I dunno, I've been thinking about her. I mean, I got ... 14 Funnies for this post, which kind of included the line "... we can just wait in the park until then, maybe look at cats or something," because I was wondering just how obvious I was going to have to be. Here, too. However, I think SV just doesn't do "subtle" very well.
I dunno, I've been thinking about her. I mean, I got ... 14 Funnies for this post, which kind of included the line "... we can just wait in the park until then, maybe look at cats or something," because I was wondering just how obvious I was going to have to be. Here, too. However, I think SV just doesn't do "subtle" very well.
I dunno, I've been thinking about her. I mean, I got ... 14 Funnies for this post, which kind of included the line "... we can just wait in the park until then, maybe look at cats or something," because I was wondering just how obvious I was going to have to be. Here, too. However, I think SV just doesn't do "subtle" very well.
You enter the apartment, passing by a large number of boxes in the front area...your purchases from yesterday, you assume. You can unpack later...you need to build clocks right now.
You smile at the thought, "This way, Kyouko-chan. I cannot wait to get to work...to hear the sweet ticking and whirring of clockwork...hihi. Oh, how I have missed this since my childhood...come! I can't wait any longer!"
...a man in a black suit and sunglasses is waiting outside, holding a black box.
"Akemi-sama...a gift from your father. Does it please you?"
You hold back the urge to roll your eyes, "It does. May I have it now?"
He hands it to you, bows, and walks back to the black-windowed car he arrived in, before driving away.
You look at the box, gently opening it to reveal a headset identical to the one Sayaka received, and a copy of the beta. The letters SAO are emblazoned on the front of the box. A sphere of white light illuminates them from behind.
You almost smile. Your father's gifts have rarely been so nice...it seems he finally figured out what you'd like.
It only took him...you don't recall the number of loops.
"Uh, Homura-chan? I know I said we'd hang out, but I've really been wanting to..."
You turn to regard the blueberry, closing the box surreptitiously your lips curling upwards slightly, "...play SAO, right?"
She nods, still oblivious to what you're holding, "Yeah. I'm really sorry, but it's 1 account per copy, so...um, we'll hang out, but not for the next few days, okay? I've been waiting a long time for this."
You frown, "That's a shame...and here I was thinking I might see you around in there. Well, we can party up next week, right?"
She tilts her head in confusion, blinking, before glancing down at the box, "...wait. Is that...? How?"
You shrug, "My father's still trying to buy back my affection. It has its perks."
She grins widely, "Then we'll definitely have to play together! I can't believe...that's awesome! Mom, did you hear?!"
The elder Miki comes over and smiles, "I did...but I'm not sure I actually got what you meant..."
She takes in the box in your grasp, before letting loose an almost shark-like grin, "I guess we weren't the only ones who got lucky...I wonder if you can keep up with us? Sayaka's the second best swordswoman I know!"
Sayaka blushes as Kyouko, looking irritated at being cut out of the conversation, raises an eyebrow at the "adult" of the group, "Second best?"
Sayaka's mother smirks mischievously, "After me, of course." She beams with pride, but Kyouko deflates her ego rather easily, "...eh, spears are better anyway. You guys go play your games...I've got real things to deal with."
Slash: Effective Power = Power * 1.2, Standard Damage
Stab: Effective Power = Power * 1.5, Moderate decrease in Damage
Special Ability:
Progressive: If contact is maintained with the target, the attack's effective Power increases by 10 for each second of sustained contact, assuming pressure is maintained, to a maximum of +100 Power
Adds to or alters the abilities of an object. Different effect have different costs, and must be discovered and studied in order to determine what works and what doesn't. As always, proximity to your natural magical talents lowers Cost and Difficulty.
The costs listed below are the costs to enchant a handheld item. Vehicles cost 5 times this amount to enchant, and larger objects (buildings, warships, etc.) cost 5 times as much as a vehicle (25x the listed cost). All Enchantment Costs are rounded up.
Automation: The object or device will act on its own according to your will. (Cost: 5 EE/Hour)
Increase Power (1 EE/Power point. Max 20.)
Increase Speed (10 EE to double speed. Max 4x Speed.)
Increase Durability (1 EE/Durability point. Max 20.)
Increase Damage (30 EE to increase Damage scale by 1 step. Max 1.)
Enhance Other Ability: Examples include allowing plane to fly freely in hurricane, improving the sight enhancement from glasses, and making medicine more effective. Extremely exotic effects may be achieved through study, experimentation, and practice.(Cost: Varies).
Grant Supernatural Ability: Allow an object to do something that it normally can't. The stronger the relationship between the object and the effect, the lower the Cost and Difficulty will be (Homing Bullets and Auto Reload are relatively cheap. A Homing Cello, on the other hand...)
Homing Projectiles (1 EE/Projectile)
Auto Reload (5 EE)
Use Magic to distort the past slightly, averting a single disaster before it occurred. Very powerful, but has limits.
Adds to or alters the abilities of an object. Different effect have different costs, and must be discovered and studied in order to determine what works and what doesn't. As always, proximity to your natural magical talents lowers Cost and Difficulty.
The costs listed below are the costs to enchant a handheld item. Vehicles cost 5 times this amount to enchant, and larger objects (buildings, warships, etc.) cost 5 times as much as a vehicle (25x the listed cost). All Enchantment Costs are rounded up.
Automation: The object or device will act on its own according to your will. (Cost: 5 EE/Hour)
Increase Power (1 EE/Power point. Max 20.)
Increase Speed (10 EE to double speed. Max 4x Speed.)
Increase Durability (1 EE/Durability point. Max 20.)
Increase Damage (30 EE to increase Damage scale by 1 step. Max 1.)
Enhance Other Ability: Examples include allowing plane to fly freely in hurricane, improving the sight enhancement from glasses, and making medicine more effective. Extremely exotic effects may be achieved through study, experimentation, and practice.(Cost: Varies).
Grant Supernatural Ability: Allow an object to do something that it normally can't. The stronger the relationship between the object and the effect, the lower the Cost and Difficulty will be (Homing Bullets and Auto Reload are relatively cheap. A Homing Cello, on the other hand...)
Homing Projectiles (1 EE/Projectile)
Auto Reload (5 EE)
Use Magic to distort the past slightly, averting a single disaster before it occurred. Very powerful, but has limits.
500 Sanity
500 EE
Durability: 300
Maximum Number: 1
Attack Types:
Slash: Effective Power = Power * 1.2, Standard Damage
Stab: Effective Power = Power * 1.5, Moderate decrease in Damage
Special Ability:
Progressive: If contact is maintained with the target, the attack's effective Power increases by 10 for each second of sustained contact, assuming pressure is maintained, to a maximum of +100 Power
Durability: Infinite
Maximum Number: 1
Special Abilities
Focus for Shield of Protection}
Focus for Time Stop
Required for Time Reversal
Durability: 50
Special Abilties
Multiplies Speed and Strength by 10
Durability: 15
Special Abilities
Contains your Soul
[]Say something before splitting up...
-[]Set time for Red Lobster meeting.
[]Stay Home
-[]Play SAO
-[]Disappoint Sayaka
--[]Write In
-[]Go with Kyouko
-[]Where to?
-[x]Go with Kyouko
--[x] Red Lobster
[x] But first...
-[x] Give the Mikis the gift of a genuine Akemi clock.
-[x] Poke the Blueberry.
--[x] Remind her that we did promise to meet someone at Red Lobster today. And that swords are definitely a conversation topic.
I know. I feel the same way with such works. Such as TTS, which makes me both green with envy and *INSPIRED* to *WORK TOWARDS THAT FUTURE YO NE~*!
Oh shit there are new smilies! /unrelated