Scarlet Maturity is not Vegeta.....
At the end of the day I think Scarlet maturity will die. But he might just prove to have. A noble spirit.... Despite the fact we will probably have to kill him.

Say by the way how and why does The US want to dominate Elysium?
For that matter how does Elysium make money
I enjoy the rapport between SM and BS. Despite their clashing organizations and brutal first introduction Scarlet has a lot of respect and fondness for Black Swan. And she's chill enough and empathetic enough to roll with the fact that he's a normal dude off work hours.

I could see him offering to spar with her, and her actually taking him up on that offer, because she's starting to trust that he's a man of his word.

And I'm hoping that she comes to a realization regarding her status as one of the strongest. That being she's not the only one on her team. Ellie has the potential to trounce her, and Yara will likely be something similar in a different way. She might be one of the strongest but she might not even be the strongest on her team.

And to be honest people were going to come after her family anyways, partly because do-gooders love trouble and partly because they won't roll over and give to all the people trying to rule the world. Soooo… bring it on? Because they won't run, and unlike most they won't stand alone.

Also are there any other supers who do speed like Mona? If she's not the strongest she might be the fastest.
Scarlet Maturity is not Vegeta.....
At the end of the day I think Scarlet maturity will die. But he might just prove to have. A noble spirit.... Despite the fact we will probably have to kill him
Nah as a big fan of Vegeta a lot folks end up forgetting how much of a bastard he was
Also I think upon the path we have set killing people is far less likely than jailing em
I mean, assuming that Baba Yaga's domains can have wifi if they want them to, she should be able to tell Wolong 'Leizi, Chatelet, a little girl and Yara Oliviera ended up in the Frozen Throne'.
[]Plan: Needs Must (9th edition)
-[] Pest Control (1 AP, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2)
-[] Train Kept a Rollin' (2 AP, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9)
-[] Puella Magi Justice Unlimited Magica (2 AP)
-[] Reality Check (1 AP)
-[] Grand Theft Person (1 AP, HIT 9, OPERATIONS 7)
-[] Making the Rounds (1 AP, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3)
-[] Smoke on the Water (1 AP, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4)

We only have 3AP to spare, on Turn 4 (Dividing my Plan into parts)

We have to do this turn:
-[] Train Kept a Rollin' (2 AP, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9)
-[] Puella Magi Justice Unlimited Magica (2 AP)
-[] Reality Check (1 AP)
-[] Smoke on the Water (1 AP, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4)

Needs to be done before Turn 6
-[] Grand Theft Person (1 AP, HIT 9, OPERATIONS 7)

Doesn't need to be done but will help with Money problem
-[] Pest Control (1 AP, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2) [Also useful for Train Kept a Rollin']
-[] Making the Rounds (1 AP, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3)

That, pretty much.

Also, as I write, I think I'm going to in-universe relax the "must do Third-Person/Shroud missions" given that 1) You're working much more closely with New Dawn now, and 2) You know Monarch's deal now which these missions were supposed to tease. It doesn't make sense to target these as "Anti-Monarch" missions when you know they don't work for her now.

The missions will still be available, but this will let you do them at your leisure and let me make them smaller. Plus, I can introduce the Monarch missions that make sense at this part in the story. Sometimes you gotta roll with the punches as the story develops in ways you didn't expect.

So. its no longer obligatory for us to do Grand Theft Person so soon, that is neat but I feel it should be done at some point.

[]Plan: New Needs Must (9th edition)
-[] Pest Control (1 AP, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2)
-[] Train Kept a Rollin' (2 AP, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9)
-[] Puella Magi Justice Unlimited Magica (2 AP)
-[] Reality Check (1 AP)
-[] Smoke on the Water (1 AP, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4)

The other 2AP will be taken what serves us the best right now, prefably some mission involving Monarch and/or money.
I feel that video, fits MHA more than Project Prometheus.

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About my comic series idea

Now, I have an idea about a whole Comic universe, with some overlaping storylines.

  • The Original New Dawn Series (which chronicled everything until the Susurration; Valiant Red is the main character)
  • The Susurration
  • The New Dawn Series (Starting somebody from New Dawn, not sure who but probably not Novalight)
  • Then writers started the Powers and Global Justice series (which ran concurrently to the Post-Susurration New Dawn Series) [The Powers Series was an attempt to appeal to comics fans who prefer Anti-Heroes]
  • Then NuGen was started because some of the New Dawn, Powers and Global Justice characters were getting old.
  • The other series kept going, but NuGen which eventually was rebranded as Justice Unlimited became everyone's favourite. (Main character Valiant Silver but other members get their own centric storylines)
  • The Movement
  • Then there is the Post-Movement series Project Prometheus (Many Fans where unsure about Project Prometheus, when they learnt that Lady Leizi would be the main character {Lady Leizi becoming a main character was leaked before the movement but nothing else was leaked}, but Leizi's has become popular because the writers are really hitting it out of the park. Sales of her old NuGen/Justice Unlimited Centirc Comics are going throught the roof as well.) [The only people who dislike Project Prometheus, are the Anti-Hero fans who wanted a more Anti-Hero Justice Unlimited, felt Leizi was the best way to get it, and are dissapointed it didn't happen]

For the Protagnist of the New Dawn Series. I'm thinking someone high-ranking, whose been around during the Susurration and died during the Movement.

You can be more, are definitely Arc Words during Project Prometheus, Which often leads to Project Prometheus fans having a call and response meme: Who can be more?, You can be more.

I'm thinking Dark!Leizi will be one of the Post Movement Elseworlds/What if comics series. Alongside each of other JU members been the only survivor, Kermie's A Stage Slightly To The Left ideas and us deciding to meet with Global Justice instead of The Four Seasons
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Scarlet Maturity is very much "you are badguy but you are not Bad Guy." I keep getting Wreck-It-Ralph vibes off him, except like a Ralph that accidentally ate people when killed. (At first. But you see enough things over time and do enough things over time and it does things to you) Which reminds me I need to submit a DNA sample via DM. If we see a sample based off a particularly terrible pun, you'll know who to thank / blame.
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Much like Vegeta, Scarlet Maturity is objectively a terrible person and a huge monster, but also like Vegeta, now that he's been defeated he's sort of started just hanging around not doing much.
I have a conspiracy theory. Trismegistus is a syncretic combination of Hermes and Thoth. You know what bird is associated with Thoth?


The dark Hand behind the curtain is alternate universe Dr. Mammoth Ibis. There, now everyone gets to suffer. I don't even go here.

Note that I stated 'alternate universe', not alternate timeline or specifically whatever line of Valiant Blue. If a tripod has trousers, they would have three legs, such that one may enter a situation and leave with three possible results. The phrase goes, 'thrice great Hermes!'

EDIT: the Caduceus features two snakes around a winged staff :/
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I mean, assuming that Baba Yaga's domains can have wifi if they want them to, she should be able to tell Wolong 'Leizi, Chatelet, a little girl and Yara Oliviera ended up in the Frozen Throne'.
Yeah but me thinks there is an issue within the throne that has thrown a problem and as such given a reason they are lost for now
ScorpioSting only suggested she might have wifi, not a direct way out, which would mean 'well we know they're alive but we dont know how to get them out'...

But IIRC Bitterman said that the JU/New Dawn merge would only happen if LL returned or was confirmed dead, so presumably she doesn't have wifi to the exterior.
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I guess I was assuming that the way her power worked would be all or nothing about it, either there's a connection, which she could use to communicate and escape, or there isn't, so there's no contact at all.
... how many Omake Points would it cost to buy a second Fill-In Issue?

This has been Realm's Strange Ideas, thank you for reading-