Yeah, what it comes down to is "The story doesn't make sense given the actual, "In people's head" information we've gotten, the recording is apparently completely legitimate, but it's absolutely fake because it Doesn't make any sense, simply because "For this to be not faked would be so ridiculously implausible given the information that exists on the side of our supporters is absurd. We just don't know how they faked it, aside from "It's a perfect fake, resistant even to super-powered scrutiny, and the only reason we can tell it is fake is because we Know the contents are bullshit, because it flies in the face of actual Observed Reality--it's the equivalent of someone confidently stating that the sky is yellow and up is purple."

Because, like, we know for a fact (Because we've gotten into Nora's head), that what she said is complete bullshit. We also know that the dynamics were such that "Oh I was afraid for everyone's life and didn't dare actually try to do anything" is... Flagrantly against everything we knew about Yazmin, who had good relationships with everyone involved and that if she put her foot down the others would listen.

And yet the video is apparently completely authentic, someone is apparently confidently stating that up is purple and the sky is made of cheese, and we can't actually Prove otherwise without, you know, telling everyone the thing that will get all the super conspiracies to go loud--and as we've seen, even the casual attention of One of them is more than we can handle without deploying our nuclear option.

It's fake, but it's Perfectly fake in a way, and can only be disproven by opening up the skellington closet. It's so perfectly tailored in that sense that the one who created it Had to know about Project Prometheus, because the only way to disprove it would be to show the numbers that prove otherwise, which reveals it.

I kind of do have a theory now that "Augur did it, because he brought a video from a Bad End Timeline Uiara, because he knows about Project Prometheus and revealing it is part of his Golden Path, but he needs to make a public show of it so people fight over it rather than just handing it to one Conspiracy or another who will monopolize and bury it, because he wants to maximum number of metahumans for some reason and screwjobbing us us the best way to do that" He's the only character we're aware of who has access to some level of re-dos, and if he burned an entire "Attempt" to gaslight Yazmin specifically to make that video which he'd then bring back with him, that could explain how the video is apparently completely legitimate--just Absolutely fuckin' wrong in a way that flies in the face of reality as we've observed it
What if, we relesed Uiara Posthumous video then point out how she doesn't mention Nora is tampering with the Levithan?

It seems like the kind of thing, one would mention in these sort of things, right?
It would literally take a single analysis power to tell them that.
What happened with Wolong and Stockpile analyzing the Uaria video? Same principle.
Just don't bother about it. With SB fucking around and the damage Crusade has already done to itself, not addressing it explicitly is to Justice Unlimited's advantage. Trying to be clever about it hurts JU more than it would help.
Augur did it, because he brought a video from a Bad End Timeline Uiara, because he knows about Project Prometheus and revealing it is part of his Golden Path,

I think it's unlikely Augur is already on his Golden Path. Partially just because I tend to assume the butterfly effect is in play, so every reset any changes he makes are going to have unintended effects he can't account for ahead of time, partially because I just kind of hate infalible precogs.
I think it's unlikely Augur is already on his Golden Path. Partially just because I tend to assume the butterfly effect is in play, so every reset any changes he makes are going to have unintended effects he can't account for ahead of time, partially because I just kind of hate infalible precogs.
I believe his perfect path is un-do-able because I do not believe in perfection
I don't think we can even trust that his Golden Path would even be desirable for us. For all we know LL or someone could have to die to achieve whatever his goal is.
That is a good point. And who knows? Every time he "loops" could be an entire diffetent game.
Outright possible differences every loop? (From the movement onwards)
1. Who survives and leads JU.
2. Who JU decides to first administer Ambrosia.
3. The Combination of DNA used.
4. The power they get.
5. We can be more/ never change.
6. What missions we do.
7. Which if the initial 3 end of issue missions we choose.
8. If we had let Faust control us.
9. Who we choose to develop or not.
10. And so forth...

Each loop can have a lot of simularities, but things like what I presented or others have said, change things DRASTICALLY. So it would take a LOT of tries to see a pattern.
And thats not counting the fact if it trully is "Time travel". Is it time travel towards the same timeline or is timeline hopping?
If its the first I wonder how many times he has done it? Has there been any changes we dont know about?

If its the later... well if we can cause him to think this timeline is defunct and he leaves, well thats that. Sorry Alt JU. Good luck with that hot mess.

But all of this is just speculation till we confront (probably punch) him face to face.

Edit: Seriously with these options alone theres probably hundreds of possible timelines.
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Now, I have an idea about a whole Comic universe, with some overlaping storylines.

  • The Original New Dawn Series (which chronicled everything until the Surrasation; Valiant Red is the main character)
  • The Susurration
  • The New Dawn Series (Starting somebody from New Dawn, not sure who but probably not Novalight)
  • Then writers started the Powers and Global Justice series (which ran concurrently to the Post-Susurration New Dawn Series) [The Powers Series was an attempt to appeal to comics fans who prefer Anti-Heroes]
  • Then NuGen series was started because some of the New Dawn, Powers and Global Justice characters were getting old.
  • The other series kept going, but NuGen which eventually was rebranded as Justice Unlimited became everyone's favourite. (Main character Valiant Silver but other members get their own centric storylines)
  • The Movement
  • Then there is the Post-Movement series Project Prometheus (starring Lady Leizi) [Many Fans where unsure about Project Prometheus, when they learnt that Lady Leizi would be the main character {Lady Leizi becoming a main character was leaked before the movement but nothing else was leaked}, but Leizi's has become popular because the writers are really hitting it out of the park. Sales of her old NuGen/Justice Unlimited Centirc Comics are going throught the roof as well] (The only people who dislike Project Prometheus, are the Anti-Hero fans who wanted a more Anti-Hero Justice Unlimited, felt Leizi was the best way to get it, and are dissapointed it didn't happen)

For the Protagnist of the New Dawn Series. I'm thinking someone high-ranking, whose been around during the Susurration and died during the Movement.

You can be more, are differently Arc Words during Project Prometheus, Which often leads to Project Prometheus fans having a call and response meme: Who Can be More?, You can be more.

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Shroud's mission is something I want to push off till turn 5 when Arc is available for the sake of narrative tension. Among the two resource missions, Pest Control gels the most with a certain other mission we have

I know Arc has a useful power, but how much use can she really be after all she only has one limb left.

Mendicant can almost certainly fix the flesh wounds and organ damage. They can't do anything about the limbs however.
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And we also know that she's being zeroed in on. I wonder if her "Body" is in the same place that the other JU possible PCs are? Just that she was already disembodied so it didn't put her in giga jail like the others are?
Oh noooooooo is this Lilith and Eve?
:thonk: Someone speculated the other day that maybe the two are Valkyrie's children, and...

"You don't understand what you're doing! You don't know what it's like out there. It will kill you. It will betray you. It will take everything!"

She clutches her abdomen with both arms as she says that.
Hmm. Let's say we run with the assumption Eve and Lilith are Valkyrie's children, and that the 'it' that she's warning Ellie about in this latest update is the Leviathan. Can Eve and Lilith also be the Leviathan's children somehow? Did she somehow communicate with the Leviathan and her children get changed in the womb somehow??

That might explain the naming scheme, honestly. If we assume Hand named them (since he's clearly acting as Lilith's father), and he was like 'oh clearly these will be the new children of the new stage of humanity' or something... That might track?

If Eve were somehow aware, that might explain why she refuses to come back, besides the whole 'dangerous people are after me and I dont want to bring that trouble to JU'.

Eve: "I'm not human. I'm a monster. You don't even want to see my real body. It's awful and terrible and I don't deserve-"

Mona (channeling her inner Luffy): "SHUT UP! COME WITH US!!!!!!"
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