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[X]Plan: Homebodies
-[X] Basic Fortification Theory: While the Ayacmanik's nesting grounds are well-defended due to the large number of bodies present, even the largest enclaves are not sturdy enough to stand up to a legitimate assault by an advanced military. Teach them the fundamentals that have kept Itza from falling for millennia.
-[X] Advanced Traps: The Ayacmanik have a passable repertoire of hunting traps, but it is nothing compared to the institutional knowledge of the chameleon skinks. Show the hive-soul how to make the jungle a true hell for any intruders.
-[X] Water Collection and Distribution: Even in an incredibly moist jungle environment, the value of being able to collect, store, and transport high volumes of clean water cannot be overstated.
-[X] Theory of Medicine: Even for a hive-soul that counts millions of types of physiology among their numbers, there are certain foundational principles that will remain the same. How to properly cleanse a wound, sterilization procedures, the setting and splinting of broken limbs, just to scratch the surface.
-[X] Pictographic Writing: Based off the pictographic script of the lizardmen's Saurian language, this would provide the Ayacmanik a way of communicating information based on visual input and ideas applicable to the physical world.
-[X] Chaos Defense Procedures: There is nothing daemons lust after more than an exposed soul that shines brightly enough for them to find their way to it. Teach the Ayacmanik of the dangers of Ruin and how to guard their thoughts.
-[X] Geomantic Safety Protocols: As the lizardmen continue to expand, it is inevitable that the Ayacmanik will come into contact with components of the Geomantic Web. While they will not be taught to wield such power - an unthinkable concept - it would perhaps be prudent to instruct them on how to best avoid damaging critical components so that they may not harm or be harmed.

Okay, so hear me out. The main reason I'm going for this mix is because it's the best counter to the OG Rangdan's methods. They were a rapacious all-consuming entity. Having them tend towards being defensive instead will help a lot in my opinion, to leading them towards not being inclined to take everything.
Give me an example of an achievement we've made in this story,

That you will not contextualize as Might Makes Right.

Because if you can't or won't do that, and everything you deign to consider is subordinate to a relationships power dynamics scale, then you have no use to the rest of us except as a targeting system (if that), and any time we don't want to kill something your stance doesn't go beyond a third order (or thereabouts) consideration.

That is a diss! XD

A bit too tired to vote right now, but I think what I would choose is already winning, so...
This'll be open for a while, but one thing I should likely emphasize just to make clear - this is only the first of potentially many interactions with the Aya, and until they start taking definitive cultural stances that predispose them against taking certain options, pretty much any option from this will carry over to the next one. You haven't reached the point where you'll have to specialize quite yet.
[X] Plan: Teacher, Teach

I think Theory of Medicine is valuable here because it means the Ayacmanik can focus a bit more on internal stability than on fast and potentially unstable breeding.
[X] Setting up the base.
-[X] Chaos Defense Procedures
-[X] Stone Buildings
-[X] Basic Agricultural Doctrine
-[X] Water Collection and Distribution
-[X] Theory of Medicine
-[X]Geomantic Safety Protocols
-[X] Basic Spiritualism

As the QM already said we will have multiple chances to do this sort of interaction with the Aya. Meaning we should get the things that make almost everything else easier for the future. What I mean is this plan would allow for higher population growth, higher population density, protects against chaos, and ensures they don't kill us all somehow by messing the geomantic web. Everything here is useful in the long run and none of it would really change their culture one way or the other. We can specialize them one way or the other at almost anytime and if we can't for whatever reason the we waited way too long.
[X] Setting up the base.
-[X] Chaos Defense Procedures
-[X] Stone Buildings
-[X] Basic Agricultural Doctrine
-[X] Water Collection and Distribution
-[X] Theory of Medicine
-[X]Geomantic Safety Protocols
-[X] Basic Spiritualism

Foundations are most important. They don't need weapons and other stuff for now. Without strong Foundations, structure on top will not be stable or even collapse outright.
[X] Plan: Teacher, Teach

On 'might makes right' - yeah, that's not a thing that can be escaped - every action that an individual or collective takes, no matter how small, has some element of violence to it. The question that I'd float is whether using it as the sole basis for considering what to do is a useful idea or not. For some it certainly is!
This is the exact situation we find ourselves in: We spent how many pages arguing about what to do to/with the oversoul? But at no point was it considered that we might have no say in what would happen, because we were strong enough to choose what happened. The oversoul had no say in it; the compromise we gave it was entirely arbitrary, unilateral, and one-sided. Conversely, we have to deal with Isendral's caprices because she's strong enough to set terms.
On 'might makes right' - yeah, that's not a thing that can be escaped - every action that an individual or collective takes, no matter how small, has some element of violence to it. The question that I'd float is whether using it as the sole basis for considering what to do is a useful idea or not. For some it certainly is!
Is this a stance you're holding as an actual belief, or is this a commentary on the metaphysics of WH40k as it applies to this quest?
Is this a stance you're holding as an actual belief, or is this a commentary on the metaphysics of WH40k as it applies to this quest?
Both, though I don't think that deliberately imposing your will on others or taking away their choices just because you're in a position of advantage compared to them could be said to be a good or desired thing. Rather, it's important to acknowledge that no matter who we are or what we do, every action - or inaction - we take has consequences, and those will ripple out and have an effect on the world regardless of what we'd want. It's therefore very important to consider what you choose to do.

In short:
[X] Plan: Teacher, Teach
-[X] Geomantic Safety Protocols
-[X] Chaos Defense Procedures
-[X] Pictographic Writing
-[X] Theory of Art
-[X] Basic Agricultural Doctrine
-[X] Water Collection and Distribution
-[X] Theory of Medicine
Also a thought because of the 8 sides possibly being a hint towards more gods to be made I believe a flying one would fit ( if not truly fit the goal of sauars being next
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