Dreamer From Beyond Our World
DNA Profiles: Seraph (6), Memoria (4), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 13
Keywords: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Elemental Manipulation], [Enhanced Senses] + [Enhanced Strength] + [Clairvoyance] = [Battle Precognition] , [Invulnerability] + [Teleportation] + [Transformation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Phasewalking]

[Enhanced Strength] + [Elemental/Energy Manipulation] + [Clairvoyance] = [Telekinesis]

So that means that IF we pick From Beyond Our World for Yara.

She gets: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Battle Precognition], [Phasewalking] and [Telekinesis]

Holy Shit, that is a very power combination.
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The plan I made now has four whole synergies. Originally it had two.
I am a god.

Dreamer From Beyond Our World
DNA Profiles: Seraph (6), Memoria (4), Steadfast (2), Daggermaw (1)
Potency: 13
Keywords: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Elemental Manipulation] + [Enhanced Strength] + [Clairvoyance] = [Telekinesis], [Enhanced Senses] + [Enhanced Strength] + [Clairvoyance] = [Battle Precognition] , [Invulnerability] + [Teleportation] + [Transformation] + [Clairvoyance] + [Clairvoyance] = [Phasewalking]

Can someone add the new version to the informational.
We're making heroes—and finding synergies—much more slowly than I thought. And you've been stuck on psychics for a while.

So here you go. You're free. You're all free!

View: https://youtu.be/aRAjKaExZ2M?si=-PEOZlqDbbq966w2
Never, and I mean *never* underestimate our ability to over complicate things!

But wow, other than Clairvoyance seeming to be part of any power that is external and not internal my theory of synergies has been disproven. But more data? Yes please.
Seraph/Frostbite/Crimson Soprano/Mr. Hunch/Daggermaw

2x Flying (CS and S), Clairvoyance (H and S), Enhanced Strength (F and D), Elemental Manipulation (S and F)
1x Energy Manipulation (CS), True Telepathy (S), Solar Absorption (S), Enhanced Senses (D), Invulnerability (F)

Targeted Synergies
True Telepathy (free from Seraph)
FFM (Solar Absorption + Energy Manipulation + Elemental Manipulation)
Telekinesis (Clairvoyance + Energy/Elemental Manipulation + Enhanced Strength)
Battle Precognition (Enhanced Strength + Clairvoyance + Enhanced Senses)

In all seriousness, if we are trying to maximize synergies we have to remember that while the QM will try to fulfill the intent of the build, tags can drop off during this process. Its far from a guarantee on what tags may not make it, and that is with the QM admitting he's fudged it slightly before to be nice to us with Doctor Silver (iirc, mea culpa if I'm wrong on this specific instance).

I get that this build isn't the Phasewalking one, but Frostbite + Daggermaw as a combo gives us multiple instances of Enhanced Strength and an extra Elemental Manipulation to help guarantee Telekinesis while making Battle Precognition likely more consistent of a potential synergy. We have combos that can make Phasewalking while having extra tags for consistent synergy fishing, which the Seraph combo is slightly risking in my eyes.
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So that means that IF we pick From Beyond Our World for Yara.

She gets: [True Telepathy], [Flight], [Battle Precognition], [Phasewalking] and [Telekinesis]

Holy Shit, that is a very power combination.
Considering the other OG P13 Candidates ended up as a Sentient Black Hole or in control of Exceed-Beyond with all of its different Powers,Specials and Reality Warping Ultimate, Yara becoming an Uber Psychic with 4 individual Synergies seems fitting I think.
Jeebus Yara is somehow going to be as busted or more than MONA.
Well all hail our new Psychic Overlady!
Now what do you guys want to ask Wolong?
Im up for finding the Biokenesis sinergy for a healer.
And maybe see what other Elemental + Energy Manipulation sinergies we could get...
Mostly to see if the potency 8 version of He is the Koopa King could make anything.
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I know it's been said before, but somebody give Daggermaw's family some money. From what we can tell literally no build would not be improved by adding +1 Potency and slapping him in there.

And now what should we ask Wolong now? I want to see something with either Self-Enhancement or Ally Empowerment.
Looks up from my notes

So let's say we give Song the Uncle Iroh build...
[] The Uncle Iroh
-Soldier X (1)
-Daggermaw (1)
-Mr. Hunch (1)
-Hydrocity (1)
-Steadfast (2)
This build effectively guarantees both [Battle Precognition] and [Telekinesis], and there's a chance he also keeps Invulnerability and/or Transformation and/or Fitness. That's a really solid build for an experienced martial artist!

And that's just if we go with his current tolerance. If we can raise it, we could probably get up to other shenanigans. Maybe we can ask Wolong about synergies involving Invulnerability?
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And now what should we ask Wolong now? I want to see something with either Self-Enhancement or Ally Empowerment.
Hmm yeah that sounfs good as well.
1. Biokenesis
2. Self enhancement Combos
3. Ally Empowetment Combos
4. More Element and Energy Combos.
5. Teleportation sinergies?
6. To be added.
So basically this is our Wolong gauntlet for now?
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Now to be fair, while I do have faith in QM's ability to make them seem different, I would be a bit worried that Song would get overshadowed by Yara unless they both went in different directions (off the top of my head, Bitterman admitted that there are more advanced versions of Battle Precognition, and I floated 'more copies of the existing tags' ideas before. Yara would get the More Clairvoyance version from double of that tag.).

Still, I do think the obvious angle is that if Yara got Battle Precog, it would be rooted in her True Telepathy. She reads your mind faster than you to predict your next action.
In all seriousness, if we are trying to maximize synergies we have to remember that while the QM will try to fulfill the intent of the build, tags can drop off during this process. Its far from a guarantee on what tags may not make it, and that is with the QM admitting he's fudged it slightly before to be nice to us with Doctor Silver (iirc, mea culpa if I'm wrong on this specific instance).

I doubt the QM would remove synergy pieces, if we lose anything with Dreamer From Beyond Our World it would probabaly be the Flight ability