Actually what do you guys think a JU inspired Yugioh archetype would be?
Im envisioning JU and the Prometheans as a Ritual focused deck.
My immediate thought would be stealing ideas from Vendreads. Ritual deck with a bunch of small minions that give extra effects to the big rituals ala the DNA samples while searching out the rituals and ritual spells. Probably uses a lot of interruption and general beatdown.
Alright, here I'm gonna take a page out of @Pawn Lelouch and attempt to cook with Self-Enhancement
Back at my computer so to expand on this a bit, assuming the self enhance synergy we're aiming for needs all 4 enhance types once, we have 4 possible cores to build from in Nox, Red Huntress, Lightstep, and Fast Track. Nox's powerset could maybe fit it but frankly is better suited to going in a different direction with Eastwood, so we're closer to 3 core builds that all need to use Fast Track or Sewer Rat in some way.
Daggermaw has Senses and Strength so its used in every build off rip. The question here is what is the 5th tag? Regeneration and Fitness feel like the best options but we don't know for sure yet. Of the Self Enhance powers, Sewer Rat is easy to use but Fast Track needs two things to fix its issues. First, it needs some method to absorb speed easier, with Millions' mines and Red Huntress' mark coming to mind. Second, it needs some way to survive the speed, such as Lightstep or Steadfast, unless the synergy would give enough durability to survive, which is a guess at best.
Lightstep (7)/Daggermaw (1)/Sewer Rat (3)/Soldier X (1)/Mr. Hunch (1) - Potency 3 = Potency 10
This feels like the simplest Lightstep build really? Soldier X combos with Lightstep really well and Hunch for battle precog on the super fast melee conditional invuln power seems good.
Lightstep (7)/Daggermaw (1)/Fast Track (3)/Millions (1) - Potency 3 = Potency 9
Lightstep having invuln on impact allows this build to sidestep one of Fast Track's two weaknesses, but the other remains in terms of needing some method to change the speed absorption given how the original died. I'm pretty sure Millions is our best option there off of using the energy absorbing mines to absorb the speed. From there, pick Soldier X for Fitness or Mr. Hunch for Battle Precognition depending on what finishes the synergy or is generically good.
Red Huntress (6)/Daggermaw (1)/Sewer Rat (3)/Millions (1)/Soldier X (1)/Mr. Hunch (1) - Potency 3 = Potency 10
The goal here is basically do all of the normal Red Huntress styled things along with self enhance. Ideally this is a scaling battle precog who can do it in some type of range while using the self enhancing synergy to jump the scaling even harder, Soldier X allowing the Fitness double up here feels like it has potential. Mr. Hunch is potentially swappable since Red Huntress already has a Clairvoyance tag and there's an argument for Hydrocity to try and synergy fish but otherwise this build feels locked in.
Red Huntress (6)/Daggermaw (1)/Fast Track (3)- Potency 3 = Potency 7
So this is one where unless we are really confident the self enhance synergy would protect their body? This is Steadfast + 1 of Millions or Soldier X depending on the actual synergy and your preference.
On top of these are the various Fast Track oriented builds which could be made but are probably less melee oriented so I'm less inclined to come up with them, especially with the restrictions that I think exist on it. Realistically of the above builds, Red Huntress is better suited to using Sewer Rat well, while Lightstep seems tailor made for using Fast Track safely. But overall, I'd be pretty happy with using either of those builds if trying for a self enhance synergy melee.