You're fast getting sick of waiting out here in the cold, and if Wendigos really do have poor vision during the day, then it's actively a bad idea to continue waiting on that level as well.
You step confidently beyond the cave opening, until you could officially be said to be within it. Turning back to a still-hesitant Tsurara, you make your irritation fully known. "Are you coming in, or aren't you?"
Tsurara blinks, apparently shocked out of whatever reverie she'd been in, and frowns at you. "Excuse me?"
Tch. If she still doesn't get it when your meaning is so obvious, then you seriously have to wonder whether it's worth the trouble of saying anything else at all.
You almost decide to head further in without another word, but a thought occurs to you.
You've seen Tsukune, Moka, and the rest get into arguments with each other from time to time, because one or more of them would take something the wrong way, or because someone didn't make their feelings clear.
Even if Tsurara's just being dense right now, you recognize that you should at least be on the same page if she's still planning to fight Terada with you. What a goddamn pain in the ass!
"I'm going to take him out either way," you explain with as much patience as you can muster. "It doesn't make a difference to me whether you come along, but I'm not waiting around all day while you make up your mind."
Tsurara observes you for a moment, before tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Despite the distance between you now, you can still hear a soft laugh escape that mouth. "You've got quite the attitude, you know." And I can tell she likes that about you.
Tsurara's expression returns to that of a cool professional again, but you can see it now for the mask that it is -- for better or worse, she simply cares way too much to really be able to shut off her feelings.
But then, can you really say you're any different? You suppose that in the end, it doesn't really matter. You refuse to accept a world in which a fiend like Yuuda Terada continues to threaten your friends and family, and as long as that remains true, the task ahead of you remains the same.
He's Saizou Komiya, right? If he's molested half as many human girls as I've heard, then he sounds like quite the ladies' man...
"There are some people," you decide with a low mutter, "that the world might be better off without."
"'Some people'?" Tsurara echoes from behind you. "It sounds like you've got some stories of your own to tell."
That's the problem, though, isn't it, Moka? To be honest, I'm more interested in having you as a lover than as a friend.
Tsurara's feeling anxious despite herself, and now she's in the mood for some small talk.
Too bad.
"Just some assholes I've dealt with at school."
Tsurara hums in thought as you lead her into the cave. It's starting to get progressively darker the further in you go, but the glow of Hamon around your body provides enough illumination to get by.
Careful to follow at a slight distance behind, you can still hear Tsurara's soft but steady footsteps. "Mizore's described you as 'beating up people who deserve it' and as a 'delinquent of justice', but she never would give details on the kind of things you two get up to."
And you're not especially inclined to, either. Biting back a growl of annoyance, you ask: "Didn't you go to Youkai Academy too?"
The Snow Woman hesitates for half a step, before continuing. "I did. I suppose that should answer my question well enough."
....that she accepts that so readily is worrisome in itself. Youkai Academy is supposed to be a place where monsters learn how to make peace with humans and blend into their society, but half the time it seems like an asylum being run by the inmates. The teachers either can't control the students, or they don't, and you're not sure which of those is worse.
Eventually, the cavern branches out into six divergent tunnels, and you don't see a visible indication of which one is most likely to bear fruit.
Tsurara shines a flashlight as far as she can down each tunnel, to no immediate result.
[]The two of you should split up, so you can cover more ground. If either of you should find the enemy or something else of significance, you'll call out which tunnel you're in and the other will come running.
[]The two of you should split up, with one of you investigating the tunnels and the other one staying here to act as a guard.
[]The two of you should stick together, and investigate the tunnels one at a time.