain for small animals, but Unfortunately that means they mistake Orbot and Cubot for such creatures and attacked them mercilessly!

You had to spend a whole afternoon putting the two idiots back together.

If you were having issues with these things roaming Green Hills, the fools over at the Restoration were having a catosphere! These strange cats were going around attacking the local wildlife on top of their usual issues, so they were quite literally herding cats on top of their usual problems.

Once Orbot and Cubot were fixed up, it was actually quite amusing!

Results: The Restoration gets -10 to Rolls this Turn from being busy, quite literally, herding these strange cats.

No Moratorium, you guys can vote as soon as I open the vote in a few moments.
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Metal Sonic Starting Trait
Voting is Open! Please vote for Metal Sonic Starting trait (The other traits can be obtained once you upgrade Metal, Again.). Options are:

[ ] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.

[ ] Plasma Pulse: Can be used once per battle. Metal skips his turn and next turn he gets a +20 bonus to all combat rolls until the fight is over.

[ ]Ring Spark: Once per battle, Metal Gains a +10 to combat rolls and can attack all enemies nearby, but loses 1 life/Hp after use.
Oh man i just realized
Stone and starline are going to HATE each other

[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.

This will make the difference between a pyrrhic victory and total defeat
[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.
[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.
[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.

Black Shield no doubt this is practically a essential piece for Metal Sonic.
[X] Black Shield

I don't know if it's the best option, there's a decent chance it won't show up in most fights, but it's a key part of Metal's kit and will prevent an unlucky crit from screwing him over
[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.
[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.

The black shields seems to be not only the safest option, but the optimal one.

+20 to combat rolls is nice, but means nothing if we roll jack shit, without counting that losing one turn could be the line between success and destruction.

The other one making him lose HP constantly could also screw us over in a bad scenario.

Unlocked Action to Mine Ragnite!
Unlocked Action to Study Ragnite!

Well, well, well what do we have here.

Not only we get a new study for a power source, but one that is actively used by one of our contrincants.

It would be a real shame if someone were to discover an outright counter for it wouldn't it?.

After all if I am reading this right, the empire was reliant on this stuff for even med kits, man sure it would be a kick that someone who doesn't need it that much really would be able to crack it open like an egg and develop measures to make the version of an EMP for this thing.

Once we get a proper army and a combat mech ready.

Well the Doctor would say it best.

[X] Black Shield: Once per battle, first time an opponent would critical success against Metal or metal gets a Critical Failure, it's instead like if Metal obtained a bare succes against the enemy.
Metal Sonic using his Black Shield
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