Someone speculated the other day that maybe the two are Valkyrie's children, and...
Hmm. Let's say we run with the assumption Eve and Lilith
are Valkyrie's children, and that the 'it' that she's warning Ellie about in this latest update is the Leviathan. Can Eve and Lilith
also be the Leviathan's children somehow? Did she somehow communicate with the Leviathan and her children get changed in the womb somehow??
That might explain the naming scheme, honestly. If we assume Hand named them (since he's clearly acting as Lilith's father), and he was like 'oh clearly these will be the new children of the new stage of humanity' or something... That
might track?
If Eve were somehow aware, that might explain why she refuses to come back, besides the whole 'dangerous people are after me and I dont want to bring that trouble to JU'.
Eve: "I'm not human. I'm a monster. You don't even want to see my real body. It's awful and terrible and I don't deserve-"
Mona (channeling her inner Luffy): "SHUT UP! COME WITH US!!!!!!"