Renascence: A Homura Quest

Honorifics or Western-style Titles? I've used both before, which is bothersomely inconsistent

  • Japanese Honorifics (-san, -sama, -dono, -chan, -kun, -senpai, etcetera)

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Western Titles (Mister, Miss, job titles, Lord, Lady, etcetera)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use whichever works better for a given sentence.

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I rather doubt that Herakles can move in Homura's Time Stop; I think it's just an artifact of the way we're hovering around ~100 San, which is low enough that we're actively hallucinating.

The worst thing is we have to see Madoka sometime today, otherwise she'll contract; IIRC it's to save a dying kitten. Wonder what that reunion is going to be like, while we're still hallucinating about "our" Madoka.

I 'unno. Herakles, as mentioned before, has done impossible things. Hell its in his legend that he can do the impossible. I will admit that low sanity is not helping my case but it was still a worthwhile attempt.
I rather doubt that Herakles can move in Homura's Time Stop; I think it's just an artifact of the way we're hovering around ~100 San, which is low enough that we're actively hallucinating.

The worst thing is we have to see Madoka sometime today, otherwise she'll contract; IIRC it's to save a dying kitten. Wonder what that reunion is going to be like, while we're still hallucinating about "our" Madoka.
I would not put it past Heracles to be able to move in time-stop. His whole shtick is that he makes the rules his bitch.
Herakles must be killed more than once.
Given Illya's statements that a spell cast using five of Rin's gems could have depleted six of Herakles' lives simultaneously, as opposed to a single gem depleting one life,
A sufficiently charged Starlight Breaker can deplete all of Heracles' lives in a single attack.

It is possible for Nanoha to charge up Starlight Breaker inside of timestop if she is connected to Homura.
Given Illya's statements that a spell cast using five of Rin's gems could have depleted six of Herakles' lives simultaneously, as opposed to a single gem depleting one life,
A sufficiently charged Starlight Breaker can deplete all of Heracles' lives in a single attack.

It is possible for Nanoha to charge up Starlight Breaker inside of timestop if she is connected to Homura.
Not saying at this time.
He said it in Red, so that means it's something we have to get done.

Well, unless he pulls out the Gold Truth or something...
Context. "Herakles must be killed more than once." was implicitly referring to the conditions for making him stay dead.

Hyperblade's Blue did not possess that context, and was clearly an inquiry as to whether his death is necessary to complete the Quest.
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Fate/stay night was available in a previous Madoverse that Homura (the player character) visited.

Homura (the player character) read/watched/played Fate/stay night in that Madoverse.

And now unrelated to the above Blue Truths:

The attacker that is not Sesshomaru is Berserker (AKA Heracles) from Fate/stay night, or is at least identical in terms of skill and ability.

Berserker is a Servant, therefore he has a Master, as per the standard Fate/stay night definition of the terms 'Servant' and 'Master'.
I feel like doing something and I don't feel like writing. :)
"Do not run from danger, Homura. You will fail if you cling to safety and avoid the unknown. If you wish to emerge victorious, you must risk life, limb, and have too little time left to proceed cautiously."

This has something to do with Dark Souls.
Among other things. Dark Souls has some very interesting things to say, if you contemplate it deeply...that said, it's not the primary source of wisdom for that line.

This has some sort of relation to Jason and the Argonauts.
It could, depending on the reader, but it wasn't a purposeful reference.

Red Truths are only guaranteed to be true at the time they are given, with time in this case being relative to the players of Renascence.

If Homura crushed her Soul Gem upon waking, she would die.

It is possible that Kiritsugu Emiya exists somewhere in Homura's family tree.

Kiritsugu Emiya is not meaningfully related to Homura Akemi in this universe.

The PMMM concept of a soul and the MGLN concept of a linker core are related, or at least similar.

The Soul and Linker Core are related.

There is a thematic connection or significance behind Homura having a relative from a franchise that is not PMMM.
There is a thematic connection or significance behind Homura having a relative from a franchise that is not PMMM.

It is theoretically possible for an insane Incubator to form a contract by making a wish.
Incubator's are unable to form a Contract as a Magus for reasons of anatomy. It would take more than insanity to change that.

Homura has experienced contact with Eldritch entities in anomlus time lines other then the witches. This means any witch like entities other than Walpurgisnatch that are on the same level of strange as a witch or higher outside of a barrier.
Homura has never encountered any non-Witch Eldritch Horrors (as defined above), excepting things born of her own mind (such as dreams or hallucinations).

Homura has interacted with Nu-13. Or Writ. Or Gilgamesh.
Homura has interacted with none of the above at present.

Homura has encountered sapient or sentient non-Witch Eldritch Horrors (as defined above) born of her own mind.
Homura has encountered sapient or sentient non-Witch Eldritch Horrors (as defined above) born of her own mind.

Homura has attracted other people to her, whose feelings she did not reciprocate.
Homura has attracted other people to her, whose feelings she did not reciprocate.

The truth about the lack of magical girl stories is that the "magical girl" is a cultural construction. What would have been a magical girl in older times was perceived differently: miracle workers, saints, sorceresses, perhaps legends like nymphs or dryads, and witches although obviously the term meant something different then.
Magical girls have been perceived as many things, historically...all of the above, and more.

Metatron is a giant robotic angel that shoots divine lasers from his eyes.
Metatron is NOT a giant robotic angel that shoots divine lasers from his eyes.

It is not impossible that Homura can encounter someone who has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime.
It is not impossible that Homura can encounter someone who has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime.

Such an encounter would not be possible if Homura's universe were not Fragile or Broken.
Such an encounter was always possible...indeed, at least one has already occured.

Homura, our heroine, does not remember this encounter or encounters.
Homura, you heroine, does remember that encounter or encounters. The Homumind, however, is not aware that individual(s) Homura encountered had seen PMMM.

Said encounter happened during this Quest while SV was in control of Homura.
SV was not in control of Homura during at least one such encounter(s).

No such encounters have occurred during Homura's current loop.
At least one such encounter has occurred during Homura's current loop.

No such encounter(s), regardless of remembrance or recognition by Homura and/or The Homumind, occurred prior to the loop Homura, our heroine, is currently experiencing in this Quest.
One such encounter occurred long, long ago...far before this loop.

The individual(s) that had seen PMMM appeared at least visually human to Homura (or would have, had she seen/noticed them) during all such encounters.
The individual(s) that had seen PMMM appeared at least visually human to Homura (or would have, had she seen/noticed them) during some such encounters, but not all.

At the time of at least one such encounter during this loop, at least one involved party--other than Higure and the readers of Renascence--has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime.
At the time of at least one such encounter during this loop, at least one involved party--other than Higure and the readers of Renascence--has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime. At the time of at least one such encounter during this loop, at least one involved party--other than Higure and the voters of Renascence--has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime.
At the time of at least one such encounter during this loop, at least one involved party--other than Higure and the voters of Renascence--has seen the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica anime.

At the time of at least one such encounter taking place during this loop, Homura, our heroine, could truthfully describe herself as a witch. At that time, Homura, our heroine, could falsely describe herself as a witch.
Homura, our heroine, could truthfully or falsely describe herself as a witch at any time.

High Mechanics Expertise will aid us against Walpurgisnacht
High Mechanics Expertise can aid you against Walpurgisnacht.

Homura's pre-March 16th personal history has changed.
Homura's pre-March 16th personal history has changed.

Homura at this time either has the ability or the means to gain the ability to take one, several, or all of the following with her when she travels back through time: Kyoukos soul, Kyoukos soulgem, Kyoukos mind, Kyoukos memories, Kyoukos physical body.
Homura at this time has the ability or the means to gain the ability to take at least one of the listed entities with her when she travels back through time.

Living objects can enter Homura's shield in one loop and exit in another loop unchanged.
Sentient entities can enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged. Sapient entities can enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged.

Objects with a Soul, Sentience, and Sapience cannot enter Homura's shield in one loop and exit in another loop unchanged.

Soul Gems can enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged.
Soul Gems cannot enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged.

It is possible for an entity to be sentient without having a soul.
It is possible for an object to be sentient without having a soul.

It is possible for an entity to be sapient without having a soul.
It is possible for an object to be sapient without having a soul.

Homura has encountered witches based off of the Daedraic Princes, and found magical girls weilding weapons that behaved like and/or looked like Daedraic artifacts
Homura has not encountered anything related to the Daedra, outside of Elder Scrolls-related media.

It is possible to Summon a Servant to fight Walpurgisnacht without shattering the walls of reality or the mind/body/soul of anyone important with resources that Homura could access without violating "gold" conditions.
It is possible to Summon a Servant to fight Walpurgisnacht without shattering the walls of reality or the mind/body/soul of anyone important with resources that Homura could access without violating "gold" conditions.

Living things cannot survive travelling in Homura's shield.
Living things, by justinkal's definition (possessing Sentience, Sapience, and a Soul), cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield. Living things, as defined by yourself (biologically alive by the medical standard for that organism) can survive traveling in Homura's shield.

Mundane humans and Puella Magi are alive. In some cases, an entity without any form of physical body, such as an intelligent ghost, can be considered alive. An entity that cannot be classified as "organism" can be classified as "living". Plants and simple organisms, such as bacteria, are not alive.
By Justinkal's definition of life... Mundane humans are alive and Puella Magi are alive. In some cases, an entity without any form of physical body, such as an intelligent ghost, can be considered alive. Plants and certain simple biological entities, such as bacteria, are not alive.

Plants and simple organisms, such as bacteria, are alive.

By DracoDracul's definition of life, plants and simple biological entities, such as bacteria, are alive.

A perfectly cast Giga Slave would defeat Walpurgisnacht.

A perfectly cast Giga Slave could potentially defeat Walpurgisnacht, depending on the caster of the spell...and the accessibility of the LoN and the magical systems that allow that spell to be cast.

Living things (by justinkal's definition) cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield because they possess sentience. Living things (by justinkal's definition) cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield because they possess sapience. Living things (by justinkal's definition) cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield because they possess a soul. Living things (by justinkal's definition) cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield because they possess some combination of the above.

Living things (by justinkal's definition) cannot survive traveling in Homura's shield because they possess a soul.

The body/vessel of a Puella Magi that is out of range of her soul gem is considered "alive" by biological definitions. The body/vessel of a Puella Magi that is out of range of her soul gem is NOT considered "alive" by Justinkai´s definitions.
The body/vessel of a Puella Magi that is out of range is NOT considered alive by biological definitions. The body/vessel of a Puella Magi that is out of range is NOT considered alive by justinkal's definition.

"Yuuko won't take any of your loops if the price for something is Time. She'll simply require you to spend some of that Time with her, or performing a task on her behalf. There are cracks in the world...they have opened up new avenues of power for you, if you seek them out, but be warned: Such power may not come easily. If you go to the port on a Saturday afternoon, you will find someone and something of value. They may not change everything, but they possess great potential, if you use them properly."

If Kyubey affected Kyouko's father's mind... that means that her dad didn't really think she was an evil witch after all.
Kyubey did nothing to Kyouko's father's mind.

The Spirit of the World, Gaia, as described and depicted in the Type-Moon franchise either A) does not exist in the version of reality Homura resides in or B) is being suppressed by some other force. If, as stated in the previous Blue Truth, Gaia is being suppressed somehow; the Incubators are the responsible party as it interferes with their plan in some significant way.
Homura's present world does not act as a planetary reality marble on its inhabitants, as a living Gaia (of the Type-Moon franchise) would.
This Earth possesses no Gaia or Gaia-like spirit. It also has no planetary reality marble.

The setting that Homura is currently living in is inside a barrier similar to that of a Witch.
The setting that Homura is currently living in is inside a barrier similar to that of a Witch.

Thanks, Madoka!
It was not created by Madoka or Homura.

This world/reality has no 'natural' supernatural entities. Magical Girls and Witches are created entities, and other supernatural elements leak across from other worlds/realities and are not native to this one.

This world has natural supernatural entities.

The entity we are currently under attack by will not drive us to insanity, injury, or death via its appearance and/or its proximity to us.
The entity could potentially drive you to insanity, injury, or death via its appearance and/or its proximity to you.

a benign and adorable fluffy kitten could potentially drive you to insanity, injury, or death via it's appearance and/or proximity to you?

The Entity is currently not in its True Form.
The Entity is currently in its True Form.

The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without damage to her psyche.
The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without damage to her psyche.

The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without damage to her body.
The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without damage to her body.

The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without losing her life.
The Entity is currently in a form which Homura Akemi is capable of approaching and witnessing without losing her life.

The Beast that tried to bite Sayaka is indeed Sesshomaru.
The Beast that tried to bite Sayaka is indeed Sesshomaru.

Homura or one of her friends has watch or read Fate/Stay Night in the past.
Fate/Stay Night isn't available in this Madoverse.

Less instantaneous force is required to overcome Herakles' God Hand (or any other form of passive damage resistance he possesses) than was required to overcome Sachiel's AT Field.
Sachiel's AT Field could not be overcome with simple force. Herakles' god hand can be.

Herakles must be killed more than once.
Herakles must be killed more than once.

Herakles must be killed.
Herakles need not be killed to reach the Golden End.

It is possible for Homura to get a clockwork tank suit.

Incubators do not have souls.

The Golden Ending will not be achieved by turning the Incubators into cats.

Bleach is obsesed with cat Homura needs a lot of hugs Madoka hugs restore Sanity

Homura has encountered non-Witch Eldritch Horrors (as defined above) born of her own mind which have been neither dreams nor hallucinations.

It is possible for the Gnosis or the Noise to appear in this quest.

In the period mentioned above, Homura inadvertently helped Sayaka Miki, Kyouko Sakura, Mami Tomoe, or Madoka Kaname with their problems because of her demeanor or activities.

Homura has made Giant Clockwork Mecha to Fight In The Past.

Homura at some point in the past went through the 4 stages of time travel at least once.

There has been at least one loop where Homura decided to just try to romance Makoda and get her to run away her with.

The incredibly hostile entity known as "Faust" may or may not appear at some point to haunt Homura.

Do to the nature of her wish, Mami when in single combat against an enemy can not be defeated by any method other than witching

Information regarding at least one such encounter is contained within one or more locked Memory Access Files.

The Kyubey and/or Incubators in this loop know/suspect the cause of the weakening of the multiversal barriers (or whatever it is that has caused the crossover elements of the Quest.

The individual(s) that had seen PMMM appeared at least visually human to Homura (or would have, had she seen/noticed them) during all such encounters she has had in the current loop.

There exists in this Quest a course of action(s) and/or occurrence(s) resulting in Kyubey and/or other Incubators developing (through means unspecified in this statement) thought patterns analogous to human emotions.

There is a non-zero chance that Kyubey and/or other Incubators will develop (through means unspecified in this statement) thought patterns analogous to human emotions in this Quest.

At the time of at least one of the encounters with a party or parties who's seen Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica which takes place during this loop, at least one of the parties involved in that encounter--excepting Higure, his readers, his voters, and Homura, our heroine--could truthfully describe himself, herself, or itself as a witch. At the time described above, at least one of the parties involved in that encounter--excepting Higure, his readers, his voters, and Homura, our heroine--could falsely describe himself, herself, or itself as a witch.

An object that contains a soul can enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged.
A Soul Gem that is not connected to a body is sentient.
A Soul Gem that is not connected to a body is sapient.
Sentient entities that have physical containers composed of biological molecules can enter Homura's shield at one time and then exit at another time unchanged.

The figure quoted above depicts a 'reversal' of some kind.
The figure quoted above depicts a 'reversal' of a kind described in my previous post.
The figure quoted above depicts a 'reversal' acting on a soul gem or grief seed.
The figure quoted above depicts a 'reversal' caused by Homura, her abilities, or her shield.

The figure quoted above was posted in order to depict a 'reversal' of some kind.
The figure quoted above was posted in order to depict a 'reversal' of a kind described in my previous post.
The figure quoted above was posted in order to depict a 'reversal' acting on a soul gem or grief seed.
The figure quoted above was posted in order to depict a 'reversal' caused by Homura, her abilities, or her shield.

Homura has encountered a witch that was the entire interior of it's barrier rather then it's generator

It is possible and probable for Trilby from the Chzo Mythos to make an appearance in this quest
It is possible to use spells from the universe from which Trilby originates.

Kyubey did nothing to Kyouko's father's mind because it felt that doing nothing to his mind would increase the likelihood of Kyouko becoming a Witch more quickly.

The magic systems of PMMM and MGLN are effectively incompatible with each other due to the soul and linker core's relation to each other and how each system effects the particular aspect of a human they deal in.

Puella Magi and Mages are incapable of switching to each other's system easily, if at all. Either it is impossible (Example: Puella Magi have their souls manipulated by Incubators which destroys/cripples/renders any present Linker Core inert) or comes at a balancing cost (Example: A Mage that contracts with an Incubator would lose their Linker Core-based magic and connection to their devices in return for the power and shortcomings of life as a Puella Magi)

Nanoha is unable to contract with an Incubator, as she has little serious impact on the PMMM world.

We may end up encountering the individual known as Doctor McNinja at some point in our journey. We may also be able to grab him if he's on fire if we use timestop.

Homura intentionally or unintentionally changed her Origin into something close enough to a weapon/had such origin to begin with, and that was enough for someone with EMIYA powerset to get a read on her.

Homura was recorded in UBW.

It is posibble for Sayaka to became profitient enough with EMIYA powers to trace Homura.

Rho Aias is a shield. Rho Aias can be recorded and reproduced in the Reality Marble known as Unlimited Blade Works (UBW). UBW can record and reproduce shields.

Homura's time-magic comes from her shield.

UBW can record and reproduce Homura's shield.

Said reproduction would retain its time-magic capabilities.

UBW can record and reproduce the weapons created by Magical Girls (e.g. Kyouko's spears, Madoka's bow, Mami's muskets/cannons).

Said reproductions would retain their magical capabilities (e.g. segmentation/elongation, energy arrows/anti-Witch arrows, dakkadakkadakka).

Sayaka can unlock something that acts similar to the reality marble of unlimited blade works(she is able to store and copy weapons from memory). She can also access the magic that Shirou has, though she will need to be trained in magic use before doing so.

The Barrier that the above Red Truth refers to is a Grand Reality Marble similar to Gaia's from Fate/Stay Night canon.

Reality Marbles are similar to Witch Barriers.

Homura has not moved to a world/reality different from the world/reality her loops normally take place in.

The barrier similar to that of a Witch is created by Higure The barrier similar to that of a Witch is created by a Umineko Witch

One of the functions of the barrier, that contains this setting, is to allow crossover elements to enter this setting.

The barrier was created by the force that originates from outside Madoka-verse.

The barrier is result of the meta-game Higure is playing.

The barrier is supernatural, and/or was created through supernatural means. 'Supernatural' refers to phenomena that do not exist in the real world (e.g the world and universe this post exists in).

The barrier of this universe is literally just the theoretical (in real life) "barrier" preventing this universe from fusing with other universes or some such. Thus, it would be more accurate to say that Witch's barriers are similar to the boundaries of the universe.

The natural magic in this universe is directly connected with the history of the Incubators.

grief seeds have a soul

the red truths list is extremely out of date.

We can invent magic that will instantly crippled any kind of opponent regardless how strong they are. It can't be uesd to kill. And such magic comes with a great price.

This Entity would have attacked Homura's location tonight no matter where she chose to sleep.

This is not actually an eldrich Entity from the Cthulhu Mythos, and the dream Homura just had is not directly related to the threat that Kyouko and Nanoha are currently engaging.

It's possible to reason with him and reach an agreement with him so he ceases fighting us.

Fate/stay night was available in a previous Madoverse that Homura (the player character) visited.

Homura (the player character) read/watched/played Fate/stay night in that Madoverse.

The attacker that is not Sesshomaru is Berserker (AKA Heracles) from Fate/stay night, or is at least identical in terms of skill and ability.

Berserker is a Servant, therefore he has a Master, as per the standard Fate/stay night definition of the terms 'Servant' and 'Master'.

The beast attacking Homura and company with Sesshomaru can keep fighting even if Homura Stops Time.

If the beast can fight through Homura's Time Stop, it has to expend additional energy, Mana, and/or any other sources of power that it may be drawing from.

A sufficiently charged Starlight Breaker can deplete all of Heracles' lives in a single attack.

It is possible for Nanoha to charge up Starlight Breaker inside of timestop if she is connected to Homura.

Hercules and Sesshomaru are allied.

Hercules and Sesshomaru are cooperating.
Important one I don't think has been posited:

It is possible for Homura to reach her Golden Ending within this (the current) timeloop.
Hmmm quite a few interesting refreshers, thank you kindly judge!

By the way is the calendar up to par? We might want to investigate that lead on Saturday.
There will be no Jojo elements in this story

Berserker can be convinced to stop attacking us with a posing contest
These two contradict each other.

And yet another like this...

Uhm I dont want to be a party-pooper but there are way too many "blues" that arent really necessary / are not pertinent at the moment.

And its what, the third day?
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These two contradict each other.
No, the posing contest would be a FMA reference. No one can resist the techniques that were passed down the Armstrong line for generations, not even Berserker!

Edit: Also, would not be surprised if it was a Carnival Phantasm reference, too, although I don't think so.
So the current plan is to deal with Sesshomaru, right?
I think Higure is intentionally refusing to address whether Heracles has a Master
So, we aren't going to be able to kill Sesshoumaru with our current equipment. We should, however, be able to maim him.

[x] Stop Time.
-[x] If the dog keeps moving, immediately release time stop, grab Sayaka, and retreat.
[x] Shoot the beast in the eyes. Its hide might be bulletproof, but you doubt its eyes are.
[x] Shoot its nose, too. And the ears. You don't know how effective this will be, but it's worth a shot.
[x] Grab Sayaka, pull her into Time Stop, and get her out of the area. Unlike you, she isn't a corpse animated by magic. This poisonous gas could actually kill her.
[x] Drop Time Stop.