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Interesting omake, though I've always disliked how much people understate Homucifer's power, even without Madoka's power. She still underwent a transformation into something utterly new.
That's what got Homura so worked up. Sure, she has Madokami's power, but there's more to it than that. She has her own strength, and Maruki disregarded it.
The worst part is he's also disregarding her own experiences to me. Homura totally could've just revealed the many times the people she's cared about and relied upon fail and die without her own intervention.

It even spits on the wish a version of Madoka that entrusted Homura with her future because she wanted Homura to change the present.

A world that Maruki's asking for is one that leaves all those that Homura has come to love dead on the ground.
Something heartbreaking about Persona 3 that not a lot of people talk about:

Makoto was silently dying since 1/31. After giving up his soul for the Great Seal, he just kept going until graduation on 3/5. All that the rest of his friends know is that he's a little paler than usual. He knows that, as soon as his promise is fulfilled, that's it. The rest of his soul goes off to complete the Great Seal.

He never talked about it to anyone. He never told anyone that he was dying. He suffered in silence, never speaking unless he was spoken to. He just...

...Kept going.

Until one day, he didn't.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 4, 2025 at 8:55 PM, finished with 13 posts and 5 votes.
1101: Curry For Dinner! New
[X] "Sure did. Now let's hurry before they eat everything!"

"Yep, sure did!" You nod to Shoji, "Let's hurry up and get a plate before it's all gone!" You wave for him to follow.

He shakes his head with a smile before catching up to you.

Unsurprisingly, everybody has already gotten themselves a plate. Surprisingly, however, Yuma got you a plate, which is sitting right in between Kohaku and herself.

Kyoko is the first one to begin eating (even before Shoji sat down), and boy oh boy is she fast.

"Easy, Kyoko!" Dad takes a spoonful, "No one's gonna take it from you!"

"What're you, my Dad?" Kyoko...

...Well, that's what you think she said, but what everyone heard was "Guff're hoo, mm Dah?".

"And don't talk with your mouth full!" Dad chuckles as he speaks, "It's unbecoming of a Konishi." Dad finishes before taking a bite.

That little prod causes Kyoko to nearly choke.

Yuki hesitantly takes a bite. After a moment of silent deliberation, he eats some more.

"You did good on the curry, you two." Raido says, using the brim of his hat to hide his eyes.

"You did. It...!" Dad smiles at you, "...It tastes perfect."

[] ???????????????????????????????????????
[X] "I can't take the credit. It was Kohaku here that recreated the family recipe, we just copied her!"
-[X] If we are sitting next to Kohaku pull her into a side hug.

She is going to be glowing with an atomic blush if this works! (I like to think that Yumi is only emotionally dense in regards to herself.)
[X] "I can't take the credit. It was Kohaku here that recreated the family recipe, we just copied her!"
-[X] If we are sitting next to Kohaku pull her into a side hug.
Vergil, being surrounded by the Sailor Guardians after DMC 5: Okay, can I just explain my thought process before you rip my head off?

Sailor Uranus, ready to fight: It's your choice, Moon.

Sailor Moon, sighing: ...Explain, Vergil.

Vergil: I--

Dante: He ripped off his son's arm for more power and still got his ass kicked. Man, that's--

Vergil, stabbing the shit out of his brother:


Vergil: Anyways.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Mar 5, 2025 at 8:46 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] "I can't take the credit. It was Kohaku here that recreated the family recipe, we just copied her!"
    -[X] If we are sitting next to Kohaku pull her into a side hug.
    [X] "I can't take the credit. It was Kohaku here that recreated the family recipe, we just copied her!"
1102: Dinner Talks New
[X] "Uh-- He did it!" *Points at Yuki*

"Well, I can't take all the credit!" A sheepish smile stretches across your face, "It was actually Kohaku here that rediscovered the recipe! I just copied her!" You wrap your arm around Kohaku, who stiffens in surprise.

"Wha--?!" Kohaku gasps, "I only helped the one time at the apartment! I...!!" She buries her face in her hands, obviously embarrassed.

"...I helped too..." Yuki mumbles.

"Oh, and Yuki helped, too!" You add hastily before you even register what he was grumbling about.

"Well then, excellent team effort!" Grandpa laughs heartily, "So, Takeshi, how'd you get so much free time?"

"It all started when some American company, I think their name was "Lighthouse International", started buying up shares back in February." Dad explains, "Turns out, once the old CEO was caught in a huge scandal, Lighthouse International released a whole bunch of incriminating evidence about him to get him ousted."

"I remember that news story," Grandma says, "I meant to call you about it."

"There was nothing to really say. At least, not from me," Dad sighs, "Those poor interns though..." He shakes his head, "A-Anyways, that's when they put a new CEO into the company. I met with him after the old guy got canned, really nice person! Name's Jackson Thormann, speaks Japanese like a pro!"

[] ??????????????????????????????????

OOC: Apologies for the delay, I was baking with my Grandma.
... Well shit this could be a problem



Thor is a recurring demon in the series. Thor (Old Norse: Þórr), also known as Thor Odinson, is the red-haired son of Odin and Jord, and is the god of lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees in Norse mythology and Germanic paganism. Thor is one of the most powerful gods and uses his...
[X] Don't mention it out loud, but that name, 'Thormann', unnerves you a bit. Especially with all the gods that have been running around recently.
-[X] Could just be your own paranoia talking, but talk to your Grandparents about it when you can find some time alone with them.
Last edited:
[X] Don't mention it out loud, but that name, 'Thormann', unnerves you a bit. Especially with all the gods that have been running around recently."
Pretty sure that endquote isn't supposed to be there.

[X] "Okay, I have dealt with too many Demons using obvious aliases recently, so, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle, what are the odds of this guy being Thor?"

I don't actually remember if we've met any using obvious aliases besides Louis, buuuut...
[X] "Heh, almost sounds like an American superhero name. 'Thorman, he has all the powers of a man and Thor'"
-[X] "Though, with all the gods coming out of the woodwork, I wouldn't be suprised if he was actually..."
-[X] If dad questions how many gods you've met, "At least four? I even found Amaterasu in my apartment playing videogames."
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