Huh yeah Nepthys+Wildspeaker actually works for Buffing animals which another great synergy with Menagerie witch.

New Plan for Soria in making her synerzie with MW.

[] Plan Pokemon Ranger
-[] Nepthys 5
-[] Wild Speaker 3
-[] Potency Reduction 3
-[] Total Potency 5

Keywords: Mental Manipulation, Ally Empowerment X 2, Construct Creation, Energy Manipulation

A Plan for another animal buffer but gathers wild animals in the area instead of having pets. Like All speaker its means to synergize Menagerie Witch by letting MW use her power in Wild Animals to lower the load on her Menagerie and make even stronger Chimeras. Maybe a Power that can empower MW Shadow Horde and Chimeras too depending on empowerment on the constructs.

Still the goal is making Soraia and MW synergize really well ala Hydrocity+Umibouzou of denial.
Ah man that's what Wild Hunt was for
Plan All Speaking Strategist
Given what we've seen of Soraia as an activist who was (tragically) not listened to, this is an interesting role for her to take up.

...we all though that Matter Absorption was red because it was weird or special, but it might be that it's Scarlet Maturity-y.

If it's not too much to ask, if Matter Absorption wasn't red, would it be yellow? Like how Printemps's Transmutation is red because it comes from the SM boost, but Giant Slayer's is natural and so it's yellow.
Talking about Apiary? I definitely thought it was because of SM even before this update and now I think it's all but guaranteed.
Given what we've seen of Soraia as an activist who was (tragically) not listened to, this is an interesting role for her to take up.
It is yes but I've pivoted to Wild Speaker gathering animals Telephatically with Chatroom+MR HUnch or Nepthys. Simply because the synergy with her 6 Rep and Maddie power is too good to me.

Considering Chimera raises stat based on the number of animals MW uses for it. Being able to use Wild animals in the area for making it is a massive boost.

If MW ends being able to make Kaiju id be peak.
concedering the damage not a big fan of trying for boosts to em
Do you mean to Maddie?

wed need to see if Chimera with too many parts increases the damage to her but it still only 1Hit being able to make a Chimera that raises a Stat to 10+ is worth it since thatas S-Class stat.

That said the romance of being able to make a Kaiju is amazing. Plus as long it survives the Mission, Maddie would retain the boost to following mission. Its why she had Echidna to fight Heracles afterall.
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I want to see an OPS or ESP chimera sometime, I bet it would be really cool. Heck she can even do REP ones, which I can only assume makes the cutest amalgamated shadow beastie ever.
Do you mean to Maddie?

wed need to see if Chimera with too many parts increases the damage to her but it still only 1Hit being able to make a Chimera that raises a Stat to 10+ is worth it since thatas S-Class stat.

That said the romance of being able to make a Kaiju is amazing. Plus as long it survives the Mission, Maddie would retain the boost to following mission. Its why she had Echidna to fight Heracles afterall.
Ye it's just the damage to Maddie that has me worried
Oh I love kaiju
I'd still rather do a support build for Soraia and do an intangible stealth build for Shelley.
I mean, the issue to some extent is the pool of supporty samples we have in stock in range for Soraia are like Seraph/Chatroom/Bulwark/Solferina/iSpy/Memoria/Xtreme/Fast Track/Wild Speaker and I'm stretching that definition a bit.

Where I think using the teleporters is generally not worth it unless on a high end build due to the built in cost, Seraph for True Telepathy is an option but we'd be stepping on Yara's toes there usecase wise, and Bulwark is just getting a bit much given we have DS and Chatelet. Realistically, Wild Speaker is more of a piece rather than the centerpoint power imo.

So Chatroom/Solferina/iSpy/Fast Track for the remaining pool. Chatroom for a connection/mini telepathy approach, Solferina for AOE emotion control, iSpy for information gathering, and Fast Track for battlefield control. I think Fast Track is not really using her to her best benefit so Chatroom, Solf, or iSpy.

Chatroom/Hunch/Wild Speaker is probably the approach here, maybe add Daggermaw or Soldier X if Fast Pass or a boost is in play.

Ispy/Hunch/Miss Conception for the base, with Millions for the main thing I'd add if Fast Pass or a boost is in play.

Solferina/Wild Speaker/+1 for the base, with Millions as my guess to round it out. Probably swap it out for Hydrocity/Crimson if Fast Pass is in play, otherwise swap for Eastwood at 1 boost?

Where at least personally, the Chatroom build is stepping on Yara's end to some extent while if we're doing a Nox build at all soon (which I am pushing for), a solo Solferina build is a bit silly. An ISpy build helps with cover issues more than the other ones due to the hidden natures, hits a niche that is useful and not likely to be very explored otherwise, and would genuinely be a very good battlefield support through information and hidden mines.
Solferina+Wild Spekaer+Mr Hunch

Could work by giving Soraia a way to detect animals or let her target her buffs instead of jsut hitting everyone in the area. Might get a Psychic synergy atleast.

Honestly Ispy is way too good for actually getting info and creating unwitting pawns for me to use for anyone not a dedicated ESP hero like Shelley.
Especially since we know Ispy got Assasinated after her cover was blown so its best to put it in a High Potency build both to hide the ability to spy on others and be able to protect themsels when the truth inevitably comes out.
I mean, the issue to some extent is the pool of supporty samples we have in stock in range for Soraia are like Seraph/Chatroom/Bulwark/Solferina/iSpy/Memoria/Xtreme/Fast Track/Wild Speaker and I'm stretching that definition a bit.

Where I think using the teleporters is generally not worth it unless on a high end build due to the built in cost, Seraph for True Telepathy is an option but we'd be stepping on Yara's toes there usecase wise, and Bulwark is just getting a bit much given we have DS and Chatelet. Realistically, Wild Speaker is more of a piece rather than the centerpoint power imo.

So Chatroom/Solferina/iSpy/Fast Track for the remaining pool. Chatroom for a connection/mini telepathy approach, Solferina for AOE emotion control, iSpy for information gathering, and Fast Track for battlefield control. I think Fast Track is not really using her to her best benefit so Chatroom, Solf, or iSpy.

Chatroom/Hunch/Wild Speaker is probably the approach here, maybe add Daggermaw or Soldier X if Fast Pass or a boost is in play.

Ispy/Hunch/Miss Conception for the base, with Millions for the main thing I'd add if Fast Pass or a boost is in play.

Solferina/Wild Speaker/+1 for the base, with Millions as my guess to round it out. Probably swap it out for Hydrocity/Crimson if Fast Pass is in play, otherwise swap for Eastwood at 1 boost?

Where at least personally, the Chatroom build is stepping on Yara's end to some extent while if we're doing a Nox build at all soon (which I am pushing for), a solo Solferina build is a bit silly. An ISpy build helps with cover issues more than the other ones due to the hidden natures, hits a niche that is useful and not likely to be very explored otherwise, and would genuinely be a very good battlefield support through information and hidden mines.
Actually, I think just Solferina/Chatroom could be pretty solid as a build without needing spoonfuls. Chatroom should change the effect of Solferina's songs to be more targeted rather than indiscriminate, which makes it way better for a proper fight where she can both empower allies and debuff enemies.

(Sidenote, I really, really wish we had a P2 or even P3 Clairvoyance tag, it would make things so much more convenient)
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[X] . . . a school of colorful fish, in all shapes and sizes. Darting an elusive, part of a whole yet individual.

[X] . . . ocean birds flying overhead. They swoop into the waters, striking fast with expert precision.

rats, missed it. oh well, one of the options i liked got in.
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Pawn reminded me that Solferina is better if you want to double down on Wild Speakers powers also the image of Singing+Gathering Animals is too funny to me.

[] Plan Disney Princess
-[] Wild Speaker 3
-[] Solferina 4
-[] Mr Hunch
-[] Potency Reduction 3
-[] Total Potency 5

Keywords: Mental Manipulation X2, Ally Empowerment X2, Energy Manipulation, Clairvoyance

Singing+Talking Animals= Disney Princess ;v

Anymay this plan goes for ensuring the ability to talk to animlas by doubling down on Wild Speaker keywords while trying to see if theres a synergy with Clairvoyance. Either way Clairvoyance should give a way to directly target whatever power is gained either in being able to sense animals or apply stronger buffs with a touch.

That said main idea is still gathering wild animals or insects in order to synergize with maddies power.
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I do want to point out, maybe we don't do them this turn but like, we don't need to rely on trying to find random animals mid combat for Maddie. We literally have the Quick Gorilla mission and a global, both of which seem specifically made as avenues for Maddie to get more animals to work off of.
I mean a Wild Speaker power would still help in actually allying with QG, Hell maybe even recruiting him to JU. We know powers of our Heroes can change things in missions afterall.

Not to mention most Menagerie recruitment only gives 1 pet based on how Maddie got Shelob from the random events table. While having a Wild Speaker power would allow for mass recruitment even if only temporarily so MW can more easily use her power.

Maybe being able to recruit Wild Animals to help wont work at in synergizing with Maddie all but its still an option that worth checking out.
It's a shame we don't have Perspective's DNA. The ability to share senses with what I suspect is a low potency DNA profile would be perfect for mixing with Bullet Proof's Scry and Die tactics since it overcomes her limitation of needing to piggyback off of existing surveillance infrastructure to teleport her bullets. Then again, we do have DNA that works similarly to Perspective.

It would be really funny if we never showed Bullet Proof to the public since she just camps at the Apiary and far as people can tell, Lady Leizi gained the ability to shoot lightning at people without even moving her arms. It's going to further dupe our enemies into thinking that we have a power enhancer and really screw with their heads when we do the big reveal. :V

Work From Home
  • Potency 5 (Bullet Proof) + Potency 4 (iSpy) + Potency 1 (Hydrocity) = Potency 10
    • 1x Teleportation
      • Bullet Proof can teleport projectiles through phones and TV screens that broadcast a livefeed.
    • 1x Intangability
      • Bullet Proof's attacks are able to phase through objects and material that would normally repel them.
    • 1x Enhanced Senses
      • Bullet Proof had superhuman aim.
    • 1x Clairvoyance
      • iSpy can tag upto a dozen people and see the world through their senses.
    • 1x Invisibility
      • iSpy can turn invisible.
    • 1x Elemental Manipulation
      • Hydrocity produced fresh water inside his body constantly to the point of discomfort.

The only tags that'll drop here are probably Invisibility and Enhanced Senses. Teleportation, Intangability, Clairvoyance, and Elemental Manipulation are the main keywords of the various DNA of this build so they should be present despite only being 1x.

Come to think of it, Bullet Proof with Elemental Manipulation (Lightning) would work to always sueprcharge Lady Leizi. Alternatively, Bullet Proof with high enough FFM or Elemental Manipulation could also help supercharge and heal Black Swan remotely.
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Honestly if we can turn it into FFM instead that be an amazing Hit and ESP build who can fight with everyone in the team even with multiple battlefieds like eidolon.

So every teammate in a fight roll with that heroes HIT.
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Honestly if we can turn it into FFM instead that be an amazing Hit and ESP build who can fight everyone in the team even with multiple battlefieds like eidolon.

So every teammate in a fight roll with that heroes HIT.
Come to think of it, they'd be a perfect partner for Valiant Gold who has sensors on her armor since that means we can skip needing to put iSpy into the build. We're going to need to network Valiant Gold's sensors with whatever compound the Bullet Proof build hides in and there's always the risk that the camera feed can be hijacked or destroyed, but that's 4 more Potency to dedicate to more firepower!

Too many failure points for my liking though, so probably not a good idea.

That said, here's Bullet Proof with FFM! This likely has the most value in making our support heroes like DS and MW much, much harder to take down thanks to having a remote, high HIT sniper providing them with covering fire at all times.

Orbital Laser
  • Potency 5 (Bullet Proof) + Potency 4 (iSpy) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) + Potency 1 (Hydrocity) = Potency 12
    • 1x Teleportation (Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof can teleport projectiles through phones and TV screens that broadcast a livefeed.
    • 1x Intangability(Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof's attacks are able to phase through objects and material that would normally repel them.
    • 1x Enhanced Senses (Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof had superhuman aim.
    • 1x Clairvoyance (iSpy)
      • iSpy can tag upto a dozen people and see the world through their senses.
    • 1x Invisibility (iSpy)
      • iSpy can turn invisible.
    • 1x Flight (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano can fly.
    • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano's powers require solar energy in order to function.
    • 1x Energy Manipulation (Crimson Soprano)
      • Crimson Soprano can fire off devastating energy blasts.
    • 1x Elemental Manipulation (Hydrocity)
      • Hydrocity produced fresh water inside his body constantly to the point of discomfort.
Crimson Soprano and Hydrocity gives the Orbital Laser build Fundamental Force Manipulation but we'll likely see Flight drop along with the other tags I mentioned in Work From Home. This is a Potency 12 build so we need a Tolerance 9 Candidate at minimum, but if we're going for the full Potency 13 package, we can add in Millions Minefiled at Potency 1 for 1 more Energy Manipulation to really give this build more punch and maybe loop into feeding Solar Absorption with Millions' ability to absorb energy.

Alternatively, replace Millions Minefield with Mr. Hunch for 1 more Clairvoyance. I'm not entirely sure what Mr. Hunch's ability to see the past of objects he touches adds, but it should make seeing through people's eyes much more reliable thanks to doubling up on the tag.

That, or our orbital laser can now shoot from the past and retroactively vaporize people in the present. This works with "Intangability" in that the beam is technically intangible since it shot them from the past so they never got to defend against it. :V
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Double post, but I tinkered with the Bullet Proof build some more after thinking "What if we replace iSpy with Seraph so that the Scrying of Scyr-and-Die is much more powerful?" That brings the build to Potency 11, but the funny thing about Seraph is, she also has Elemental Manipulation and Flight, while Crimson Soprano is only Potency 2 and has Energy Manipulation and Solar Absorption to synergize into Fundamental Force Manipulation.

Doubling up on Flight is the cherry on top.

  • Potency 5 (Bullet Proof) + Potency 6 (Seraph) + Potency 2 (Crimson Soprano) = Potency 13
    • 1x Teleportation (Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof can teleport projectiles through phones and TV screens that broadcast a livefeed.
    • 1x Intangability (Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof's attacks are able to phase through objects and material that would normally repel them.
    • SYNERGY: [Fundamental Force Manipulation]
      • 1x Elemental Manipulation (Seraph)
        • Seraph can attack with photon blasts.
      • 1x Solar Absorption (Crimson Soprano)
        • Crimson Soprano's powers require solar energy in order to function.
      • 1x Energy Manipulation (Crimson Soprano)
        • Crimson Soprano can fire off devastating energy blasts.
    • 1x True Telepathy (Seraph)
      • Seraph's Telepathy acts like a second limb, devoid of the limited applications and activation conditions of clairvoyant metahumans like Chatroom. Seraph can send mental messages, read minds, manipulate emotions, scan memories, and perform psychic attacks.
    • 2x Flight (Seraph)
      • Seraph had natural wings to fly with.
      • Crimson Soprano can fly.
    • 1x Clairvoyance (Seraph)
      • Seraph's Telepathy acts like a second limb, devoid of the limited applications and activation conditions of clairvoyant metahumans like Chatroom. Seraph can send mental messages, read minds, manipulate emotions, scan memories, and perform psychic attacks.
    • 1x Enhanced Senses (Bullet Proof)
      • Bullet Proof had superhuman aim.
The only tag that drops here is Enhanced Senses and maybe Clairvoyance? Whatever the case, this Potency 13 Build gives us a metahuman who can potentially fight from the safety of the Apiary while everyone else is out on a mission. With Fundamental Force Manipulation, Intangability, and Teleportation, we're looking at someone who can lend our heroes on the field incredibly potent supporting fire that ignores Invulnerability on the level of White Hawk's and seemingly comes from nowhere!

Not to mention this also solves Seraph's main limitation with her psychic powers in that she needed to be near people to affect them, but since this Kill-Sat's allies are conduits for her powers, she can do all the neat psychic shenanigans remotely and make all our people appear like they're psychic!

This is a incredibly strong support build both on the offense (Intangible Teleporting FFM and psychic attacks) and the defense (Remote psychic shenanigans like fooling enemy senses, manipulating their emotions, and reading their mind), and on the off-chance that they ever come under direct attack, well, they have Flight in order to escape.
Honestly a Bullet Proof Build is another one Perfect for Simao. He has good Hit to able to fight with it.

It keeps him away from the battlefield to keep his identity hidden. And secret combat member is genuinely Amazing trumpcards in fights.

Edit: I think Ispy is still better since its specifically a power that shares senses unlike seraphs clairvoyance. Also weve already used Seraph for yara so boring to use it as a core of another build again.
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