You contemplate Kyouko's question for a moment, before shaking your head, "Sorry, I think I'll stay here until our dinner meeting. Does 5:37:12 pm suit you?"
After a momentary pause, she nods, "Yeah, sounds good. You alright with that, Blueberry?"
Sayaka nods her agreement, "Sure...I'll have eat sometime, after all, Nerve Gear or not. I'll, do either of you have the cosplayer's phone number?"
You shake your head, as does Kyouko, and attempt to contact her with Telepathy, envisioning your childhood idol in your mind's eye, 'Nanoha? Can you hear me?'
No response.
You glance at Kyouko, 'She's not on the network, apparently.' "Would you mind stopping by her apartment while you're out?'
She shrugs, responding to your combination of telepathy and speech in kind, '"I don't really have anything better to do. Why not?" 'You sure you don't want to go Witch hunting or something?'
Nodding, you look towards the door, "Thanks. I'll walk you out." 'Sorry, but Sayaka's really excited...I don't want to disappoint her.'
She waves you off, "Thanks, Ribbons, but it's alright. I know how to get out of here." 'Pretty attached to your new sidekick, huh?'
You walk towards the exit wordlessly, making your intent clear, and she sighs before following.
Closing the door behind her, she quirks an eyebrow, "So...I'm guessing you had something you wanted to say?'
You nod, "Indeed. I wanted to thank you properly for everything today...even if quite a bit of that was just watching me work on clocks. It spend time together like that."
She shrugs, "Eh, what are friends for, right?"
You nod, "Right. That's why you'll be doing the planning next time." "
She smirks, "Good. I've got some things to show ya'. For now, though...I'll see ya' later, Ribbons."
You smile carefully, trying to show your appreciation without looking insane again, "You too, Kyouko. One thing though..."
Your smile becomes slightly icy as your gaze sharpens upon her for a moment, "Sayaka's more than a sidekick."
She grimaces, "Yeah, yeah...just don't yourself get to attached to someone at the bottom of the food chain, alright? It doesn't end well."
You blink at that, "...hmm...ironic. I'll see you at dinner..don't die in the meantime."
Ignoring your cryptic words, she transforms and leaps for a nearby rooftop with a chuckle, "Sure thing! You're paying!"
With that, she departs, and you head back to the Miki residence, smiling slightly as you take in the impatient expressions of the Mikis, "She's going to see the cosplayer. Now...I think we have a game to play?"
To be continued...