Im kinda excited to see Big Boi Nakai in action

Also somewhat off topic but im planning on getting Total War Warhammer 2 and the Nakai and Skaven dlcs (hopefully it works on my PC) and the work of @Xantalos definitely gave me inspiration as to why.
Now to decide which of my favourite factions i should play first (im the kind of person to like both Lizardmen and Skaven)

Right, so. Word of warning, CA nerfed Nakai to hell and back. He is quite possibly the weakest legendary lord in the entire game, and it's not unusual for him to die off by turn three whenever you play the Vortex campaign.

Playing as Nakai is... well. It's an exercise in patience, to be honest.

Now, Skaven. Of all the DLC's, I love the Warplock dlc the most. Ikit Claw is the most ridiculously over powered Skaven commander in the game. He gets his own unique mechanics seperate from the rest of the Skaven lords, he is one of the most lethal Skaven lords at both melee and range, and his Doomwheel mount with certain upgrades makes him effectively invincible.

Do not expect Anything like lore consistency with the Legendary Lords. It's not a thing that exists.


All of that said, I utterly Love the game and play it religiously whenever I'm not busy with school or writing Commisions. You have Excellent taste good sir!
Right, so. Word of warning, CA nerfed Nakai to hell and back. He is quite possibly the weakest legendary lord in the entire game, and it's not unusual for him to die off by turn three whenever you play the Vortex campaign.

Playing as Nakai is... well. It's an exercise in patience, to be honest.

Now, Skaven. Of all the DLC's, I love the Warplock dlc the most. Ikit Claw is the most ridiculously over powered Skaven commander in the game. He gets his own unique mechanics seperate from the rest of the Skaven lords, he is one of the most lethal Skaven lords at both melee and range, and his Doomwheel mount with certain upgrades makes him effectively invincible.

Do not expect Anything like lore consistency with the Legendary Lords. It's not a thing that exists.


All of that said, I utterly Love the game and play it religiously whenever I'm not busy with school or writing Commisions. You have Excellent taste good sir!
Thank you, i've watched alot of Skaven campaigns and i have to say the Jezzails and Ratling guns are just beautiful, i mean yeah a few clanrats died but look at all those green colours flying about!
Thank you, i've watched alot of Skaven campaigns and i have to say the Jezzails and Ratling guns are just beautiful, i mean yeah a few clanrats died but look at all those green colours flying about!

Clanrats have this little word in there character card. It's called Meat Shield, and it's what every clanrats is for Clan Skryre.

Seriously, clanrats dying is cheap as hell. The entire Skaven military is cheap as hell. You could get a max stack of Skaven Slaves for like, less than a few thousand gold. And there upkeep is pathetically small, less than 30 gold a turn.

By comparison, the average Storm Vermin unit costs around 1050 gold, and has an upkeep of about 260 before upkeep reducers.

Skaven are ridiculous with how many armies they can spam all at once!
Clanrats have this little word in there character card. It's called Meat Shield, and it's what every clanrats is for Clan Skryre.

Seriously, clanrats dying is cheap as hell. The entire Skaven military is cheap as hell. You could get a max stack of Skaven Slaves for like, less than a few thousand gold. And there upkeep is pathetically small, less than 30 gold a turn.

By comparison, the average Storm Vermin unit costs around 1050 gold, and has an upkeep of about 260 before upkeep reducers.

Skaven are ridiculous with how many armies they can spam all at once!
Welcome to why people loved playing them on the tabletop and why anybody who didn't play them wanted to throw those who did out a damn window.
Clanrats have this little word in there character card. It's called Meat Shield, and it's what every clanrats is for Clan Skryre.

Seriously, clanrats dying is cheap as hell. The entire Skaven military is cheap as hell. You could get a max stack of Skaven Slaves for like, less than a few thousand gold. And there upkeep is pathetically small, less than 30 gold a turn.

By comparison, the average Storm Vermin unit costs around 1050 gold, and has an upkeep of about 260 before upkeep reducers.

Skaven are ridiculous with how many armies they can spam all at once!
I also saw what Mortal Empires late game Dwarfs can do and how many armies they can have
I think its safe to say that they're definitely NOT a dying race
I also saw what Mortal Empires late game Dwarfs can do and how many armies they can have
I think its safe to say that they're definitely NOT a dying race

Okay, so. Two things.

In Mortal Empjres, if you play any race Other than Dwarf, the Dwarves will eventually win the game. They are the most powerful race in defensive sieges, and on legendary difficulty the cheats there race get are ridiculous. Hideously ridiculous.

If You play as the dwarves, the Greenskins as a whole get massively buffed to prove an actual threat despite having some of the shittiest armies in the game. Seriously, Greenskins are one of the most terrible races if you aren't playing as a Dwarf faction.

The worst race in the game is the Vampire Counts though. They have exactly Zsro ranged units, most of there army is trash, and the Only saving grace they have is cheesing the shit out of the AI and wizards. So many wizards.

Total War is a damn fun game, but darn if it isn't stupid as all heck in some respects.
Moving this thread back onto topic

I do have a small gripe about the death god being the next god we make
Might I suggest instead some sort of crafting god, to synergize with awanabil'tat and the forging districts?
Barring that, some sort of knowledge god, maybe something related to differing perspectives, since from what I see, the main thing holding the slann back is similarity of thinking. I mean, they took an entire decade to think of telling meaningful stories instead of recounting events when we were trying to unlock the tablet
Okay, so. Two things.

In Mortal Empjres, if you play any race Other than Dwarf, the Dwarves will eventually win the game. They are the most powerful race in defensive sieges, and on legendary difficulty the cheats there race get are ridiculous. Hideously ridiculous.

If You play as the dwarves, the Greenskins as a whole get massively buffed to prove an actual threat despite having some of the shittiest armies in the game. Seriously, Greenskins are one of the most terrible races if you aren't playing as a Dwarf faction.

The worst race in the game is the Vampire Counts though. They have exactly Zsro ranged units, most of there army is trash, and the Only saving grace they have is cheesing the shit out of the AI and wizards. So many wizards.

Total War is a damn fun game, but darn if it isn't stupid as all heck in some respects.
Maybe the stupidity makes it more fun?
But anyways im thinking of starting off with Skaven once I've got it (Tuesday)
Im thinking for an army i'll have one army almost completely missile/artillery while having a second army filled with garbage and rice farmers (skavenslaves or clantats, I've heard that the slaves dont last long in a fight) following the "elite" army
Might just nickname one lord 'Rick' and the other 'Morty' XD
Edit: also sorry @Kaboomatic i was still typing this up when you posted
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Okay, so. Two things.

In Mortal Empjres, if you play any race Other than Dwarf, the Dwarves will eventually win the game. They are the most powerful race in defensive sieges, and on legendary difficulty the cheats there race get are ridiculous. Hideously ridiculous.

If You play as the dwarves, the Greenskins as a whole get massively buffed to prove an actual threat despite having some of the shittiest armies in the game. Seriously, Greenskins are one of the most terrible races if you aren't playing as a Dwarf faction.

The worst race in the game is the Vampire Counts though. They have exactly Zsro ranged units, most of there army is trash, and the Only saving grace they have is cheesing the shit out of the AI and wizards. So many wizards.

Total War is a damn fun game, but darn if it isn't stupid as all heck in some respects.
Ah but that's what the mods like radious total war are for, to add some units in to at least correct the worst deficiencies.
I would just like to remind everyone
This ain't a total war thread
Maybe we should stay on topic so that the mods dont get on our butts about it
You writing the reconciliation of the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Dwarfs over several centuries would probably take as long to get through but be just as interesting.
Yeah, and that's not even getting into how the Druuchi kinda splintered when Morathi finally made her play for godhood and various factions of them ended up all over the place after Chaos got banished. Or, as you observed, the inevitable Settra Wars, the conflict brewing in the east with the empowered Ogre Dominion that looted a ton of Dawi-Zharr tech during the warring there, their conflicts with Ind, Cathay ending up subjugating a good amount of the pseudo-mongols north of them since their Chaos leaders got banished and using the new north-facing land passages to pull some trading and conquesting off... lotta stuff happening there, enough that I'd be at it for years if I ever analyzed it in detail.

Eh. Settra is still gonna try knocking over the Old World eventually.
Most definitely, and funnily enough the threat he poses (coupled with the various greenskin hordes that have grown to frightening sizes) will provide significant impetus to the various factions now residing in the Old World to put their old quibbles aside, stop fucking about, and make the world a better place to live.


Edit:Actually, could we get pictures of some of the new lizardmen gear? I mean, what do the Saurus Warrior swords look like?
They're guaranteed to get more esoteric in the future, but for now just look up macuahitl and picture various sizes of those with a black/gold color scheme.

You know, I wonder how different the 40k continuity would turn out if instead of it being Kor Phaeron who found Lorgar, it was instead the man-who-was-Archaon, transported to Colchis for whatever reason by the deliverance, perhaps to give him a truly fresh start, perhaps simply because he was too linked to the powers of chaos to continue existing in Mundus after the deliverance, perhaps because some unknown facet of the Great Plan required him there alongside the Lizardmen's reemergence.
He probably won't end up featuring in any Primarch backstories, but Archaon does have a role to play in this galaxy. Not many beings have been in the same positions he's been in, being first immensely favored by a mortal god and then shaped by the powers of Chaos into their vessel for the apocalypse, much less survived relinquishing both of those mantles. He's in a unique position, with uncommon capabilities despite the rescinding of his dark blessings. You don't get filled with Warp-juice until your presence makes the world quake and not come out of it with something different about you.

I would just like to remind everyone
This ain't a total war thread
Maybe we should stay on topic so that the mods dont get on our butts about it
I don't mind so much as long as it's related to the thread itself, but yeah mayhaps time to divert it to the game's thread if you intend to keep discussing it.
Yeah, and that's not even getting into how the Druuchi kinda splintered when Morathi finally made her play for godhood and various factions of them ended up all over the place after Chaos got banished. Or, as you observed, the inevitable Settra Wars, the conflict brewing in the east with the empowered Ogre Dominion that looted a ton of Dawi-Zharr tech during the warring there, their conflicts with Ind, Cathay ending up subjugating a good amount of the pseudo-mongols north of them since their Chaos leaders got banished and using the new north-facing land passages to pull some trading and conquesting off... lotta stuff happening there, enough that I'd be at it for years if I ever analyzed it in detail.

Most definitely, and funnily enough the threat he poses (coupled with the various greenskin hordes that have grown to frightening sizes) will provide significant impetus to the various factions now residing in the Old World to put their old quibbles aside, stop fucking about, and make the world a better place to live.

They're guaranteed to get more esoteric in the future, but for now just look up macuahitl and picture various sizes of those with a black/gold color scheme.

He probably won't end up featuring in any Primarch backstories, but Archaon does have a role to play in this galaxy. Not many beings have been in the same positions he's been in, being first immensely favored by a mortal god and then shaped by the powers of Chaos into their vessel for the apocalypse, much less survived relinquishing both of those mantles. He's in a unique position, with uncommon capabilities despite the rescinding of his dark blessings. You don't get filled with Warp-juice until your presence makes the world quake and not come out of it with something different about you.

I don't mind so much as long as it's related to the thread itself, but yeah mayhaps time to divert it to the game's thread if you intend to keep discussing it.
How long does it take to make a Spawning Pool? Can we make a rapid version we can construct on the battlefield or pre-built ones we can bring with us? It would be cool if we could make a doctrine where we take territory, secure it, and set up spawn pool to reinforce our number, make push, repeat. Our numbers would be unending and it would be awesome.
Yeah, and that's not even getting into how the Druuchi kinda splintered when Morathi finally made her play for godhood and various factions of them ended up all over the place after Chaos got banished. Or, as you observed, the inevitable Settra Wars, the conflict brewing in the east with the empowered Ogre Dominion that looted a ton of Dawi-Zharr tech during the warring there, their conflicts with Ind, Cathay ending up subjugating a good amount of the pseudo-mongols north of them since their Chaos leaders got banished and using the new north-facing land passages to pull some trading and conquesting off... lotta stuff happening there, enough that I'd be at it for years if I ever analyzed it in detail.
Most definitely, and funnily enough the threat he poses (coupled with the various greenskin hordes that have grown to frightening sizes) will provide significant impetus to the various factions now residing in the Old World to put their old quibbles aside, stop fucking about, and make the world a better place to live.


I wonder what the Old World will be like if we ever get back to it. Hell, I wonder if they'll even remember us from back then, or if they'll think we're outright aliens or something.
Considering Archaon potentially getting ported over, i can't help but think about how awesome a skaven 40k quest would be, or maybe just them showing up as displaced by the deliverance
How long does it take to make a Spawning Pool? Can we make a rapid version we can construct on the battlefield or pre-built ones we can bring with us? It would be cool if we could make a doctrine where we take territory, secure it, and set up spawn pool to reinforce our number, make push, repeat. Our numbers would be unending and it would be awesome.
Doesn't take long to make the pool itself, even with the ridiculously intricate spawning runes and the need for the water in it to be absolutely 100% pure, since a lot of that can be managed pretty easily by magic. The trouble comes with the fact that if you want them to actually produce lizardmen you need to either manually power them with slann (something you can do now, so even if a city gets wrecked you can still have it produce population) or connect it to some form of power source - either the Web or just have it tap into the geokinetic energy of whatever planet you've built it on.

Either way, researching Geomantic Nodes is probably the step you'd want to take if you want to try stuff like that - it'd let you further miniaturize your infrastructure so you wouldn't necessarily need to leapfrog with cities into enemy territory.


I wonder what the Old World will be like if we ever get back to it. Hell, I wonder if they'll even remember us from back then, or if they'll think we're outright aliens or something.
Depends on what sort of entrance you end up making.

Considering Archaon potentially getting ported over, i can't help but think about how awesome a skaven 40k quest would be, or maybe just them showing up as displaced by the deliverance
For a 40k skaven quest, wait an undetermined amount of time for me to wrap up From A Dead World so I can write the sequel to it. As for skaven here... I'll keep quiet on that for now.
Seeing as the council of 13 were being kept alive way past the natural life span of Skaven and the Horned Rat being banished from Mallus along with the other chaos gods would that mean that the council of 13 are pretty much dead since the Horned Rat can't keep them alive anymore? If so how is Skaven society doing now with them gone considering that the Council was the only reason that the Skaven weren't worse off since the Horned Rat created said Council to have some kind of order for the Skaven to get things done and at least not kill each other to the point that they would be far more crippled than normal.
Seeing as the council of 13 were being kept alive way past the natural life span of Skaven and the Horned Rat being banished from Mallus along with the other chaos gods would that mean that the council of 13 are pretty much dead since the Horned Rat can't keep them alive anymore? If so how is Skaven society doing now with them gone considering that the Council was the only reason that the Skaven weren't worse off since the Horned Rat created said Council to have some kind of order for the Skaven to get things done and at least not kill each other to the point that they would be far more crippled than normal.
There is much skaven heresy going on right now. What's left of the Grey Seers is attempting to form an Inquisition to forestall this.

Morathi got vored by slaanesh early in the ET iirc
Didn't Morathi become a god after the end times?
Age of Sigmar Morathi got devoured by Slaanesh and later became a god, yeah. What became of her here is rather different. The Druuchi she was leading were outright sworn to Slaanesh, sure, and she was described as being monstrously swollen with power and going to loot various artifacts of yours she'd wanted for a while, but one thing I'll confirm about her is that she wasn't taken by any of the Chaos Gods. Her ego's too big to swear herself to anyone or anything.
I've always been kind of curious about the far east
What happened to Cathay, with its literal dragon emperor/emperor dragon?
Or Ind, land of a thousand gods/land of a thousand manifestations of the subsapient collective will of a nation that managed to break free from that will. If Ind is the latter, what happened to that collective will after chaos died?
Now I want to write an omake