He could survive, sure. But could he lift a building off of the deep ocean floor?
I guess it would depend on whether our Team has explosives, or if

The subject's ability to grow has no limitations except the square-cube law. The subject was able to reliably get to about twenty feet in height before moving required the subject's body to be made of materials too brittle to be of use.
Means that he can punch through and/or surround the building and then get enough liftgas to lift it back up?

He could grow wings to fly.

He could squeeze through a small gap to enter a restricted area.
This would also work, depending on the amount of thrust he can generate through ejection of matter.
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[X] Plan: Intrigue Specialisation
-[X] Inform Wolong of Project Prometheus. 15 points.
-[X] Facilitate a purchase of one of Mendicants Symbiotes to heal Arc. (Justice Unlimited will not be able to purchase symbiotes from Mendicant for two issues, New Dawn will provide the funds). 7 points.
-[X] Commit to discovering information about Monarch. (Lady Leizi must take personal action "The Spider's Web" and choose Monarch next issue.) 2 points.
-[X] Offer Black Swan's one-time assistance with patrols in the Uni District (Black Swan will not be available for one mission next issue). 5 points.
-[X] Commit to finishing mission "Long Shadows of the Night". (Must finish mission in three issues, not counting current issue. Mission will cost 1 AP.) 1 point.
-[X] Commit to finishing mission "Grand Theft Person". (Must finish mission in three issues, not counting current issue. Mission will cost 1 AP.) 1 point.
[X] Plan: Commitment Issues
-[X] Inform Wolong of Project Prometheus. 15 points.

I do not want to deal with whatever political clusterfuck that is the response of other hero agencies and the general public to this merge. Those bonus surely come with a drawback that is going to bite us in the ass later.
Also, can we agree to make Woolong swear secrecy about prometheus so he cannot tell anything about it to the rest of his team? All it takes is one run in with a mind reader and we are fuuuucked.
bro merging is an option for later we can just not do that if we dont want it. Them being subordinate to us isnt something needed to be told to public only that JU and ND are back in alliance.

Also the benefits are too good ignore considering how many fires we need to put out before our failure to help stockpile bites us in the ass. 3rd Global action alone means we can buff John to 6T while still being able to do actions thats probably for finding and training candidates for exceed beyond. Then thers just the fact wulong helping us with synergies means we can ensure our Heroes gets power suited for their stats or actually really powerful.

Black Swan is only in T5 metahumans due to the synergy we luck out on. As well as Handyman reaching Espionage 9 and us being able to pull of body double plays and more due to his shapeshifting.

Its one thing if the option isnt open or the price we have too pay is too much. But having ND as subordinate is way too good for stabilizing the city.

Also only one other Hero agency is worht a damn. Thats powers who were already in confict with due SM fucking around. And considering the trap 4 seasons set probably kneeled to powers already. So alliance and maybe future merge are necessary if we want to confidently keep that fucker away.
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I suspect there might be more that is being left unsaid by that lack of description, but I'll wait till next update.

I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, but yes, I am very aware that there's probably big drawbacks. Heck, I've actually mentioned in my past analysis that "New Dawn has so much benefits it makes me think it's too good, and there are probably unmentioned drawbacks to this". Now after this update, I no longer think those drawbacks are gonna come from Wolong himself. They probably come from some of the teammates, along with the stuff we have to do in order to earn their trust (i.e. mediating them and Medicant, spending AP to help them, lending them BS). Yet even with those drawbacks I still think those benefits are worth it.
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yup hell QM never expected as to get the highest level since we literelly critted like hell here. Like If Wolong wasnt wiling to tell us about arc or how much novalight fucked them over.

Options like healing arc through medicant and how Wulong needs hope which Project Prometheus gives wouldnt be in the cards.
[X] Plan: Commitment Issues
-[X] Inform Wolong of Project Prometheus. 15 points.

I do not want to deal with whatever political clusterfuck that is the response of other hero agencies and the general public to this merge. Those bonus surely come with a drawback that is going to bite us in the ass later.
I also wanna mention, you say you do not want those drawbacks that comes with those benefits; those drawbacks are already written in the update. It's these:
[ ] Commit to finishing mission "Grand Theft Person". (Must finish mission in three issues, not counting current issue. Mission will cost 1 AP.) 1 point.

[ ] Commit to finishing mission "The Air in the Valley". (Must finish mission in three issues, not counting current issue. Mission will cost 1 AP.) 1 point.

[ ] Commit to finishing mission "Long Shadows of the Night". (Must finish mission in three issues, not counting current issue. Mission will cost 1 AP.) 1 point.

[ ] Commit to discovering information about Monarch. (Lady Leizi must take personal action "The Spider's Web" and choose Monarch next issue.) 2 points.

[ ] Offer Menagerie Witch's one-time assistance with patrols in the Uni District (Menagerie Witch will not be available for one mission next issue). 3 points.

[ ] Offer Handyman's one-time assistance with patrols in the Uni District (Handyman will not be available for one mission next issue). 3 points.

[ ] Offer Black Swan's one-time assistance with patrols in the Uni District (Black Swan will not be available for one mission next issue). 5 points.

[ ] Facilitate a purchase of one of Mendicants Symbiotes to heal Arc. (Justice Unlimited will not be able to purchase symbiotes from Mendicant for two issues, New Dawn will provide the funds). 7 points.

[ ] Allow Wolong to use Apiary's facilities for New Dawn missions. (-3 to global OPERATIONS and -3 to global ESPIONAGE.) 7 points.

[ ] Inform Wolong of Project Prometheus. 15 points
We get to choose which drawback we want from them. Heck I daresay your plan just picked the biggest one: informing Wolong of Project Prometheus. You'll note that it lacks description despite it being 15 points, the biggest of the bunch. Even bigger than the Medicant option, which prevents us from purchasing healing items for two turns, and Apiary option, which removes the Global stat benefits given to us by Apiary. This is easily the biggest drawback you seem to be claiming on, and the very thing you're picking.
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Yup revealing prometheos is only worth if were getting wulongs help for finding synergies. The other payments are for if we only aim for equal partnership
Another great issue and woohoo! Still love those rolls! Also maaaannn MW whent for the jugular, ok kind approach plus MW trauma equals one hell of whiplash. Adittionally if im reading this right the 31 points option gives HOW MANY DNA SAMPLES!? Im pretty sure our combo potential was high with the basic dna we started with, it grew exponantially with only 3 more samples plus Exceed Beyond and Apiary, but 10 more? Dear god we need more Ambrosia and candidates Yesterday. The amount of potential unique combimations is probably in ths hundreads now and i cant tell if Bitterman expected this or not, probs to them if they can somehow think of that many samples, I could never think that far ahead.

My god the possibilities....
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[X] Plan: Intrigue Specialisation

I think Black Swan patrolling with the team does good to show off our new super, give her time working with other heroes, and also put the fear back into some of those escaped supervillains.
Compared to your trip to the Apiary, traveling to New Dawn's headquarters is positively leisurely. While the Apiary's very size necessitated it being on the outside of the Worker's Mitt, New Dawn's headquarters, the Zenith, was in the heart of Uni District.
Thank god for that.
To that end, you could just drive there. Black Swan remains delighted by the novelty, but Menagerie Witch is still sulking in the backseat over not being able to bring all her friends for a second consecutive mission. You had argued that you were comfortably certain this meeting was not an ambush and making room for a circus of animals would only delay negotiations
Don't worry, Maddie!

The ambush is next mission.
If this turned out to be a trap, she was going to be insufferable.
Just you wait.
". . .look, Tomas, killing a Named-Leviathan is a big deal. Especially one that escaped the QZ. It proves Justice Unlimited is still viable and still protecting people's lives. To suggest that we should just ignore that and cede the entire city to Powers and Dominion is—

"Listen, Chichi. Can I call you Chichi?"

"No. My name is Chihrio."

"Chichi, the era of superpowers being in the hands of an elite few is over! Powers and Dominion Security Concerns have democratized the superman! See this app on my phone? If I had the scratch, I—an ordinary guy—could have Scarlet Maturity on speed dial. Anyone—"
Oh hey! That's Nora's roommate! She's pretty damn smart.
"Do you?


"Do you have the money to hire Scarlet Maturity?"

"Um . . . no. Uhhh, I could hire Earthen Owl maybe . . .? QUICK GORILLA? No. . . he's too expensive . . ."
being able to maybe call in EO is not a good look for you, man.
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.

Stat Check: REPUTATION 12. Justice Unlimited has a collective REPUTATION 18.

You rolled: 13.

13 + 3 + 5 (Killed a Named Behemoth!) = 21. Critical Success!

+1 to Justice Unlimited's REPUTATION!
Nice. You love to see it.
The first step to a meeting between equals is to clear the air about any misconceptions, preferably before opinions based on those misconceptions could form. Wolong believed your team to be borderline defunct, in the same dire straits as New Dawn. If you were to approach this meeting as an equal, you had to gently correct that mistaken belief.

So, you applied for the bounty on Floating Venom Morpheme and leaked news of its death to the press as soon as you collected. The 24-hour news cycle took care of the rest for you; it was all anyone had been talking about for days.
Wealth, fame, and power.

If we find a secret part of Horizon all to ourselves, we could probably make a One Piece equivalent to inspire the sequel quest.

But that's for later.
Leaning against a wall is a sharp-dressed man in a three-piece suit, trilby hat, white gloves and a half-mask over his eyes. He's glancing at a pocket watch as you pull your car over.

He approaches you with a large smile. "Ah! Beauty incarnate! That gorgeous coat! Those sleek, sensual curves! Let me take a feel—oooh! Hear her purr!"

"Yes, Gentleman James, my car is quite something," you say dryly, "Now, how can I help you?"

The hero known as Gentleman James takes his hand off the hood of your car and removes his hat to bow. "I come at the behest of our dear leader, Wolong. He thought it only polite that our guests of honor be given a personal escort to the Zenith. When I heard the illustrious Lady Leizi herself was coming—in an automobile nonetheless!—I begged for the chance to guide you."
He had me in the first half, ngl.
"And you!" Gentleman James then turns to Menagerie Witch, who is eyeing him suspiciously. He squints his eyes at her before nodding slowly and tipping his trilby.

"Cool hat."

Menagerie Witch nods slowly back and tips her hat.

"Cool hat."
Hat to hat communication.
As you arrive at the Zenith, you have to resist clicking your touch in disapproval. The Zenith is the definition of too much—a massive, glass skyscraper in the center of town complete with an illuminated rendition of the sun rising over the horizon
Oh man. That's gotta hurt to look at in the afternoon.
You vastly preferred the understated elegance of the Bastion, the original headquarters of New Dawn and where NuGen made its home until the Apiary had been built.
And now a possible base for us. Maybe.
To your surprise, she takes your hand and firmly grasps it. You had worked with both heroines during the many crises that necessitated setting aside grudges, but your relationship with Palisade was frosty in the best of times.

She and Rakeem used to date. She blamed you for the end of the relationship. She wasn't entirely wrong.
Yeah, now we need to do Break Glass for closure on that.
You had only been in the Zenith a handful of times—Novalight was careful to keep Justice Unlimited's chief intelligence officer out of New Dawn's headquarters—but there must have been twice as many people working now as there had ever been.
Two times? Is this because of Wolong?
Minor Success: DC 5. Moderate Success: DC 10. Major Success: DC 15.

Stat Check: OPERATIONS 12. Lady Leizi, Black Swan, and Menagerie Witch have a collective OPERATIONS 16.

You rolled: 11.

11 + 2 + 3 (You Know the Truth of New Dawn's Situation) = 16. Major Success!
Brain blast!
. . . they believed there was hope. And not just them, all of the staff in the Zenith moved with an intense purpose. There were only five metahumans, four combat-types, holding the line against the worst of the worst criminals, and they were holding. That had to instill a certain kind of confidence.

But not only that, they were disciplined. If you weren't . . . well, you, then you would have no idea it was anything other than business as usual in the Uni District. Gentleman James' directions, the presence of three seasoned heroes, the tight ship that was clearly being run, it was all designed to project power and confidence and required the coordination and buy-in of dozens of people.
Basically, Wolong's on that hustle. Respect.
but a much more modest conference room where a man in white hechang robes with gold trim sits. On his head is a black guanjin hat which remains still
…I don't know what "hechang robes" or what a "guanjin hat" is. Send ref pics pls.
"Oolong?" you ask, sitting opposite him on the table.

"Am I a savage? Of course."
I would have liked green tea, personally.
"I often used to wonder," he says, "How much more good the heroes of this city could do if we worked together instead of bickering like schoolchildren."

"A worthy thought," you agree neutrally, "But not one I'm certain was shared by the rest of New Dawn."

Wolong bobs his head and acknowledges the point, "Novalight held long grudges tight to her chest. She never forgave the 'betrayal' that was the loss of NuGen. She couldn't see how the 'traitors' formed a heroic organization that eclipsed New Dawn in less than a decade."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, darling."
nice characterization and interaction on both sides.
You note the inaccuracy there. Either Wolong is playing dumb—unlikely—or he has no idea Handyman exists.
He's probably assuming that the team in front of him is the designated Behemoth kill squad. Which, not totally wrong…
" . . . why did New Dawn let Le Petit Prince kill my mom?"

The room goes dead silent. You could hear a pin drop. You're not the only one looking at Menagerie Witch in shock.


DC 13.

Stat Check: REPUTATION 12. Lady Leizi, Black Swan, and Menagerie Witch have a collective REPUTATION 16.

You rolled: 16.

16 + 2 + 3 (She is Proof of His Failure) = 21. Critical Success!
Maddie used Guilt Trip!

It's super effective on Wolong!

It's a critical hit!

It's a one-hit KO!
"F-fine," Menagerie Witch takes a greedy gulp of water, much of which ends up on her costume, "You want to know? You want to know? I'll tell you!"

What follows is a fiery retelling of Madeline's story. She begins to cry at different points, but manages to pull herself together and tell the whole tale.

By the end Gentleman James has taken his hat off his head and placed it over his heart.

"Meu deus . . ."

Palisade is pale and hisses furiously to Wolong, "Le Petit Prince has new powers too. It has to be her—" she bites her tongue when she sees you listening.
"No," you say, rising and putting a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, "You couldn't have. I know, Gabriel."

He looks up at you, unshed tears in his eyes. ". . . you know?"

He sits back down and lets out a rusty laugh. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I can keep nothing secret from the Lady Leizi. How much do you know?"

You sit down as well, "Everything, Gabriel, I know everything. The four of you and Dreamcatcher are all that's left. The only thing I don't know is: where is Arc?"
We have a crit coming up. That's why…
20 - 5 + 5 (Wolong is Vulnerable) = 20. Natural Crit! Critical Success!
Yep. He's gonna spill.
The beeping of machines and stinging scent of antiseptic brings unpleasant memories of your most recent stay in the infirmary to bear, but nothing is as disconcerting as the sight of Arc in the bed.

Arc's body is as destroyed as one can be while still being shaped like a human being. She's missing every limb except her right arm, and even then she only has three fingers remaining on her hand. More disturbing however, are the chunks of missing flesh all over her body, like pockmarks in the sand. In many places her body is missing skin all together, as if she's been flayed, displaying muscle and veins to the open air. If it were not for the countless machines she was attached to, you have no double she'd expire in moments.
Oh, ouch.

Also, it's "doubt", not "double".
He gestures to the window. "This is what her power did to stop the goldnine exposure."

"Leviathan's Blood," you breathe, before realizing how insensitive that oath is.

Fortunately, Wolong just lets out a bitter bark of laughter. "Don't worry, you're not alone. I've said that a few times at inopportune moments."
Yeah, not the most nice thing to say here…
We decided that, almost forever ago, with Maddie.

It will likely be our guiding star for a while.
"Yes," he breathes, "She went rotten in there. She broke them out and, in exchange, she earned their loyalty. Now we all will suffer. The only reason she hasn't declared all-out war is that her position is precarious. Everyone of her lieutenants would stab her in the back without hesitation. I've been chipping away at the power base, piece by piece. Leaving her unbalanced, uncertain when the real offensive from New Dawn will come."

"But it never will. And eventually, she'll realize that." You feel cold. This is much, much worse than you thought.

Wolong seizes your hand with both of his, "That's why I need your help. I need you to help keep her fearful, keep her afraid. We can't challenge her directly yet, but there are several inmates who are isolated and safe targets. Take them out, and the other inmates will begin to wonder if she really can keep them safe."
So that's how the three smaller missions connect to here…
12 - 4 + 5 (Wolong is Vulnerable) + 5 (Wolong Has Confided in You Once Already) = 18. Success!
Wolong starts at Arc for a long time, balling his fists. His breathing turns heavy, and when he looks at you, he is shaking with rage.

"Yelena—Novalight—left us with nothing. Our finances have been mismanaged for years. We have no allies, no new generation of metahumans in waiting, no equipment to arm our non-powered agents. This organization was wholly dependent on her because she genuinely could not imagine a day would come where she would not be in charge."

He punches a wall and then pulls his fist back, absent-mindedly rubbing his bruised knuckles.

"I . . . I've done everything I can to keep New Dawn above water. Every plan I could think of, every clever strategy, I've maximized our resources again and again and again, but I can't squeeze blood from a stone!"
He's trying so hard rn. My god.
I don't participate in quests to not become the micro-managing gaslighting middle manager I despise IRL. Allow me to live vicariously through fictional characters, please. :V

As for Omakes…
Potential Energy, an omake by ScorpioSting
Counterstrike is so cool. I've been waiting two weeks for him, and he did not dissapoint.
Under My Skin: An Omake By Chickenbouillon
OH GOD WHY BUGS AHHH— (I have a fear of bugs that just got rekindled ouch.)

[X] Plan: Intrigue Specialisation
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Our first canon omake! Have a +1! Keith will return.
BTW serious question about 4 seasons in the Movement were all of them there or only Automne and Hiver?
They were all there, but only Automne was in the thick of the fighting. Ete's empowers others and Primtemps is long-range. Hiver was on "keep Behemoths from escaping" duty.
Was Yelena only in charge by the end because everyone was worried she'd kill anyone who went against her? Because jeez
Of the original members, Valiant Red was dead, Ali Baba was dead, Dragonsteeth retired, Steadfast joined Global Justice, and Valkyrie was in Wonderland. Cisma yielded control of the organization to Novalight, and after that no one was ever able to topple her. She wasn't a very good leader outside of inspiring/terrifying others. She would have made a better field commander than head honcho.
Gaslight powers into giving him info in hopes of recruitment?
. . . that's a good one. I'll add it to the list.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Have a +1! I think I have a purpose for this guy in mind in a villainous role. DM me if you're interested.
If we had done Global Justice, could we have made a triple alliance happen or would we be, at most, a liaison between them?
Nah, they wouldn't have the relationship you do with them. New Dawn would have been too tapped to try to prop up GJ and vice versa. It's probably a good thing you didn't do both because overall it probably would have committed your actions for the next few turns.
Out of curiosity @Bitterman what were you planning around that you originally outlined 3 updates for this arc? (That got cut down to two thanks to high rolls)
Wolong was going to do a LOT more to obscure Arc's fate and you would have had to drag information about Monarch out of him---he would have just told you they existed. There also would have been an option to let Black Swan spare with Palisade to show off---he would have immediately pegged her powers were like Novalight's.
Speaking of, @Bitterman do we have the option to choose which mission a hero can be absent on? For example when turn plan comes around again, we can sub-bracket which hero will be absent for that one-time assist?
Yep! That's how it will work.
I know one way we could get a comm for Rei in your quest for free: Have her be an active hero using Exceed Beyond, and have Bitterman pay it for us.
probs to them if they can somehow think of that many samples, I could never think that far ahead.
I have the characters in mind but . . . uh, the next update may not be until Saturday if I have to write them all out hahah.
Our first canon omake! Have a +1! Keith will return.
I sense a nice 1 AP mission in our future. Very cool!

But, um, I had another thing I wanted to say/clear up.
I know one way we could get a comm for Rei in your quest for free: Have her be an active hero using Exceed Beyond, and have Bitterman pay it for us.
Listen, I'm gonna be completely honest. While there are a lot of people who read both this quest and mine, not everybody does. So I'm going to talk to my readers with this one: It's a bit unfair to prop up Rei as the de facto candidate for EXCEED-BEYOND.

Yes, of course I want Rei to have a cool power. But I also want Shelley and Akemi to have cool emotional manipulation powers, for Fran to be able to set something on fire, and for Himari to get a fucking laser blade from Red Huntress. We do not need to focus on Rei and me getting a free commission. Whoever gets rolled, gets rolled.

If Yara has 9 tolerance, and Rei has 7… Well, Rei can do just fine with Memoria+Hunch+RH after one tolerance boost, and Yara can take the suit.

And besides, if it's anything like with Handyman, we'll likely not even see the candidate's face— just the outer armor. It's incredibly likely that putting different candidates in EXCEED-BEYOND will simply get the same art. Yara would look the same as Ellie who would look the same as Rei.

Or, if you want to hear about it from past me:
(And as for AI art, don't worry, I'm only fine with it when it's just used for unimportant things and doesn't take away jobs from artists.)

(I'm just currently much, much too broke to hire the commission artists I desperately want to. Even if we only take the main characters, I'd be in the red by about… $250, minimum. This can be alleviated for the Sky Strikers, but for anyone else? No dice. That's still around $100 I currently cannot afford. This hurts me as much as you.)
(This was before I started actually looking into how much it would cost for commission sheets like BKNK's. In the best case scenario, I'd want a character sheet similar to Lady Leizhi's or Valiant Silver's for all three main characters: Akemi, Rei, and Himari.)

(I don't have $1050. And you know what? I'm fine with that. We don't need to butt in on this quest's votes to get something done in ours. We'll live with my descriptions.)
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Some more information while I wait for my food:

Gentleman James - the ability to fix two objects in space he can see with unbreakable chains he can freely extend or contract. Works on people too.

Miss Naught - can "call out a target". All projections launched at that target move with some degree of homing capability.

Palisade - dark purple forcefield all over her body she can freely move off herself and anywhere she wishes in a 30 foot radius. Can change the shape of the forcefield.

Dreamcatcher - can take one object from the dream he had last night and manifest it reality. He cannot control what he dreams about.

Had you not done New Dawn's mission, Monarch would have launched an attack by linking goldnine-contaminated space in the QZ with the Zenith. A river of goldnine would have poured into the Uni District and part of the R-Train would have followed. The Uni District would have turned into a mini-QZ patrolled by mechs and drones from the R-Train, no one in or out. The people there would have been trapped and the Wonderland villains would be able to do as they pleased.

Two of the five remaining New Dawn members would have died, but Arc would awaken and use the last of her power before dying to repulse the goldmine from the Zenith. The longer you took to see if anyone from New Dawn was still alive, the more of them would have died and the more DNA samples would have been lost.

Of course, you would need the R-Train's permission to get in.
At a glance, Red Huntress + Gentleman James sounds like it would be a fairly potent synergy, while its still very early obviously.