Well I think the Doc is a Boxer. … but in general boxing or getting in close range of a man in ARMOR is generally not recommended.
Oh and zebraBrass Shield has barrier in the first place so … can The Hustle even be placed in the first place… now if we could take one of the, prisone….
You know at this point let's have Hustle places on a chair and have Doc and Yar hit it with something and just let that charge the shields
actually couldnt he just hustle the house?
Any damage to the house feeds him energy. Since houses are generally made tougher than humans.
[X] Plan Have Faith 2
-[X] Yara Takes the shield Generator and Symbiote then takes cover inside the house.
-[X] BS fights WH and SK with a focus on SK to force him to attack which BS can try and absorb to heal.
-[X] Chatelet Rides Flying Hit Chimera and Fights Seraph to take her down and atleast keep her away from BS.
-[X] MW Creates a Hit Chimera, then Sends her Menagerie to support DS and Belle Sabreuse againts Brass Shield.
-[X] DS Puts a Barrier in Chatelet and Handyman. Puts the Hustle in Belle, Chimera and A Wall in the House reapply it to another wall if destroyed.
-[X] Belle Sabreuse Fights Brass Shield supported by DS and MW.
-[X] VG uses Scissors to throw Stockpile Away into the C4 or beyond until everyone is out of his range. Insult him in order to keep his focus on VG.
-[X] LL and HM fights Ete and Joules with Handyman using Ant-Flame armor and taunts so he can pummel ete H2H.
New Plan based on Old one but I do like having Chatelet ride up to Tag Team Seraph. Also since The hustle can be put in objects Hustle the Entire house so any damage to it feeds DS Reserves.
Edit: You know waht just edite my orignal plan into this. Pretty similar anyway with only BS, Chatelet and DS action really changing.