- Pronouns
- It/Its
So, just figured I'd check, but is it supposed to be "Pray", or is it supposed to be "Prey"? The latter would be in keeping with the rhyme, but the former does fit in the sense of requesting aid from some supernatural being.
Eldrazi are entities that live in the Blind Eternities (the place between planes). They generally seem to be unknowable eldritch entities modeled after Lovecraftian horror (for instance causing madness, corrupting stuff around them, and being exceedingly powerful and hard to kill/stop). To go along with that, any manifestation of them in any manifestation of them encountered is not actually their true self, but rather something of an avatar that they are using to interact with a plane, meaning that when you kill it, you aren't actually killing the eldrazi, just kicking it out of the plane. They don't seem to be specifically evil so much as generally not care about normal mortals, and the strongest one encountered was only "beaten" when it basically got bored of the conflict, and proceeded to give one of the planeswalkers facing it a spell to supposedly seal it away in the moon, then highjacked them to make them cast the spell. There's a popular fan theory that one of the new planeswalkers from War of the Spark is actually that eldrazi in disguise.I don't actually know anything about Eldrazi other then things that could be deduced from off-hand mentions in Ignition, but either way mysterious voices that tell us to chose a prey don't sound like ordinary friends.
Given that eldrazi live in the Blind Eternities (which supposedly requires the spark to not be destroyed by being there, though even planeswalkers generally can only survive for short periods), it's possible all eldrazi have the spark and are thus planeswalkers. However, that's not confirmed, and as noted, the spark does not seem sufficient to allow living full time in the Blind Eternities. They also don't seem to exhibit other planeswalker powers, but that might just be a difference in how they said power, since much of what a planeswalker can do comes from visiting and getting abilities from various planes, and eldrazi don't really travel around much.