[X] "Do you know where the exit is?"
-[X] "... Wait, do you know what is happening?!"
[X] Watch your body to see if there is something strange with you.
You check yourself before speaking. You're still you, completely unchanged.
"So you know where the exit is?" You ask.
"Oh? I thought even novice Magical Girls knew how to enter and exit Barriers." The girl in white responds.
"Magical Girls?!" The blue girl chimes in. "You're both Magical Girls?!"
"Woah, woah, back up!" You sputter out, motioning your hands wildly, "You know what's going on?"
"Correct, stranger. Now, let me take these two to safety."
"If you know where the exit is, let's all go together!" The blue girl says.
You swear she makes a face at the blue girl's words.
"Fine, fine. Follow me." Your party moves toward the girl in white, and so do you. As you do, the world and scenery shift, eventually giving way to the normal world.
The two younger girls are relieved, but you're still a bit on edge. "We're safe now?"
"Relatively speaking," the girl in white answers. "Now, I believe we're quite overdue for introductions."
"I'm Say-"
"I know your names already. Sayaka Miki," she points to the blue girl, "And of course, Madoka Kaname." She says, shifting her gaze to the pink one. "But," she continues, "I'm afraid I lack your name, stranger." She finishes, resting her eyes on you.
"Yumi Konishi," you respond, "What about you?"
"My name is Oriko Mikuni," she bows slightly, "And I want to protect this world. Unfortunately, this means I must slay you now."
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