[X] "Uh-- He did it!" *Points at Yuki*
"Well, I can't take all the credit!" A sheepish smile stretches across your face, "It was actually Kohaku here that rediscovered the recipe! I just copied her!" You wrap your arm around Kohaku, who stiffens in surprise.
"Wha--?!" Kohaku gasps, "I only helped the one time at the apartment! I...!!" She buries her face in her hands, obviously embarrassed.
"...I helped too..." Yuki mumbles.
"Oh, and Yuki helped, too!" You add hastily before you even register what he was grumbling about.
"Well then, excellent team effort!" Grandpa laughs heartily, "So, Takeshi, how'd you get so much free time?"
"It all started when some American company, I think their name was "Lighthouse International", started buying up shares back in February." Dad explains, "Turns out, once the old CEO was caught in a huge scandal, Lighthouse International released a whole bunch of incriminating evidence about him to get him ousted."
"I remember that news story," Grandma says, "I meant to call you about it."
"There was nothing to really say. At least, not from me," Dad sighs, "Those poor interns though..." He shakes his head, "A-Anyways, that's when they put a new CEO into the company. I met with him after the old guy got canned, really nice person! Name's Jackson Thormann, speaks Japanese like a pro!"
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OOC: Apologies for the delay, I was baking with my Grandma.