You are... Disoriented, to say the least.
You are currently lying on your stomach. Fortunately, you are uninjured. You push yourself off the ground, and discover that the sights and sounds of Mitakihara's Mall have been replaced by...
It wouldn't be entirely out of line to call this "scenery" a cross between chicken scratch and a child's coloring book. Everything seems to be overgrown, flowers blooming from increasingly impossible locations.
As you stand amongst this delusion, a question enters your mind; how did you get here?
You attempt to work backwards through your thoughts, which are scrambling to make any sense of this strange realm.
What is your name?
[] Write in.
How old are you?
[] Write in. (CANNOT BE OLDER THAN 21)
Why are you in Mitakihara, anyway?
[] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[] Just sight seeing, really. Sometimes, you need to wander about and clear your head.
[] Write in.