Nope. Trauma can raise the multiplier (as reflected in the status window), but Akemi Madness, as it is now, does not influence the Stability Multiplier.doesn't it raise the multiplier? which grief also does? and high stress situations, like, y'know, precision witchbombing someone?
Absolutely. Regaining the 135 Sanity we just lost might well take all the way to Walpurgisnacht. Makes me regret that 50 San we spent on the silly wall clock all over again. Given that, in that case, our San loss wasn't even as bad as it should have been... yeah, using those Crafting rules ever again is going to be a hard sell.doesn't help that the methods and the amount of San gains is far fewer/slower than losing it.
If you don't use Akemi Madness, crafting won't hurt your Sanity. Future perks should reduce the cost as well.Absolutely. Regaining the 135 Sanity we just lost might well take all the way to Walpurgisnacht. Makes me regret that 50 San we spent on the silly wall clock all over again. Given that, in that case, our San loss wasn't even as bad as it should have been... yeah, using those Crafting rules ever again is going to be a hard sell.
Well, sure, you mentioned that we can train away the AM auto-activation that happens whenever we do any Crafting, but that's just another thing on the to-do list:If you don't use Akemi Madness, crafting won't hurt your Sanity. Future perks should reduce the cost as well.
We haven't met Madoka yet?
- And, oh, yeah, there's that random pink-haired person that we haven't gotten around to meeting at all this Loop... name's just on the tip of my tongue...
I really don't want to give up best roomie tho.Hey, you have multiple loops for a reason. You're going to need them.
Oh man, she would be really wierded out by Yuko´s shop and maybe whenever around Homura.
- Track down more out-of-context power-ups (maybe Hitomi can see dead people?)
are there a lot of dead people around homura?Oh man, she would be really wierded out by Yuko´s shop and maybe whenever around Homura.
Couple millions world´s worth yeah.
but, uh, how would that work?
Do Grief seeds count?but, uh, how would that work?
we can't bring anything not in our shield with us when we timeline hop, and nothing with a soul fits in the shield...
Well, let's see ... I think we're on Day 3. Woke up, met Sayaka, bummed at her house, fought a Witch, went to sleep. Woke up, talked to Kyouko, made a clock, maybe did some other stuff before going to sleep. Woke up, played a game, everything went to hell. No good "in-character-in-character" reason to meet Madoka on our own, and not many good opportunities. Sayaka could introduce us, but given the short time we've known each other, it's not surprising that she hasn't, although she's probably told Madoka about us, which means an introduction is probably going to happen soon, but eh. What Homura really needs to work on is her juggling.
Easy to deconstruct.
Too many blues, quite a few having nothing to suggest them being presented.
I'm referring to the ones I've seen answered, but aren't on the list for... some reason.Easy to deconstruct.
Too many blues, quite a few having nothing to suggest them being presented.
Too many blues, quite a few having nothing to suggest them being presented.
Eh. The last time I updated a list was back in September, but I don't think Higure updated the list on the first page to match.I'm referring to the ones I've seen answered, but aren't on the list for... some reason.
Actually, this part was apparently very easy to do. All we had to do was introduce ourselves at the hospital, give her the Big Chance to be the sempai and help out a helpless waifu, and then hang around until our normal discharge time. Boom! Instant Hurricane Sayaka dragging us to live at her house, practically against our will even. Keeping the pattern that gets her EMIYA powers is just a bit more fraught, however, though I suppose we might be able to take her sword with us between loops.
Yes, yes, and yes.
Addendum to the list, maybe somewhere around 2.5 or 4.5:
- Make sure Mami doesn't go all murderhobo on everyone.
- Keep Koko and Saya from getting too weirded out by the way Homura's sanity seems to inexplicably flicker on and off like an old CFL bulb.
- Find a way to keep Nanoha around for Walpurgis, since that's probably the only Witch she'll be able to use Starlight Breaker against.
- Try to work out ways to prevent our San score from pouring down the drain over what should be relatively small, strategic choices.
- Train up enough medical skills to permanently fix Homura's heart, so we're not burning 840 Grief per week just keeping Homu's heart going.
- Work up enough Crafting skill to make Koko a kickass clockwork spear, and maybe a Siege Clock for Walpurgis.
- Train away the AM auto-activation whenever Homura gets near a clock, so we can actually use those Crafting rules without going nuts and getting a Bad End.
- Track down more out-of-context power-ups (maybe Hitomi can see dead people?)
- And, oh, yeah, there's that random pink-haired person that we haven't gotten around to meeting at all this Loop... name's just on the tip of my tongue...
Can we make a clockwork gun?Addendum to the list, maybe somewhere around 2.5 or 4.5:
Get some freaking guns already. How can we possibly be playing Homura and remain basically unarmed for two whole days? We barely even have anything to shoot Kyubey with when he tries to get Madoka to contract, tomorrow!
yes. it would shoot the remaining dregs of our sanity as projectiles that explode into lolipops and pretty rainbows, before we scoop Kyouko up in a bridal carry a ride off into the sunset atop our majestic unicorn steed!
Well, yeah, we've got a lot more pressing needs and desires, like maybe seeing the >500 Sanity side for once.Clockwork guns are possible.
You might want to wait a while, first.