The assurance from being able to planeswalk away almost whenever they want is a pretty strong drug.
Especially since Blake isn't actually sure she can yet, even if she has that feeling. I'm pretty sure her narration said it felt like it was tied to her Aura, so as long as she has a decent chunk of it she should be fine. Not tested yet, though. Being in the Blind Eternities did erode it pretty quickly when she was in transit, which might be why there's only the three worlds "in range" for whatever distance means there.
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We didn't exactly swap poetry IRL, even before Alivaril moved. I suck at it, for one thing. Turns out having a massive vocabulary doesn't necessarily help with rhyming when your primary mental indexing is based on how the words start, not how they end.

Abrogation was great, I'm a little sad we couldn't continue with our dear mad scientist and her picky inspiration. My cheat for how I find appropriate rhyming words is to get the sound I need to rhyme, e.g. 'ell'. Then I go through the alphabet a-z until I find a word that fits the concept I need. E.g 'Aell? Nope. Bell? Maybe. Cell? Maybe. Dell. eell... Eel? Not quite. Fell, Gell... Maybe Gel. Gal?" Alphabet helps me keep track till I find the right-sounding word.

And to keep this on topic... I'm sure Blake will turn out to be a fine Black Mage and fighter of injustice, etc, etc, but I admit I have a fondness for Alivaril's more Blue-and-Orange morality protags. He writes them so well, and they're really fun! Blake has her own slight mental twist with the mild hypocrisy and bias against Schnee/non-faunus, but her thinking isn't divergent enough for me to take delight in reading her thought processes and assumptions. Still looking forward to updates though, since any Alivaril content is better than none.
This quest looks interesting: I hope it continues still! If Blake ever gets to visit Ravnica, there is a modest association of janitors there that might have something to teach her concerning Black and Blue mana :p
This quest looks interesting: I hope it continues still! If Blake ever gets to visit Ravnica, there is a modest association of janitors there that might have something to teach her concerning Black and Blue mana :p
By WOG, only three worlds are available to Blake: Remnant (plus possible other worlds created by the Brothers in a cluster or simply separated in space like our universe, I guess), Earthland, and the Nanoha reality-cluster.

OOC, this is to keep things focused and reduce the temptation to just drop in quickly, grab the low-hanging fruit of power-ups, and jump back out without actually engaging in more than the most superficial way with the characters and storylines the hard-working QM has set up.

IC, no explanation has been offered or even sought yet as far as I recall, but my own hypothesis is just that Blake's Aura (explicitly what protects her from the Blind Eternities while in transit) simply erodes too fast in that ultra-hostile environment for any others to be within reach, at least for now.
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IC, no explanation has been offered or even sought yet as far as I recall, but my own hypothesis is just that Blake's Aura (explicitly what protects her from the Blind Eternities while in transit) simply erodes too fast in that ultra-hostile environment for any others to be within reach, at least for now.
Technically true, but there was this from the intro section:
It's not like you can do anything about it; you get the feeling that you'll need to spend a significant amount of time searching for Remnant before you can return.
Which may indicate that Blake's attempting to stay in the general vicinity to make certain she won't lose track of where home is.
This quest looks interesting: I hope it continues still!
It will, don't worry! The teacher of one of my classes simply has the unfortunate habit of assigning literally 20 essays to act as our midterm & final grades (and then grading only 3 of them at "random") in addition to the work assigned by that and other classes. So, I'm working on Divination and other smol QA snippets since those are easier to add bits and pieces to when I have a free moment. Revolution—and possibly other stories—should resume operations after this coming week is over.
Regarding that Pray action ...

A few things strike me from it.

1) It's clearly a Black entity of some kind.
2) It's clearly one that at least uses dreams as communication.
3) It's dream message doesn't demand but strongly suggest prayer, but doesn't specify to who.
4) The actual "black" part of the message doesn't ask who to mark as prey, but if "they" should be marked as prey.
5) No declarations of bargains or prices or results or offerings (on either end) were made.

I have this weird off the wall notion in my head that Blake's first Summon is going to be a Felinoid Grimm construct and this is her mentally processing it reaching that state. The reason this makes sense to me is that she spent all that time casting out her literal hatred and spite in Black Mana form out into the world, and that's literally what Grimm are, basically: black energy constructs made of hate.

So basically she's already done the summoning and just needs to link to it to give it form and a target? Like, because it's made from her mana and intent, it's loyal to her. It'd be her own personal domesticated little ball of hate. (Purr, purr, purr). Interestingly, a Grimm would actually be a viable Planeswalking companion on account of not having a soul to get shredded by the Blind Eternities.
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Well, it is in the form of a kitten.

At least it's not a weeping angel, right?
If Black Mana had an Avatar it would be a housecat.

Wanton murder for the sake of murder? Check.
Torture and terrorizing as entertainment? Check.
Sheer infinite hubris and looking good doing it? Check.
Innate expression of affection includes bloodletting? Check. (Seriously. I need to trim my lapcat's claws way too often. I have scars.)
Deeply associated with bad luck and curses? Check.
Able to teleport through shadows and darkness? Check. (I used to have a cat named Demon because if you talked about him he would appear from nowhere. I do not exaggerate.)

And of course this is all the happy and benevolent version of Black. None of that vampiric lich corpsecrafter stuff.

Black Mana is a stray housecat that just wants a good home.
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Holy fuck how did I miss @Alivaril starting another planeswalker quest

Kitty, kitty, could not stay,Kitty, kitty, now a stray!Kitty, kitty, our own ray,Kitty, kitty, fair and fey!Kitty, kitty, let us play,Kitty, kitty, make them pay!Kitty, kitty, you should pray,Kitty, kitty, have your say:"Tell us, kitty, are they prey?"
On one hand is probably schmuck bait on the other hand last time we picked the schmuck bait option we got super magic ai best mom.
Wanton murder for the sake of murder? Check.
Torture and terrorizing as entertainment? Check.
Neither of those are innately Black actions even under WotC's version of Black, though Black is one of the colors most likely to engage in them. Red is probably the second most likely color to do that sort of thing, since Red feels its way through life. But I could easily argue those are purely Green actions for a cat, as a cat is simply following its instincts when it engages in those behaviors.
Neither of those are innately Black actions even under WotC's version of Black, though Black is one of the colors most likely to engage in them. Red is probably the second most likely color to do that sort of thing, since Red feels its way through life. But I could easily argue those are purely Green actions for a cat, as a cat is simply following its instincts when it engages in those behaviors.
that's actually canon, I've gone up against Green Cat focused decks.
No. Wasn't that crossed out as a "thing Blake isn't willing to do" option anyway?

Bare minimum, not until she has a very definite no-holds-barred target to designate, and even as one of the people making the most sympathetic arguments for the voices in darkness I think she needs to wait and see if and how they behave with further contact before actually calling on them.

[X] Stay wary of the shadow voices