has it been revealed what the ambrosia build Augur wants is?
I don't think so but I think it'd be pretty important to know that

We could try gauging their intentions at least
Not yet. Presumably it will be when there is actually a vote on it

Where did you get this from? I don't recall that but I'm not sure if I'm missed something.
If I'm reading the subtext correctly all the Horae guard we know either despise each other or simp for another of them, and I suspect that also involves hating them. This patten may not hold in general, but I suspect it does.
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If I'm reading the subtext correctly all the Horae guard we know either despise each other or simp for another of them, and I suspect that also involves hating them. This patten may not hold in general, but I suspect it does.
There's a distinction between the Horae Guard and the Hours!

Agree there's a lot of tension in the Hours, who have to cooperate but are all strong and all not necessarily fans of each other.

But I think they are fans of the institution they're a part of, or at least dont hate it even as they have their own power squabbles.
[X] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth.

screw it, I am a proud supporter of Hestia. Hearths feel less likely to be bad then flowers or clifs with waves.
Pros and Cons Of Penitent Scholar vs Augur:
This is probably shadowrunning on my part, but it just seems so convenient that the person who acts more charming will likely turn out to be the more trustworthy choice. In all likelihood we will probably overwhelmingly vote to reject Augur's offer. There are very few Ambrosia samples that I would consider harmless in the hands of an untrusted party.

screw it, I am a proud supporter of Hestia. Hearths feel less likely to be bad then flowers or clifs with waves.
Guess I gotta register my support for Poseidon then!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IsYf_0UGLE
Wait a minute, this might not be the best choice for a hero...
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This is probably shadowrunning on my part, but it just seems so convenient that the person who acts more charming will likely turn out to be the more trustworthy choice. In all likelihood we will probably overwhelmingly vote to reject Augur's offer. There are very few Ambrosia samples that I would consider harmless in the hands of an untrusted party.

Guess I gotta register my support for Poseidon then!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IsYf_0UGLE
Wait a minute, this might not be the best choice for a hero...

I have pointed out before and I will again Polyphemus had his home looted & ransacked and himself blinded
RE: children of metahuman being more likely to Metahumans, if it is the case I think it would make sense even if Goldnine or psychic exposure seems to be the main vector, because metahumans likely have a higher concentration of either than the average person, and a child is likely to be more exposed to their parents than most.

That isn't true, the children of Metahumans aren't more likely to be Metahumans themselves.

Whether you were a metahuman was decided at birth, although most did not begin to express their powers until adolescence. Sure, you had fringe cases who manifested powers at birth, but those were the exception. Depending on what their power was, some people could go their whole life without knowing they were a metahuman.

It didn't help that metahumanity appeared to be random. Two metahumans had no greater chance of having a child with powers than two regular humans. Millions had been spent by every major corporation in Horizon trying to, unsuccessfully, solve the riddle of where powers came from, and here was the start of the answer sitting in his hands. He didn't know whether to shout or cry.
I mean, the very first mention of the Horae Guard described them as:
You . . . you weren't sure that Horae Guard was actually real. Rumors abound of an elite organization of metahumans, whose sole purpose was to protect the Elysium Station. The story was that powerful metahumans would disappear into the night, promised a place in Elysium if they would devote their life to protecting the station. They were never heard or seen again—they could never return to Earth—but why would they? It was paradise. Supposedly it was the Horae Guard who drove back The Defiance Unit during their assault.
They're composed of either people who signed up to join the billionaires private paradise for power and privilege or those who were born/grown up in it. This is not a recipe for a harmonious group dynamics!
Now, I have an idea about a whole Comic universe, with some overlaping storylines.

  • The Original New Dawn Series (which chronicled everything until the Susurration; Valiant Red is the main character)
  • The Susurration
  • The New Dawn Series (Starting somebody from New Dawn, not sure who but probably not Novalight)
  • Then writers started the Powers and Global Justice series (which ran concurrently to the Post-Susurration New Dawn Series) [The Powers Series was an attempt to appeal to comics fans who prefer Anti-Heroes]
  • Then NuGen was started because some of the New Dawn, Powers and Global Justice characters were getting old.
  • The other series kept going, but NuGen which eventually was rebranded as Justice Unlimited became everyone's favourite. (Main character Valiant Silver but other members get their own centric storylines)
  • The Movement
  • Then there is the Post-Movement series Project Prometheus (Many Fans where unsure about Project Prometheus, when they learnt that Lady Leizi would be the main character {Lady Leizi becoming a main character was leaked before the movement but nothing else was leaked}, but Leizi's has become popular because the writers are really hitting it out of the park. Sales of her old NuGen/Justice Unlimited Centirc Comics are going throught the roof as well.) [The only people who dislike Project Prometheus, are the Anti-Hero fans who wanted a more Anti-Hero Justice Unlimited, felt Leizi was the best way to get it, and are dissapointed it didn't happen]

For the Protagnist of the New Dawn Series. I'm thinking someone high-ranking, whose been around during the Susurration and died during the Movement.

You can be more, are definitely Arc Words during Project Prometheus, Which often leads to Project Prometheus fans having a call and response meme: Who can be more?, You can be more.

About my comic series idea

I'm thinking Dark!Leizi will be one of the Post Movement Elseworlds/What if comics series. Alongside each of other JU members been the only survivor, Kermie's A Stage Slightly To The Left ideas and us deciding to meet with Global Justice instead of The Four Seasons

The Project Prometheus Fans also like the fact that explaination has finally been provided for why Red Huntress is so very paranoid. It was seen as a Riddle for the Ages/Unsolved Mystery by the fans of Justice Unlimited which had been bugging them for the longest time
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Having slept on it, I have to wonder whether Augur's intention is less to actually get Ambrosia and more to just threaten JU with the omniscience act, and intimidate them by demonstrating he knows about the Project.

Like, imagine if he asks for a single Hydrocity dose or something? That'd be a statement.
Maybe I'm just overthinking things here but doesn't the way Augur handled this seem kind of weird? Like, what does presenting this request in this way accomplish? Why put this forward as a threat rather than as a warning for something bad that's going to happen? What is the purpose of establishing himself as antagonistic to us rather than making it seem like he's on our side? Obviously building trust would take longer to do but if this Ambrosia sample is so important to him, why request it in a way that will make us less likely to give it to him?
Maybe I'm just overthinking things here but doesn't the way Augur handled this seem kind of weird? Like, what does presenting this request in this way accomplish? Why put this forward as a threat rather than as a warning for something bad that's going to happen? What is the purpose of establishing himself as antagonistic to us rather than making it seem like he's on our side? Obviously building trust would take longer to do but if this Ambrosia sample is so important to him, why request it in a way that will make us less likely to give it to him?


And the vote closes in an hour!
Maybe I'm just overthinking things here but doesn't the way Augur handled this seem kind of weird? Like, what does presenting this request in this way accomplish? Why put this forward as a threat rather than as a warning for something bad that's going to happen? What is the purpose of establishing himself as antagonistic to us rather than making it seem like he's on our side? Obviously building trust would take longer to do but if this Ambrosia sample is so important to him, why request it in a way that will make us less likely to give it to him?

Maybe he's just an cryptic asshole. I mean he actually provided a pretty good "free service" as a quid pro pro and offered more help in exchange for a favour, the threat was only about trying to backtrace him, and we were also primed by the Penitent Scholar undercutting his offer.

Probably not the best approach if he's trying to make a deal, but not everyone is good at talking to people.
Maybe he's just an cryptic asshole. I mean he actually provided a pretty good "free service" as a quid pro pro and offered more help in exchange for a favour, the threat was only about trying to backtrace him, and we were also primed by the Penitent Scholar undercutting his offer.

Probably not the best approach if he's trying to make a deal, but not everyone is good at talking to people.
I'll say this much: Augur fucking haaaaaaates the Penitent Scholar.
I'm not really decided, but I'm going to be wary of something that's offered for free with seemingly no strings attached. Especially when we don't really know the full extent of the Penitent Scholar's powers. Maybe that's paranoia, but is it wrong to be paranoid?
I'll say this much: Augur fucking haaaaaaates the Penitent Scholar.

the asshole who keeps stealing his work and is better at being funny and charming and also doesn't need to hide behind cutouts so he keeps getting undercut grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Oh, wait, that might be the whole paradigm. Augur CAN calculate their message for maximum impact on his intended audience UNLESS the Penitent Scholar involves himself. If JU had gotten Augur's message by itself (or hell, even first), then JU may well have considered him a viable threat to be heeded and complied with, but PS's upstaging and commentary completely blunts and botches the impression that Augur was going for.

I'm guessing this is far from the first time this has happened.
Where did you get this from? I don't recall that but I'm not sure if I'm missed something.
When MW asked PS why he's helping us when he works for the Horae Guard, he replied with this:

"What's in it for you?" Menagerie Witch says, arms still crossed, "Why help us? Don't you work for the Horae Guard? What's your beef with Augur?"

"Ha!" he laughs, "Well, besides the fact I kind of like you guys now? It's a long story."

"We're not going anywhere," Valiant Gold says, deadly calm.

"Well, okay. The short version is: fuck all of those guys. The medium version is: I have a personal interest in Yara Oliveira's safety. I've already failed her sister, and I want to make good. The long version?"
His working relationship with the Horae Guard seems strained to say the least. We know they have their eyes off us this turn in order to focus on the other conspirators, so this was likely PS' best chance at making contact with us under everyone else's nose.
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