[X] They can be expendable. But not to you.
Just because they can revive easily doesn't mean they're expendable. They're your allies, and you're their leader. You'll watch out for your own, demon or not.
[X] "But Daaaaaaaaaad!" jk
"I told you I had a magic sword." You shrug, "Wait, did I...? Pretty sure I did, any--?"
"Please stop talking like that's normal!" Dad begs of you.
"And Dawn can do a lot more than fire! There's Ice, Wind, Light, and even this weird element called Almighty--!"
"Yumi. My darling daughter. Please, for the love of God, slow down." Dad sighs, "I am not keeping up with you at all."
"...Sorry." You scratch the back of your neck.
"Firstly." You can almost hear him raise his index finger, "You have magic?"
"Yep." You nod, beginning to walk back to your apartment. You silently motion for your demons to follow.
Nadja responds by dismissing herself and Wendigo. Raiju floats by your shoulder, keenly listening in to your call.
"And, among this magic, you have... Light? What does that mean?"
"Mmm... I've had that question rattling around in the back of my head, too. I'll ask later. But, Ice and Fire are pretty self explanatory, right?"
"In terms of magic, I guess." He chuckles slightly. "I'm also guessing you don't know what Dark and... Almighty are either?"
"Oh, good call!" You walk slowly past the road, careful to look both ways, "Lots of good questions for later!"
Dad sighs deeply. "Okay. Lastly, who is Dawn? Is she one of your friends?"
"She's my sword."
"What do you mean "what"? Dawn's a magic sword."
"She talks?"
Dad groans. "First a kid, now a sword. You're leading an interesting life, Yumi."
You smile, "But it's my interesting life. I wouldn't change it for the world!"
"I expected that kind of attitude. In the future, just... Send me a text when you make an earth shattering revelation, okay?"
"I'll try!" Your smile grows, "Love you, Dad! Talk to you soon!"
"Love you too. Call if anything weird... Nevermind. Call me whenever." With an audible smile in his voice, he hangs up.
If you called him any time something weird happened, you'd probably run the phone bill to hell and back.
"Man, that guy seems cool." Raiju comments, "I wish I had a Dad."
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