What is everyone's favorite video game?
Yumi: Super Mario World, no contest! I've got so many good memories of playing that with Dad, and Shoji, and Kohaku, and...
Shoji: To be honest, I've really been getting into Fire Emblem. Gotta love strategy!
Kohaku: ...I guess Super Mario Galaxy. It's such a beautiful game, and the soundtrack is just...
Mami: I don't play video games all too often, but as long as I'm not playing it alone, it's a great time!
Kyoko: You're seriously gonna ask me
that? It's DDR.
Sayaka: Twilight Princess, final answer!
Madoka: ...I really liked Okami.
Homura: Call Of Duty. Specifically, Modern Warfare 2 and 3.
Yuma: Kirby!
Nagisa: Good pick, Yuma! Kirby's the best!
Oriko: I do not play video games. I barely have the luxury of going to school, especially after Father...
Mortal Kombat! Dun dun dun dun, du-dun, dun--
Hiroko: Manami is more into that than I am...
Manami: I'm actually really into World of Warcraft! The world is so vibrant, with everyone playing such unique characters, and...
Hiro: ...Pokemon Silver. It's the first game I ever played.
Kazuya: Ironically, I was into the Fallout series. Never thought I'd
live it...
Will we get the Future!Yuma omake?
Not gonna lie, I forgot. I'll write it soon, but not tonight!
How would all the Yumis react upon meeting each other (So far)?
...That's an Apocrypha idea...!
What would the cast's codenames be in a P5 spinoff?
Yumi: Ronin.
Specs Tinker.
Bachelorette Magus.
Madoka: Archer.
Super Awesome Hero Knight! Knight.
Hitomi: Prim.
Mami: Flintlock.
Kyoko: Spartan (chosen by herself).
Homura: Jumper.
Oriko: "What do you mean "Oracle is taken"?!" Seer.
Feral Maul Ripper.
Yuma: Greenhorn.
Cheese Bright.
Yuki: "There's no point in codenames." Buzzkill.
How would each member of the cast react to getting Mara via a Fusion Accident?
No one is happy with that. Not one person. Not even Mara.
"I'm not going to jail again! I swear this is just how I look!!"
Did Yuki ever have to deal with Saotome hitting on him like Kazuya?
Yuki: No, but Uncle did. Man, that woman is a piece of work.
How would our versions of the cast react to WCIT!Yumi?
Yumi: "Why is there a tiny me?"
Kohaku: "You're so small...! Let me pinch your cheek!"
Shoji: "...Yeah, just like I remember her."
Madoka: The squees could be heard for miles.
Sayaka: "Does this mean you've gotta call me big sis-- ow!! Stop it-- okay,
Hitomi: Immediately tries to be the "adult" of the scenario. Fails.
Mami: Dotes on her so much that WCIT would never go hungry again.
Kyoko: We'll see when she stops laughing.
Oriko: Taken aback by how adorable and precious she is.
Kirika: "...You're shorter than I remember."
Raido: He's not wasting this second chance. He's going to try to be there this time.
Kazuya: "Cerberus, you don't have to let her ride you-- get back here!"
Yuma: Immediately starts playing with her.
Nagisa: Tags in with Yuma.
On a related note, how would Yuki react to WCIT!Yumi?
...Apocrypha. More soon.
Kyubey's thoughts on achieving his quota by repeatedly turning Victoria into a Witch and back again?
Hmm..." Kyubey's tail flicks, "...
Hypothetically speaking, your idea holds worth. However, considering how a Magical Girl loses her potential when resurrecting, and thus cannot make another Wish, it isn't practical. Unless you were to forgo revival and simply flood the Soul Gem with Grief..."
Would Yuki happen to be a graduate of the Jack Garland School of Cutscene Skipping?
No. The problem is that no one tells him anything, so he ends up just rushing in blind no matter how much attention he pays.
How did Raido and his parents feel about Ryoko's crush on Takeshi and Takeshi's denseness regarding it back before they started dating?
At first, Raido thought Takeshi was playing hard to get. After a while, he realized that they're both idiots where love is concerned.
Grandma suggested multiple times that Ryoko should just confess and get it over with, but Ryoko responded poorly to this prodding.
Grandpa was talking like he was telling the characters in a Sitcom to just get on with it.
Shoji is 178 cm tall.
How would Madoka and co. react to hearing about Yumi's school constantly catching fire?
"...How is she alive?" Everyone thinks at the same time.
Are you taking Omakes ideas for this Q&A?
Not too many, but go ahead.
What are Amaterasu and Ame no Uzume's thoughts on Yumi?
"Does the Red One intimidate you too, Ame-No-Uzume?"
"Indeed. According to the Fairy Village, she dismantled Asura in
What career does each member of the cast think would suit Yumi the best?
There are many different ideas, but the general consensus is
"Bounty Hunter" "Demon Cop".
If you do get around to writing the Persona AU of this, would this Yumi be a secret optional boss?