[X] Call Dad, talk to him.
- [X] Tell him about the Yuma situation, see if he has any advice.
"Hey, I'm gonna step out for a bit!" You call out. Kyoko nods.
Mami's still staring. At this point, it's a teeny bit creepy.
Homura, Yuma and Nagisa are unfazed, remaining engrossed in their quest to save Hyrule.
You exit your house. The sun has almost completely set now, and it's a bit colder to boot. You sigh, taking your phone out.
You call Dad. He'll know what to do, right?
Ring, ring...
Ring, r-
"Hello?" He says.
"Hey, Dad!" You respond. "Are you busy right now?"
"No, just got out of work early. Is something wrong?"
"Well, I wouldn't say wrong..." You fidget with a bit of free hair, "...Just, uh, complicated."
"Mmhm. What's going on?"
"So, uh, I... May or may not have-"
"Just rip the band-aid off, Yumi."
"How do you feel about having another daughter?"
The line goes quiet.
"What?" Dad asks, confused.
"I'll start at the beginning. So, I was in Kazamino, running an errand, when I stumbled into a..." Demon attack, "...dispute. When I went to go see what's what, I found a kid. Her name's Yuma, by the way."
"Yuma who?"
"Chitose, I think?"
"Chitose, Chitose... Nevermind, go on?"
"Right. She wasn't in the best condition, so I helped her out. When the police arrived-"
"The police were there?! Yumi, please tell me you didn't kill anyone."
"Wh- No! Why would I- the police came because of her mom, which is a whole 'nother can of worms!"
"Okay, just thought I'd ask. So, you took the kid?"
"Couldn't just leave her there, could I?"
He sighs. "Do the police know she's with you?"
"Yeah, they turned Yuma over to me on her request."
"Who the hell does that?! God, your mom was right, they are hilariously incompetent! Here's what I suggest you do; tomorrow, go to Kazamino Police Station, and talk to them. Have them call me, and I'll see if I can get Yuma's custody for you. If they ask you to leave her at the station for a while, that's what you gotta do."
"I'll give it a shot. But she'll probably need new clothes. And school supplies. Think I should look for a job?"
"I'll take a look at some job openings. You just worry about the kid. Next time you bring some random girl home with the intent of pseudo-adopting her, could you at least text me?"
"I'll try to remember."
"At least I have tomorrow off..." He mutters, "Oh! Before I forget, your grandparents wanted to see you sometime. After you get the kid all situated. Love you, Yumi."
"Love you too, Dad. Bye!" He hangs up. That... Actually went over pretty smooth, all things considered.
"Who were you talking to?" Pixie asks, fluttering near your head.
"My Dad," you answer plainly.
"Oooh, okay. Hold on, you have a dad?"
"Yes...? All humans have parents."
The sun has completely set now, the night sky's beauty dimmed by the streetlights.
"Yes!" Pixie pumps her hands into the air.
"What's going on?" You ask.
"New skill! Woot woot!"
You smile.
"Oh, Yumi!" Mami says from behind you. "I was about to take my leave. Have a good night... And thank you for helping me talk to Kyoko again."
Before you can say 'no problem', Mami's already heading to her apartment. Homura comes out next.
"I was just leaving. I have important business to attend to tonight. Sleep well, Yumi." Homura says, begining to walk down the stairs.
You sigh, in a happy way this time. Then, you turn back to go inside.
Kyoko has taken the controller, and is facing down a boss of some kind. You can only assume so, based on the face she's making. Nagisa is cheering her on, while Yuma silently watches.
"C'mon... One more good hit...!" Kyoko mutters. Then, the screen flashes. "Yes!!"
"Hooray! We did it!" Nagisa smiles widely.
Kyoko cracks her knuckles. "Yup, it was never in doubt. Oh, Yumi's back. What's up?" She asks, turning to you.
"Could you save? I'm thinking it's about bed time." You say, the day's weariness finally setting in.
"Aww... Okay." Yuma gets up, and-
"I call the couch bed!" Kyoko smirks, pulling out the bed.
"How'd you even...?"
"Mami told me!"
You nod. Makes sense. "Yuma, Nagisa, you can take the bed in my room. I'll be on the air mattress out here."
"Okay. Goodnight, Big Sis."
"Goodnight, Mr. Angel!" Nagisa adds.
"Rest well, children. Fear not, Master Yumi, for I shall stand guard as you rest." Angel, after saying this, moves toward the door.
"G'night, Yumi." Kyoko says, wrapping herself in blankets.
"Night!" You smile, turning in.
(4 D20 ROLL, DREAMS: 20, 15, 12, 11)
Homura is a monster hunter. She has a cross in one hand, and an axe in her other. She looks into the night sky, and screams out, "Begone, foul beasts! I will vanquish all who strike against the innocent!"
She leaps into battle, causing a werewolf to disappear in a puff of smoke. Suddenly, you're whisked away to a different backdrop.
...Why is Mami on a horse? Wait, what's with that hat? "Howdy, pardner!" She says, tipping her hat to you. "Let wrangle up some bandits! After all, yer my deputy!"
Oh, you guess you are! You rush to an abandoned mansion, the Garlyns' home base...
Wait, the who? Where's the mansion? Oh, right! Nagisa used her great power to remove the gang, so of course the mansion would go with it!
Then, suddenly-
You feel... Lucid. You open your eyes to find yourself standing in a cave of some sort. In front of you...
There's a lot of blood pooled around a man in strange clothing.
No, its armor. It looks like patchwork, pieces from several sets fit together. Your attention, however, isn't on his apparel.
He's wearing a strange device on his arm. It looks a bit like your Gauntlet, but...
He's still breathing. Weakly, albeit. He'll most likely die without proper medical attention...
[] ???