Renascence: A Homura Quest

Honorifics or Western-style Titles? I've used both before, which is bothersomely inconsistent

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    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Western Titles (Mister, Miss, job titles, Lord, Lady, etcetera)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use whichever works better for a given sentence.

    Votes: 24 66.7%

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Indeed, they would NOT get along.

EDIT : though I'm not sure about them being nemeses, as long they keep clear of each other's business. Heck, post Grail War Kiritsugu might actually approve.
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would a broken man be any kind of problem?
When that broken man is The Magus Killer...Yes.

Considering Homura still lives quite assassin of his caliber would have plenty of chances to hurt her and if unlucky might be able to fuck her up pretty badly.

Remember those Origin Bullets of his? how about the great flaring weakness that is the Soul Gem?
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When that broken man is The Magus Killer...Yes.
not really, Homura's first move to a new location will be gun gathering, and information gathering.
Remember those Origin Bullets of his? how about the great flaring weakness that is the Soul Gem?

You know, being a squishy human being is also kind of a glaring weakness... The Origin Bullet is nice against Magus relying on barriers, but other than that, a normal gun works too.

All in all, it's always the same problem when it comes to Homura : step 1, do bullets/explosive hurt you? step 2 : does she manage to get a timestop in?

And that wouldn't help against Kiritsugu at all, because he's under the radar.

So is she. Really, it's a bit hard to conceive a scenario when one would want to kill the other, anyway.
Hmm...Kiritsugu might be able to ignore Time Stop if he had Accel's a localized time manipulation ability, after all. Unclear.

Still, basically comes down to who finds the other first...that battle would be decided by sniping or traps, most likely.

Probably wouldn't happen, though, unless Kiri decided to off Madoka for the sake of the world...which is right up his alley.
So is she. Really, it's a bit hard to conceive a scenario when one would want to kill the other, anyway.
Right now? not really, shes enrolled in a school, has property to her name along with bank accounts and a lot of other traces, she´s the daughter of the Famous Akemi family after all.

Thats not really "under the radar"
The Origin Bullet is nice against Magus relying on barriers, but other than that, a normal gun works too.
Are you really aware of what those bullets do to your soul?
All in all, it's always the same problem when it comes to Homura : step 1, do bullets/explosive hurt you? step 2 : does she manage to get a timestop in?
Itt´ll probably wind up becoming a shadow war, they´re kinda assassin specced after all, an Ambush and taking them down quickly would be the preferred strategy.

Though well, Homu has more firepower and would win in a straight-up fight while Kerry has the upper hand being an assassin and all.
Are you really aware of what those bullets do to your soul?
The Origin Bullet, or Kiritsugu's specifically, at least, would be really nasty to any puella magi it hit, because of how it operates on a conceptual level. Severing and binding. Chopping something apart and then sticking it back together wrong.
It would fuck up the girl's connection from her soul gem to her body irreparably.
The Origin Bullet, or Kiritsugu's specifically, at least, would be really nasty to any puella magi it hit, because of how it operates on a conceptual level. Severing and binding. Chopping something apart and then sticking it back together wrong.
It would fuck up the girl's connection from her soul gem to her body irreparably.

Thats like really fucking bad, its like getting so manhandled by Hakumen that your other incarnations feel it...kinda.

Do not get hit by conceptual attacks.
The Origin Bullet, or Kiritsugu's specifically, at least, would be really nasty to any puella magi it hit, because of how it operates on a conceptual level. Severing and binding. Chopping something apart and then sticking it back together wrong.
It would fuck up the girl's connection from her soul gem to her body irreparably.

That's rather debatable. It's also quite possible it does nothing at all, since the necrosis effect and frying of nerves and magic circuits is rather less useful when the magic source is outsourced. For instance, with a Command Seal, cf fight with Kirei. The way it is advocated could go both ways, really.

Of course, the ideal remains "don't get hit", sure. But that's pretty much a given when it comes to firearms. :eyeroll:

she´s the daughter of the Famous Akemi family after all.

I was thinking of the canon version, who is as far as anyone is concerned a normal school girl. Plus Kiri would have an extremely limited time to gather intel : six weeks would be a pretty short notice to even realize there might be a problem, after all.

Now, granted, Renascence's Homura is... more noticeable. :p
That's rather debatable. It's also quite possible it does nothing at all, since the necrosis effect and frying of nerves and magic circuits is rather less useful when the magic source is outsourced. For instance, with a Command Seal, cf fight with Kirei. The way it is advocated could go both ways, really.
Its a conceptual attack. It rips and tears and weaves wrongly what are basically your Soul Nerves.

Of course, the ideal remains "don't get hit", sure. But that's pretty much a given when it comes to firearms. :eyeroll:
Not really, since Megucas are basically Liches they can just regenerate normal gunfire. Its not healthy and a barrage will fuck you up but its not that dangerous to Megucas who are aware of their capabilities.
that was because the magic was no longer active when the bullet hit. It's explained in that very fight. The soul gem/body connection is a magic that's always active.

True, I actually forgot about that part. So, don't get hit, indeed.

Not really, since Megucas are basically Liches they can just regenerate normal gunfire. Its not healthy and a barrage will fuck you up but its not that dangerous to Megucas who are aware of their capabilities.

Sure, but it leaves you open to more attacks, say against your Soul Gem. Not to mention that when you're not a healing type, it can be costly. So, dodging is better anyway (especially if someone makes a point of shooting you with a suspiciously antiquated gun).